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  • Birthday 10/14/2001

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  1. WCW Big Bang - Card Predictions (1 point per correct answer) WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Booker T (c) v. Buff Bagwell WCW United States Championship Finals - Lance Storm v. Rob Van Dam WCW World Cruiserweight Championship - "Sugar" Shane Helms (c) v. Evan Karagias v. Shannon Moore WCW World Tag Team Championship - The Natural Born Thrillers (c) v. The Road Warriors Cruiserweight Showcase - "Primetime" Elix Skipper v. Yoshihiro Tajiri v. Kid Kash v. AJ Styles v. Air Paris v. ??? Diamond Dallas Page/BG Armstrong v. Team Canada (Awesome/Ouellet) Billy Kidman v. Curt Hennig The Queens v. Meiko Satomura/Chigusa Nagayo/Malia Hosaka Disco Inferno makes his in-ring WCW return. Pre-Show Torrie Wilson v. Sharmell Sullivan Big Bang Battle Royal - Chavo Guerrero Jr. v. Chris Kanyon v. David Flair v. Hugh Morrus v. Jamie Gibson v. Jason Jett v. Jimmy Yang v. Johnny the Bull v. Kaz Hayashi v. Kid Romeo v. Lash LeRoux v. Mike Sanders v. Reno v. The Funkster v. ??? Bonus Questions Four people will debut in this event. 1 point for each guess. Who will Disco's first opponent be? Will Disco defeat him? 1 point for each right answer.
  2. WCW Saturday Nitro – May 26, 2001 Commentary: Tony Schiavone/Scott Hudson/Jerry “The King” Lawler Location: Huntington Civic Arena (Huntington, WV); 5,979 attendance Pre-Show - Romeo/Skipper beat LeRoux/Flair (7:53, 42) - Jazz beat Torrie Wilson (4:27, 18) - Jung Dragons beat Jett/Bull (7:23, 48) “Welcome to Saturday Nitro, Live from the Huntington Civic Arena” Tony Schiavone said as the pyro went off. Commentary discussed the matches we’ll see tonight including the semi-finals of the United States championship tournament and the debut of new face, Yoshihiro Tajiri. “That’s right Tony, and what’s more Chavo Guerrero Jr. is gonna set an open challenge for tonight.” Jerry said excitedly. “Also, the Tag Team champions will pick their challengers for their belts at Big Bang” Hudson said. The crowd cheered when Booker T’s music played and he proceeded to open the night with a promo. “Welcome to Saturday Nitro, sucka! So tomorrow marks the 1st PPV of the new WCW: Big Bang. It’s there that I’ll fight Buff Bagwell for the WCW World Heavyweight championship. Let’s make things clear: Buff is a good wrestler, there’s a reason he is a 5-time tag-team champion. That’s the thing though, tag team, not singles.” He points to the Big Gold Belt, “This sure as hell won’t be your first, cause you’re an arrogant douchebag, and that’ll only get you so far” He talked about his journey from prison to entering the wrestling industry and going from strength to strength. “My life kept me humble, and no matter how big I get, now matter how many achievements I made, I don’t let ego consume me and neither should you. Tomorrow, I don’t want to see Buff, I want to see Marcus Alexander Bagwell, I want the athletic spirit, that I saw when I first entered a WCW ring. Because Buff won’t defeat me. Now can you dig that, sucka?!!” Rating: 98 Lance Storm v. Billy Kidman As the only cruiserweight in this tournament, Billy Kidman had much to prove and so went full force when the bell rang. He hit a facebuster onto Storm, only for him to kick out at one. What followed was a back-and-forth match pitting Storm’s technical wizardry against Kidman’s high spots. 5 minutes in, when Storm put Kidman in a Sharpshooter, Kidman moved to the ropes to force a rope break, and followed it with mat work of his own. Eventually, as Kidman set himself up for the Shooting Star Press, Curt Hennig entered the ring and hit a low-blow on him, knocking him off the top rope, behind referee Mickie Jay’s back. Lance responded by putting the Canadian Maple Leaf on Billy, who tapped out to boos from the crowd. Winner: Lance Storm; Time: 7:04; Rating: 66 Storm bolted out of the ring, as Hennig continued his assault on Kidman. Eventually, Kidman found an opening to escape with Torrie Wilson. before taking a mic and