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Posts posted by Chisoku

  1. One of the ones I always think of is Big Smack Scott as Scott Steiner except that he is a terrible wrestler and Steiner was one of the best amateur wrestlers in the business. He wasn't as good after he got all jacked up but he was still a lot better than what Big Smack Scott is.


    Can't help but think of Okada when I think of the KIIIKKKAAWWAAAAA LAAAAARRRIIIIIOOOOOOT! But also Kazue Kawashima reminds me of him.


    Although it's unlikely that this is what they were going for (especially because of the style) I can't help but draw comparisons between Raven and Mimic.


    Edd Stone is definitely Teddy Hart. The black sheep of the giant amazing technical wrestler canadian family? Yeah. That's him alright.

  2. 3 hours ago, James The Animator said:

    Mainstream Hernandez never worked for ACPW. He was already in Puerto Rico at that point.

    I literally had to redownload TEW2013 to check this because I was so positive he worked in ACPW only to find out apparently he was my Ernest Youngman back then and I must have just constantly signed  him when I did saves with them.


    I don't particularly  hate any company, though I get annoyed with all of the bigger companies for poaching my talent, CWA or BHOTWG usually due to my preferences of playing in Canada and Japan.

  3. On 2/4/2023 at 1:15 PM, d12345 said:

    They are like the  TNA / Impact of the C-Verse. There was a time when everyone thought they would be the next. Every great worker from the early 00's era went through there. At this point they are just a west coast indy for little high flyers to work at.

    Just because they're Canadian I consider ACPW to be the true TNA of the C-Verse, even though (somehow) stars like Mimic and Jamie Atherton still haven't been picked up, Mainstream Hernandez and Diablo Duvak are both successful and not very old so still have time to be big stars in their respective companies. 

  4. I know it's been a while since I've updated this game (I work a lot in the summer so I get no time to play, and this winter I had a job as well until very recently...but I figured I'd finish up my R2G, and I managed to do it in year 7.


    Last posted Apr 5. 2022

    First thing we do is upgrade our broadcaster once more to bring Mexico, Japan, Europe and the UK up to par. We also have Duane Fry coming into the company in a week so ideally our announce team will now be good enough to help bump us over the edge. I think that's all that's missing at this point to get my 100 rated match.

    Putting this in here as well, Will Beaumont from RAW starts out on a handshake deal and turns into an absolute stud. His starting stats are really good as well and he's worth picking up for any of the bigger companies. He's currently #3 in my company tour behind King and KC Glenn, he has 96 charisma, 94 star quality and 90 sex appeal. If you have an entertainment company (Looking at you SWF) he's worth it.

    Simming days takes a long time...

    Personal issues hurt. Also I forgot I have negative chemistry with Aaron Knight...that'll happen after not playing this save for a year. Looking over my titles, teams and workers, I'm thinking I want to push for Jack Pryde or Zippy Deverell to take the title off of King. Noticed Christian Price isn't being resigned by CWA so I went to take a look. He's in hard decline and I'm just not going to touch that. More interesting one is Mainstream Hernandez. He's a big star in SWF but his contract is up and I'm going to go hard for him to bring him back to Canada.

    I tried to do a tag match because personal issues suck and I broke my jaw. Looked at Ernest Youngman's contract again. 1 year, 2 weeks. We'll get him back! I can tell I don't  care about the tag division anymore because the Inner City Express, one of my favourite teams, have held my tag titles 5 times and across those made 2 total  defences...Terrible. Gotta give Generation Z a bit of a better run.

    End of January, Aaron Knight just broke his arm, but apparently he's going to keep wrestling...what a trooper. King and Jack Pryde put on a 97 rated match despite the personal issues and the broken jaw so actually not bad at all. I'm in a bidding war for one of the big young stars of SFW...and we got him! Debuting next month is Matty Faith. Jay Chord is coming up soon too and he's a megastar so hopefully we can tempt him. 

