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Everything posted by DinoKea

  1. Man, best to worst in one week. Ouch. Not surprised though, enjoying everything so far. Predictions: Dominic DeSousa def. Bret Biggins The Dallas Cowboys def The Domination 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau def. 'All American' Des Davids 'The Hawaiian Strongman' Ekuma def. 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez 'The Beast' Remo Richardson def. 'The Show Stealer' ZWB
  2. <p>Whelp, looks like the big boys are starting to come knocking. I do hope you manage to keep Benner around as he's been building up very well so far. </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">GCW Walk Through Fire Predictions:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Preshow: <strong>Sunset Army</strong> def. The Danger Boys</p><p> <em>While the Sunset Army never managed to take off like you'd hoped, I feel like they're still that bit above The Danger Boys pairing who really haven't done much.</em></p><p> </p><p> Preshow: <strong>Madalene DeGeorge</strong> def. Rosemary Pfeiffer</p><p> <em>Pretty sure Madalene has had a better run so far.</em></p><p> </p><p> Preshow: <strong>Giant Kajitani</strong> def. Danjou Nakasawa</p><p> <em>I feel like since Kajitani has so few losses and Nakasawa is debuting on the pre-show, Kajitani is likely to win here.</em></p><p> </p><p> Preshow: <strong>Brownfield, Redcloud & Banner</strong> def. Carleton & Heavenly Bodies</p><p> <em>Never bet against Big Hank.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Scorpio Nations</strong> def. Kurt Grey</p><p> <em>Scorpio is on his way up, whereas Kurt gets tired walking to ring apparently, so yeah, definitely a win for Scorpio. </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sebastien Durant</strong> def. Mean Machine</p><p> <em>If I remember correctly Durant is suppose to be someone with a good future in the company, while Mean Machine seems to have hit his spot as a consistent lower midcard guy.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Gwinn Brothers</strong> def. The Dregs to retain the GCW Tag Team Championship</p><p> <em>The face side of your tag team division is not strong enough really to have a heel champion. I also don't believe The Dregs are at a high enough level to carry the belts, add this to Gwinn Brothers still being in the early days of their reign and yeah, Gwinn Brothers win.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lily-Rose Criss</strong> def. Josilyn Darville to retain the GCW Women's Championship</p><p> <em>I can't see you taking the belt off Criss this early, particularly not to give it to Darville who she beat for the belt.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Carver Wells</strong> def. Dale Whitlock</p><p> <em>A bit of a gamble here, but with Dale is his twilight years and Wells slowly making his way toward the top of the card, I think Dale takes the loss to help build Carver up</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Billy Ray Bragg</strong> def. Ryan Osburn to retain the GCW North American Championship</p><p> <em>I just can't see Ryan being the one to take the belt of Billy Ray, particularly not this early into his reign.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Wolf Koizol</strong> def. Antone Benner</p><p> <em>This is 50/50 for me, but I think Wolf wins to allow him one last go at Poseidon.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>MJ Abruzzi</strong> def. Jack Raiden</p><p> <em>I think Abruzzi wins by some nefarious means here to keep Kodiak Jack distracted from the GCW Championship a bit longer.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Poseidon</strong> def. Dustin Robinson in a Mooring Line Match to retain the GCW Heavyweight Championship</p><p> <em>We've likely seen Dustin's final reign as champion and I definitely don't think he'll be winning his belt back from Poseidon. Whether or not this match includes a new member to Poseidon's crew is the question that intrigues me more.</em></p>
  3. It's cool to see I'm on the same page as you. This is week is a bit more bland, as I'm going with what seems to be the way things have looked set to finish. The next show after this though has got me really excited. Predictions: Menace def. Yasuhide Tayama Honestly, this I feel like is a massive gamble. However it should be Frankie that wins the league in my opinion despite Tayama beating him and Menace is the best guy to do that really. Nelson Callum def. Washi Heat I just can't see a good reason to give Washi a win now he's guaranteed relegation. Mr. Lucha III def. Hugh de Aske Similar reasoning, but even more extreme. Giving Hugh a win here makes no sense to me, so Mr. Lucha takes the points as we say goodbye to Hugh. Kalu Owusu def. Konrad Makinen I'm pretty sure the loser of this match goes into the relegation battle (assuming Mr. Lucha III does win). For me, I'm going with the guy I like more honestly. This could go either way. Frankie Perez def. Captain Lucha Most of this is explained early really.