talking to Hennig at the ramp. “Curt, you want you’re rematch so badly? Well you got it! I’ll see you at Big Bang, and this time; I’ll beat you fair and square.” The crowd got hyped, as did commentary. “Billy Kidman vs. Curt Hennig is happening at Big Bang, what a match.” Tony Schiavone exclaimed. Hennig looked smug, happy to get revenge on Kidman, as well as preparing himself for the next match. Rating: 44 AJ Styles v. Curt Hennig “Touched” by VAST plays as AJ Styles enters with Air Paris standing by for support. Styles did get hits on Hennig with his stunt-like high flying moves, but this was short-lived. Hennig’s technical wizardry grounded Styles early on, and that momentum stayed for the rest of the match. Hennig won with the Fisherman’s Suplex, gaining some momentum for his rematch with Kidman. Winner: Curt Hennig; Time: 3:50; Rating: 50 After the break, we fade to Chavo Guerrero Jr. entering the ring with a microphone in hand, ready to make an announcement of sorts. “Last week, I was destroyed and humiliated by a tag team legends. But here’s the thing about legends, they get old. And you people cheered like you still think this is the 80s. Newsflash, Mad Max stopped being cool with Thunderdome. The only reason I lost was because I wasn’t expecting them and I blame Mike Sanders for dragging me into this, but this time, it’s all Chavo. So I’m gonna make an open challenge of my own, you wanna step in the ring with wrestling royalty, go right ahead.” He dropped the mic and waited for an opponent that he hoped was a pushover. Then a familiar guitar sound hit the arena… Rating: 44 HE’S AME-EH-EH-ERICAN MA-AH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAADE!!!! Both commentary and crowd alike erupted in shock. “This isn’t happening, isn’t it?” Lawler exclaimed. “It can’t be” Schaivone said. Chavo stood stunned. Everyone waited an awe for the arrival of… “That is not Hulk Hogan” Schiavone deadpan stated. ”That’s right, Schiavone, looks more like some fan doing cosplay.” Hudson clarified. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Isn’t the real Hulkster still with Bugs Bunny or something?” Lawler asked. The crowd’s enthusiasm crashed hard, and Chavo just laughed in everyone’s faces with the look of “This is gonna be a piece of cake.” Chavo Guerrero Jr. v. "Hulk Hogan" Sure enough, it was. Chavo mopped the floor with the impostor Hulkster. Whoever he was, his impersonation was spot-on, however. Case in point, after he kicked out, he did his own “Hulk-Up” moment, which Chavo decided to play along with. It was a dead ringer for Hogan’s old shtick, until we got to the “YOU!”, when Chavo had enough and pinned him for the win. The crowd didn’t care about what they saw. Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr.; Time: 1:45; Rating: 34 As “Hulk Hogan” exited the ring, Schiavone stormed up the ramp to get to the bottom of this. “Excuse me mister, what are you doing here and why are you impersonating Hulk Hogan” “Hogan” spoke, “Well, let me tell you somethin’, Mean Gene-” “It’s Tony, Tony Schiavo-” “Well, let me tell you somethin’, Schiavone” “First of all, my name is the Funkster, brother. You see, all these Funkamaniacs might remember me as Kwee Wee.” “Wait, that’s Kwee Wee?” Hudson questioned. Funkster kept explaining “You see, when I thought WCW went under brother, I was devastated. I took solace in watching old tapes of the Hulkster, and I was inspired. He was one of my heroes, and in my darkest time of need, brother, I decided to become the Hulkster. I ate my vitamins, prayed, and worked out these pythons. I got into the best shape of my life. Brother. Next thing you know, Kwee Wee died, Angry Allan too, and out burst the Funkster, brother. Now that the WCW is back, under new management, I took my chances and now I’m back. I might have lost this bout brother, but one day, I’ll be on top of the world, just like my idol. So tell me, Tony. What ‘cha gonna do, when Funkamania runs wild on you, brother?!” Funkster then tore off his shirt to reveal his physique, posed to the crowd, and walked