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Everything posted by Fleisch

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm kind of hoping for a Beer Money reunion to go against A&8's(Team 3D).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm hoping for Americas Most Wanted at Slammiversary (I know it won't be).</p>
  2. <p>I'm not really a big fan of Storm. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty good character, but something about him to me just says he should never be THE guy. To me he has always been a top "tag team guy" and I can't really see him as anything else (but that's just me). He was always the better half of Americas Most Wanted, and the secondary half of Beer Money for me. Roode would always have been my choice as the break out star of that team. I don't like that they've put Aries & Roode in a team and see them feuding with Chavo and Hernandez as a big step backwards. I guess you can't have everyone going for the World Title though. Hopefully this will be Stings last title shot too. Again Sting to me is a legend, he will always be one of the greats, but he doesn't need the rub that a world title match can give.</p><p> </p><p> I think Magnus will definitely be a huge star for the company - providing, of course, he stays with them and stays healthy. the other thing of course is that they don't keep changing him face to heel like they do with so many of their roster within a 12 month period (thankfully it seems to have calmed down a little). I also like Matt Morgan and don't think he would be a bad choice for the World Title but I seem to be in the minority on that point with those I talk wrestling with. Right now I think Bully Ray as champion is working better than I originally thought it would.</p><p> </p><p> I'm tired so apologies if my ramblings bore or make no sense!</p>
  3. Storm and Magnus would be a pretty cool pairing. Not a massive fan of Samoa Joe these days so hope it's not him.
  4. Right I'm not responding to any of the crap about WWE posted in here because this is the TNA forum. I'm not interested in anything WWE is doing right now - if I was I'd go read the WWE thread. I enjoyed the vast majority of Impact this week. The Bad Influence/Aries & Roode match deserved a better ending, but hopefully it leads to a 3 way match against Chavo & Hernandez (who I hate as a tag team) with Bad Influence coming out on top. Also hoping that it'll be the last time we see Chavo and Hernandez as a tag team. I'm tired of all this stereo typical Mexican shit, especially from 2 men born in Texas (yeah it's their heritage... I get it - Latino and all that). Sting and Angles partner was obvious once the camera panned back to the remaining 5 Aces & Eights members beaten down backstage... only one guy in TNA capable of carnage like that on his own! Before that I thought it was just going to be Jeff Hardy returning. Gail Kim is turning into an evil vicious bitch and it's coming across really well - her attack on Tara shows that TNA have some big plans for Gail. AJ Styles brooding is starting to run it's course, I hope they pull the trigger on which way his character is going to go - but with that said it is pretty cool to see him with a bit of a darker personality. Kenny King and Sabins confrontation was good. King is not too bad on the mic. A little clumsy maybe but I think he'll improve that. Everyone seems to hate on Aces & Eights because of their members, I personally think each member (except Wes Brisco) fits in the group well. Brisco just doesn't come across as anything more than a kid playing a character in a school play. I've given him the benefit of the doubt at first - was even optimistic but no improvement. He's not cool, he's not menacing and I think he needs to either work on his character or Aces & Eights need to drop him. Garrett Bischoff has a look about him that fits the group if nothing else but Brisco, absolutely zero charisma and limited in ring skill. DOC & Knux are just bad ass and I think they would be a devastating tag team - my pick as future tag champions. Magnus is another guy I rate highly and I don't think it will be long before he gets some gold. I also think he's a future World Champion. His match with DOC wasn't bad, both guys showed some decent in ring skill, and D-Lo losing his cut and being told he now had to start as a prospect again was a good turn in the story. I thought it was a bit weird that Matt Morgan wasn't on the show, especially given his #1 contender match last week. The other plus point was that Hogan didn't hog the camera time this week. All in all though it entertained me.
  5. I stuck to my word and didn't bother with Wrestlemania this year and to be honest from what I'm reading I didn't miss much. Outcomes were pretty much as people suspected by all accounts and no surprises. Glad to hear The Shield went over Orton & Co. Really can't think of a reason to watch Raw due to nothing noteworthy happening at 'mania and absolutely nothing of any interest going on in WWE as a whole. Final nail in the coffin for me as far as WWE programming goes.