  4. Prediction: Yvonne Ericks def. Ashley Keith to win the CWI Women's Championship & retain the CWI All Action Championship I can't see you retiring the All Action Championship and with Yvonne pinning Ashley, I think Yvonne is about to claim the women's championship. Marvel Malloy def. Storm Spillane Malloy sounds like the more successful of the American Cobras, so I'm going with him to win the tournament. The Dynamite Express def. The Dog Soldiers Dynamite Express only recently won the titles off Dog Soldiers, so I can't see them losing them back this quick. Marvel Mallory def. Luis Torres While Luis is one of your own, I have the feeling with him being so young and Mallory being around the peak of his career, Torres will take the loss. Storm Spillane def. "The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs As cool as it would be for Reggie to win (and he likely is a future winner), I'm not picking him for the same reason as the last match. Plus the old tag partners facing off is a cool story. The Ring Generals def. The Texas Express Not too sure here, but since Ring Generals are aligned with the champion, I'll pick them. "Dapper" Danny Drapper def. Nebo Martell to retain the Indiana Heavyweight Title I'm never confident with these title matches, but I think Dapper Danny retains.
  5. Man, what a main event. Good to see some matches that are (almost) as good as your promos now. Also nice to see you're building up some names in your company. Predictions: Preshow: Stevens & Whisenant def. Danger & Sandy Honestly, I don't really know, but Stevens seems to be the guy with the most potential right now, so I'll give his team the win. Preshow: Derby & Mitchell def. St. Croix & Slay Still not really sure, but I think this team has won matches while the other two haven't. Preshow: Scorpio Nations def. Mo Ponder Haven't seen Mo in a while. Scorpio is a future guy in the company though while Mo doesn't seem to be. Josilyn Darville def. Trinity Branch Pretty sure Darville has more wins so far. The Dregs def. Sills & Redcloud Nicely establish The Dregs a bit more before they challenge for the tag team titles. Scorpio & Kramer interference maybe. Black Hat Rodeo def. Brownfield & Durant Good as Brownfield and Durant are, I think it's a safer bet to go with the established team. Wolf Koizol def. Mean Machine I like Machine, but he's definitely not beating Koizol. Dustin Robinson def. Antone Benner As good as Benner is doing with his new push, Dustin losing here just wouldn't make sense, particularly considering he is set to challenge for the World title sooner.
  6. I forgot how high up the card Ryan Osburn actually is honestly (I just checked the front page to see he is/was on Paris with Benner when this started. Still, surprised to see him picking up the win. So many big names being pulled down the card now (or soon) though. A few new names on the card next week too. Predictions: Preshow: Umari def. Aaron Redcloud While Aaron is one of your future guys, he can take a loss. Throw in the fact Umari seems like a new signing, I'm giving him the win. Preshow: Lorio & Pfeiffer def. Slay & Bee Still not sure where the women here stand, so 50/50ing it. Preshow: Banner & Durant def. Rodriguez & Carleton More wins for Banner, with the added bonus of building up Durant too. Kramer & Nations def. Man Mountains Between Man Mountains failing to impress, your champions being faces and Kramer & Nations being your highest level tag team, I can't see them losing here. MJ Abruzzi def. Kurt Grey Nice way to build up"The Godfather of Wrestling" a bit. Hope Kurt doesn't tire himself out walking to the ring. Black Hat Rodeo def. Osburn & Wells Betting on the two singles wrestlers against a tag team is almost never a good idea. "Kodiak" Jack Raiden def. Antone Benner Antone is up there, but Jack is right up the top of your card and looks set to be Poseidon's next big feud. Possible assist from Wolf here though.
  7. Alright, these predictions are more of a gamble than I usually do, but let's go for it. Hugh De Aske def. Nelson Callum I'm not confident in this one but if Nelson wins this match, both Hugh and Washi are confirmed to be relegated before the final. Since Nelson faces Washi in the final round, I've picked Hugh to surprisingly win as it makes the final week more important in terms of the relegation battle. Konrad Makinen def. Washi Heat While things do get really interesting if Washi wins, I just don't see Washi winning any matches this season honestly. Captain Lucha def. Mr. Lucha III I expect both these two to be returning next season and who knows how many after that, so I'm going to pick Captain Lucha (the mentor) to win here, with the idea that somewhere down the line, Mr. Lucha III will defeat his mentor. Plus Mr. Lucha III can pick up the win next week. Menace def. Kalu Owusu Kalu is probably my favourite wrestler this season if I'm honest, but it looks like Menace winning has more potential for drama and works perfectly with my next pick. Yasuhide Tayama def. Frankie Perez I'm not for the idea of having your first champion go undefeated, particularly if it means that he will be confirmed before the final event, so instead I think Tayama wins this to put himself equal with Perez.
