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Everything posted by Fleisch

  1. I thought about getting that version but my "it's gotta look nice on the shelf with the others" OCD kicked in haha.
  2. I haven't read any graphic novels in a long while but the other day I bought Batman Volume 1: The Court of Owls (The New 52), Batman Volume 2: The City of Owls (The New 52), Batman Volume 3: Death of the Family (The New 52), Batman Volume 4: Zero Year - Secret City (The New 52) and Batman Volume 5: Zero Year - Dark City (The New 52). Haven't read any of them yet but intend on getting some time over the weekend to sit down and get through a couple of them at least.
  3. I think I just made a HUGE mistake. I picked up Dying Light and it is the worst game I've played in years (actually that's a little lie, it's the 2nd worst behind Destiny). The control scheme is just uncomfortable and the number of times I've died by getting stuck in a wall or "invisible object" is absolutely stupid. It's like developers don't even test their games anymore. The controls may be better for PC, but I stupidly bought it on Xbox One and RB & RT are Jump and Attack - you can't change it to a more comfortable scheme that you find easier to use because it only has "Preset" controls, each one more annoying and not even slightly user friendly. The number of times I've hit LT by mistake and thrown firecrackers or other explosive weapon is getting beyond a joke. Guess i's my fault really that I'd have the nerve to expect a game to have a manual edit available on the controls selection so I can set it up how I like to play. Not that I just paid a shitload out for it or anything. The graphics are ok, nothing earth shattering to be honest but I can deal with graphics not being up to scratch if the game play was less... well crap. The "Parkour" is rubbish as well. You jump to grab a ledge, but if your sight is even slightly off the ledge, bang, you hit the ground with an energy shattering thud. Onto the missions... by which I mean the various go here, set a trap, go here, pick this up or go here and... you get the picture. It's Dead Island with Parkour - weapon degrade is bordering on you wondering why you even have a weapon in the first place. I can probably kill 2 zombies (or Damage Sponges as they should be called) with a weapon before it "breaks" and I'm left with another ("where did they come from") 15 zombies shambling at me and no safe escape. I've probably forgotten some things, but then this game is so bad (in my opinion) that I'd be here all evening ranting on about it. Alternatively, maybe I'm just no good at it (it's usually what people say when they disagree with a review) - either way it was a waste of my money.
  4. Well as I've not watched WWE properly since March, I wouldn't know. Mr Anderson Heel & Face turns - how many? I've lost count. Samoa Joe Heel and Face turns - how many? I've lost count. Austin Aries Heel & Face turns? What is he now? Bully Ray Heel & Face turns - How Many? I've lost count. (I know he's not in TNA any more but it is still valid) Kurt Angle... Christian (when he was there), Booker T (when he was there), Abyss, Magnus, Hulk Hogan (when he was there), Any Knockout, Eric Young, Bobby Roode, James Storm, etc, etc, Every single roster member has been on either side so how can you build a franchise player when the guy you have as the face of the company is someone who has either A) Turned heel to win the belt B) Is a face who loses the belt due to a crooked decision? Jeff Hardy turns heel to win the title. aligns with Immortal. Magnus turns heel to win the title, aligns with Team Dixie. Bully Ray turns heel to win the title unveiled as Aces & Eights President... I'm not one of these TNA "haters" or WWE "bashers", I'm a wrestling fan and want to see a good product, from any company and would love to see TNA put on great shows, but their clueless booking and seeming lack of creativity prevents that. It's not a shock when someone who has been face for 10 minutes suddenly turns heel, it doesn't create that "I must watch next week" moment. TNA talked up about a new start on a new network and within show #1 they turned 3 people heel - the tapings sound even worse! I hope that clarifies that it was in fact TNA I was referring to, and not WWE or Big Show.
  5. I gave TNA another shot on their "restart" and it was just the same old crap. You know what would really shock me? A month of tapings where nobody turned heel or face! It's amateur. Without Panda energies money, TNA would have been dead already. Their booking philosophy is like this; Week 1 - "Who shall we turn heel?" Week 2 - "Who shall we turn face?" Week 3 - "Let's turn the heel from week 1 back to a face" Week 4 - "I know, let's shock everyone and have the heel who turned face, turn heel again!" Week 5 - "Who shall we turn heel?" And so it repeats.