    Jaw is healthy, 90 overall match with Zippy. Guess Pride will probably be the guy, but if I end up with good chemistry with Faith or Chord who knows. Here comes the Jay Chord bidding war. After our first bid only 2 companies didn't have bids rejected and they're not being seriously considered so looks like we're getting him. Gino Montero and El Hijo Del Neutron got a 5 star match, it was a 99...Getting 100 is stupid hard.

    Air Raid Syren died, holy shit. She was super young. Eric Tyler too. Gregory Champan, Highland Warrior, some 18 year old kid in 2021, Larry Vessey in 2022. Pinky Perez in 2021 at 30! Rip Chord in 2025, Runaway Train, Sadaharu Jimbo, Teruki Nakayama in 2001 at 20 and Yoshinaka Toshusai along with a few others that didn't stand out to me.

    Jay Chord signs. Apparently he's never held a main event title...that seems very wrong. Aaron Andrews wants to put over Joey Fili. I didn't listen to the warning saying we'd done a matchup too many times and holy crap did I ever get penalized. A 35 main event. Terrible. Can't wait for these personal struggles to go away. Faith debuts against Commander Kawagishi and breaks his jaw...amazing. I think this was my best show in a while at a 91 though.

    PWE is second in the world behind USPW. CWA has dropped to 20th. They're behind ACPW (9) and TPW (10 (my child company)). They're also in a lot of debt...I wonder if I can buy them out. Nope not yet, even though they're majorly in debt and have been for 6 months. I'll check back in next month I think.

    I'm now ripped and have 100 Star Quality, aww yeah. Also 99 pop in most of the world. Jonathan Faust shatterd his knee in a big battle royal. Pretty sure he hit it getting tossed out by Tommy Cornell. He's going to be out for over a year so that's too bad, probably the end of his in ring career. Jay Chord and Mainstream Hernandez are gaining momentum. Hopefully they'll be white hot soon.

    Won the roll lottery on Personal Issues. April it's gone. Also we hit Titanic. That's a roll. Please no more Personal Issues!

    36. “Master of wit and repartee”. Your improve training went really well. Add ‘Shoots from the Lip’ to your character. +15 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. I split it to bring my Charisma to 90 and my Microphone to 89.

    Here's the frustrating bit. We get into a match where I put King against KC Glenn where the two of us have great chemistry, we both have great chemistry with our managers, We followed up a 100 rated angle, and we both had 100 in ring performances...and we got a 90. I need to end our storyline and start my one with Jay Chord I think. It's time.

    We have an interesting case of Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge coming up in contract soon, could get both brothers if we get lucky. Greg this month so we will start there. Is it bad that I want to buy CWA mostly to make them another feeder company? I could really use one to send people to where they'd be happy until I'm ready for them. Greg Gauge signs, along with a bunch of youngsters for my developmental companies. Een though it doesn't matter at all I'e thrown Gauge, Faith and Chord together as a Legacy type alliance except there's no real Randy Orton role as all three of them are experienced talents.

    I've done it. The main event of my April event, PWE Unscripted, Calvin King vs Jay Chord scored 100. I remembered to cool the crowd before their big promo, which hit 100 as well, and then did a spectacle since they both have excellent psychology. With how much trouble I was having I thought this would take longer but without the personal issues and with good enough workers, I managed to finally pull it off...


    This seemed a lot harder than TEW 2016, but I know I really enjoyed it. It's a good challenge and a tough one. Sad I didn't do it in under 6 years like last time (especially because the simming gets so painfully slow) but it is what it is! Now time to keep slogging through this save because I want to see if I can get wrestler of the year haha.

    100 rated match.png

    Final show.png

    final stats.png

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  5. So when starting out, do you make ticket prices free? How many shows you run in first year?


    Ticket prices are under business. I haven't figured out the meta but it seems like you can now get 9 exp per year as an insignificant company, but j recommend running 2 shows a month as barebones cheap as you can. By the end of the second year you will be tiny and out of debt if you keep your roster super cheap.

  6. You are making insane progress!


    Aaron Knight is my big star in my RTG too, I also have Tommy Cornell Jr.