  8. MJ Abruzzi is an interesting debut. Good to see you manage to snag a talent of WWB. Looks like the next show is a job show, just helping to establish everyone. Also the Deep Sea Alliance (as I'm calling it for now) is really cool. I honestly didn't expect that (thought Benner was acting alone). Also I think Saturn turned into Sanzo somewhere along the line. Predictions: Preshow: Violet Bee def. Trinity Branch This is based off how many they've won. Violet won her one match so far, Trinity lost hers, so I'm picking the Bee to win. Preshow: Big Hank Banner def. Sawyer Rodriguez BHB isn't losing anytime soon and definitely not to Sawyer Rodriguez Preshow: Man Mountains def. Heavenly Bodies I could be wrong here, but I feel like the Man Mountains won't lose here. The Dregs def. Grey & White A nice colour name combo is all Grey and White having going for them here. Dregs win to build them up for Walk Through the Fire Darville & DeGeorge def. Derby & Mitchell Darville and DeGeorge look like they're being built up as Criss's first feuds and as such, I can't see either of them losing here. Antone Benner def. Tarzan Brownfield Tarzan isn't like to win and definitely not over someone like Benner. Dale Whitlock def. Ryan Osburn I mean, if Ryan wins, something is wrong.
  9. Surprised it get 5/5, although I guess things getting a bit more predictable at this stage might be to be expected. With 2 weeks left Washi, Hugh & Nelson look like a competition for 8th and a play-off rather than elimination. If Nelson or Hugh scores a win in either of his next two matches Washi is gone. Even a draw by Nelson might do it. Theoretically Nelson could reached guaranteed safety, but realistically it's a battle between the Luchas, Konrad and Kalu as to who will face the 7th place face-off. The others will compete for another season in PWL. Menace has pride on the line, while Yasuhide v Frankie could guaranteethe title for the winner. I'm really interested to see how things go. One thing for next season is it could be useful to post a draw (even if just the grid that shows who's played who and the result) could be useful as I'm quite interested in trying spot must win matches. I'm actually going to do that now.
  10. So many good diaries coming out now, though most of my favourites have already been nominated but I'll renominate so they get they 2nd one they need. This is my first time, but I'm assuming the currently "Reserved" post is for those that are nominated. Rookie Real World The Collective by Texasranger13 Generally I'm not a fan of Modern Real World diaries, but this one has caught my interest. I'll be interested to see where this one goes. Rookie C-Verse/Fictional A Global Uprising? [Effganic] by jokerdasilva This is one that has seriously impressed me so far as you come into this diary knowing nothing about the world, yet jokerdasilva makes GCW feel alive, creating a brilliant diary with a world you'll only see in this particular place. Bonus points for the near daily updates. Prestige Wrestling League by Willsky The concept for this one is amazing and does leave me surprised it's not been done before. It's slowly been building and grabbing my interest more with each show. I'd recommend checking it out for something a bit different. Veteran C-Verse/Fictional SWF: Steering the Ship by The Lloyd This diary has started off well, so I'll be interested to see where The Lloyd takes it. I definitely think it's off to a good start.
  11. Ouch, that sucks about Poseidon. Hopefully he's not out for too long. Honestly didn't expect to see Benner going after Wolf of all people. I was kind of hoping Raiden wouldn't squash his way through The Sunset Army as it unfortunately really hurts their standing in my eyes. I guess they weren't really getting through to the crowd though anyway. Predictions: Preshow: The Dregs def. The Hillbillies Dregs are starting to get their move up the card while The Hillbillies are your jobber tag team. Guessing you've given up a bit on Man Mountains? Preshow: Trent Sevens def. Layton White If I remember correctly, Trent could be a midcard something whereas Layton is just part of your job squad. Preshow: Madalene DeGeorge def. Adrianna Mitchell Still working out where all your women stand, but it seems Madalene is possibly being built as a future challenger for the title. Josilyn Darville def. Trinity Branch The Gwinn Brothers def. Heavenly Bodies to retain the GCW Tag Team Championship More a match to cement the Gwinn Brothers' reign more than anything really. Doesn't make much sense to have your champions lose the title the night after winning it. ??? def. Nehemiah I'm unlikely to back Nehemiah anyway if I'm honest. I think the only guy on the roster who has done less than him is Mo Ponder. Plus I get the feeling ??? might be this debuting big star. Dustin Robinson def. Marcus Kramer I mean, this could Scorpio giving the assist, but I think Dustin will win this one.