  6. I've never rated Michael Cole, and to be honest I think Matt Striker could do a better job. That's not to say I hate Cole, he is tolerable in small doses. Problem is, I grew up in the era of cheese-fest commentary with the likes of Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura, Roddy Piper and Randy Savage - which I loved back then - but I was young! Nowadays though I actually prefer listening to play by play from Mike Tenay in TNA (although that Todd bloke and Taz get on my nerves). I'll also always be a HUGE Joey Styles fan (from his ECW days) - for me he is second only to Jim Ross when it comes to the best commentators I've heard. The King & JR played off each other brilliantly in the early days when King was heel and JR was the face. It really worked. It continued to work for a time when King slowly began turning into a face but not for long. It soon became tedious. You either need 1 guy calling the action on his own, or if you're going to do the whole commentary team, you need someone who can put over the heels and play off the guy putting over the faces, it's just more entertaining. As for JBL... he manages to stretch 30 minutes of one liners into a 2/3 hour show by constantly repeating himself or saying the same things from last week that nobody found funny or interesting back then. When he does call the action he is actually very good and knows what he's talking about but I think he needs to do a bit more calling and a little less repeating. Anyway... ramblings over.
  7. No doubt in the WWE, Trish is probably the best they've had in years - for the product they were putting out - and popular as hell. She took the chance given and ran with it. She trained hard and worked to keep her spot - as you said she did have the complete package for a WWE wrestler. Her Hall of Fame induction shows how highly regarded she was by the company. I can't agree she was the absolute best female wrestler in the last 25 years because I think there were many in Japan I would rate higher in terms of charisma, matches and in ring athletic ability. Unfortunately due to the language barrier, many of them wouldn't get over with a US based, Global Sports Entertainment crowd. Sometimes I miss the days of not knowing what will happen in wrestling - that naive child that once thought Hulk Hogan really was immortal, or who laughed when The Mountie was hauled off to jail. The kid who literally jumped up when he heard Bret Hart had won the WWE Championship and got angry when Owen Hart turned on Bret. It used to be compelling but I can't decide if that was because I was young and didn't know better or if the writing has just been on the decline in recent years.
  8. I've been having an "old school" phase recently and just finished watching the Alien films again. Hadn't seen them in years. I also watched Predator and Predator 2 - but can't bring myself to watch Aliens Vs. Predator again. I think once was enough for that film.
  9. If you have a penis and are over the age of 12, you know John Cena's character is stale. Women and children love him. Children because they're easily amused and women because they are probably ring rats that want his babies. There is only so long you can keep "Milking" that cash cow before all of a sudden, he can't go anymore and you forgot to bring up a new cash cow, uh oh... I think WWE had every opportunity to build new stars the last couple of years, Sheamus has made leaps in his popularity (who again I have no time for), Ryback, Ziggler, CM Punk... the list goes on. Seeing Ziggler lose week in week out and then be demoted to a tag team with Big E. Langston leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Now I know CM Punk broke records, held the belt for over a year and such but CM Punk losing to a Peoples Elbow (in my opinion) pretty much killed any credibility in his 400+ day streak and stalled his momentum quite a bit. That was poor match booking and Rock should have at least hit a Rock Bottom for the finish. Ryback, well he's kind of slipping into the midcard rapidly. Randy Orton can't be considered a contender because he has no momentum right now. Turn him heel, and maybe you have something... granted it's just a repeat of a few years ago and no progress for any of the rest of the card for another year. Brock Lesnar I guess would be one feud, but is he now on board full time? And what will that mean for CM Punk? There's of course Sheamus, but the kids love him too (not to the extent of Cena... but he's the only one close) so do you turn him heel and forfeit any chance of making him the next money making machine? I guess my question is, who becomes the next big thing? Have WWE missed the boat on some of the talent they have teased to be contenders just for them to constantly fall short and drop back down the card? What if Cena gets a long term injury, or is forced to retire? What happens then? These are only "what if's" but I'd be interested to see what other peoples ideas are, especially in the case of a long term Cena injury - or indeed which stars WWE should be trying to put in that elite tier at the top of the card.
