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Posts posted by TWoody24

  1. 4 hours ago, TakerNGN74 said:

    When TEW 2020 came out I remember seeing on the intro screens to the game that CWA existed and that NOTBPW and CGC had merged into one company.  Initially I was very angry at this as NOTBPW was always the first save I would usually play in any iteration of TEW but I started a save with CWA and I still have it going although it's been a while since I've touched TEW 2020 and now with the release of TEW 9 I probably wont go back to it.  I had a lot of success playing as CWA in 2020's version of the game and I was excited to see how they would progress if a new version of TEW ever came out.  I missed out on the Developers Journal and wouldn't even know that TEW 9 even came out but someone happened to tell me about it because it's been a while since I've been on the website.  However I downloaded the Demo once I saw the news on the site with my own eyes and my first save in TEW 9 will be with CWA.  I love the progression that they've made in the two years in between the databases and I'm excited to see what I can do with them in this version of the game.  Hopefully I can replicate the success I had with them in TEW 2020 because I really enjoyed that save.  I had a hell of a 2021 from a personal standpoint and going through what I did caused me not to play as much as I would have had everything not happened but here we are with a new TEW and I find myself excited for the new game and excited to play with a more Matured version of CWA! 

    I hope everything is well with you now. I always loved your run downs of NOTBPW when they were around and what was happening in your games in CWA. I am holding off on playing the game for a while until I can find a more cartoony picture pack that I like but very much looking forward to seeing any updates you have on save games of yours.

  2. On 7/28/2024 at 4:48 AM, WalterSobchak said:

    Current To-Do List:

    1. CWA

    2. New IX Additions to USA and Canadian Scenes 

    3. Release In-Progress IX Database with USA and Canada complete. 

    4. Next location based on forum vote. 


    I just wanted to say I love your stuff. I am holding off on buying the game until all of your stuff is ready to put in for the whole C-Verse. I enjoy the cartoon style to the C-Verse 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, WalterSobchak said:

    Appreciate that @EdJames …

    One huge benefit of the game only advancing two years is the vast majority of my 2020 AI renders are still useable. I will be redoing the ones that need to be updated due to in-game changes with tag teams, stables, or gimmicks. Plan is to eventually fully render the game though. 

    I would also like to express my appreciation for the effort you gave to send the new version of the game out with a full slate of renders. Great job and thank you!

    I was really hoping when the demo got release that your stuff would be the AI renders. I can't wait to see everything you do once it's finished. I can't fully play the game for a while as I'm not at home for the next few months and only have a macbook pro so hopefully once I get back home you have fully done all the workers in the C-Verse. Your stuff is absolutely tremendous. I prefer the more cartoon style than the realistic that is in the game right now.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Goliathus said:

    Out of curiosity, for the people who dislike the new renders, do you hate the ultra realistic style or it's AI-made? Would it be received better if the Grey Dog cartoon-esque style was kept instead? Cuz there's an AI picture discussion thread in 2020 and it seems like everyone's fine with it, and suddenly now it's getting more negative feedbacks so I am curious if people just hate the style more than anything.

    For me personally, I was not happy about it. But I slept on it and woke up being more acceptive of it.

    I think the old Grey Dog can be a stylized identity of Grey Dog games so I am a little bit sad that is going away from some generic, ultra-realistic AI pic that could be seen in any other games out there. I think identity is important (to stand out) but maybe others would disagree.

    I really dislike the ultra realistic. I downloaded the demo but it was a huge turnoff for me. I very much enjoy the cartoon style ones from the discussion forum you talked about. I will wait until that gets fleshed out more and all the workers are in that style and then ill go back to the game 

  5. I had a quick question. I'm currently doing a save with BHOTWG and SAISHO is in the red and I'm thinking of buying them out and using it as my child promotion. Is there anyway after buying them and having them as a child promotion for a little bit can I then stop using them as a child promotion and they can go back to being there own thing, if that makes sense haha

  6. I really enjoyed your BHOTWG diary. Sucks that you lost it. I also had a BHOTWG game going that was legit my favorite run with a company in TEW that I've ever had. My PC decided after a windows update it didn't feel like working anymore and now I can't get out of the diagnostic screen. I've very sad my BHOTWG game is done and probably lost forever because I have no clue how to fix my issue and it's been like 6 months now haha. I've very excited for this diary and will be following along

  7. 1 hour ago, James The Animator said:

    Good choice! TCW is in an interesting spot to start 2020, and there are a few cool distinct directions you can take the company. Some of these rules are longer-term, but I hope you appreciate them:

    Ace is The Face Who Runs This Place: Rocky Golden didn’t get to the top by taking a backseat to Joey Minnesota. Aaron “Ace” Andrews must hold the WHC for at least part of each year until his contract comes up.