  6. Unfortunately WWE doesn't really cater to the die hard fan. They prefer to stick a random show out each week, rarely with any continuity from the week before and sell merchandise. Which is clearly good for their business model, but unfortunately the sort of fans they cater to these days soon get bored and move on to something else. There needs to be a middle ground, something the die hards can get behind (that isn't then squashed after a couple of weeks) and something for the casual fans. WWE do not have that. The stories are mundane rubbish that the die hards have seen 20/30 times before but it's ok, because Johnny come Lately who just bought a John Cena T-Shirt and Hulk Hogan foam hand hasn't had the pleasure of sitting through an evil authority vs. the plucky not so underdog before. I find maybe 20 minutes of Raw interesting these days, I don't watch Smackdown! and I catch NXT once in a while (mainly to see KENTA, PAC and Prince Devitt). It's a shame because I've been a fan since 1990 but just can't watch the crap they spew out any more. You may get 1 interesting storyline every few months, but just when a decent storyline is taking off, they put John Cena in it to kill any momentum the guys were getting or just abruptly end it. No one really has personality and most of the rosters gimmicks are easily interchangeable with anothers. It's probably why people like Damien Sandow, Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose so much, because they're different from the rest of the roster. I loved Seth Rollins until he turned into Randy Orton Jr. Looks like Roman Reigns might come back as... er... insert generic bad ass gimmick here. No doubt he'll come back to huge fan fare and then turn heel before Wrestlemania get's here. Sorry for the negativity but just annoyed at not getting to watch something I used to like because it no longer appeals.
  7. There is no World Title match at BFG. Roode won it at a taping to air sometime in the future (I lose track with these tapings). TNA then realised Japanese fans take their wrestling seriously and will probably turn on the show if Lashley comes out with the belt, when in reality Roode is technically the Champion as he already won the belt BUT alas, Roode hasn't won the belt on TV yet so now the casual fans are going to be confused because Roode hasn't won the belt on Impact yet so we can't have him coming out with the belt either! TNA's solution is to omit both Bobby Roode and the World title from their biggest PPV of the year. Genius. TNA, convoluted until the bitter end! Another spoiler (in white) so don't read if TNA interests you still.... This didn't stop them having Samoa Joe defend the X-Division title that Low-Ki won at a taping to be aired after BFG, or Havok defend the Knockouts title when Taryn Terrell won that at a taping to be aired after BFG! You can't make this logic up!
  8. Before I start, let me just say that I've been a supporter for TNA over the years and really wanted them to do well. The remainder of my post contains spoilers so dont read any further if you still have interest in TNA. Now Bound for Glory has cemented the fact that those in charge do not have a clue what they are doing! It was a complete train wreck with no foresight. They have known about Bound for Glory being in Japan and how passionate the fans over there are but they still change the title holder before the show for an Impact that happens AFTER Bound for Glory! That is by far an error that should involve a sacking! It would appear TNA are now treading water in terms of survival. Who the hell came up with putting the belt on Bobby Roode at a TV taping? It should have been at Bound for Glory, but no. This proves that TNA taping a month of shows in a night may help financially but it well and truly messes your product up if not executed properly.
  9. Why do the WWE feel the need to involve John Cena with every hot feud or upcoming star? He has killed the momentum of every push and story in the last year! Bray Wyatt, CM Punk,The Shield, Ryback (when he had momentum) and now the excellent Ambrose/Rollins feud. I guess WWE are just going to rely on Cena for the next 10 years because they are killing any chance of others getting over constantly throwing him into feuds he doesn't need to be in.
  10. Oh how I love this mod! Good job guys, the time and work you've put into it is absolutely amazing and very much appreciated.
  11. Pretty much seems to be their way of booking at the moment. Booking Cena as an underdog is ridiculous. Numerous World Titles do not make you an underdog. No one underestimates Cena because we all know the final outcome - Cena prevails "against the odds". Yeah I know, what odds?
