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Everything posted by Fleisch

  1. Just a quick note - I've set the CEO as Albert Wesker & Booker as William Birkin. I was going to switch it around the other way but seeing as Albert killed Oswell, I decided to go with him taking over RCW. Oswell, even employing the "10 year off" his age rule was still too old. Both posts above have been added to the "To Do" list. Thanks for the feedback from everyone so far. EDIT - By request, I am looking into decreasing the ages for Grand Rockstar Wrestling. What I have settled on is, the ages will be, based on how old they were in their games rather than as an overall Universal timeline. So Tommy Vercetti will now be 35 instead of in his 50's (his age in 1986 when Vice City took place), Claude will be in his 20's rather than late early 40's. Characters who appear in multiple games over the course, will be set as the one they were a more dominant character in (so Claude will be GTA 3 age, not the younger age he is when he cameos in GTA San Andreas). Hope that makes sense! There will be a delay on getting an update out as there's a bit more work to do than I had first anticipated.
  2. Had a bit of time before work this morning (couldn't sleep and been awake since 3am) so below is the Done and To Do lists for this weekends update. I've not tested the changes yet so couldn't say if Tekken have stopped bleeding money but I'm hoping the changes made will help. Done Bo' Rai Cho - Stats update Captain Blood - Stats update Captain Smirk - Stats update Danny Estacado - Stats update David Xanatos - Stats update Dungeon Master - Stats update Encubus - Stats update Jacques Schnee - Stats update Klein Sieben - Stats update Malin - Stats update Master Splinter - Stats update Nyssa Raatko - Stats update Salvatore Leone - Stats update The Penguin - Stats update The Sorceress - Stats update Two Face - Stats update Yoko Harmageddon - Stats update Lady Peacock - Set to Womens Division Tawna - Set to Female (She/Her) Rama - Set to Female (She/Her) Mia Winters - Set to Female (She/Her) Liz - Set to Female (She/Her) Lazarus - Set to Female (She/Her) Khameleon - Set to Female (She/Her) Kelly Chambers - Set to Female (She/Her) Domino - Set to Female (She/Her) Ahsoka Tano - Set to Female (She/Her) The Rock Microphone boosted to 90 (also Charisma 92 and Flashiness 52) Sex Appeal stats looked at/changed for most people (might be the odd weird few lingering about but I think I caught all the major mistakes) It really is hard deciphering sex appeal for cartoons! Everyone under 5ft (male) and 4ft 10 (female) given the Doesn't Count as Mini attribute to stop the unhappiness of people losing to Mini's. Added a Tekken TV show to see if that helps stop them hemoraging money (increased their revenue from PPV as it was only 20%). Various popularity boosts (including some I hadn't given any Popularity too by mistake) Shrinking Rae now given stats (she was at 0 in everything) Broadcasting Deals updated (to be a bit more generous 30-50% given to companies instead of 10-30%) Still to do RCW (adding referees/booker/owner) Some more Popularity/stat tweaks
  3. Ok so the new "Minis" feature is causing a bit of a problem with this mod. I think for anyone whose height would automatically make them a mini wrestler is going to have to have the attribute added that stops them being treated as a mini. Whilst in real life mods the feature is great, I don't think it can be used in a fantasy mod. Adding the mini division doesn't help as you then see (for example) the smaller Sonic characters only wrestle each other - you could never have a Sonic/Robotnik feud for example. If anyone has a better solution, I'm open to hearing it but I'll be looking at this mod again on Friday so a decision will need to be made by then. We (1) Give everyone the "Doesn't Count as a Mini" attribute (males under 5 feet and women under 4 feet 10 would then not be classed in this category). (2) Keep it as it is and have half the roster annoyed at losing to the smaller wrestlers. (3) Add a minis division that would end up with certain people not being able to compete against each other. (4) Another idea from the community.
  4. Minis being a new thing it may be that we set the attribute to not considered mini. I dont know any other way around it as it happens in most companies despite not having mini divisions.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. I shall take a look to get some of these things fixed up. The purpose of this first release was to mainly get those game breaking errors out the way. There will be a future update where other things are looked into more depth. I can't believe you don't think Goku is an absolute sex machine! 😆 In all fairness, that is probably an oversight on my part as I'm not going to lie, sex appeal for the most part hasn't been touched for a lot of people as I tend to use the auto stat feature more than I probably should and then tweak in ring more than anything. Maybe I'll spend Friday going through the sex appeal stat and re-evaluating some other stats. Popularity is certainly an area I want to re-work as I don't think there are enough stars in the game as a whole. I have tried to throw some curve balls in by lowering someone's overness so people have to build some characters up.
