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Everything posted by Madden2012

  1. Willrock is so Great! I Hope you do the other wrestlers in australia. I'm a big fan of your work. I would love to have a folder with all the renders you made.
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alex the Tall" data-cite="Alex the Tall" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48354" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The name are good but they should be bilinguals.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah... I don’t know why they didn’t program the game like that. Well the names aren’t so bad, a little bit weird hahaha, at least for the language we can modify it in the options.</p>
  3. Hello everyone! I have a question about the creation of generic workers. Does the game is able to create workers that are French Canadians? Are they able to give them french names even if they are from Canada? I ask this because I am French Canadian myself, and when I played tew 2016, they created workers in a game I played in a real world mod, with french names but they were from Ontario. I hope now that the game knows that people from Québec speak French 😉 that’s all.
  4. Yeah I saw that, but I’m pretty sure someone’s gonna do renders of free India wrestlers for this game. I’ll just have to be patient, but I can’t wait 😊
  5. Well I know some people are really talented for doing renders. I want to challenge them, let’s make Generic Indian people! I know you can do it! 😄
  6. Hey everyone! I want to say that I like the story of India in the C-verse. I think I will start a game with Kashmir. (I suggest you take a look to his bio) I want to start wrestling in India. The only problem is that I don’t think there’s a lot of characters in the India world. Also, I think it needs more free pictures for this area. Does anyone agree with me?
  7. Never tought It would happen in real life but with my small promotion in Canada, Jinder Mahal was my world champion at one point. After He was released, (3MB) with Drew McIntyre. I didn’t have a lot of stars. Hahaha. When my champ sign a written deal with NXT, I needed a new champ. Jinder was the second one. The wrestler that was champ before him for almost two years was Johnny Gargano. He only had a PPA contract with NXT at the beginning.
  8. I played like 11 years with ZEN as Cyanide. He lost his mask to Halloween Knight that became a baby face. Cyanide was the Leader of D.A.R.K. with Misery and The Nightmare tag team. He became like a «Broken» Cyanide. Then, Massacre and Necromancer came back to ZEN. They attacked Cyanide. He came back with a new mask and helps Halloween Knight in his mission: destroy one and for all the evil Stable he created before. RAW went bankrupt! I don’t know how they did that 😂. I signed Swoop, Maurice Jackson and many more. I finally had a tv show. I would make it a cult maybe with two more years. Of course, that’s the promotion I played the longest. Can’t wait to see what’s new with them.
  9. I just hope I won’t have a problem playing this game. Is it the same requirements of tew 2016? I wanted to try their Mafia game’s demo and it’s not working. ( I wonder why? But now I’m scared for 2020!) I have been so long a new tew game. I don’t want to live this deception. <span class="ipsEmoji">😕</span>
  10. Who is hoping that ZEN is still in business and will play with this promotion?
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