backstage. Tony just stood in disbelief. “I’ve got nothing, I guess that’s the Funkster ladies and gentlemen.” Rating: 39 Scott Hudson then talked about the premiere of 3-Count’s new music video. We cut to that video in which Moore and Karagias sing a pop song mocking their former teammate, “Sugar” Shane Helms. They sing about how they’ll take the cruiserweight title off of him and ridicule everything about him from his finisher to his attitude. Rating: 27 The Tag Team champions hang out backstage, when Paul Ellering and the Road Warriors show up to talk to them. “So you’re the champions, huh?” Ellering questioned. “Yeah. It’s an honor to meet you, Paul” Chuck said putting his hand out to shake, which Ellering accepted. Hawk then spoke, “Let’s make one thing clear, don’t underestimate us, we still have some guts left.” “I wouldn't have it any other way” Palumbo responded “Look, oldtimers, we held these titles for so long, the competition here is weak, and that includes you.” Sean said, with Palumbo covering O’Haire’s mouth to shut him up. Animal retorted, “Yeah, we’ll see about that tomorrow. Good luck.” The Road Warriors left with Palumbo disappointed at O’Haire’s attitude. Rating: 44 Stacy Keibler v. Malia Hosaka Keibler entered with her stable-mates behind her. While Lawler was being Lawler. Schaivone groaned as it was obvious Daffney and Jazz were there to cheat on Keibler’s behalf. It was clear why as Hosaka wrestled circles around Stacy. As this was Hosaka’s first televised singles bout in a WCW ring in 5 years, it gave the audience at home a good look at her skills, even if the crowd has very little interest. Hosaka almost won when she hit a Huracanrana. However, a referee distraction from Daffney and interference from Jazz put an end to the match, to Hudson and Schaivone’s disdain, and the crowd’s disinterest. Winner: Stacy Keibler; Time: 2:57; Rating: 23 The Queens proceeded to beatdown Hosaka all at once. Their assault was interrupted by Chigusa Nagayo and Meiko Satomura who saved her. Everyone brawled in and out of the ring, with the good guys standing tall as officials pulled them apart. This included Commissioner Piper, who had enough. “You ladies wanna fight; well ya got it! At Big Bang, there’ll be a six-man tag bout, The Queens versus Nagayo, Satomura, and Hosaka.” The good guys celebrated as The Queens looked concerned. Rating: 40 We fade to a video of Disco Inferno still dancing at the nightclub, even if most of the people have left. The owner then came to tell him it’s almost closing time. “Alright then, thanks man.” Disco said, as he continued dancing to the exit. The camera cuts to show that the nightclub was very close to the Charlotte Coliseum, the arena where Big Bang will take place. Disco then says “Tomorrow night, Disco comes back to the ring.” Rating: 44 Hour 2 kicks off with a promo from Buff Bagwell, he walks to the ring to the crowd’s jeering and gets the mic. “So, Booker started this night by saying I’m an ‘arrogant douchebag’ and that I’ll never win the belt without some humility.” Buff laughed. “Booker, you don’t know a goddamn thing about me, I have the girlies. I have the stuff (Buff shows his muscles), and I have the guts to beat you and take your title. But don’t take my word for it folks, let’s hear from the man himself.” Bagwell points to the JumboTron, where a video plays, showing a beaten Booker T in his locker room. “Oh wait, you can’t. I knocked him out” The crowd booed massively, as Tony exclaimed “You got to be kidding me.” “Go. Buff, Go!” Lawler cheered. “Tomorrow, you’re going to see a new World champion, and his name is Buff Bagwell.” Rating: 63 Backstage, Arn Anderson interviews the Cruiserweight champion on his match tomorrow at Big Bang. Helms says “That trainwreck of a song 3-Count put together was why I left them behind. I’m above that boy band bullcrap, and at Big Bang, this will be the only time you posers will get anywhere close to this belt here.” Helms points to his title belt. Rating: 44 While “Redneck” signaled Kid Kash’s entrance, Scott Hudson announced the sponsors, “Everyone, Big Bang is sponsored by ♫ YahoOoOoOoO!