  6. Small update uploaded for those who want it with the below fixes 11(b) Changes Bo' Rai Cho - Stats update Captain Blood - Stats update Captain Smirk - Stats update Danny Estacado - Stats update David Xanatos - Stats update Dungeon Master - Stats update Encubus - Stats update Jacques Schnee - Stats update Klein Sieben - Stats update Malin - Stats update Master Splinter - Stats update Nyssa Raatko - Stats update Salvatore Leone - Stats update The Penguin - Stats update The Sorceress - Stats update Two Face - Stats update Yoko Harmageddon - Stats update Lady Peacock - Set to Womens Division Tawna - Set to Female (She/Her) Rama - Set to Female (She/Her) Mia Winters - Set to Female (She/Her) Liz - Set to Female (She/Her) Lazarus - Set to Female (She/Her) Khameleon - Set to Female (She/Her) Kelly Chambers - Set to Female (She/Her) Domino - Set to Female (She/Her) Ahsoka Tano - Set to Female (She/Her)
  7. I have had the data back from Mildly_Amusing and it is coming along. I've spent the last hour or so working on it (now that my Diablo X mod is released). I've mainly just been adding attributes to a few workers now that things have come out about how they are backstage and certain things they did either before or during their wrestling careers. I'm going to focus on Relationships as well so that I can hopefully get those finished and then Japan.
  8. Fixed - New upload with these fixes for whoever wants them. In the zip folder there are 4414 pictures (People). I am not sure why you are only getting up to D as I just downloaded it myself to check, and everyone is in there.
  9. This is mainly just a conversion of the data. Heights, Weights, DOB, Debuts and Gimmicks have (or should) be updated for everyone. Events and Relationships have been changed/updated. Couple of tweaks and fixes along the way as I noticed them as well with a few additions that I had planned already and just figured I'd stick them in. Still work to be done but it is playable and I've not come across any game breaking issues so far. File Download Section Release - 21/09/2024 Data - Diablo X Version 11 [Data Download] Pictures - Diablo X Version 11 [Graphics Download] ========================================================= Future to do list (that doesn't need bringing up) * Inner Circles/Booking Teams to be done * GEO Tags to be done
  10. I should hopefully have this up for download tomorrow morning (UK time). I'm just tweaking a few more aspects of it. This won't include complete Inner Circle & Booking Teams filled in. The reason for this is I need to edit workers to fit these roles that make sense. So far I think Kombat and SFE have their Inner Circles complete but I lost interest in doing them after that. Maybe in a future release I will get around to them but just not this time around.
  11. Mammoth... first thanks for the mod. Secondly, damn you for releasing the mod. I now have to slot in a save with this whilst I try to finish 2 mods. How selfish! 😁
  12. As it stands, that is still the aim but not the definitive release date. As I said originally "maybe November". Depends entirely on my motivation each day. My job is demanding so some days I feel like just sitting in front of the TV to relax rather than inputting data into the game.
  13. All workers have now been updated! If I've missed any, I'm sure they will get pointed out as people play but they should all now be done. I also decided to make use of the Default folder in the pictures folder using the 2 images provided by YBDynamo along with these 4 pictures (which you can delete from the folder if you don't like them). No_Picture No_Logo No_Broadcaster No_TV
  14. Thank you. I shall let you know if we do. I currently don't have the data as I've sent it out to someone to do some work on whilst I try to finish up my other mod.
  15. Some yet to debut workers include Batman Beyond, Halo, characters from fighting games who (based on the timeline I've set) were too young to have debuted yet, some Star Wars characters who (again based on the timeline) haven't even been born yet in game (such as Rey and Kylo Ren) some original characters etc...
  16. That's now all the active workers done! There are only 266 Yet to Debut workers left to edit and then I can move on to the next part of the updating.
  17. Sounds pretty good. It's always nice to see people try new things so I will be giving this a play when released.
  18. There isn't many mods at the moment. The game is not long out and building a mod from scratch can take months. Your best bet right now is to hope someone made one on TEW20 and it gets converted. Even then there will be issues that need fixing.
  19. Building a mod from scratch will take you months if done properly so the first thing to have is patience. This is how I do it... First thing, before you even touch the editor, get some sites bookmarked. Cagematch, wrestlingdata, luchwiki etc... get them all set up in a bookmarked folder so they are easy to find. Start at the top in each country you want a company in. Focus on one company at a time and when they are complete, move to the next one. At the end, tweak the workers until you are happy with the balance. Once you have built the top company in each country, work on the other companies, using the initial company as your "balance marker". If you can keep to this structure, it becomes less overwhelming (ie - today I'll focus on WWE, tomorrow NJPW, the next day CMLL...) Everything else (venues, broadcasters, events, titles etc) can then be added as you see fit. I tend to work on Broadcasters before TV shows and Events but that is just me. Title lineages are the last thing I touch in a mod because then you don't have to go back and re-link the holders). Remember - probably one of the most important things - make the mod YOU want to play, have a clear picture of what you want the mod to do and how it is to play. Have fun with it - modding should be fun for the most part. It is good to have some input from others and this community is very good at giving constructive feedback. You must enjoy what you are doing or the mod quality is going to reflect your boredom/indifference in creating it. EDIT: I may have misread what it was you wanted now I've seen the further replies.
  20. At the moment there isn't many... however... I just started playing the Ace Attorney games again so I'm probably going to add a few more by release time. Still a way to go on heights and weights (I am about 2/3rds through all active workers). I've also made a huge dent in workers gimmicks too so hoping they'll all be done. Geotags are unlikely at this stage.
