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Posts posted by TheMightyDontKneel

  1. Steve Williams and Sean Morley for me.


    Morley can easily be marketed as the new generation, he'd be young, a heartthrob and should still be around a heavyweight as well in size so could use that as an advantage. Face he'd be great as a young upstart, heel he could already come in cocky or eventually turn on Flair as he wants to be the man.


    Williams is tough as old boots. If it goes down the face route you can easily play it as Flair wanting to give someone a chance at the big time who's long deserved it and just wants to fight people, he's got the heart of a horseman. If they go heel well he just wants to fight people and while he may never be "The Enforcer" having a technically superior worker who likes to fight he'd be a great mid card foil for some of the up and coming faces, he'd be great against Dustin for example.

  2. <p>Absolutely was just a joke, I see Edd Stone as the Cody of the C-Verse these days and less Teddy Hart. Weirdly I actually see the Stones as a Rhodes/Windham hybrid but that may be sleep depraved. </p><p> </p><p>

    I really do hope for a UK boost. SNP could be fun from a booker prospective if they keep growing but uoh have to deal with Mark being Mark. </p><p> </p><p>

    I'm somewhat hoping for some Chikara style zanyness coming out of Wales or the Midlands. Maybe one of the ZEN guys comes over and a promotion opens from that, Wales would be great, a bunch of high fliers and huge valley beasts in a comic book battle of good and evil.</p>

  3. <p>Edd Stone (eventually joined by Duane) and Huey Cannonball/Jefferson Stardust to both head to Japan after leaving their respective promotions, potentially to show the world that they are better than they've been given the chance to be.</p><p> </p><p>

    The four return in 2020 to America, along with some friends they've made along the ways like KC Glenn, Jacob Jett and maybe a veteran or two like a recently released former SWF champion in Rogue (again going by his previous moniker of Jack Giedroyc) and a returned from hiatus Jack Bruce to form</p><p> </p><p>

    TSW (Too Sweet Wrestling) </p><p> </p><p>

    Funded by someone from the new Indian region and placed straight into a Tuesday night slot in America on prime time major network television for a 2 way face off with the SWF, TCW at cult level for the fans of work rate and USPW holding on every other month after its funding gets cut and it ends up on a network nobody can find. </p><p> </p><p>

    Too on the nose?</p>

  4. <p>Does this say much about how they view AEW?</p><p> </p><p>

    In some senses they're already staging a war against them from show 1 essentially, but they're doing it with their C/D brand, the one that has a lot of the "work rate" guys in and a lot of guys AEW would have loved to have signed if they weren't tied down to contracts.</p><p> </p><p>

    If they'd gone in with a SmackDown you could sense fear from WWE, but this almost just screams, hey we don't mind losing a bit of revenue from the Network if it means we can put you to bed quickly.</p>

  5. <p>Costal Zone for me. I absolutely love that it feels like some Chikara/RoH/PWG hybrid and its how I book it. Dream indy matches where theres some storyline but then a lot of goofiness to match.</p><p> </p><p>

    I tend to always book it with 4 points getting you a Championship match, 2 points for an Xtreme, tags require three but as with Chikara at times multiple points are on offer. I'll tend to run it as three shows every 2 months as well with the occasional big 3 show weekend too. 20 shows a year max but it makes it fun to do year long storylines.</p>

  6. <p>Baine I always place with a manager or a wrestler airing in the side of necromancy and darkness and have him just be a colossal brute with attacks, post matches, squashes against multiple men but hardly ever competing more than once/twice a month.</p><p> </p><p>

    From there you can go one of two ways, if you have him with a manager rather than a wrestles, especially in a place like NOTBPW, competition is key, have people train harder, faster, stronger in order to be able to topple him. For a place not typically storyline based, you really could do an entire year around an established star facing his biggest challenge or an up and comer rising to beat the beast. Keep putting bigger guys in front of them to topple, each with a weakness all the while either finding one with Baine or finding inner strength to not need a weakness.</p><p> </p><p>