♫” “Nice tone, Hudson” Lawler said, sarcastically. Tony said, “Anyway, wanna search anything, look to the most popular search engine around. Also a good place to shop. Do you Yahoo?” Yoshihiro Tajiri v. Kid Kash While Kash was in the old WCW during it’s last gasp, Tajiri is an outright newcomer to the company. Hudson referenced his years of experience in Japan, Philadelphia and elsewhere, specifically emphasizing how Tajiri and Kash faced each other before in the Land of Extreme. Tony Schiavone got excited over the refresh of the Cruiserweight division. “Tajiri represents one of the goals of the new WCW. Bringing new faces to a big stage.” Both competitors quickly sized each other up, before Tajiri began striking Kid Kash all over. The match did contain spots to wow the crowd, both to furthur introduce Tajiri to WCW’s audience, and to hype them up for what would come later. Kash did kick out of a Buzzsaw Kick and briefly turned the tide with some high spots, including a frog splash. But Kash is no RVD, so Tajiri kicked out of that, brawled with him some more, then hit a Brainbuster to secure the victory. Winner: Yoshihiro Tajiri; Time: 5:10; Rating: 32 As Tajiri celebrated his victory, Commentary gave an announcement for another match at Big Bang “These two competitors will be among 4 others in a Cruiserweight showcase tomorrow night at Big Bang” Tony said. As for the others, take a look.” We then see a video for the members of this Cruiserweight showcase match. Alongside Tajiri and Kash, the match will also include Air Raid, “Primetime” Elix Skipper, and a mystery opponent. The people we do know, all give brief promos behind footage of their moves set to NOFX’s “All Outta Angst”. Rating: 15 In Piper’s office, Mike Sanders barges in. “Hold it, Rod, there’s something wrong with that picture there. I see, I’m not on here.” Piper interrupted, “Mike, the Cruiserweight Showcase is about showcasing the newer members of the division, but all the slots are closed up.” Piper thought of a solution, “I got it, I could put you in a battle royal on the pre-show.” Sanders though about it. “Fine, you win this time Piper.” Rating: 56 Mike Awesome v. Hugh Morrus Put two brawlers in the squared circle, and expect a wild ride. That’s what people saw with this bout. Morrus blew off his anger from losing a shot at the US title on Awesome, who responded in kind. Awesome got the upper hand at first, jumping Morrus during his entrance and tearing him piece by piece when the bell rang, culminating when Awesome threw him over the top rope and performed a Suicide Dive on him, popping the crowd and commentary. Awesome’s momentum ended after one taunt too many to the crowd, when Hugh got up and hit Mike with some punches and suplexes. After Awesome kicked out of a Powerslam, he went what was hopefully the final blow, the No Laughing Matter, only to be interrupted by a familiar face entering from the crowd. “Wait a minute, is that Carl Ouellet?” Schiavone questioned. Hudson responded “Yep.” “Who?” Lawler retorted. Schiavone then explained to the King who Carl Ouellet is and his relationship with Awesome and Team Canada for that matter. Ouellet’s distraction was enough for Awesome to recover and push him off the ring. Ouellet moved him back for Awesome to hit the Awesome Bomb and get the W. Winner: Mike Awesome; Time: 6:16; Rating: 62 As Awesome and Ouellet shook hands, and the former complimented the latter on helping him out, Arn Anderson came down to get an interview with Ouellet. “Carl Ouellet, may I ask why you helped Mike Awesome here?” “First of all, it’s Pierre Carl Ouellet now, Arn.” he explained. “Second, a few days ago, Lance called me and told me WCW was back, and some guy told him to bring Team Canada back in full force. So I’m back, and ready to bring some Canadian glory to this company.” Awesome than spoke, “Glad to have you back, Carl. Soon, the United States title will be in in the hands of the best country in the world.” The crowd responded with chants of “CANADA SUCKS!” as