  12. Time to prove my lack knowledge of C-Verse Grudge Match: Mikey Lau & Brandon James [vs] The Awesomeness Grudge Match: Jungle Lord [vs] 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno SWF North American Title Match: 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown [vs] 'All American' Des Davids © Grudge Match: Angry Gilmore [vs] 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher SWF World Tag Team Title Match: Hawaiian Crush [vs] Fame & Money © Number One Contenders Match: The Crippler [vs] 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe SWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Rocky Golden © [vs] Valiant [vs] Remo Richardson [vs] Rogue Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night? Scythe v Crippler 2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be? (Within five, 1 point. Spot on, 2 points) 80 3). Which two huge SWF Stars will be shown in a VIP Executive Box? ZWB and Hollywood Bret Star
  13. Predictions: Main Event Singles Match Sixty Minute Time Limit Grand Championship Tournament Finals Balavaan Singh versus Kashmir Singh Tag Team Match Sixty Minute Time Limit Grand Tag Team Championship Might Night versus The Twin Pain Train Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Block A Finals Balavaan Singh versus Ajay Agarwall Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Block B Finals Kashmir Singh versus Hammer Hadley Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Block A Semi Finals Yasuhide Tayama versus Balavaan Singh Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Block A Semi Finals Hanif Hussein versus Ajay Agarwal Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Block B Semi Finals Kashmir Singh versus Omezo Shikitei Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Block B Semi Finals Hammer Hadley versus Gahtir Salim Came up with the Singhle best final I could. (Sorry if you don't like puns, go too tempted)
  14. I've got very little to say here, so straight to predictions: Preshow: The Dregs def. The Hillbillies Yeah, not really a hard one here. Hillbillies are basically a stepping stone team. Preshow: Sebastien Durant def. Jimmy G Fairly simple one once again, Jimmy is a decent jobber but that's about as fair as his career seems to be going. Durant meanwhile is working his way up the card. Preshow: Pfeiffer & Darby def. DeGeorge & Bee Violet Bee or Mrs. Mean Machine? Jokes aside, as always with the women, a challenging one as I'm still trying to sort out their placement on the card. I'm going for the faces here. Kramer & Nations def. Sills & Redcloud You could be moving Sills and Redcloud up the card obviously, but I feel like Kramer and Nations are higher in the pecking order and as such should get the win. The Sunset Army def. Jack Raiden in a Gauntlet Match Karasuma and Sanzo aren't going to win it and I'd expect the Kodiak to beat the Giant, but in the end a worn out Jack just won't be enough to beat Reijiro The Gwinn Brothers def. The Black Hat Rodeo to win the GCW Tag Team Championships It's time to put the titles on the Gwinns and it also makes sense. You've got next to no faces who could believably challenge for the title and only 3 face tag teams anyway (Man Mountains, Hillbillies & Gwinns). Your heels meanwhile have a bit more variety with Black Hat Rodeo, Sunset Army, Dregs, Heavenly Bodies and Kramer & Nations. Dustin Robinson def. Dale Whitlock I just don't see Dale beating Dustin without interference happening and the Rodeo are all a bit busy right now. Josilyn Darville def. Lily-Rose Criss to win the GCW Women's Championship I'm guessing from the promo Josilyn is the heel and also set to win this tournament. From the way things are going I'd say Josilyn wins, but possibly through nefarious means to allow Lily-Rose to challenge her again at the next PPV Billy Ray Bragg def. Carver Wells for the GCW, North American Championship Simply put, why would you put the belt on Billy just to move it back to Wells two weeks later. Poseidon def. Wolf Koizol to retain the GCW Heavyweight Championship And obviously, the belt stays on Poseidon, because why would you switch. Wolf has been pretty good so far, but not the level of Poseidon.