  10. There's a lot of ragging on Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco, and though I do believe Brisco needs a lot more work before he could ever go on a successful singles run, I think 90% of peoples opinion on Garrett is because of who his dad is. I think with time he'll be an asset... providing he doesn't share his fathers ego! For me Garrett Bischoff is a future talent. No he's not brilliant in the ring, but he's 28 and only in his THIRD year as a pro so has plenty of time for improvement. Now that he has joined up with the Aces & Eights he has a good look, is improving his mic skills and with time will get better in the ring as well. Will he be Chris Jericho good? No, but then few ever will be. He's no worse than Miz was when he first broke into the business, and we see how far he has gone. Again Wes Brisco (who I think needs to improve a whole lot) is only a 4 year pro aged 30 so there's still time. How are these guys going to improve if they are never given a chance? Putting them in a group with the Dudleys and Mr Anderson is going to be good for them if they both take notice. Neither are going to be the next "CM Punk" but they'll certainly be better than a lot of other guys who have jobs in the "top" promotion of the business. People also need to stop thinking of TNA as WCW... unfortunately they'll never really rise much above "ECW" stature and as such will never really compete with WWE so shouldn't really try. Best thing for TNA is to concentrate on their business, their company and make it entertaining for their fans and they can't go too far wrong. Of course this is just my opinion on some matters.
  11. Roode held it from end of October 2011 until July 2012 when he lost it at Destination X.
  12. Cena winning the title is the final nail in the coffin for me and that's why I put that. I could have gone into everything else that I don't like with the product but it's the same shit everyone else says day in and day out so didn't think it needed to be rehashed. If Cena wins the belt you can guarantee most of the 3 hour Raw is going to be about his win and then the subsequent Raws after that are going to be all about Cena. He was pretty much the focus of the show WITHOUT the belt so I doubt there's going to be a lot of time for anything else. You can imply I'm childish and petty if you like, I really don't care about your opinion of me as I don't know you. Last years Wrestlemania was good, but I can categorically say that the last time I went "wow that was awesome" with regards to WWE was Chris Jerichos return at the Rumble (the last full WWE show I watched). If I enjoy a PPV, then great but I can state quite clearly here and now the exact same thing I'll be saying the day after Wrestlemania. The reason I'll be saying the same thing is because WWE, for the most part, is predictable. They've had plenty of opportunity to create some new stars and freshen up the product but have failed to pull the trigger on any of them and now it's the same old faces at the top. You've said you're going to watch it, well I hope you enjoy it and have some positive things to say from it, I'll be sleeping as I have w. I haven't watched a full episode of Raw since the one before Royal Rumble so I'm not that "invested" in it myself. I tend to skim the results and if something good happens I may watch those segments. I rarely say what I feel with regards to the state of wrestling (compared to a lot of others) because there are always people online who seem to think because you don't think exactly like them that they can make judgmental comments and act superior to other people. They act like they have a Masters in psychology and "know" what sort of a person someone is based on something as trivial as wrestling. On a final note of my own, I don't deny that they sell tickets within hours of them going on sale - I'm merely stating that I don't have any interest in it this year because the card is a mash up of rematches and throw together matches. Pointing at the sign isn't going to build my interest in paying for it if I think the card sucks. If Wrestlemania appeals to others then I'm not going to sit here and judge their opinions or act high and mighty, because it is their money and their time they will be using for something they want.