    How many shows are you booking a year and how do you book them so fast?


    60 shows a year. My "tv show" is actually 4 separate monthly events because they're considered more important than weekly so you get full attendance and views instead of the significantly lower amount you'd get for a weekly event or TV show. As for booking I start with the autobooker and then go through and add matches for people left out while also personally making sure UCs match is set up nicely, as well as a few other people. I keep my main event strong, so KC Glenn, Will Beaumont, Mimic, Commander Kawagishi, Diablo Duvak and now Aaron Knight (Zippy Deverell and Prime Time Jack Pryde are also main eventerswho also happen to be the most decorated tag team in company history). I am also now experimenting with my storylines because I keep having the heat drop right before I go into my big matches.


    I think the biggest reason its so hard to get a 100 rated match is the experience stat. I'm not entirely sure as I don't use the dirt sheet (which is hilarious because I know so much about the meta of this game without using the most useful tool) but I feel like it makes sense. In 2016 it wasn't hard to make a 100 rated match. In this one I've painstakingly found managers that have excellent chemistry with UC and KC Glenn because those two have excellent chemistry as opponents and as long as I can do it before the injuries catch him, im pretty sure I can squeeze a 100 rated match out of KC Glenn with that perfect storm of chemistry and experience.


    Ultimately I find learning how to game the system easy enough, but I'm still stuck at the 99 wall. I'm not too upset about it though because besides the super long load times now I've been enjoying the challenge a lot more this edition than in 2016 when I would just play Puro and do yearly events every 2 or 3 days as a tour and completely blow through it.

  7. Year 6 complete (in 2016 I had beat this by now!)


    It's 2025. Tommy Cornell Jr debuts this year. I'm going to try to steal Ernest Youngman back when his contract comes up and bring him home where he belongs. Apparently I have to wait a couple of years for that...boo.

    February week 1 UC and KC Glenn put on a 99 rated match.

    53) Step Into The Light - +5 pop across home country

    Did a big update to my broadcaster. Big coverage in Canada, Medium in the USA and Mexico, small everywhere else. We start moving to Middleweight from Lightweight. This will increase my Star Power even more, and will likely put it very close to 100.

    Tommy Cornell is a free agent again. Time to bidding war and see if we can get him this time. You can tell he's in decline but having him on the roster is still a boon to younger wrestlers and he has the chance to shine up some of the future stars like Will Beaumont and, of course, Calvin King.


    Hired some people for developmental to pad the numbers down there basically (though a few are young and promising), and Mighty Cavanagh off of free agency. I feel like this is going to be my year for young wrestler of the year. I need that award!


    Broadcaster upgraded again, Canada is now Very Big and USA is Big. Tommy Cornell has agreed to be a Road Agent and Personality, when his stats begin to really suck he's going to become a General Manager for the company, as well as obviously a road agent because he's amazing at that.


    TCW have fired Kyle Rhodes as their CEO. Former CZCW referee Pee-Wee Germaine took over as the owner. Bradford Peverell is the new booker. First order of business was to end their association with MAW. I didn't bother applying. We're both Medium and while they have more money, I'd rather stick it out here.


    Going up to Middleweight made my Star Quality 98. If I become ripped it should hit 100.


    Half way through the year and I am finally the front runner for Young Wrestler of the Year.


    September week 1 we hit Big. I wasn't actually paying much attention and didn't realize we were even close to it, but it makes sense with our great shows and our massive broadcaster. Now the thing about this is that I've managed to put on several 99 rated matches with KC Glenn because we have good chemistry fighting one another, but the 100 has evaded us due to lack of storyline heat. I think I might be able to fix this by changing up the storyling and making one with specifically them and one or two other people.

    4) Chance Encounter - Make a strong friendship with someone not from your region and make them active and hire them. Jonathan Faust was unemployed, so we've picked him. Hopefully we don't have to fight 21CW for him.


    David Stone's contract is coming up so we're going to try to snatch him. Edd Stone is in the same boat. The CWA are having some money trouble as well, and we just forced them to jack up their production values. As soon as there's a chance we can buy them out, it's going to happen.