  15. <p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion</strong> def. "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell</p><p> </p><p> COTT World Six Man Championship</p><p> <strong>Doc Hammond, Americana Jr., and American Flash © </strong>def. Mr. Grappling, US Patriot, & Warwick Good versus</p><p> </p><p> March Madness Tournament Finals</p><p> <strong>Bred for Battle</strong> versus The Dog Soldiers</p><p> </p><p> CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship</p><p> <strong>"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald </strong>def. "Dapper" Danny Draper © w/ Lucinda Lush</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Black Diamond, Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre</strong> def. Talia Neema, Jessica Conroy, Akari Kawashima, & Ruby Bloodstone</p><p> </p><p> March Madness Semi Finals - Block B</p><p> <strong>The Dog Soldiers</strong> def. The Samoan Pitbulls</p><p> </p><p> March Madness Semi Finals - Block A</p><p> <strong>Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</strong> def. Barnaby & Rudge</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nebo Martell</strong> def. Marcus English</p>
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52251" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not sure what's going on here. Can people let me know if those replies posted... Hmmm...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You're all good, I can see them.</p><p> </p><p> On a side note, how'd I get a perfect prediction, I barely know C-Verse at all.</p><p> </p><p> Also like the belt idea, it seems like it could build up some interesting stories. What happens if someone loses a defense though?</p>
  17. So let's see, firstly love the fact Lilyanna Derby follows up getting women's wrestler of the year by proceeding to get knocked out of the title picture in the semifinals. Also appreciate the way you're building off feuds as you move into the next one, like Wolf planning to go after Poseidon, only to get attacked by Benner. Preshow: Sunset Army def. Danger & Auston Obviously it's more popularity building for Sanzo & Karasuma. Danger and Auston are still trialling as a tag team, so they definitelywon'tget the win here. Preshow: Big Hank Banner def. Alonzo O'Toole Obviously Alonzo gets to be the next guy jobbed out for Big Hank. Have to say, Hank's name always makes me think of the Hulk. Preshow: Scorpio Nations def. Richard Auston One of the bigger 3 dark match shows I see. Anyway, Scorpio obviously defeats Rich here as a booster. Sills & Redcloud def. Carleton & Stevens Build these two up in preparation for their big match against Scorpio and Kramer Jase Marshal def. Darrel Gwinn Nice way to build up Black Hats before they likely lose their titled to the Gwinns at the start of the new year. Lily-Rose Criss def. Madalene DeGeorge Lily won on the main show, while DeGeorge only made the preshow, so I'm guessing off that. Wells & Koizol def. Lash & Machine I'm not willing to bet on Lash winning, particularly not against Wells & Koizol. Go Mean Machine for making the main event though.
  18. Predictions: Mr. Lucha III def. Nelson Callum Menace def. Washi Heat Konrad Makinen def. Hugh de Aske Yasuhide Tayama def. Captain Lucha Frankie Perez def. Kalu Owusu
  19. I appreciate this end of year party thing you did, it was cool to see and a nice way to readjust the timeline. I love the fact your heels are better backstage than your faces (excluding Kodiak Jack). Surprised Poseidon didn't make the Power 500 honestly. I've done this in another diary and I feel like it's a fun thing to do. So here are my GCW awards: Male Wrestler of the Year: Poseidon I mean does anyone else really deserve this award. Well okay, according to Wrestling Observer it should go to Billy Ray Bragg but I disagree. Constantly one of your best performers along with the biggest thing being his consistently good promo work. Female Wrestler of the Year: Bertha Slay Because of how new your women's division is. With no real way to split them, I just picked the winner of your best rated women's match. Congrats Bertha. Tag Team of the Year: The Sunset Army (Karasuma & Sanzo) This might be a strange pick and I could've gone for the Gwinn Brothers (who appear set to win the tag titles), Black Hat Rodeo (the current champions) or even the Man Mountains (who I don't believe have lost yet), but I decided on the team I felt really made the biggest impact this year. The two debuted early on as part of a new stable with Reijiro Kandori in the Sunset Army and have been in higher level feuds and bigger matches than the rest of the tag division. Touch of Excitement: Mean Machine This is a strange award, a bonus award really, given to the wrestler I'm most excited about on the roster (however they can't have won any other awards). Generally a personal favourite gains this award if I'm honest. I'd have given it to your mystery star, but they didn't debut this year in the end, so Violet Rooster can take this one for a name change bringing in a bit more exciting of a persona. Show of the Year: GCW: Last Resort This was in my opinion the big show of the year, as things at this point really start developing. With a lot of your roster starting to hit their spot in the card, this shoe felt a lot more unpredictable and built up. A good sign for things to come. Enjoyed this so far, so should be interesting to see what the new year brings. Quick edit: Lilyanna Derby should've got women's wrestler of the year. Made a bit of a mistake there.