  13. I must admit WWE has bored the crap out of me these last couple of weeks. Every year (well since 1990) I have looked forward to Wrestlemania for one match or another. Last year, Punk v. Jericho and I even looked forward to the "Once in a Lifetime" Cena v. Rock match because I was 90% sure Rock would win. This year, I couldn't care less about Wrestlemania, and that makes me feel a little bit annoyed. I have no intention of buying it because there is absolutely nothing that even remotely interests me. For the first year there is a tiny bit of doubt that Undertaker will keep the streak going as Punk is all about breaking records - but there's not enough doubt to make me want to watch it. Cena v. Rock the rematch of the "Once in a Lifetime" match but this time for the world title... Cena wins, I switch off WWE and don't watch again until he loses the belt (as do nearly all the people I hang around with). The Shield vs. Big Show/Sheamus/Orton. If there are 2 people I care less for than Cena, it's Big Show and Sheamus. Tag Title Match? Big E. Langston needs to get some different ring attire before I ever watch a match of his... or some suppression shorts because I don't wanna be seeing that on my screen. Besides, having Ziggler in a tag match is a crime! Del Rio vs. Swagger will probably be a good match, although not enough to warrant me spending money on the PPV. Oh and if Ziggler doesn't cash in after a Del Rio victory, and Swagger assault after the match I will be surprised. Lesnar v. Triple H? Seen it, Lesnar "broke" HHH's arm twice so not sure why I should consider HHH a threat to Lesnar. I actually don't know anymore of the card so to me that's a pretty weak attempt at any PPV let alone your biggest of the year. I get that WWE are catering for the masses, and I am but 1 (or 10 if you include the other people I know who like wrestling and aren't buying this either) but surely on your biggest card of the year you should be trying a little bit harder to garner interest. Having wrestlers come down and point to a Wrestlemania sign in the arena every 5 minutes isn't about to get me forking out for it.
  14. The TNA title hasn't been around 11 years. Jarrett held the NWA title for 11 months back in 2004 - the top TNA title at the time. The TNA title has only been around since May 2007 (I think). So just over 5 years... mind you they have had 22 World Title changes and 12 different champions since May 2007 - which pretty much craps on any prestige the belt has. As for the Joseph Park thing, of course we all know he's Abyss - the storyline is that he doesn't know he's Abyss, and personally I think it's a good story (providing the pay-off is good). As we've seen a few times, shades of Abyss start to manifest when he bleeds, then blanks out. As far as Park (in storyline) is concerned he is Joseph Park, attorney not Abyss. I can see peoples point on him being made to look stupid though, especially in the match with Morgan because unless they are going to use Morgan as the man that finally makes Park snap back into Abyss, I can't see what point the match had for either mens story development. I'm not too keen on the X-Division changes. They seem to change the rules every 6 months and it's starting to get annoying. The title should never have been put on anyone over 225lb and should have been used the way it was back in the earlier TNA years. This 230lb limit won't be adhered to and in a few months the rules will suddenly be "forgotten" by the writers and it will be the same old mess. Aces & Eights is still a good storyline, and with Bully Ray as president it gives the group credibility. I saw on other sites people who were literally ripping the guys in the group apart calling them nobodies and WWE rejects... pretty sure Steve Austin, Triple H and Mick Foley were WCW rejects but look what WWE done with them! One companies reject is another companies next potential superstar. Personally I think the group has the right balance. Bully, Devon & Anderson as the veterans of the group if you like and then Knox & DOC the muscle (still both better than Kevin Nash) and then Garrett/Brisco the young up and coming duo who don't want to pay their dues and want an easy ride to the top. The group works. It works a whole lot better than I would have expected it to. I mean I don't expect everyone to like the guys who were unmasked, but I personally feel each and every member has done their job and has a role to play. I can see Knox & DOC or Garrett & Brisco as future tag team Champions if this continues the way it's going. I do however think Brisco needs to get better on the mic, or just not speak at all - he looks lost when trying to sound like a bad ass - but does have the look. Jesus I've rambled on enough... guess that's what happens when I come into the post once in a blue moon!
  15. I can see the argument about last years Wrestlemania with Rock v. Cena as the highest grossing PPV ever etc... but that was when it was billed as a once in a lifetime match. Not everyone is going to buy Wrestlemania to watch the exact same match as last years. Last years actual match was mediocre AT BEST. It wasn't an earth shattering, holy s**t, hold for hold classic, Austin v Rock had better matches, hell Ken Shamrock vs. Rock matches were better. Does anyone think this will get more buys than their Cena v. Rock "once in a lifetime" Wrestlemania? I think this years buyrate will fall waaaaay short of the 1.2m that Wrestlemania 23 did - which is 2nd highest grossing (Rock v Cena last year only got 17,000 more buys than that). It may hit the 1m mark and gain a top 5 spot but as for outdoing the top two buyrates ever? I don't see it happening, but then I could be wrong - it's been known to happen once or twice The one thing I have loved about Wrestlemania is the Main event is usually different each year (Wrestlemania 15 & 17 are the only other 2 I can think where the main event was the same as each other). The only difference this year is the title is actually being defended in the main event - by the two guys who headlined last years. I'm not saying Cena v. Punk or Rock v. Punk would draw better, but I think Cena v. Rock v. Punk had the chance to. Instead of having Cena beat Punk on Raw, end it in a draw play on the fact Cena still couldn't beat Punk, and build on the fact that Rock has beaten both of them, this would drum up interest in the match, will Cena overcome the 2 men he has never beaten and win the big one? Will Punk somehow cheat both Cena and Rock? Will Rock retain? Now all we've got is Rock v. Cena with Cena no doubt going over.