Team Canada exited the ring. Rating: 32 We cut to Roddy Piper’s office where DDP complains about Team Canada. “Someone’s gotta keep the US title finals fair and square” Piper responded “I know, so tell you what, you find a partner and at Big Bang, you’ll face Mike Awful and Pierre.” DDP thanked Piper only for the door to open, “Dallas, you got yourself a partner right here” a voice said. The camera panned to reveal BG Armstrong, as the crowd popped. Rating: 69 Chris Kanyon walks backstage cutting a promo on his opponent. “Rob Van Dam, I won’t lie. You did great last week. But now you’re dealing with me, and you don’t stand a chance. I have defeated many of the greatest men in this business, and soon, you’ll be among them. Then I’ll defeat Lance Storm and gain the first singles title in my career. Anyone who stands in my way, I will beat to a bloody pulp. This includes you, Rob. Not that you’d be in the state of mind to care.” Rating: 57 Chris Kanyon v. Rob Van Dam Tonight’s main event will set the stage for the finals of the United States Championship tournament. Moreover, before the bell rang, Lance Storm entered and pulled up a chair to watch at ringside. As such, Kanyon and RVD both went all out and they were, for the longest time, evenly matched. While things started slow with a lock-up, everything ramped up quickly. They eventually each kicked out of a signature move of theirs: RVD from a Kanyon Cutter; Kanyon from an Air Van Dam. The stalemate ended when Kanyon decided to brag toward Lance and RVD took advantage with a Split-Legged Moonsault. While Kanyon kicked out, the momentum was entirely centered on RVD from then on. RVD got the win through the Five-Star Frog Splash to the cheers of the crowd. Winner: Rob Van Dam; Time: 9:55; Rating: 73 Lance got out of his seat and stared down his opponent. Van Dam followed suit as he did has trademark taunt. Storm muttered inaudibly that he will beat him and bring glory to his nation. Rating: 66 Meanwhile, the commentary team ran down tomorrow’s match card. “We’d like to take a moment to run down what to expect tomorrow. But first, we again thank Fear Factory for their album Digimortal, featuring “Linchpin”, the official theme song for Big Bang, available wherever records are sold.” Hudson stated. “Right you are, Scott.” They then went down all known matches with some banter here and there. As Tony signs off, the final shot is of Lance and RVD continuing their staredown as the crowd was hyped. Post-Show - BG Armstrong beat Reno (7:13; 32) Final Rating: 80 Broadcast Rating: 1,248 PPV Buys, 519,729 TV viewers.
  3. So, for this next show. I'm gonna start doing match predictions. Expect cards for all TV shows and PPV events. Next Week on Saturday Nitro US Title Semi-Finals: Lance Storm v. Billy Kidman AJ Styles v. Curt Hennig Chavo Guerrero Jr makes an open challenge Stacy Keibler v. Malia Hosaka Yoshihiro Tajiri v. Kid Kash Mike Awesome v. Hugh Morrus US Title Semi-Finals: Chris Kanyon v. Rob Van Dam Bonus question: Who will Chavo's challenger be? I don't, I was just saying that he would recommend him a lot, I would have put him on the roster, even without it though. As for the suggestions you made: - Bigelow is still until a TimeWarner contract, and even if he wasn't, I won't sign him because I don't see his addition as part of my long-term vision for WCW. - Scorpio and Vader are on my shortlist and they are the GHC Tag Team champs, so hey the Natural Born Thrillers might have some unexpected challengers coming up.
  4. Don't worry, should this game go long enough, AJ's absolutely getting a push. For now though, Air Raid's mainly gonna be staying in the undercard. Unfortunately no. Even if I wanted to, she's not in the database. I mean, Mr. Canada does constantly recommend RVD as a signing option (For good reason). As for Jazz, I just doubled the recommended salary, usually had I kept to the minimum, Jazz would have signed with WWF, the nanosecond they enter a bid. Same thing went with Daffney. Considering Jazz's skills, I do believe the extra investments might be worth it.