    We stole Aaron Knight. Big blow to CWA since they already also lost David Stone. Knight vs King seems like it's going to be a great rivalry at the top of the card. Everything is coming together. We're also 1 point of popularity in Hawaii from hitting Large at the beginning of November. Subscription broadcasters are so broken. The snowball effect of money you're making and views to the cost to upgrade is hilarious.


    I've never seen this happen before but we got a manager come through our Performance Center.


    Considering creating a face/heel split for next year. EMLL is coming in for my brother for an exclusive written contract...I'm tempted to let him go there just to see how he progresses. It's 18 months, I'm going to let him go.


    Little Stumble in my plan. King and Knight don't click in singles matches. My personal goal is to not have this finish with a Tag Team match because that's how I finished it last time.


    There it is, one show into November we hit Large.

    39) The Real Rock n' Rolla - This is actually the third time I've gotten this. +5 to Charisma or Mic and I get to become a Famous Musician.

    Titanic will take a bit longer since I have only really been upgrading Canada and the USA recently.


    Steve DeColt has been fired from CWA and obviously removed as CEO. I'm going in for him because he's an insanely good colour commentator. Duane Fry is also up for renewal and if I can get both of them and they end up with good chemistry that would be amazing.

    Got them, very happy. They are both the best in the game at what they do, and that's huge when it comes to crafting a perfect match. They'll need to build up experience again, but I'm okay with that.


    Jeremy Stone is the new Owner and Jack DeColt is the new Booker of CWA. Makes sense to me.


    One more show to go. I'm predicting I'm now in the top 10 of the Power 500. I opened another child company for my graduates to go to and train, or other rookies I find who I want to sign.


    End of Year is here. I won Young Wrestler of the Year but I didn't break into the top 10, sitting at 16 overall in the Power 500. One roll and I can go back to sleep!


    28) I Lost My Smile - Add Personal Issues. Welp. Not getting that 100 any time soon! Hopefully it doesn't last long. Last time I had this I think it lasted a year.

  8. 5th year in the books


    Stole Diablo Duvak from CWA, this was not cheap but I"m hoping it was worth it. I'm keeping an eye on some of their lower pop youngsters too because if I can steal a Hank Gunn or Robin DaLay I definitly will. Sonny Wildside is also one of the big targets I have, but that's not as realistic.


    Prime Time Jack Pryde and referee Kesie Lee Walker are having a baby. I'm going to create a wrestler who is that baby and if I play the game long enough, they're going to get to enter the game because that's a fun little thing. Considering opening a developmental territory, but at the same time I have very few people with low enough popularity to actually do so. A brand split might not be a bad idea though, making a developmental brand instead. I think what I'll do is wait until I hit Medium, which isn't far away to do this. I definitly need to open up a Performance Center for extra training.


    We bought out QPW and moved them to Ontario and renamed them. They were only 3k in debt. Nice cheap child company. Also set up a broadcaster which is small in Canada. Down the line I can sell this if I want too but for now it'll be used until I can get onto something better. The 100% profit is very nice and I can use it for my dev company as well which is big.


    We hit Medium week 2 of April. Roll inc

    37) Snow to an Eskimo - Add 5 to Selling

    In a bidding war for Sonny Wildside because apparently CWA doesn't want him but CZCW does. Apparently CWA signed Spencer Spade, that's insane. He was SWF's ace. David Stone is their champ. They're going to be tough when we end up competing against them in national battles. Should have checked to see why they were getting rid of him, Wildside is out for 4 months.


    Got a 90 rated promo with my UC no script based on Mic with his manager. We're getting to the point where my announcers aren't good enough. KC Glenn has had 2 100 rated promos and I've failed to see how they were booked so I can't replicate them because I've just been autobooking. I did manage to get my first 90 rated match with my UC however in a tag match with All Out Assault (UC and Hank Gunn who have excellent chemistry) vs KC Glenn and Mimic. This results in a roll.