  16. Now I'm not upset by the Rock winning the WWE Championship (although does this now mean it's a part time belt?) I like Rock, I like CM Punk and although it's sad to see the reign finally end, Punk has moved as far up that longest reign table as anyone ever will. Plus it now sets up the "Once in A Lifetime Match"... er... part 2? Oh and whoever compared it to David Arquette needs to have a word with themselves because that's like comparing, well The Rock to David Arquette! I am not happy with John Cena winning the Rumble. In fact I would rather watch Santino Marella vs. Tensai in a Mae Young on a Pole match than John Cena vs. ANYONE and this is why I won't be buying Wrestlemania. He's boring. His promo's are boring, his opponents carry him through matches and his 6(?) moves aren't exactly all that awe-inspiring. I'm trying not to turn this into a Cena bashing post, but I cannot stand the guy. Everything about him is fake. I would however have paid to see Ziggler vs. Rock at Wrestlemania. Lets face it, we all now know the outcome - and if you doubt it's going to end any other way than a Cena title reign at the end of the show, you're in the minority. Fleisch Wrestlemania Challenge: Not including punches and kicks, I set you all the task of counting how many DIFFERENT moves will be used in the Wrestlemania main event by John Cena and The Rock.
  17. Have to say when Daniels won it was obvious Hardy would win, but if I'm honest, I never saw Roode or Aries winning the World Title at Genesis anyway (no matter how badly I would love to see one of them as Champ again). Impact really does entertain me too - but I agree they need to book better PPV's, especially now they're down to 4. The PPV's need to be something special. I also have to say last nights Impact wasn't too bad. The ending though, I did not see that coming! And what a guy to have as the mouthpiece to A&8's. It also makes sense because of his friendship with Devon so it's not just like a random choice, it fits. ---------------------------------------------- I know a lot of people seem to have the "who cares about DOC" thing going on, but to me the guy is a solid mid-card talent who is still pretty young (29?) and has time to develop. I like the guy, and the character again fits the Aces & Eights group, same with Mike Knox. I can see them as a legitimate tag team too, maybe even a run with the tag belts down the line. I like where the story is going, unmask lesser known members leading up to the bigger picture, which some wrestling fans elsewhere don't seem to realise. I mean I think on these forums we're all pretty switched on to know if you unmask the "big surprise" at the beginning, then nobody cares when any of the "lesser" members are unmasked. TNA have a story they can play out for months with this group and I love the fact they aren't rushing all the unmaskings and revelations. TNA have got a lot of things right Daniels & Kazarian are entertaining as hell and I can't help but smirk when they're up to their shenanigans. I am intrigued to see when and how they'll bring AJ Styles back, Bobby Roode and Austin Aries looking like they'll be gunning for the tag belts, or maybe even going after all the belts following their promo on Impact. Kenny King and Christian York looks like it could become a good mid-card feud, and personally it'd be even better if one of them was holding the X-Division title. I don't think any company in history has ever got everything 100% right with their product, and there are things TNA could improve but I feel they are heading in the right direction, and their storylines make me want to tune in again the next week. Of course this is all a matter of personal preference and I by no means expect everyone to agree just throwing my thoughts out there.
