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Everything posted by legendkiller

  1. Cool thanks for explaining man, makes sense and keeps it realistic for sure. Just not that up for doing a save that takes me like 5 years to get to any decent size to get bigger names that I’ve actually heard of. You happen to know of any decent mods that start around 2015?
  2. Anyone know of a good real world mod that starts around 2015? I want to do a local to global save and attempt to get up to a decent size by 2021 (picking up a few rookies/ debutants on the way). Can you just use RWC April 21 and set the start date at 2015? assume the database doesn't allow? Cheers
  3. Oh right.. has something changed in the updates? I was definitely watching a stream of L2G and he had 4 shows a month, the first 3 gained pop and he got to size 1 after the third show but the 4th show didn’t gain anything. So essentially increasing 1 per month. So far, it looks like I can only grow +1 every 2 months?
  4. Thanks for the reply 👍 Turned the setting off, first show of the month, 32 rated gained pop (increased to 2 + 1 in spillover regions) second show 33 rated and “no pop increase in any region”? Confused
  5. Hi I started a new company (Southern England) and i'm running 2 shows a month. Both shows are getting around 30 rating each time but only the first show gets a Company popularity increase? It took me 2 months to go from 0 to 1 in Southern England. Am i missing something?
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