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Posts posted by Bagins

  1. Thank you so much for this! Super excited to dive in.


    Some quick TNA notes


    Alexa Thatcher doesn’t appear to have wrestled in TNA in 2008 at least according to cagematch


    Chris Harris would leave TNA in early January 2008, and signed with WWE at the end of January


    Christopher Daniels would have been working under his Curry Man persona around this time (kayfabe fired via feat or fired)


    Doug Williams would not join TNA until British Invasion’s debut a year later (other than being in the Global X Cup in July)


    Rick Steiner would be released at the tail end of January


    Add Ricky Bandaras under the alter ego (TNA only) Judas Mesias: James Mitchell as manager


    will probably have more later but this was after a quick look through

  2. <p>EPISODE 28:</p><p>

    Who will Nick Aldis bring out as his challenger for Hard Times 2? <strong>Satoshi Kojima</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Looking at legends who are still active it became a toss up for me between Demon Jr, Tenzan, and Kojima. Though could be a heel swerve to and face someone like Kahagas or Conway. Going with Kojima, biggest name that can still "go"</p><p> </p><p>

    NWA World Television Championship match: <strong>Anthony Bennett ©</strong> vs. "Uptown" Andy Brown</p><p> </p><p>

    Add me to the list of people who will look into Bennett. Always a happy when wrestlers I don't from these games do end up on my radar.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Rock N' Roll Express vs. <strong>FKA "the Authors of Pain"</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Ellering plus these guys is a great crew. Feel bad for the RnR, they are in for a world of hurt</p><p> </p><p>

    Kamille vs. <strong>Thunder Rosa</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Tough to pick against Rosa.</p>

  3. ROUND 1

    Tim Storm & Trevor Murdock vs. The Briscoe Brothers

    Strong BJ vs. Thom Latimer & Doug Williams

    Da Pope & Erick Stevens vs. Andy Brown and Adrian Quest

    SCU vs.Flip Gordon & Brody King


    ROUND 2

    Tim Storm & Trevor Murdock vs. Thom Latimer & Doug Williams

    Da Pope & Erick Stevens vs. SCU



    Thom Latimer & Doug Williams vs. SCU


    Think the heels take it. Gives Strickly Business a near monopoly on titles, which will make there eventual fall all the more interesting.


    Great start to the diary as well! Knowing that Rosa lost the womens title in real life just as you were setting all this up are you thinking of bringing in Serena Deeb? Or possibly any other UWN talent (Please bring in Jervis Cottenbelly! I could imagine great comedy moments learning Ka-ra-tay.)

  4. I don't do belts, but I'm working on generating a lot of trophies that could be used for tournaments. I probably won't post them all for another couple of days. I'm hoping to have 10 or more images for trophies and then some more themed "trophies" like golden spurs for a Western themed promotion, water-based trophies for CZCW, etc.


    YES! I've been hoping someone would make more trophies. Been using generic belts whenever running tournaments and it just doesn't feel right

  5. <p>This is great!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Worker Name: The Flying Yuvraj (Yuvraj Rana)</p><p>

    Worker Size Lightweight</p><p>

    Worker Appearance: Short description (or post a reference picture) Wears an open mouth mask with the colors of the Indian flag going diagonal.</p><p>

    Birth Month/Year: August 1998</p><p>

    Debut Month/Year: August 2019</p><p>

    Nationality: Indian</p><p>

    Available Areas: India</p><p>

    Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Fiery Babyface (Standard)</p><p>

    Worker Bio:One summer as a big trip Yuvraj's family would travel to Mexico. It was their he saw a lucha libre event and fell in love with wrestling. He would go on to spent all time trying to recreate a character like colorful high flying luchadors he saw overseas. Thus The Flying Yuvraj was born. While at times a bit of a spot monkey, he wants nothing more than to have India become a wrestling hub</p><p>

    Alter-Ego's (with description): None</p><p>

    Dojo Graduate: None</p><p>

    Worker Relationships: None</p><p>

    Worker Personality/Attributes: None</p><p> </p><p>

    Stats Template:</p><p> </p><p>

    I will be using the quick skill creation options in the editor to generate stats...simply choose one option for each category (NOTE: after quick build, some stats may be adjusted slightly for balance purposes). Just make your selection BOLD, or delete all but your choice in each area.</p><p> </p><p>

