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Everything posted by RocheBag

  1. Thank you sir, your work is awesome and I love the style.
  2. I made a suggestion about making tour shows better I think that's the solution. If more people comment it might be more likely to get implemented: https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/57731-making-tour-shows-a-little-more-useful/
  3. PGHW RESPECT SERIES FINALE OSAKA - 01/23/2022 1. Shinji Mihara & Shozo Furuta vs. Cub Balowicz & Pavel Vanzycha 2. Haranobu Kobayashi & Tsurayuki Kamachi vs. Reaver & Simon Flemmingway 3. HISTORICAL JAPAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Nobuyo Hikichi © vs. Yuri Yoshihara (4th defense) 4. Magnum Kobe vs. Danny Cavanagh 5. Kozue Kawashima, Bussho Makaguchi & Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Seiji Jimbo, Akinori Kwakima & Noriyori Sanda 6. PGHW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Avalanche Takano © vs. William Hayes (3rd defense) 7. PGHW GLORY TAG CROWN: BISON Yano & BRUTE Kikuchi © vs. Ryoma Muruyama & Masaru Ugaki (7th defense) I see Dalton puro dynasty I upvote
  4. Well you don't need to work anything out, using save & continue you just add on a couple days for each new show, so being able to continue doing that is easier than having to start over from a new day, unless I'm missing something.
  5. Some tours are longer than 31 days and it would be easier to be able to work backward from the last show for each of the tour shows rather than have to pivot when you hit -31 days.
  6. Damn these look incredible! Whichever one of the few Japanese promotions I like that you do first will decide my first IX save
  7. That triggers event overload where the attendances nosedive, which would be fine but it also impacts the big show at the end of the tour
  8. Another example of why this would be useful is that one of the main ways Japanese companies push new stars is by giving them deep runs in tournaments. In the game currently making a deep run in a tournament doesn't really accomplish anything because all shows except the final would be tour shows. A young wrestler going 7-2 in the G1 but then coming up short in the semi-final is a massive push in real life. In TEW currently that wouldn't accomplish anything.
  9. Yes I meant to mention that as well. Decent sized companies have been broadcasting their tour shows in full for quite some time now.
  10. One issue I had with TEW 2020 was that Japanese style touring shows didn't really have much benefit to running them. I'll run down two examples I have of perceived issues along with real world contrasts. Very little popularity or momentum gains for workers: Tour shows definitely shouldn't give gains anywhere near the big, tour-ending shows, but tour shows in real life are a vital tool for building a worker's momentum. An example I can point to off the top of my head is when Jay White defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi for the IWGP Heavyweight title at New Beginning 2019. The entire tour leading up to that match, White pinned/submitted Tanahashi repeatedly on every show. You could hear the reactions getting louder and louder in the buildings each show, and by the time the match came around White was considered a huge threat to win, all the tour show wins were constantly referenced on commentary, etc. This is just one example of countless. With not that many big shows on the calendar, tour shows are the main way that Japanese companies push their workers. If not direct popularity gains, I believe workers should at least get decent momentum from tour wins. Tickets are too cheap: In TEW the prices for tour shows are generally less than half the price of the tickets for a big event. A 70 pop company for example charges 25 for an event ticket vs 12 for a tour ticket. In real life these numbers are much closer together. The upcoming Destruction in Kobe show costs 12,700 yen for a floor seat, while the Road to Destruction (tour) show preceding it costs 10,700 yen for similar seats. I believe the cost of tour shows should be closer to around 75% of a big event, rather than 50%, the reduced profit coming from decreased attendance rather than cheaper tickets. With these two changes I believe tour shows would become both much more realistic to real world Japanese wrestling, but also less of a slog/more important to book, as there would be some real tangible benefits.
  11. I gotta say man you are killing it. Your style is great and it's awesome you're doing free pics.
  12. Fantastic stuff all around willr0ck! Did you ever make belts for this one? If I got the urge to make a diary out of whichever company I go with for my next save, is it cool to use your stuff or is that no bueno? Cheers!
  13. Anyone have an updated Yuya Uemura (with the new hair) and Yuma Anzai (with a white background and preferably not in a suit). Searched all around and came up empty.
  14. Just downloaded the new update, it seems Japan is messed up. Shota Umino has 0 popularity, David Finlay and Yota Tsuji have 20, Hiromu Takahashi has 40. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or what but everything is out of sorts.
  15. The AI doesn't get the penalties that the player does. Their ratings are just calculated based on the talent in the match. They'll never get a penalty for things like stamina, bad storyline heat, poor selling, etc. Those things don't affect them. Also you're gonna get worse ratings than NJPW anyway, those guys are just way better wrestlers than WWE.
  16. If you didn't use any notes to purposely slow down the rating like story telling for example then I don't have many ideas. Other than not using keep strong like the other chap said. If the idea is to present a more puro-inspired product though (with the touring schedule and the homage to Kings Road in the name) I would definitely allow high risk moves and spinal impact moves.
  17. Great show! Rating of Andrews vs Wolf a little disappointing. Did you add some notes to make them go easier to set up for a bigger and better rematch? Or was it just bad luck? Excited for the next one!
  18. Definitely good ideas. There was a thread a while back where a lot of us discussed exactly what you're doing here and some schedule ideas if you wanted to give it a browse: http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=549472 Might be something in there that gives you some ideas!
  19. Only advice I can give you is maybe add a few more big events or tournaments so the space between shows is a bit shorter and you don't have to book so many tour shows. All up to you though mate! Good read so far!
  20. As someone who very often takes TV companies and turns them touring, this definitely has my interest.
  21. In November of 2029 with my local to global save. Currently at Medium on the cusp of Big. Jared Johnson just won my big round robin heavyweight tournament and has a championship match coming against Logan Wolfsbaine at the season finale. Just the junior heavyweight tournament left and we're there.
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