  12. Thing with the Bella story is, it's good, but their delivery is like watching the worst B movie of all time. Neither one can act and it's hard to take the story seriously. I'm not expecting an A List actress award winning performance, but the way they are delivering their lines is like a really bad school production. As for Cena, I've said it for years, someone get's over and all of a sudden Cena has to be involved and (9/10 times) buries them. If they do not see Bray as a viable option to beat Cena then don't put him in a match with him. For me, Bray Wyatts character now comes off as a guy who can talk the talk but when it comes down to a fight, he can't back it up, which loses any credibility. Look how Undertaker was booked, or Kane when they were the "monsters" of the WWE. Neither one ended up being constant fodder for Hogan/Rock/Austin. They could have had Bray go up against someone like Sheamus or Ziggler and have him run through the midcarders for a bit. They could have had the Wyatts win that match at Raw without hurting John Cena if they had put some thought into it, because both Henry and Show are coming to the ends of their careers. Alternatively, don't book the Wyatts in a match that means jack in terms of the PPV main event because what did last night truly achieve? Another win in John Cenas favour - with help of course? Big deal. As I didn't want to go into a Cena hating rant (oh well), please get Bo Dallas off my screen! I would rather watch another Katie Vick or old woman giving birth to a hand than Bo Dallas. I Bo-lieve though.... I Bo-lieve he can't act and has zero charisma! Now onto the plus side of WWE currently... Ziggler's Intercontinental Champion, Paige and AJ on my TV screen at the same time - in a pretty decent story is awesome (3 hours of those 2 if I could - or chuck Emma in there too) and the "Dust Brothers" turning heel (?) should make for some interesting viewing. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins (and Kane - although he still doesn't look right unmasked) should be good TV, especially if it sets up a Reigns/Ambrose v. Rollins/Kane match somewhere down the line. Lesnar as champion is also pretty decent, although it'd be nice to see him a bit more on TV as I do like this whole "conqueror" thing. And finally one of my favourite parts of WWE? NXT. Despite my Cena hating, I do think WWE have a lot of other aspects to their program that are heading in the right direction, but only time will tell.
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Harmor" data-cite="Harmor" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have played the game a lot, bought almost all DLC (missing the leader pack only, will get it before I play it again eventually) and I really like the game, prolly prefere Age of Wonders 3 a little bit but FE isn't far behind. They're both prolly not really to be called 4x, but it's this mix I prefer over true 4x games like Endless Space because in those, I find the combat really lackluster. <p> </p><p> Long story short, Fallen Enchantress as well as AoW are prolly among my top 5 games in recent years. Oh yeah and almost forgot, if you don't mind the rather dated graphics, the old Age of Wonders games are also absolutely amazing - I got them during the Humble spring sale and wanted to slap myself for totally ignoring the series back when they first came out. Better late than never I guess though, right? ^^</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm still currently playing my first game. Decided I wanted it to be epic, and well it has certainly been that. Built an army that only one other faction can contend with (or indeed match) and have wiped out 4 of the other teams already (I say already, this is my 10th hour of gameplay). Just absolutely loving it at the moment. Even declared war and wiped out a faction I at one time helped - just because I could.</p><p> </p><p> I might give that Age of Wonder series a go when I get paid next.</p>
  14. I've been playing Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes recently. Not a bad game to be honest, especially as I didn't pay much for it due to it being in one of the Steam sales. Any one else played this?
  15. Right now TNA is a cluster**** of randomness. There is no direction or major story arcs. Its just gone back to throwing **** at the wall to see what sticks... well the only thing sticking is the **** they threw. TNA have had more than enough opportunities to improve but never maintain it for more than a few months. This is the first time I can see the legit closure of TNA within the next 2 years if they continue the route they are going.