    Budget Control: You have invested a tidy sum in the new contracts of Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins. Therefore, BriCo has handed you an edict: you cannot pay any other wrestler more than $40,000 a month until Andrews’ contract runs out in four years. If SWF and USPW get into a bidding war for Jay Chord or Sammy Bach, bye-bye!

    Cream of the Crop: Speaking of Wolfie, when he says the Syndicate is the best of the best, he’s not kidding. If he doesn’t win the WHC in 2020, he’ll step down as leader of the group.

    Generation Shift: TCW needs to remain relevant in the 2020s, and you’ll take any help you can get. If any wrestler offers to put over another wrestler using the “Promises” system, you have to book all the suggested matches within the timeframe given.

    Keeping The Peace: In this precarious era, one asset you need is a stable locker room. You must put at least six points each into your UC’s Leadership and Diplomacy stats. Also, if a match result makes one competitor “unhappy” or angrier, you have to change it.

    Marketing Progress: As BriCo keenly reminds you, girls buy action figures too. You must start a women’s division with a championship and at least eight competitors in 2020.

    Warrior Push: Wrestling companies never have two top babyfaces at the same time for long. Mighty Mo can win the WHC, but he can not hold it for longer than six months as long as Aaron Andrews is actively competing in TCW.

    Hopefully you’re inspired by some of these. I did a TCW save earlier this year and ruined it by loading up on free agents. These rules should help you avoid following in my stead!

    Wow, thank you. I actually like a lot of those. Like you said at the end loading up on free agents has really killed every save I've ever had. It's just too fun to sign people haha. The Generation Shift I absolutely love. Sometimes I do the promises but sometimes a young wrestler I'm not super high on someone wants to put over and I'm like eh I'll pass but I love the idea of anytime it happens I have to do it. The women's division is absolutely happening but I might put it off until I start the diary for 2021. Budget control I like as well. 

    As of now my rules will be no one over 30. Can't sign anyone from USPW or SWF. Must keep my roster under 40 wrestlers unless my size makes it over 40 then I can only have 2 to 3 over the roster size minimum. That will keep my roster under control. Also I won't make a network at any point and will just continue to sign TV deals and PPV deals. If you have anymore cool ones I would love to see them. Thanks again for the response.

  8. Hello everyone, I am teetering on possibly starting a TCW diary but I want to have some rules set for myself because I always end up signing a million people and have to split the roster into brands and I want to hold off on that. I'm thinking of doing a TCW2021 diary and use everyones rules for the 1st year and it will set up the roster going forward and I'll go through all the changes during the 2020 year.

    In my head a few rules I think I want to set for myself are hire no one over 30, also thinking of maybe not signing anyone from SWF and USPW. Also no TCW network for at least a couple years as once you get a network it's pretty much easy money. Any other cool rules for my possible diary would be awesome. Thanks to whoever throws out any suggestions

  9. 12 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

    @TWoody24I guess Yanagimoto is performing really good! Am I right? 

    He's been pretty good but Helikoan has actually out shined him and the whole rest of the roster. He's the most over in the whole company. He's at 89 pop in Japan and he recently went up in star quality to 100 so over the next year or two he's getting a run with the junior title and then I'm shooting him to the absolute moon in the heavyweight division

  10. I have completed the 2nd Battle of the Super Juniors. The winners of the two blocks were Sensational Dragon and Tsuneyo Yanagimoto. Tsuneyo came out victorious and his first ever BOTSJ Trophy. The Junior Heavyweight title was also on the line so he double dipped. It's also his first run with the title. The Junior Heavyweight Division is really the reason we are humming along. 

    PGHW finally went bankrupt so naturally I bought them out and took mainly the top guys. They have been a good part of the company as well. Masaru Ugaki just went up against Mabuchi Furusawa at the last PPV for the vacant World Title as Takayuki2000 tore his quad which really sucks because he was on a hell of a run. 

    I also created an alliance with pretty much all the Japanese companies around. The only company that hasn't joined is WLW. I've been friendly with all the companies but WLW is still hesitant to join. The alliance is called the United Promotions of Japan. It consists of BCG, EXO2000, 5SSW and my development company Hinote Pro. I made it a consortium because I wanted to make sure all the Japanese companies thrived and could afford to keep talent. I'm eventually going to open a woman's promotion at the start of 2022 so the woman's wrestlers in Japan get a few more places to work with 5SSW and my new company and WINNOW is around as well.

    As I've said before this has been my favorite save I've had so far. I am planning on running a G-1 type tourny in the next month or two for the Heavyweights.