    32 - Chance to Train - Add +20 between fundimentals. This is going mostly into my selling, since it's my worst stat. I end up doing 15 to selling and 5 to psychology.

    I don't think we count as an indy promotion anymore, so the half year award predictions could be interesting. And nothing for us. Oh well. I was wondering if I could be young wrestler of the year but David Stone still counts so good luck with that. He's only a year older than me. We can almost afford our performance center. Very exciting.


    Got my first 100 rated promo with my UC. Again I'm not sure how it was booked, but I'll take the roll. Also came super close to a 90 rated show.


    40 - As Real As It Gets - +5 to menace or Toughness (I chose toughness) and add MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist. So we are now a model/musician/pro martial artist with a mentor but none of those things matter because we're the user character and none of them effect us. Too bad.


    At the end of August Kessie Lee Walker gave birth to a little Girl.


    September week 2 me and KC Glenn put on a 94 rated match which would have been the best match in company history had Diablo Duvak and Mimic not also put on a 94 right before that. What we did get here was our first 90 rated show (with a 93). That's a roll.

    39) The REal Rock n' Rolla" - I've already gotten this so I don't get musician again, but I do get +5 to Charisma or Microphone, so we'll take charisma. If I get this again I get to become a famous musician.


    Beginning of October we open our Performance Center. Time for training. I'm hoping this will finally help my Striking and high flying etc stats, as well as my performance stats because without a mentor to help with those ones it's a giant pain.


    Halfway through November now. It's 5:20am which is a bad time to be doing something like this because it's really easy to miss things. I really wanted to finish this year before bed but that might not happen. Simming is starting to take a lot of time thanks to all of the generated wrestlers and the new companies that have opened. First day of december in the news I see that I've apparently got a new catchphrase. I didn't actually know that the user character could get these random events so I'm pretty excited about that.


    It's 6:05am and I managed to finish out the year. Gotta wait for the awards to load but I'm curious to see if I managed to pass David Stone for young wrestler of the year or not...We only got 1 award, manager of the year to 23 year old Lewis Chase, who is KC Glenn's manager and is pretty awesome. I did manage to pick up a few extra rolls though thanks to my current standings on the Power 500, which is 48. That's Going Places for 250, Turn of a Centenary for 100 and A Select Few for 50, plus my year end is 4 rolls, so here we go...


    29) “The RTG Movement” - Add "Groundswell of Support"

    54) Internet Sensation" - Random roll one wrestler in company. They get +10 pop everywhere, company gets +2 everywhere they already have popularity. Joey Fili was the winner of the roll.

    34) “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” +5 Psychology

    23) "The Man of 1004 holds!" +5 Technical


    Considering I already got a 97 rated match, groundswell of support makes it quite likely we're going to be able to get into that 99 spot. We ended the year with just over 9mil after doing upgrades to the broadcaster and performance center at various points. We're ranked 9th in the world apparently. Time for sleep!

  9. We've completed year 4Time to change the schedule. We're going to be doing monthly "PPV" esk events, and otherwise weeklys now that we're making money. Working more means more growth.


    More Deaths: El Aguila Americana July 2022, age 81

    Hiorya Iwamoto, Jan 2023, Age 42

    Jackson Jackson, May 2021, 67

    Juan Pastor, Oct 2021, 18 (dude was a regen who debued 6 months earlier)

    Larry Vessey, May 2022, 63

    Pinky Perez, July 2021, 30 (Got signed by CWA 3 months earlier, very sad)

    Stunner Okazawaya, Aug 2022, 70


    First week of February and TCW have finally come in for Ernest Youngman. I applied for the open position to become RAW booker and got it. They're medium. I got the job, I'm going to split the save now and see how it goes, this writeup will continue with PWE because I want to see this out. TCW also picked up a former PWE guy in Logan Wolfsbaine. Not surprising. He's really good.


    Tommy Cornell left USPW last year, I tried to sign him and it started a bidding war between all the top companies. Same happened with Johnny Bloodstone, but I did manage to sign a few ridiculously good (old) people. Sean McFly, Omar Brown, Harlem Haynes to name a few.