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I just can't watch TNA anymore. It's like they've got everything on a 6 month repeat schedule.<p> </p><p> Jeff Hardy wins World Title - joins Immortal, turns heel</p><p> Bully Ray wins World Title - reveals himself as leader of Aces & Eights, turns heel</p><p> Magnus wins World Title - Joins Dixies little faction, turns heel</p><p> </p><p> The only difference here is MVP turns heel before the actual match and not during it, but still it's yet another boring turn that doesn't shock or cause heat because TNA fans are so used to turns that MVP will probably turn face and heel at least another time before the end of the year. </p><p> </p><p> Why not book Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young and play on their history together with Team Canada?<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">[EDIT: Just seen someone else say the same a few posts up]</span></em> Why turn Bully Ray face just to turn MVP heel a couple of weeks later? It's a turn every couple of weeks with this lot (James Storm, Velvet Sky, Abyss - although I'm not sure what the hell he is these days) and it's killed the face/heel turn shock value.</p><p> </p><p> So who will turn next? <strong>Bobby Lashley's only been back a couple of weeks. He's got to be ready for a heel turn by now in "Dixieland Wrasslin".</strong> Maybe Sanada can turn heel by talking in Japanese and refusing to speak English so TNA fans can chant "USA" repeatedly, or maybe Knux and his band of misfits will turn heel in a week or 2.</p><p> </p><p> So many talented wrestlers, but zero talent on the creative team. Such a shame for those who want a viable alternative to WWE.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Are you kidding me. My cousin who is a big TNA fan just told me that happened last night. Guess it shows how predictable TNA has become.</p>
  17. <p>I have to say that people are going on like Rikishi is going to headline the HOF induction! Rikishi deserves to be in there as much as any other midcarder being talked about, past or present. The way I see it, if Koko B. ware can make it in, anyone can! </p><p> </p><p> I believe there was some issues with regards to Randy Savage getting in because WWE wanted him in, but didn't his brother refuse or something? The thing people don't understand is that there is only normally 1 "Headline" induction each year so if 2015 is headed up by The Rock (as rumoured) then WWE aren't likely to induct Undertaker and Randy Savage as well in the same year. It leaves them with less options in the future. If they induct every former major star in at once then what is the point of watching it the next year? Or the year after? Those who deserve to be in it, WWE will no doubt pull out all the stops to get them in eventually.</p>
  18. With regards to ECW/WCW, maybe hostility rather than at war.
  19. <p>I just can't watch TNA anymore. It's like they've got everything on a 6 month repeat schedule.</p><p> </p><p> Jeff Hardy wins World Title - joins Immortal, turns heel</p><p> Bully Ray wins World Title - reveals himself as leader of Aces & Eights, turns heel</p><p> Magnus wins World Title - Joins Dixies little faction, turns heel</p><p> </p><p> The only difference here is MVP turns heel before the actual match and not during it, but still it's yet another boring turn that doesn't shock or cause heat because TNA fans are so used to turns that MVP will probably turn face and heel at least another time before the end of the year. </p><p> </p><p> Why not book Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young and play on their history together with Team Canada?<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">[EDIT: Just seen someone else say the same a few posts up]</span></em> Why turn Bully Ray face just to turn MVP heel a couple of weeks later? It's a turn every couple of weeks with this lot (James Storm, Velvet Sky, Abyss - although I'm not sure what the hell he is these days) and it's killed the face/heel turn shock value.</p><p> </p><p> So who will turn next? Bobby Lashley's only been back a couple of weeks. He's got to be ready for a heel turn by now in "Dixieland Wrasslin". Maybe Sanada can turn heel by talking in Japanese and refusing to speak English so TNA fans can chant "USA" repeatedly, or maybe Knux and his band of misfits will turn heel in a week or 2.</p><p> </p><p> So many talented wrestlers, but zero talent on the creative team. Such a shame for those who want a viable alternative to WWE.</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bigtplaystew" data-cite="bigtplaystew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9RAhxhIHdpM?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Connor The Crusher"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p> You guys see this? :'(</p><p> </p><p> The feelz...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He seemed like such a little character watching that. You'd have to be some heartless animal not to feel anything seeing that video.</p>
