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Posts posted by KD637

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Willsky" data-cite="Willsky" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53375" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I like the look of this tournament. Any chance we could get an update of points as we go through? I enjoyed seeing the young guys getting the upper hand over Guerrero in one of the shows - Guerrero is very unlikeable!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> heh heh Guerrero is vile! </p><p> Yeah thats very easily done, I will add it to my next update. </p><p> Standings at the end of round 3 are as follows (2 pts win, 1 pt draw, 0 point loss) </p><p> </p><p> Guerrero 6 </p><p> Rhuer 2 </p><p> Quick Silver 4 </p><p> Void 6 </p><p> Blithe 1 </p><p> SDL 3 </p><p> Vortex 2 </p><p> Hammer 0</p>
  2. Thanks all, I have a loose plan which sees me through to 2020 but a couple of surprise turns in game presented some great opportunities to mix things up a bit.

    Next step, the Prodigy Tournament 2020!

    Yeh Tasmania sees my attendance rising slower than paint dries, had to make some tough calls on this / finance but im hoping ive struck the correct balance. Slow and Steady.... he says....

  3. So as a back ground, i am a lurker and this is my first wrestling dynasty. I often start games and never really get anywhere so saw that most people use the dynasties more of a record of their play than as an actual piece to get viewers. As an author the idea of recording my games for personal use really appealed, having thought about it I figured I may as well share my game with everyone else. I like a challenge and never really enjoy starting with the big boys or real life mods. I like the under dog and starting from the bottom, so I went for the hardest area of the game.

    Please feel free to drop any comments or thoughts a few nods first:

    Wonk / Oso, who got me into this stupid game in the first place. (My wife calls it spreadsheet THE GAME)

    Smw88 , your free renders have given this game a breath of life and sparked my creativity , thank you.

    Willsky, I had this all on a word document and thought it would take hours of posting / sniping / uploading. On reading your dynasty I saw the docdroid which has saved me hours! Hope you dont mind me using the program.


    Lionheart Pro Wrestling uses a Fast & Furious play style and uses faces and heels but does not enforce the divide. Stables and managers are enabled.

    To get the final rating, Three Ring Circus and a tight Angle focus is used. I did not use any in game story lines but will probably use them in 2021.


    I also failed to add (something makes me think i will update this a lot!) I only sign free agents, unsure what will happen if one of my guys is signed up on a handshake will wait to find out what I decide!

  4. Yeh man, i always used to use him as a main eventer for the first few years of a save before others out grew him. I had him in a pretty decent Tag Team with James Diaz in my TEW2016 save.


    Im about to post up a dynasty myself, hope you dont mind im going to use the docdroid as a way of posting it up as well as this forum seems to not like pictures and my dynasty is snipe heavy.

  5. So far so good, less is more and I think the style is working.

    Enjoyed it so far, especially as the main character is just jobbing out :D

    I used to run English insignificant games so a lot of these characters like Liam Lutz, Dylan Drama, Lenny Mochin and Glen Ward are all names i know well :)

  6. Revolution Australia Wrestling is pretty much this.


    Im always a substance over talk kinda guy so personally not a fan of your idea.

    Good luck with it anyway :)


    I still remember watching the WWE back in the naughties and raging a bit as 30 mins of a 2 hr wrestling show had been Vinnie Mac and his cronnies on the microphone as an opening segment.


    I swear the ministry of Darkness once went 40 mins of blah blah blah with no wrestling.

  7. As the title suggests, is their a calculation or equation which will give me a rough number to predict a workers performance?

    Im fed up of getting Newgens or workers who look great on paper but cant hit a match worth crap.

    I know there are a lot of factors to consider and have read a lot on the stats and products but a base line calculation would help me no end.

    (I normally play quality over overness products for the record before someone adds "get them over")

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Adam Ryland" data-cite="Adam Ryland" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52826" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It is not likely to be until April.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks Adam, I will maybe mess about with a few other concepts before making the tiny small jump in the mean time then <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  9. Handshake is per appearance. So they only get paid when they perform. (Keep in mind this means using them so... road agent, angle, manager)

    For example dont use a guy in a promo if hes not wrestling.


    When i start out I only run 4 matches a show for this reason.




    If you have a contract, then they get paid for just sitting in your locker room.

  10. Is this possible?

    I remember in 2006 that you could slowly influence a worker, eg Glen Ward was always a pain in the ass but with the proper treatment he mellowed some in my save game.

    I have an issue where my main roster are well, a holes so i have to compensate by just hiring nice guys who sit in my locker room playing cards i guess as they sure as hell never wrestle unless i need a jobber.


    So can wrestler personalities change?

    Obs if I treat the guys right in locker room situations i get the whole "minor positive change" i guess this is to their morale? It never ever seems to actually do or even effect that though.

  11. Im guessing that is a bias of players using mods or the larger / established CVerse feds which has allowed this to slip through the radar?



    How many people actually build a ground up fed for themselves?


    I have semi decided for rp reasons i will upgrade to tiny by 2024 for me my concern is going bankrupt when upgrading to tiny even.


    That production spike for shows is like 400 / 500 %. Meaning that it will stagnate my growth or at least my plans for another few years.

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