    Of course if you put him with a wrestler by the time he can ascend the mountain he can either be screwed by that wrestler looking for personal gain or be a monster unleashed where whoever created him is there to destroy him as only he can. </p><p> </p><p>

    Baine really could be made to be the type of guy who loses three times in an entire career with a company if you don't mind only using him for around 2 years. </p><p> </p><p>

    That initial loss after so much dominance, someone from the past who was dominated getting his revenge and then a new star made on the way out.</p>

  7. <p>I present to you for your viewing pleasure</p><p> </p><p>

    Mr Bucket</p><p> </p><p>

    <a href="https://youtu.be/eqd41B-WAFo" rel="external nofollow">https://youtu.be/eqd41B-WAFo</a></p><p> </p><p>

    I understand that the 90s were a while yet wholesome time, but at no point should a commerical aimed at children use the phrase "I'm Mr Bucket, out your balls in my mouth". </p><p> </p><p>

    And while I should find this hilarious, this stupid song is gonna be stuck in my head all week now.</p><p> </p><p>

    Apart from that over here in the UK it's got to be a tie between the GoCompare opera singer and the Compare the Market meercats for the worst commerical aimed at completely the wrong audience. Yes it works for children and is nice and cute, yes it makes you remember the brand, no it makes you hate the brand so much you'll spend more time looking for an alternative than it would have took using their service.</p>

  8. <p>Was a very enjoyable three hours.</p><p> </p><p>

    They've got clear goals going forward here and it could make for an interesting few months:</p><p> </p><p>

    Sasha back being her best self is refreshing as anything. The whole premise of the boss was that she was better than everyone and everyone was beneath her, the whole face turn was nice and she got to play up that you can be a tough person and yourself, but Becky plays that role so much better and Sasha really can just nail down that princess 'fear me, worship me' gimmick.</p><p> </p><p>

    Alexa Bliss and Nicki Cross are faces/heels? Who really cares. The dynamic of the team is getting stronger, you know it'll eventually lead to Bliss just using someone again for her own gain but the way the psychology of the match played out last night you'd almost say Deville was the face in there and Cross has started more and more to fight dirtier to get what she wants. There doesn't seem to be a team in theory that can take the belts from them, bar the Kabuki Warriors or an eventual split of that team with Io coming up from NXT and teaming with a heel Asuka sick of Kairi always taking the fall. </p><p> </p><p>

    The Fiend is the best part of wrestling in 2019. Jerry Lawler still knows how to work a crowd, the whole trying to get out of dodge to still get caught was brilliant. </p><p> </p><p>

    Sami Zayns meltdowns and Dolph Zigglers insanity is eventually going to make a great team. </p><p> </p><p>

    There doesn't seem to be a purpose for Strowman/Rollins unless one of them is turning heel. If they lose the belts it's because one is turning on the other, or they get screwed out of it and naturally both should want to take it back. But there isn't a team theoretically good enough to pin either the universal champion or a monster without needing help or getting it from their partner. Unless we're going TNA Angle days and having Strowman win the belt off AJ and then a winner takes all at Clash of Champions before vacating everything but the Universal as Heyman takes over creative control, you're either looking at turning Rollins heel with no real face challengers bar Reigns (technically SmackDown) Strowman (who would beat him in one match so screw job finishes for months) or the OC playing anti authority figures who knew Seth was a coward all along.</p>

  9. <p>Have to agree. The game has come on leaps and bounds based off the diary entries and the positivity Adam is showing during the testing phase.</p><p> </p><p>

    The social media stuff is also really great, though I do wonder (I've probably overlooked it so apologies if so) if during eras for mods where obviously social media wouldn't have been a thing if it would get reported or said in local newspapers or on local radio all the way up to national with different hits for different levels? Maybe if it hasn't been mentioned it may be a little too complex, but it would add a touch of awesomeness when playing in 1970 and wondering what this confangled Internet people keep talking about is? <span class="ipsEmoji">😂</span></p>

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