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I thought Cena vs Wyatt was the worst match I've seen all year. The rest of the card was alright though, I have no complaints.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Really? I can roll off at least 10 matches worse than that in WWE alone this year off the top of my head. Each to their own I guess, we can't all think the same way.</p><p> </p><p> Extreme Rules was a solid PPV in my opinion. Sure it had it's bad spots but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it. They could probably have just had the kid singing normally during Wyatt/Cena match which would have been frightening enough (in a sense that Wyatt is "brainwashing" these kids) but I understand where they were coming from in doing it. Paige vs. Tamina was a hell of a lot better than expected, not from Paige as I've seen her wrestle for the past 5 or 6 years and she's a very good worker, but sometimes with Tamina you don't know what you're getting. Swagger vs. RVD vs. Cesaro done what it was supposed to as did Evolution vs. The Shield (which I thought was match of the night). Roman Reigns is going to be a big star but I think Seth Rollins has been the surprise package for the group - unless you'd seen him wrestle ROH then you know what he's capable of. Rusev handicap match was what it was, which is to say filler really. I'd probably say this was the worst match on the card (and that's not saying it was bad, just that the rest were better). Main event was good too. Some good spots and Kane lost without looking weak. This elevates Daniel in "kayfabe" terms to another level as he has beaten the Demon Kane. Didn't really care too much for the IC title match as I don't like Big E, but glad to see Barrett win it - now maybe a feud with Ziggler to get some prestige back on the belt.</p>
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So because you're still bad at the game after a whopping two attempts, you've deleted it? Fair enough, each to their own. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> The other games you mentioned are all steaming piles of shit though, yes.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I've been playing loads of Factorio recently. It's sort of a cross between Sim City and Transport Tycoon, with local wildlife that tries to kill all your stuff if you start polluting the area too much. Still technically in alpha and not on steam yet (they're working on Early Access) but it's already a really fun game. IMO, at least.</p><p> </p><p> Check it out: <a href="http://www.factorio.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.factorio.com</a> There's a demo (the game's tutorial) which will let you know what it's all about. Pretty impressed with the amount of stuff you can do though.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes because I play games to have fun and don't understand Banished. If I understood it then I may enjoy it but I don't on either count and instead of having fun I got bored with it. If my only reason for not playing games was because I was "bad" at the start then I'd never have played a game in my life! Banished gave me no reason to continue with it.</p><p> </p><p> I might try that Factorio out next time I'm not working. Loved Sim City series and loved transport tycoon so a cross sounds like it'd be good.</p>
  23. Had an unexpected day off work today so decided to catch up on some games and let me just say, not one of them was any good. Firstly I decided to finally install Settlers 7 that has been on my Steam account for about a year. Why I ever bought this in the first place when number 6 was a bug filled abomination still leaves me scratching my head. Absolutely awful game. Controls are fiddly, there's too much to do just to get one thing done. Deleted straight away. Next up I finally played Banished and realised this was a complete waste of my time. Exactly what am I striving for? It certainly isn't a bustling colony because everyone dies within a few years. I thought I was doing something wrong so attempted another save... they lived longer but same outcome, and I personally couldn't see what the point to the game is. Have I missed something? Too late now, deleted. Next up was 7 Days to Die. Thought they might have made some progress with the game as I've not touched it in a while, but no it is still as buggy and incomplete as it was when I first purchased it and now I'm tired of waiting for them to add the basics they promised. Big deal I can go walking around their own made map - what about those of us who wanted to create maps? Deleted. Seeing as Steam has nothing to offer I opted to get some XBox gaming in starting with Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare as it looked a fun "don't need to think" kind of game. What a steaming pile that is! Fun is not a word I would use to describe this game. It's like they just took a game, randomly picked 2 "enemies" that are so strange that people would overlook the fact it's bollocks. My god the fact there are people out there that have been raving about this makes me wonder whether I want to be associated with such humanity. Finally I downloaded Warface to try and take out my frustrations on other players and after 20 minutes of downloading patches, 15 minutes waiting in a queue and a further 15 minutes to wait for the game to load... it crashed. 50 minutes for nothing. No wonder they aren't charging for this piece of crap. And I'll tell you what you get for nothing - 2GB of your hard drive taken up. I guess it just isn't my day for gaming - what a lovely waste of a day off. I'll just stick with the basics of TEW, GTA & Skyrim in future.
  24. <p>The roster really needs a massive clean out to make room for the new stars coming through. I've not seen people like JTG and Curt Hawkins since, well I don't know when. There is room for both the US and IC titles in my opinion, they just need to bring the IC title back up to where it was years ago and have those in the Upper Midcard spot fighting for it like it used to be, the final step before the Main event. The US title can be used for those in the midcard to give them something to fight over rather than bringing in a Television title.</p><p> </p><p> Just my quick thoughts on the titles.</p>
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