  18. I've been playing Hitman: Absolution recently and I've got to say I'm pretty impressed. Sometimes it seems as though you have no option but to "run and gun" but once the enemies cut you down, you'll notice a different approach. It's a challenging game, but not so much that it becomes ridiculous and over the top in difficulty. I've also (late to the party I know) started Borderlands and have Borderlands 2 for after I finish the first. I like it, but I find it bloody hard to get to grips with.
  19. Just finished watching Turning Point. Not a bad PPV over all. Sure it had a few "bathroom break" moments but I've seen a lot worse from TNA & WWE this year. My quick thoughts... Samoa Joe v Magnus had me entertained. I think Magnus could be big for TNA if used properly. This feud with Joe is perfect for him at the moment. The loss doesn't really hurt him either. ODB & EY vs. Tara & "The Z List Sensation" Jesse was what it was... a comedy filler match with EY and ODB playing their parts to perfection. Enjoyable light comedy relief. RVD vs. Joey Ryan, can I ask why RVD is X-Division Champ? There is no way he is 225lb or below and that was the last weight restriction they put on the belt, has that magically been rescinded off TV? Anyway, not a bad match but we all knew RVD isn't about to job to Joey Ryan clean and it's way too early for him to win the X-Division title. Wasn't really sold on the Joseph Park v. DOC match at first, although I still think DOC could have a pretty decent career (The guy is still only 29). I am waiting to see whether or not they are going to continue this "brother of Abyss" thing or whether it is finally revealed Abyss is Parks alter ego - as Dexter would say his "Dark Passenger". Either way the match finally peeked my attention and was quite enjoyable. Bully Ray as a face = HELL NO! Love his heel persona. Chavo & Hernandez vs Daniels & Kazarian for the tag titles was a bust for me. So long as Chavo & Hernandez hold those belts, I couldn't care less about them. They are boring and stereotypical. I skipped the match on that basis to almost the end as I wanted to see if Daniels & Kazarian won... which they didn't so not interested. Roode/Storm/Styles match was excellent however the finish was not what I hoped as I was hoping for a Roode win because I really do not like James Storm, his need to shout and force out every word out in a promo pisses me off to the point I have to skip past them anytime he talks. We all knew AJ would be the one pinned as well. That said though, it can't take away from the fact Storm is a hard worker in the ring (well all 3 are) and I would say despite the outcome it was still my favourite match of the show. Kurt Angle vs. Devon wasn't bad either but by no means an epic encounter. Outcome was obvious, Angle escaping an A&8's attack too doesn't sit right and I feel the option was there to get even more heat on the group. The main event was really good, few botched moments but that's to be expected in a ladder match, I thought Aries was brilliant as always. I'm also not so "anti" at them having Hardy as Champion anymore (which I was after Bound for Glory). That being said, I do think Aries was the better worker on the night and made Hardy look a lot better. Probably give it a 6 out of 10 of course that's just my quick take on what I thought of the show personally.
  20. Right... Devon is the mole, not the leader. There is absolutely no way they would reveal the leader before any other members of the group - even if they were the worst creative team in the world. About 4 or 5 years ago, Raven being revealed as the mastermind would have been great. I was always a huge Raven fan, but I don't think he'd be as committed to the story these days. I'm impressed to all those who saw it coming because I sure as hell didn't. As far as I (and those I talk to about TNA) was aware, Devon hadn't renewed his contract with the company so I was pleasantly surprised. Reminded me of a time before the Internet.
  21. Although I have slightly updated this mod - It is highly doubtful I will be releasing a version for 2013. I have used Crayons border for the new picture pack and have deleted around 40 workers who I deemed to not really matter in the game world and were just cluttering up the free agents pool. I have also made a few belts, these are all my first attempts at titles and are nowhere near the same sort of standard as others who have made belts on the board. The Mortal Kombat belts were made by the great Nok Su Kau. There is a promotion change, several promotions moved up or down in size. I also made some new promotion logos. I just loved Crayons picture style in the 9000-verse data and that is the only real similarity between the mods (I'm lazy and copied/pasted bios from sites). There are pictures of people who don't appear in the game - this is due to me wanting to put them in and then changing my mind but thought I'd include them in case people want to add them to their games themselves. As always, the thanks and shout outs are in the read me file. Oh lastly, even if you downloaded previous versions of the data, you will need the new picture pack as changes in naming etc. Data - http://www.mediafire.com/?x0eydu9efzdz0wi Pictures - http://www.mediafire.com/?nph11vlp9nk8v86
  22. Haha. I think TNA may think differently now he's said he's a member! Although we've all speculated, and guessed who is under the masks, TNA have tried to keep it a well guarded secret so I think he may not be wearing one of them for much longer! Several times I nearly put his name in this reply... would have negated all your white out with my stupidity!