  5. WCW Saturday Nitro – May 19, 2001 Commentary: Tony Schiavone/Scott Hudson/Jerry “The King” Lawler Location: Knoxville Civic Coliseum (Knoxville, TN); 6,500 attendance Pre-Show - Johnny the Bull/Jason Jett/David Flair beat Jamie Gibson/Jung Dragons (7:45, 48) - Malia Hosaka beat Sharmell Sullivan (5:13, 15) - Romeo/Skipper beat Air Raid (7:34, 44) - David Penzer introduces the commentary team (28) The show kicks off with the commentary team running down the card of this week’s Nitro, including the remaining quarter final matches for the US title, and the main event: A six-man tag team bout between Booker T, DDP, and BG Armstrong vs. Buff Bagwell and two partners of his choosing. “Rap Sheet” blares as the world champ, Booker T enters the ring to the cheers of the audience. He welcomes them to Nitro, and tells them his team will defeat Buff and whoever “The Stuff” gets to team up with him. He then talks about his interview with Jerry Lawler last week. “I remember watching in my locker room. When that egomaniac said he’d “give the belt a deserving home”, I was like “Tell me I didn’t just hear that!” This belt has been held by some of the greatest men in this business, and every single one of them made far more deserving homes for this belt than your ass ever will be!” After letting the crowd sink in, Booker said “Buff, I accept your challenge, I will defend the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Big Bang, and I will whip your ass 1000 times over! Now can you dig that, Sucka?!” Rating: 78 WCW World Cruiserweight Championship "Sugar" Shane Helms v. Kid Kash After showing up for a cup of coffee in the old WCW as simply Cash, Kid Kash makes his return to a WCW ring, fighting for Helms’s Cruiserweight title. The action was quick and high-flying, as Kash made immediate use of his time, even hitting Helms with a Bankruptcy, which he kicked out of. Helms then turned the momentum back towards him, hitting him with various high-flying maneuvers, ending with a Sugarsmack and then the Vertebreaker. Just as he was going for the pin however, 3-Count entered and interfered against Helms, starting with Shannon Moore, causing a disqualification. Winner: “Sugar” Shane Helms (by DQ); Time: 5:30; Rating: 46 After making quick work of Helms, 3-Count announced the other reason they came out, and called out the Natural Born Thrillers to fight them for the Tag Team championship. Shannon stated that, “When we’re done with them, we’ll take the titles to the top of the charts.” Rating: 25 WCW World Tag Team Championship Natural Born Thrillers v. 3-Count Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire answered the challenge, and immediately dominated against the wrestling boy band. Palumbo and Karagias started the match. Palumbo hit him with a chain of suplexes and strikes, he only stopped so Karagias and tag out, which Palumbo responded in tow. O’Haire continued to dominance against Moore, strike after strike, kick after kick. He ultimately ended the match by hitting the Seanton Bomb to grab the win. Winners: Natural Born Thrillers; Time: 3:03, Rating: 47 Backstage, Arn Anderson interviewed Hugh Morrus who called out Kanyon for his attitude, and listing his accomplishments. “Kanyon, I am a two-time United States champion, and beating you will bring me one step closer to #3, and you one day more without a singles title.” He laughed as he exited the interview area. Rating: 45 Chris Kanyon v. Hugh Morrus As Morrus entered, commentary talked about each opponent’s odds. Lawler said “Hugh Morrus, more like Knot Phunny, right guys?” “That joke’s not funny, and you know it” Hudson remarked. Kanyon quickly went on the offensive, as he and Morrus brawled in the ring. Punch after punch; kick after kick; slam after slam; Morrus and Kanyon stomached it all. Morrus got a hold of him attempting a Powerslam but Kanyon reversed it. Eventually, Hugh knocked him down to prepare for a No Laughing Matter but Kanyon avoided it and landed a Flatliner, getting the win. Winner: Chris Kanyon; Time: 3:47; Rating: 52 As Kanyon taunted the crowd, Lawler exited the commentary table to interview him. “Haha, I knew you would defeat that clown, Kanyon. I know you’re better than him, who is?” “I can think of many, King” Schaivone snarked. “’Bout time someone here recognized my greatness, Hugh Morrus was right about one thing, I never won a singles belt throughout my WCW career. That changes at Big Bang, once I defeat whomever the other finalist is. Besides, what’s my competiton anyway? Canadian driftwood, a stoner who can’t find his way outta Doritos bag, Billy Kidman?” Kanyon corpses at the thought him being a finalist. “Which brings me to my next point, everyone’s been talking these new guys on the block, including that BG Armstrong guy. To think, our world champ chose that degenerate over me? I get the pedigree of the Armstrong dynasty, but that freak ran away from it, so I’ll give him the respect he deserves: None!” Kanyon dropped the mic and left the building. Rating: 54 We cut to Roddy Piper’s office, with him on the phone with some new signings. Mike Sanders and Chavo Guerrero