    Half way through the year I've decided it's time to start changing the product to be more like CWA's so that we can start getting bigger bonuses for gimmicks, this will maximise my chances of getting higher rated matches. Also while running storylines and having big promos we're able to boost match ratings even more.


    Our first ever written contract has been given to KC Glenn. I'll slowly start locking down my younger stars as well while we continue to make more money. Xander DeColt and Dan Stone III have also ben locked down.


    Start of October the product change is in effect. It'll be interesting to see how this effects us. It's looking like we're going to be pretty close to Medium when the year ends. I'm trying to see if I can push myself into the top 250 of the Power 500. I've had a good run as champion and a string of pretty good matches with different opponents. I think as soon as I hit Medium I'm going to make a Performance Center and start training myself and a handful of other guys there now that I have everyone I wantt to lock down locked in.


    It's the end of the year and we did pretty good. In December we apparently made 125k which is great. KC Glenn once again got Indy Wrestler of the year. Apparently ZEN beat me out for most improved company, so good for them. Too many people cracking the Power 500 for me to list but I did come in at 260 which is painfully close to a second roll.


    Year End Roll - 9 "Keeping it in the Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler


    Year ends with 690k in the bank so that performance center isn't far out of reach. We have 53 pop in Ontario an, 37 in Quebec and 35 in Manitoba so we're pretty close to Medium as well. Very exciting time for PWE.

  10. Remmy Skye Is a Good Wrestler For The Indies,But He Is No Way a Reliable Presence,38 Consistency And Lots,Lots Of Positive Drugs Tests.


    I personally haven't had him test positive since this edition dropped. He has former drug user. I'm not saying he's great for SFW but I like managing smaller feds, ACPW being as big as I tend to go and he's great in there as enhancement talent.

  11. RAW would be a very ideal place to end up. A ton of superstars there. In my first save I opened company on India. Two people I brought over were Vortex and Loxley Robbins. They turned out to be amazing hires. I get attached to my user company too and get burnt out after leaving. So I know how you feel glad you saved that separate too.


    In my first go at an R2G when the game launched I ended up in RAW and was putting on 99 rated matches consistently as a heel against Swoop and Frogue.

  12. That’s wild KC Glenn in decline. About time Youngman and Wolfsbaine are signed away! Have there been opportunities to apply to other companies yet?


    I applied to RAW. They said yes. I split my save because I'm enjoying PWE right now. Larry Vessey died and I tried to get in with NYCW when I was tiny but they said no. One of the Mexican companies just had their booker retire too. I'm staying put until I absolutely have to move. Going to a different company means having to regain all of the momentum you currently have as well as the popularity potentially. PWE is about to change product to the same one that CWA uses so we will have a more ideal product to hit that 100 mark.

  13. So couple questions. How are you getting that many people in Power 500 when Small? What product you using? Lastly, why do you do 3 rolls? Is it cause of being in year 3?


    My product is pure performance, and all those guys are regularly putting on 80 rated matches, also KC Glenn was already popular thanks to being with BHOTWG and Youngman is wrestling for 3 different companies putting on banger matches at all of them. 3 rolls for Year End, Hitting Small, and breaking into the Power 500.


    I learned how to min/max this challenge back in the 2016 version and at the beginning of this one (though it's still super hard to finish) and even put up a guide for how to do it at some point. I'm not booking anything past what I have too and I'm maximizing my popularity gains while also making sure that I can get the most out of a match with certain people. If you saw my roster it's full of people with high Psychology and all of the important stats (Basics, safety, etc). The rest of the roster is young people for the best potential of growth such as Zippy Deverell and Xander DeColt from the future workers mod.


    Currently I'm about half way through my next year and now bigger names like Logan Wolfsbaine and Ernest Youngman are getting signed away by TCW. KC Glenn is technically in decline so he will probably be good to stay with me for a while fortunately, and I make sure my good young guys lose enough to keep their popularity low enough that bigger companies won't steal them. It's not super hard once you kind of figure out how momentum and match ratings can be effected and understand where good and bad ratings come from.



