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About Quintillus89

  • Birthday 07/03/1989

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Currently working on a few mod packs for some private games and I started making celebrities in the fictional verses I'm playing for my own amusement when i realized one thing that seems to be lacking is a pack of just fictional Staff/Road Agents/Commentators/Bookers/Owners whos strict purpose is ownership/booking ect. I also noticed one thing thats also missing... FANTASY CELEBS!! Wrestling and celebs go hand in hand it seems (especially nowadays) so i figured why not also make a pack of celebrities that can either A) get in the ring or B) be used as on screen personalites for one off appearances and boost promotions. From local to national celebrities, i feel like this would flesh out the Cornellverse further and add more depth to the strategies one could employ. If their is interest once i've created 50 characters i'll update this post with the google drive link. If you'd like to help a template will be included below Staff Template Name: Role: Area From: Story: Attributes: Special Settings: Picture/Link: Celeb Template Name: Celebrity Role: Story: Attributes: Local/National Popularity(if local, list region and popularity): Picture/Link: IE Staff Template Name: J Jonah Jameson Role: Owner/Booker Area From: Northwest, USA Story: J Jonah Jameson is looking to get into the wrestling business and has extremely ideas on how to use wrestling photographers as spiderman. If given the time and resources it will only be a matter of time before JJJ discovers spidermans true identity in the wrestling business. Attributes: Professional, Passes on knowledge Special Settings: Booking Rep 80 or > Owner skill 35 or < Picture/Link: drive.google.com/blahblahblah Celeb Template Name:Toolbox Toolington Celebrity Role: Host of the show Tooly Toolhouse Story: After a long,successful and extremely lucrative run on prime time networks as a TV Dad, Toolbox is looking to rebuild his image into one of what he always wanted to be: a professional wrestling toolman. With a groundswell of support from people who remember him as the corny TV dad, wrestling fans everywhere are excited to see someone from their childhood come back into their adult lives to kick some ass. Attributes:Groundswell of support, Driven, Prodigy, Plays comedy well Local/National Popularity(if local, list region and popularity): Northwest Usa Picture/Link:drive.google.com/blahblahblah
  2. Very impressive work! Detailed and well thought out. i like it, would be interested to see it implemented more into the game
  3. If you ever do make this public id download to use. I create my own database companies/stories ect. The hardest part is coming up with names. This would be perfect.
  4. <p>i use to use excel until it became too big. ive used the time to make an access database to help create storylines on the fly and plot out a years worth of storylines for my titles and who my "next in line" pushes were. </p><p> </p><p> Excel became too much work, i needed something i could code somewhat to automate a lot of functions. now when the game comes out im going to be working on programming forms to record data from shows and create reports after 3 months to track peoples pushes and see if i need to alter story plans.</p><p> </p><p> basically a functional database running alongside a functional database to enhance immersion in said database.</p>
  5. Creating an access database to help book stories for characters for the company im going to be using. Allows me to write out stories ahead of time thus just plugging and playing the wrestlers and making adjustments per contract signings/injuries/ect. First time im going to take the booking part of this game seriously with a side database to track.
  6. Actually designing an Access database to assist in immersion for myself to feel like a real booker (thought i'd put these skills i learned at work to use to make the game more fun for myself ) going to have the database allow me to add workers and remove as their signed/added and have a gameplan whether 3, 6 months or a year of what i want for each performer and try to pre plan pushes and my events a year out. As well as design my storylines within the database so im not just spittballing as i go but have a 1-2 year plan for my titles/events/shows Possibly going to create 6 New feds (with superstars/stories/full histories) to add to the cornellverse just to see how unique feds with unique characters develop over time. Might lead to making a dev diary with all the information being stored in a side database and some fun to see potential big name Cornellverse guys end up in one of these feds. Basically this the most excited and the most immersed im trying to be in a TEW game in a long time just off reading the features and ive been testing the database and creating stories/fake characters ect to ensure when it comes out i can start filling in data.
  7. <p>Currently working on a booking helping agent within microsoft access that will virtually auto list the shows for you week by week. So you can type out/create storylines up to a year out and run the "report" within access that will autopopulate the show. </p><p> </p><p> Also theres a storyline creator im working on within the database that will break everything up into seasons (3 months = 1 season) </p><p> </p><p> I was working on it side by side reading all the new features that TEW 2020 has coming and figured that i was tired of typing and writing all this out and having to organize things myself, why not create a database with stories i can create on the fly and then just assign them to shows/characters/and spaces of time within the TEW universe later. </p><p> </p><p> IF there is any level of interest i can explain it further and post screenshots in a separate thread but i figured i can share what the plans were for this and see if anyone is interested as im getting near completion of the design so now im just creating storylines/arcs from here to work within the Show designer.</p><p> </p><p> PS still barebones and ugly, excuse the screenshot, will make pretty once all foundations operate correctly.</p><p><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2019_11/395333056_showrun.JPG.c39e7554fcfac258ceaaf6955ffb0497.JPG" data-fileid="3537" data-fileext="jpg" rel=""><img data-fileid="3537" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="395333056_showrun.thumb.JPG.26bc7571deef2cb96756d4ec0a7725b5.JPG" data-src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2022_08/395333056_showrun.thumb.JPG.26bc7571deef2cb96756d4ec0a7725b5.JPG" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a></p>
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