    • Like 3
  11. I have completed the first year for BHOTWG. The final PPV of the year was our best PPV yet. The co-main events were Takayuki2000 vs. Heihachiro Sakai and Emerald Angel vs. Sensational Dragon. Takayuki and Emerald won their matches and became new champions. Black Magic are my tag champs and they've had the belts for most of the year. Michio is still the Openweight champ and PUNK Nasty Club are the tag champs.

    We had our first graduating class for the new Hinote Dojo and 7 of the 12 students we signed and sent to Hinote Pro Wrestling. I'm happy about that because sometimes I don't get the greatest classes but 3 of them were in the mid to high 70's and a couple were low 50's. 

    I'm still waiting to buy PGHW but they are holding on strong even though they are losing money every month. They haven't had a positive money amount since I believe June. CWA is also another company that I considered buying because they were almost 3 million in the hole somehow. I don't understand it but I decided to just offer them cash and hopefully they will stay strong for a while. I did buy ACPW just to help with the pop in Canada. 

    I opened up the Burning Hammer Network so we should be making really good money in the coming years. I am debating on starting a Burning Hammer USA in like another year or two to mirror NJPW and NJPW Strong. I wish I had saved the picture I know someone made of a Burning Hammer USA but alas I did not lol. 

    This is probably the most fun I've ever had running a company. I've also been debating on running a G-1 Tourny for all the middle-heavyweights with them getting title shots at the end of the year. Also signed Magnum Kobe so he's getting a rocket to the top of the Junior Division.

    • Like 4
  12. 4 hours ago, James The Animator said:

    If you can talk Helikaon into becoming a middleweight, you should do it when you’re ready. He could be a great asset for the heavyweight main event for years to come.

    Oh he's definitely on my radar for that. I am going to give him a Junior Heavyweight title run and then once that's over he's definitely in my plans for that. I also signed Tsuneyo Yanagimoto early in my save as well and I am eventually going to do the same with him.

    • Like 1
  13. So I finally started a BHOTWG save and it got off to a rocky start based off a few people with pretty severe penalties because of time decline. I finally hit the ground running after the first two months. Starting in March I switched to a weekly format with a show on Tuesday and a show on Thursday. I also created a brand split for the juniors and heavyweights so they both have 4 shows a month. I'm getting up there in money and hope by the end of the first year I'll have enough money to start my own network. I'm also hoping PGHW can be bought out because it hasn't had positive money for the last few months. 

    I currently just finished the Battle of the Super Juniors PPV. It's been my best PPV yet. The headline was A-Block winner Sensational Dragon vs. B-Block winner Emerald Angel for the BOTSJ Trophy. Emerald Angel won in about 30 mins and the match got a 93. The overall PPV got a 91.

    I originally signed a lot of people. I sent at least 5 junior wrestlers to OLLIE and 5 heavyweights to APW for excursions. I had a bloated roster at first but slowly chipped away and got rid of a lot of aging wrestlers and wrestlers I just didn't want. I currently have 58 wrestlers on the roster. I opened up a state of the art performance center so I closed Hinote Dojo down. I did open up a development company called Hinote Pro Wrestling Dojo and have at least 15-20 wrestlers there. Some of them are from SAISHO which I bought out cause it was struggling for money, I poached the guys with good psychology stats to help the younger guys.

    My main stars are probably a bit different than most but my top 5 popularity wise for Heavyweights is:

    Heihachiro Sakai (currently the World Champion)


    Mabuchi Furusawa

    Munemitsu Senmatsu

    Ieyoshi Shimakage


    My top 5 Juniors are:

    Sensational Dragon (Currently Junior Champ)

    Emerald Angel

    Elemental III

    MYSTIC Dragon



    If you want me to keep updating for big events just let me know. Hope it was a decent read. Also if anyone has any tips for me I would enjoy that.



    • Like 4
  14. So this might be my favorite save file i've had in TEW2020. I'm about a year and a quarter into my CWA file and the promotion is on a hot streak. I just had my season finale in April which is WrestleFestival Day Two. Headlined by Aaron Knight who was the champion defending against Donte Dunn. Dunn won and the match got a 99 and the overall show got a 100. I think it's either the second time I've got a 100 or the first I honestly don't remember.


    My current champions are:

    Donte Dunn (World Champ)

    Brooke Tyler (Women's Champ)

    Mr. Impact (TV Champ)

    Griffin Family (Tag Champs)


    The crazy thing is I have a pretty diverse roster. I've signed Canadian Animals for the tag division, Rick Law, Lenny Brown, Greg Gauge, Mikey Lau, Running Wolf, Primus Allen, Joss Thompson and just recently signed Jay Chord and Bret Starr. I think what makes me so happy about the save is that even though I've signed some big names, my current champs are all original CWA roster members. And that's a year and some change in. Christian Price, Cameron Vessey, Sonny Wildside (who's in a really good tag team with Mario da Silva) and David Stone are still high in the mix and haven't been relegated with all the new signings.