  21. From what I can remember, Eddie Gilbert didn't take the head booker role until March 93. He only held it 6 months but you are correct on him leaving it on September 93.
  22. Not sure if I already offered but in case I didn't - Feel free to use any venues from the 1992 mod. I've researched them thoroughly. Geotags have yet to be put in as that will be the last thing I tackle whilst trying to get the mod off the ground again but it's a starting point for you.
  23. Been some work done on various different aspects of the mod. Nearly another 2000 workers knocked off the list of H/W/DOB/Debuts (mainly thanks to Astil). Below is a quick update of what has been actioned;
  24. All companies have now had their workers updated (Heights, Weights, DOB, Debuts and Gimmicks). I am currently working through the Active Free Agents. Yet to debut probably won't be touched for this version and will be something I work on for a future release as it's not as important as getting the current day workers fixed. There have been some age tweaks but I forgot to make note of these as I was going. Completed so far for version 11.... ================= Updates/Fixes ================= CONVERSION! Fixed any errors that arose from conversion. Hundreds of gimmick updates. Few more title lineages added Unemployed updated to - Coffin Nail Crawford (wip) AoF workers updated Arkham workers updated BWE workers updated BOWA workers updated (that are from Overwatch) CTW workers updated CWA workers updated DBZ workers updated DCFF workers updated DE workers updated DOA workers updated DPWE workers updated FEXL workers updated FORCE workers updated Funhouse workers updated GGWF workers updated GIW workers updated GPW workers updated GRW workers updated HBHoW workers updated HPAW workers updated IGWF workers updated IJWPW workers updated IWF workers updated JRW workers updated KIW workers updated KOF workers updated Kombat workers updated LCW workers updated LTW workers updated MAE workers updated MHA workers updated M-WOW workers updated MWU workers uppdated NAFG workers updated ND-13 workers updated NJPW workers updated N-WAR workers updated OMLL workers updated PPW workers updated PSP workers updated PWE workers updated RCW workers updated RoK workers updated RSA workers updated Rumble Roses workers updated RWBY workers updated SEWL workers updated SFE workers updated Shinigami workers updated SSE workers updated TFPW workers updated The Rivals workers updated TJWL workers updated TWA workers updated TWE workers updated UCVWFT! workers updated UCWF workers updated VFF workers updated WWS workers updated Dabi given Sibling Relation to Shoto Todoroki Endeavor given Parent Relation to Dabi Reina given Aunt Relation to Jin Kazama Reina given Sibling Relation to Kazuya Mishima Reina given Sibling Relation to Lars Alexander Fiona given stats Colossus given stats Nisha given stats Removed Vince McMahon from data. Eric Bischoff now owns WWS Paul Heyman is now booker for WWS Tanya now Face in Kombat Relationships updated to fit the new TEW IX format Leopold Goentiz renamed Goentiz Jager renamed Jaeger Changed Multi-Paul to Male Carol Ferris default name changed to Star Sapphire Hal Jordan given Parallax alter ego Hal Jordan given The Spectre alter ego Hal Jordan given a Yellow Lantern alter ego (picture) Jessica Jones given Jewel alter ego (picture) Rocket Raccoon given a new bio. Bloody Roar characters have been re-done Bakuryu II now debuts 1st June 2020 Uriko Nonomura now debuts 6th January 2020 Nagi Kirishima now debuts 1st January 2018 Pennywise renamed Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Also given new bio. Added Firefly Stable to ND-13 (Captain Spaulding, Baby Firefly & Otis Driftwood) Added Universal monsters stable to ND-13 (Dracula, Wolf-Man, Frankensteins Monster & The Gill-Man) Added La Purga Bizarra stable to OMLL (Cibernetico, Chessman & Pagano) El Canek default renamed Canek Training facilities updated (100%) Iris West given a new bio. John Diggle given a new bio (also alter ego of Spartan) Added The GG's stable to UCVWFT! (Beat, Corn, Gum & Yoyo) DJ Professor K given a new bio and set to Jamaican John Cena given The Peacemaker alter ego (for a bit of fun) ================= Additional Training Facilities ================= WWS Performance Centre Oa Training Academy ================= Additional Workers ================= Reina (TWE) Kris Statlander (Debuts 2016) Paul Heyman (WWS) Khameleon (KOMBAT) Lobelia (DOA) Nagisa (DOA) Misaki (DOA) Invincible II (Debuts 2036) Anissa (IWF) Kyle Rayner (Debuts 2022) Soranik Natu (Debuts 2018) Shenlong (Free Agent) Shinsuke (NAFG) Pink Samurai (NAFG) Nagi (NAFG) Jake (NAFG) Alexander (NAFG) Graffi (Free Agent) MJ (Free Agent) Matteo (Free Agent) Ryohei (Free Agent) Hana (Free Agent) Princess Daisy (SSE) ================= Additional Venues/Locations ================= Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters (Mid South) Hammerhead Bar and Grille (Great Lakes)
  25. Some don't even have official heights and weights or even birthdays so it is very much a guessing game with some. That being said - because there is no "cannon" for these characters - no one can say I'm wrong! 😆
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