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About BDC212

  • Birthday 05/14/1989


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  1. Is there any way that I can go in the in game editor and give myself a TV deal?
  2. Yeah I don't see it at all. It should be at the special extras section and I see nothing on how to assign a stunt or a crazy bump. I see the Lucha de Apuestas option but nothing on shaving hair or anything.
  3. Hey where can I try and book a stunt or a crazy bump? Does it have to be a specific match or something I don't see it in the road agent notes. Same thing with hair shaving after a Lucha de apuestas note.
  4. Hollywood Bret Starr, who was a ****ing cancer for me in 2016, offered to put over Matty Faith clean in the ring for me...I was blown away. I love that new feature.
  5. This. Its whiny and really unnecessary. Its a beta release, the developers are working on fixes. I get it, voice your opinion after all this is something you're potentially paying for but constantly going "Ugh, this feature sucks. I won't be paying $35 for this". You aren't paying $35 for this. Its a beta, to be improved on. Keep that in mind.
  6. Why am I able to influence things in outside companies such as days they can broadcast and talking to their workers? That doesn't feel right.
  7. <p>So far I'm enjoying the game. I don't totally hate the UI like some of you but there's definitely room for improvement. For example, there should be a toggle list option on all the screens with a list. It works for the workers screen but not angles and matches. </p><p> </p><p> The game is much harder than the original, and there are less ways to manipulate it, thus making it more challenging to get guys over with specific skills that don't include verbalization (such as menace). Its a beta however, so I hope some things improve. But overall I'm enjoying myself.</p>
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BrokenCycle" data-cite="BrokenCycle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So can someone explain gimmicks to me?<p> </p><p> Essentially what I'm getting from the handbook is that I could decide on a gimmick for a worker, copy the save file X amount of times, and depending on what the "dice roll" is for how the gimmick lands, each time would have a different set of pros and cons? Is that correct?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Essentially you are choosing the basis of the gimmick Depending on the base and workers strengths and weaknesses (stats) is how well they'll perform.</p>
  9. Not to buy the game until its polished... You mean like with most beta tests? Because this isn't the final product. I'm sure they're looking at all these complaints in kind and trying to address them.
  10. Most of the fixes that I've seen are actually in the handbook. Click the little question mark that is in the screen you're looking at. It has some of the answers.
  11. Just came to say this. Its Day one of a beta release. Give it some time. Patches do happen you know.
  12. Is it possible to use the arrows to choose things such as workers or angles?
  13. Is there any way to change from booking where everything gets shifted to being the opening segment as a default? I'm used to booking going in the reverse order meaning that everything booked after the first segment becomes the main event so to speak.
  14. EWR the good old days. I remember playing as NWA-TNA and having an AJ Styles vs Bryan Danielson feud that was red hot...and then Danielson tore his knee sidelining him for 12 months,
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