  20. Well, I guess I can see how well I do on predictions. The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro [vs] 'The African Assassin' Makutsi ZWB & Jungle Lord [vs] Jimmy Hernandez & Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno Masked Patriot w/ Matty Faith [vs] 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke American Machine [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson Oliver Kobb & Brett Biggins [vs] The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee) Non Title Match: SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden [vs] 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed
  21. I will admit, didn't expect you to change the North American title like that. Bragg should be a good champion though. Preshow: The Dregs def. Bret Danger & Auston Sandy Always pick the named tag team Preshow: Trent Sevens def. Tarzan Brownfield By the sounds of things Trent just has that touch more potential to be something in this, so I'll pick him to get the win. Sunset Army def. Grey & the Hillbillies It'd make no sense for the Sunset Army to lose this one. Marcus Kramer def. Aaron Redcloud Redcloud has potential to be something, but currently I think he's too low on the pyramid to beat Kramer. Josilyn Darville def. Lilyanna Derby I'll be honest, I don't really know. Black Hat Rodeo def. Robinson & the Gwinn Brothers BHR could probably use the win although I could be wrong.
  22. Predictions: Frankie Perez vs. Washi Heat Hugh de Aske vs. Menace Captain Lucha vs. Nelson Callum Kalu Owusu vs. Yasuhide Tayama I'll be honest, I think Perez or Toyama should've been the one to break Owusu's streak rather than Captain Lucha. A sort of, neither of these guys has been defeated thing. Konrad Makinen vs. Mr. Lucha III
  23. Well, bit unfortunate the best match of then night ended up on the pre-show and Jack & Wolf couldn't deliver in the main event. Also my predictions for that show were pretty abysmal honestly. Predictions: Preshow: Madalene De George def. Rosemary Pfeiffer Not a clue Preshow: The Dregs def. The Hillbillies Your two jobber tag teams. I'm going to pick The Dregs to win due to the injury on the Hillbillies Preshow: Aaron Redcloud def. Trent Seven I don't remember who Trent is but I remember Aaron was suppose to be somewhat decent, so I'll back him. Camille St. Croix def. Lily-Rose Criss No idea Sebastian Durant def. Mean Machine Mean Machine might pick up the occasional win, but there is no way he's beating someone of Durant's skill Boston Sills def. Marcus Kramer I think this would really sell the rivalry, probably by something like DQ, Countout or Roll-Up, you know to keep Marcus strong and build the feud up. Carver Wells def. Billy Ray Bragg to retain the GCW North American Championship It seems way to random for you to just drop them title here.
  24. Predictions: COTT World Heavyweight Championship Funky Fedora versus Amazing Fire Fly © CWI Tag Team Championship The Dynamite Express versus The Dog Soldiers © Yvonne Ericks, Black Diamond, Frankie Carmello, & Mirai Kajahara versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Jessica Conroy, & Piper Hale Morgan Stryker versus "The Monolith" Tameka Sky CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship Jimmy Chipolata versus "Dapper" Danny Draper © The Manifesto versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson Warwick Good & The Texas Express versus Marcus English, Jason Patterson, & David Ward
  25. So happy to see Poseidon getting that title. He deserves it honestly, consistently putting on the best promo of the show. I'm also intrigued to see how big of A Star this person you've brought in is (since obviously, I won't know them). Add in the debut of the women's division and things are shaping up to get more interesting. Predictions: Preshow: Bertha Slay def. Lilyanna Derby I obviously have no clue with this women's division. Preshow: Sunset Army def. Danger Brothers I keep expecting Danger Brothers to be gone, but they keep popping back up again Boston Sills def. Tommy Carleton Josilyn Darville def. Adrianna Mitchell IDK, but that's part of the fun of effganics (and part of why I enjoy diaries like this so much) Dwayne Olivare def. Bill Gwinn I think since BHR lost (even if by DQ) Dwayne gets the win here, unless winning this means the Gwinnett Brothers get another shot at the titles. Jack Raiden def. Wolf Koizol A rather strange Face-Face match, with my pick being Kodiak Jack, the man who seems set to be leading this company into the new era.
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