    Experience: Trainee | <strong>Rookie</strong> | Young | Mid-Career | Experienced |Veteran Retired</p><p> </p><p>

    Worker Type/Style: All-Around | Brawler | Brawler/Wrestler | Hardcore Brawler | Technician | <strong>High Flyer</strong></p><p>

    Technician/Flyer | Traditional Luchador Flashy Striker | Spot Monkey | Valet | Announcer | Color Commentator Referee</p><p> </p><p>

    Skills: Very Weak | Weak | Below Average | Average | <strong>Above Average</strong> Strong | Very Strong | Excellent</p><p> </p><p>

    Athleticism: Not Gifted | Average | <strong>Gifted</strong> | Freak Athlete</p><p> </p><p>

    Entertaining: Not Very | Somewhat | <strong>Quite</strong> | Very | Gifted | Rock Star</p><p>

    Avg Mic Skills | Pretty Good Mic Skills | Excellent Mic Skills</p><p> </p><p>

    Looks: Poor | Non-Descript | <strong>Good</strong> | Very Good | Extremely Good</p><p>

    Very Menacing | Extremely Menacing | Like A Star | Like A Superstar</p><p>

    Oozes Star Quality</p>

  6. CM Punk vs. The Unnatural (©) for the World Heavyweight Championship


    Bryan Danielson vs. Rob Van Dam (©) for the United States Championship


    Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Hayabusa (©) for the World Television Championship


    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddie Guerrero in a Two out of Three Falls match


    AJ Styles vs. The Enigma in the UFS Finals


    Title Unification match: UWA Welterweight Champion Jamie Knoble vs. WCW Cruiserweight Champion TAKA


    Matt Hardy vs. Mortis


    Tag title #1 contender’s match: Steenerico vs. Volador and Aguila vs. Calgary Bulldogs vs. Made in Italy


    How many championships will change hands? (the title unification match DOES count) 3


    What will be match of the night? Punk vs The Unnatural


    Are the Jung Dragons going to stay in WCW? Nope

  7. First time playing the C-Verse and chose this company to get my bearings. Man I didn’t know how rough shape they are in but love some of the workers. Masa is a God send and the only guy BHOTWG’s doesn’t try and steal (done 3/4 play throughs). Every game Eagle Kawasawa, at least one of if not both of Black House, Americana, and Panda Mask get scooped up. This most recent play through I have Eagle has head booker so he doesn’t get stolen.


    Still, Great young talent like Masa, Tiger Prince, Nichiren Amagawa, Naoji Azumi, and Shogun Watoga have caused me to fall in love with this company. Can’t wait till the full game comes out, and take these guys to the top

  8. Haven't played these games (or really been a wrestling fan) in a long time. Excited to jump back into the series. Gonna spend a while learning the game on the demo. Once I feel confident excited for the 2008 mod that's currently being worked on. Got a whole plan for re-booking Samoa Joe's 08 title run, making Styles the face of the company, solidifying the knockout division the best women's division in the world, and figuring out a plan for guys who never got the spot light in the era (Archer, Lethal, Creed, etc)
  9. World Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg vs. The Unnatural {©}


    World Tag Team Championship: Jung Dragons vs. True Heroes {©}


    United States Heavyweight Championship: King Corino vs. Rob Van Dam {©}


    World Television Championship: Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Brian Kendrick {©}


    Ultimate Fan Series Semifinal Round: Eddie Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy


    Ultimate Fan Series Semifinal Round: AJ Styles vs. Sean O’Haire


    Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana


    Steenerico vs. Calgary Bulldogs


    What will be match of the night? Goldberg vs The Unnatural


    How many championships will change hands? 1


    TIEBREAKER: How long was the main event? (minutes and seconds) 23mins 17 sec

  10. Years back booked a AAA invasion angle in TNA because they kept trying to sign my guys. This was TEW 2007 I think, but can't remember. Signed Laredo Kid as the "fall guy" of the stable, but he put on great matches in the X Division I became a fan of his. All this without even following Lucha Libre.


    Fell off as a wrestling fan, becoming one again with the rise of AEW. Was shocked when Laredo Kid was chosen to replace PAC at Fyter Fest. Hoping AEW will give him a full run someday. So I can see my boy rise to the challenge.

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