    I also know this product super well because it's what I book in Japan generally and have completed this challenge with before in 2016 and always use to get it started. Knowing your product really helps!



    Little small but you can see here what I mean

  14. Year 3 in the books.


    Just took a look at Ernest Youngman. I know he's loyal to me, but he's not loyal to the company and I can't believe he hasn't been poached. Gonna be tough to keep him around.


    First event of April we hit 25 pop in ontario and signed on with WrestleWorld for 9 months. Thinking on it now, i should have done 6 but oh well.

    Checking in on Leftie Wilkes since he was fighting with a 12 year old fan on Social Media, he has gone 1 and 66 since going to CWA...worth it? Kikkawa at least is getting a lot of work over in Japan with SAISHO. Shiva has started causing issues backstage, and recently had a pay raise so we're going to be releasing him and replacing him with the slightly more expensive Davis Wayne Newton. I'd take this trade any day. Ryan Turner is causing rifts so he might be out too.


    Dropped some expensive people I had picked up and now we're doing pretty good here in October, as well as being pretty close to hitting Small. It seems like the only real change was to being insignificant, because once I hit Tiny this felt a lot like how these used to feel to me. I know full well that finally getting a 100 rated match is still going to be crazy hard though.


    Last show of the year we hit Small. We won Most Improved Company and our world champ KC Glenn won Indy Wrestler of the year after having a great 2022. UC also debued on the Power 500 at 418, making him 1 of 5 of my guys to be on there along with Kawagishi (365), Fro Sure (224), Ernest Youngman (207), and of course KC Glenn (173). 3 rolls incoming...


    41) Runaway Runway - Add Modeling Experience and split 5 between Star Quality and Sex Appeal. All SQ

    11) "Legen...wait for it...DAIRY" - Befriend someone in a suit on the roster or hire someone and befriend them and add drinker. I have a few options thanks to King Bison's sweet suit renders, but I've chosen KC Glenn.

    39) "The Real Rock n' Rolla" Add Musician and +5 across Charisma and Microphone. I chose all charisma here


    Pretty good third year. Very happy to hit small and to be in the positives for money at the end. I'm making quite a bit now and could afford to hire slightly more over people, but honestly I think I'm going to focus on who i have for now because we have a pretty good roster and I like who I'm working with. Need to be making a bit more so I can lock some of these guys down with written contracts though.

  15. Futureshock Title Ladder: Ashley Keith © vs Cora Black vs Miyoshi, Fujiko, Nami Genda, Kurmochi - Fujiko is amazing and I love her. Miyoshi is also good, obviously so is Keith, but go Fujiko...Also love that Nami Ganda render. Where did you find it?

    Sae Akutagawa vs Yukiko Matsumara The nicest woman in Joshi

    Tandem Title: HEARTS Of GLORY © vs Lilly & Rose vs Iron Curtain vs Honey Badger & Felicia Luck - They're great, that's all

    Morgan Stryker & Chitose Ariwara & Lady Lotus vs Unstoppable Tai & Sorrow - Shot in the dark, but I like Tai

    Shiori Jippensha vs Miwako Katsukawa - The only time I bet against her is if the other person is Fuyuko Higa, and even then it's tough.

    Universal Title: Artifact Takami © vs Megumi Nakajima - Ai Takami is my favourite worker in the Women's Revolution mod and she's a great worker. In my current R2G game where I'm not playing a women's fed she is the 5SSW champion and has been for a while. Go Takami!

  16. Yesterday I had CWA poach Leftie Wilkes so I maximised the month I had left with him and had him job out to a new guy with no pop who I wanted to be big 4 weeks in a row. I tend to bury older wrestlers whenever I nab them so I can transfer their popularity to good younger guys.


    Also, even though I feel bad about it, I always bury the Rock City Stars. I always sign them, I love them, but they job week after week to nobodies to give them the rub.

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