    I've recently made enough money and got the TV deal finally over that I started a CWA Network that is still just Big in Canada but I have it small in US and Japan. I also started up a performance centre for CWA. It's bare bones but ACPW is struggling financially and it doesn't seem like they will be around much longer so I figure I can buy them out in a few months and then my performance center will have graduates I can sign and put them in ACPW.

  15. I have been playing a TCW save that I believe I'm close to the end of 2022. I stopped playing the save for about 6 months and decided to go back to it. I have a stupid amount of money I think 500 million plus. The game had started to get stale for me because I signed a million people and two development companies and a performance center. I watch AEW a lot and decided to kind of take their schedule. I cut down my roster a lot and got rid of one of the development companies so now I have just MAW.


    I basically run a Wednesday 2 hour show and a Saturday 1 hour show that I tape on Thursday. Basically close to AEW's weekly TV. I haven't quite nailed down a Dark and Dark Elevation type show but I'm thinking about it. I also cut down the PPV's to 4 a year. Malice in Wonderland, Summer Showdown, Total Mayhem and Psycho Circus. Basically what AEW does haha. It's just less work for me to book.


    Anyway long story short, even after that I wasn't fully into the save but I'm 2 weeks out of Total Mayhem which I have moved to September and Wolf Hawkins is my World Champion who beat Jay Chord earlier in the year who had held the title for a year plus. My plan was for Ernest Youngman to defeat Wolf at Psycho Circus to end the year. Right before my Week 3 Total Wrestling show Wolf was involved in a prostitute scandal and was considered toxic.


    I was like damn that shakes up my timeline by months but it's a cool wrinkle that has really rejuvenated my save for me. I was debating on just having Wolf go on vacation for 6 months and hopefully it would boil over but I was like ya know what, let's switch it up. So I had Wolf drop the World title on Total Wrestling to Ernest Youngman and I released Wolf and a few people from the locker room were really happy I let him go. I decided I'm just gonna let Ernest run with the World Title for longer than I had planned.


    With Wolf I shortlisted him and when people start reaching out to him for a contract I'll reconsider bringing him back, but if it's in the next few months I'm gonna pass. I would like to bring him back eventually but I have a really good young locker room that I look forward to booking.


    Not that anyone cares but here's a list of my champions:

    World: Ernest Youngman

    International: Remo Richardson

    Television: High Flying Hawaiian

    Tag Team: Generation X (Jay Chord + Bret Starr)

    Women's: Jaime Quine

  16. You guys are breathing new life into this game for me. Everyone that has been doing new renders bravo cause they've been great. I have a quick question hopefully someone can help me with. I've been scouring the boards looking for the Ant-Man render where hes in a red and blue costume. I can't for the life of me remember who made the render but if someone could post it for me that would be great. Thanks guys
  17. <p>So I have been playing TEW since 2005 maybe, could be wrong but I think that's when I started and I typically never make it past 2 years in any save whatsoever. I blame it on all the good re-renders and people posting cool save games they have haha. I haven't really played much in the past year but decided to get back into it when I saw someone post not too long ago about simming a year or two in and choosing someone who either needed a booker or owner. So i decided that the first promotion that really caught my eye whether it be booker or owner I was in.</p><p> </p><p>

    First year went by with really nothing happening owner/booker wise. Year two happen and BCG became available because the owner retired but I was like eh I like them but I'll pass. Then Feb Year 3 came. I got an email. The board of TCW fired Kyle Rhodes as CEO. </p><p> </p><p>

    I was like damn I've seen them go from National to Cult a bunch of times but didn't think they were doing that bad. So I said let me go take a quick look at the money they got. 26 million. I said yup lets go without even looking at there roster. </p><p> </p><p>

    Every big star imaginable was gone. No Rocky, no Wolf, no Sammy, no Joshua...nobody. Their biggest stars were Greg Gauge who had C pop in the US and Art Reed and Freddy Huggins who all had the same pop at C. They did have some young stars so I decided you know what this is gonna be fun. I decided to buy out GCG to gain pop in Japan because I want to battle it out with SWF, SOTBPW and USPW who are top 3 in the world. I opened up a small development company and signed a bunch of young stars that were still available. </p><p> </p><p>

    I've gone a month or two in and my current champions are</p><p>

    TCW World: Greg Gauge</p><p>

    TCW International: Freddy Huggins</p><p>

    TCW Tag Team: New Wave</p><p>

    TCW US (new title): Darryl Devine</p><p> </p><p>

    I've signed some cruiserweight guys and am looking to start a cruiserweight division probably in the summer. I've just scratched the surface but this is the most fun I've had playing this game in a long time.</p>

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