  23. Well I had my whole match by match thoughts on BFG written up and the damn internet went down as I pressed "Reply" and it doesn't appear to have posted. So I'll just do a quick reply this time. Needless to say I thought the show was one of the best PPV's this year from TNA. Devon as the mole is a stroke of genius. I'm thinking maybe only those in power knew he'd re-signed which is how they kept it so quiet. I'm now certain Bully Ray will not be a part of Aces & Eights, so back to Bischoff being unmasked as the eventual leader of the group. I'm not sold on Hardy as Champion, or cutting short Aries reign at the 3 months mark (roughly) but we'll see what happens. Maybe it's a way for Roode to get back in the title picture. Somewhere down the line a 4 Way match between Hardy, Aries, Roode & Storm would be good. I don't think there was a single match I disliked if I'm honest. The tag title match was epic! I really enjoyed it. As too was the Roode/Storm match. The knockouts match was typical of what to expect from them now Pritchard is in charge. Don't know who that guy was Tara introduced... I'm hoping I heard wrong when she introduced him as someone who was on Big Brother...
  24. Gotta say I was more than a little disappointed with Raw this week. I think I enjoyed 2 matches and 1 promo during the whole 3 hours (well 2 hours 5 minutes if you take out ad breaks). It was obvious to me that they couldn't fill those hours because there were too many "tension building" stall moments, and that hug it out crap lasted way too long! I don't want to see 2 men hug, it's a career killer. Luckily they both managed to get a measure of their self respect back with the assault afterwards but still. AJ building up to her apologies to Vicky lasted too long, in fact that entire segment was too long. The Diva match was absolutely dire. Can't stand Eve, fugly as hell - Miz saying she's a 10 was like telling Sloth from Goonies he's gonna marry Mila Kunis one day. Miz on commentary was "cringe-worthy" and his back and forth with Layla, jeez these 2 need to get a room and hump it out - would have garnered more interest than hug it out! So this weeks... Top 3 MUST WATCH RAW MOMENTS #1 - Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler [The match was one of the shining moments] #2 - CM Punk... it's all I need to say. #3 - John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio [i think Del Rio is amazing and it's nice to see WWE finally tap into his MMA past and give him that mean streak he was lacking before.] TOP 3 TURN OFF RAW MOMENTS #1 - Hug it out with Daniel Bryan and Kane [i ended up using this as a toilet break, thankfully when I cam back, Kane looked like he was going to break Bryans neck! #2 - Jack Swagger losing to Sheamus and then walking out, I mean who the hell cares? He's boring, annoying and has been used as fodder. #3 - Everything else that happened on Raw! It was a 3 star (out of 10) show IMO and that is me being overly generous. Having seen Smackdowns! Results.... I'm steering clear of that show for... well forever!
  25. Gotta say I was quite impressed with Impact this week (we get it Sundays in the UK). Showing Aces & Eights as their own entity rather than just "oh 5 guys in a biker gang... pffft yeah right". Everyone was trying to see who was behind the masks, despite the fact that the 5 guys who you'd probably say are key to the angle didn't even show up til Aries was on his own! It was a great way to keep people guessing (some smart asses say they know who they all are, but they don't, they can only speculate as TNA and the talent are keeping very tight lipped). My guess for the 5 guys that took Aries out at the end, Mike Knoxx, Luke Gallows, Chris Masters, Wes Brisco and maybe Jay Bradley? Again that's just my guess. I'd like to see Harry Smith as a part of it, but I think he's over in New Japan at the moment. I don't get to watch any wrestling when it's actually on and tape it to watch a day or so later - I don't want the results plastered in front of me so I don't come into this topic until after I've seen it (same with wrestling "news" sites).
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