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Everything posted by RocheBag

  1. Right so using your two examples, why would either of those things happening make the match worse?
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pat666" data-cite="pat666" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51332" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Simply book ur keep strong segment anywhere but in the main event. Went fantastic in my wwe 04 game. For example,<p> Mr. Kennedy was just starting on my SD roster. My us champ was eddy guerrero. I made guerrero loose to kennedy after less than a month that kennedy Was on the roster. Booked them midcard in summerslam. Gave me a shitty rating, guerrero didnt loose that much pop. Kennedy gained alot (like went from 32 to 44 or something) </p><p> </p><p> Didnt really affect my show. </p><p> Imo thats how we should use the «*keep strong*» note.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah there are ways to get around it, I'm just trying to figure out why it works that way.</p>
  3. Looking for a Stable name for Johnny Bloodstone, Jared Johnson, and Shooter Sean Deeley. The gimmick is basically they are just ruthless heels, all with amateur wrestling backgrounds who just punish people with submission holds.
  4. I just don't get it. To me the trade off should be if you use "Keep Strong" the winner gains less and the loser loses less. If a midcarder is going to beat a main eventer, of course the main eventer is still going to look strong. It would be insane if the mindcarder just destroyed him. So why does the main eventer being kept strong hurt the match? In every memorable upset victory I remember the bigger star still looked very strong. Clearly I must be missing something so I'll ask the people who know more than I. What's the logic here? Thanks for any help!
  5. Whichever top row stat is the best (Brawling, Technical, Aerial, Puro, Hardcore in certain products), and Psychology give you a baseline number, from there bonuses or penalties are applied for things like Selling, Charisma, Star Quality, Momentum, Gimmick. This number is then combined with Popularity based on the ratio laid out in your Product to give you the final number. That's how I understand it anyway.
  6. I'm embarrassed to say I can't tell who any of them are without names. Pretty new to the C-Verse Thanks though!
  7. Aaron Knight vs. Sean Deeley Lauren Easter vs. Brooke Tyler The DeColt Boys vs. The Montreal Mafia Thunder & Lightning and Sonny Wildside vs. Princeton Pryce, Danny Draper and Solomon Gold Jessica Conroy vs. Sally Anne Christianson
  8. Unreal. Is there a better way to keep up on your work rather than searching your name?
  9. Doesn't even have to be another DB. Make whatever edits you want in the DB, delete them from your game and import them again.
  10. Can the free pics in your mod be copied to the default data and work seamlessly? Or would they all have to be renamed and such?
  11. Yeah tournaments are my favorite part. Especially the big g1 style ones.
  12. As others have pointed out, it has nothing to do with growth limits, tour shows are designed to not change popularity because no one judges a company by their tour shows.
  13. Does the worker who offers to put someone over still lose popularity like they normally would? Is that not something you were worried about?
  14. I started with CWA, cancelled their TV contract and turned them into a Japanese style touring company. Added a Junior Heavyweight Title and a couple more tournaments. Nearing the end of the Super Slam Grand Prix now which is like my G1, winner will get a title shot at Ultimate Showdown.
  15. It was over a million, 10x what the other company offered. And if the new company goes under in 6 months you still made way more money there than you would've in 3 years at WWE. That's the point. When the money is reasonably close it should absolutely be based on other things. When its 10x more than the next closest offer? No one turns that down.
  16. I understand how the attributes work but it shouldn't be so black and white. They should take the company they think they would be happiest at within reason. Turning down literally 10x the money is not reasonable.
  17. Christian Price, Cameron Vessey and Sean Deeley vs. Sean McFly, Aaron Knight and Donte Dunn - McFly gets the pin and (over time) earns himself his title shot. I think this story needs a happy ending. Jack DeColt, Ricky DeColt and David Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone, Jared Johnson and George Wolfe - The ruthless heels are too much here and overpower the faces, David Stone is a bit of a weak link where the heels have none. Amber Allen, Claire Winters and Sally Anne Christianson vs. The Queen's Court - Nadia gets her win and earns herself a title match, Queen's Court will be in sync. Brooke Tyler, Laura Flame and Nina Cacace vs. Lauren Easter, Natalie DiMarco and Ariel Breaks - Tyler's team have a slight edge in my opinion Elite vs. Thunder & Lightning and Sonny Wildside - Elite are too much of a well-oiled machine and the faces won't be able to over overcome their teamwork and cunning. Plus Blockbuster. Marc DuBois and The Montreal Mafia vs. Skip Beau and The Griffin Family - Skip is a beast and the Griffin's are no slouches. I think they have the edge over The Montreal Mafia in particular. Erik Strong and Generation Z vs. Lee Rivera and The Brothers Cain - Brothers Cain are dominant and will be too much for the three lightweights. Pre-Show: Mr. Impact, Diablo Duvak and Solomon Gold vs. Princeton Pryce, Danny Draper and Chucky Dorrance Antonio Del Veccio, Derek Frost and Robin DaLay vs. Mountie Mann, Omar Brown and Hank Gunn Also I have to ask, where did you get those re-renders? I've been searching threads but some of those look amazing and I've never seen them before. Dunn, all the DeColts, Bloodstone, Johnson, they're crazy good.
  18. What? You take your million dollars a year and then if the company goes under you sign somewhere else. No one in the world would sign for 1/10th the money because they "love the business."
  19. Other things clearly get taken into account, but I think you guys are missing the point a little. The amount of other things shouldn't make up for the fact that BHOTWG are offering 11k and he's offering 100k. That's a different of over a million dollars a year.
  20. I started with CWA and immediately cancelled my TV contract and turned them into a Japanese-style touring company. Having a blast so far. Midway through the Super Slam tour which I've turned into a G1 style (if anyone is familiar with NJPW) round robin tournament where the winner will get a title shot at Ultimate Showdown.
  21. Yeah, tournaments are key. A normal Japanese touring company can run up to 8 tournaments per year. Then you throw in "one-off" shows like Dominion in NJPW that don't have tours leading up to them, and there shouldn't be very many tours at all where there isn't something important going on.
  22. <p>See I'm the exact opposite. I cannot bring myself to book TV shows because I don't watch them in real life. To me it's natural to build feuds with 3v3 and 4v4 matches, not singles matches and angles and interference.</p><p> </p><p> So much so that in my CWA game I was booking tv shows like Japanese tour shows, all multi-man tag matches. I eventually bit the bullet and just changed them into a touring company.</p>
  23. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="adhodges94" data-cite="adhodges94" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50983" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The handbook states that momentum can also have a big affect on popularity. Up to +20% for white hot and down to - 25% for ice cold.<p> If Funakoshi had white hot momentum this would make his pop 78 so his performance may not need to be so high to hit a 91 rating. </p><p> </p><p> I'm not 100% but this might explain it a little more maybe</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That makes a lot of sense. So if he had 78 pop from white hot momentum, in order to get a 91 overall in their specific product, his performance would have to have been 98. That must be what happened.</p>
  24. The two options that make absolutely no sense whatsoever and should always be turned off in every game. Worker overuse penalties and match aim requirements. Absolute nonsense.
  25. Yeah maybe it's stuff like that. To get a 91 his performance part would have to grade at like 110 or something, but I guess with the various bonuses and stuff that's possible.
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