Jr. entered, and talked to him. “Hello, Hot Rod, so we have a match tonight, correct?” Piper replied, “Uh huh, yeah, I’m on the phone kid.” Sanders put money on the table and laid out a bet “Well I pooled together $250, you add another $250, and whoever wins keeps it all.” Roddy looked at the cash and thought about while finishing his call “OK then, deal!” Piper and Sanders shook hands, and Sanders and Chavo left, not wise to Piper’s true intentions, as he quietly laughed to himself. “Suckers.” Rating: 53 Elsewhere backstage, Buff Bagwell searched for partners for the main event. He catches Stasiak, his entourage, and Curt Hennig. He asks them. “Hey, you want to join up with the Stuff, and beat up Booker T and his punks?” Stasiak talked with Keibler and responded, “Alright, I have nothing better to do, and It would be great to defeat the world champ, so I’ll join you” Hennig also said yes. Rating: 49 Sanders and Chavo enter the ring, the former feeling cocky that their opponents would be pushovers. Time passed as the crowd murmured on whom they’ll challenge. And then... I A M I R O N M A N Mike Sanders/Chavo Guerrero Jr. v. The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering Sanders’s smug grin almost immediately faded into distress as Hawk and Animal arrived with their longtime manager Paul Ellering in tow. The result was a squash, as the Road Warriors took turns beating up Sanders like a ragdoll all around the ring. After around a minute, Animal had had enough and called on Hawk to help him hit the Doomsday Device on Mike Sanders, and getting the pin. Winners: The Road Warriors; Time: 1:48; Rating: 43 After the match, Ellering grabbed the microphone and just said one thing: “The Road Warriors are back in WCW, and we’re coming for the World Tag Team championships!” Rating: 42 Backstage, Mike Sanders and Chavo were arguing. Chavo said “Was this a set-up? You told we’d get weak opponents” Sanders responded, “Hey, I wasn’t expecting them either.” Piper interrupted their bickering putting his hand out. “So where’s the money, Michael? You wouldn't want to try to cheat with Hot Rod, would ya?” Sanders begrudgingly gave him the money he wagered, “Here’s your damn cash.” Rating: 49 Tony Schiavone started the second hour with an interview with one of the biggest free agents WCW signed, Rob Van Dam. He talked about his ambitions, saying “I was here almost 10 years ago, my name back then was Robbie V, but after I left, I went around the world, and with those experiences came wisdom, skills, and the love of all these fans. I became the Whole F’N Show.” He was then interrupted by Team Canada. Lance Storm taunts RVD and says that Mike Awesome will defeat him and he and Storm will make the US belt Canada’s own again. RVD rebukes him and as things got heated... Commissioner Piper came out and laid down the law, “Alright, that’s enough! I don’t want to hear this whinin’ and complaining from a little cheating bitch like you, Storm. Ya wanna play, then we’re playing fair. Lance, when you’re buddy faces RVD, you are banned from ringside! If you lay even a finger on the mat, not only will Mike be disqualified, you’ll be as well. How’s that, bucko?” Schiavone and Hudson praised the decision, while Lawler complained. Rating: 51 A video plays showcasing the members of WCW’s newly reformed Women’s division. They perform moves and talk about their goals set to No Doubt’s “Just A Girl”. The Queens brag about their status and plans of domination. Chigusa Nagayo and relative newcomer, Meiko Satomura speak in Japanese about stopping them and the latter aiming for glory. Torrie is here for the fans, and Sharmell wants to move beyond her image as a Nitro Girl. Rating: 12 Backstage, Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson talked “Torrie, I know you got some heavy competition, but you can do it, you got some great partners, and-” “Stop!” Curt Hennig interrupted. “You got lucky last week, I would’ve beaten you if not for that roll up. I demand a rematch” Billy refused, “I’m sorry, but not now, I got a semi-finals match next week and I’m focusing on that. I’d be very happy to put the US title on the line next chance I get.” Hennig left in a huff. Rating: 42 The Queens v. Torrie Wilson/Chigusa Nagayo/Meiko Satomura Apart from Satomura whom was a teenager last time she appeared in a WCW ring, the audience knew about all the other contenders in this bout. While the wrestling from the likes of Keibler, Wilson, and Daffney was lackluster, everyone else provided skills which help give the division an edge, even if the crowd barely responded. The Queens offense was mainly done by Jazz, who showed great versatility with her moves. This was countered by the good guys, mainly Nagayo and Satomura, the latter of whom showed great potential from the last time we saw her. Their efforts weren’t enough however, as Jazz used a Fisherman’s Buster to defeat Satomura, given the W to the Queens. Winners: The Queens; Time: 5:26; Rating: 22 A video plays of Disco Inferno dancing in the nightclub we saw last week. He flirts with some women and dances with guests, including newcomers. “I hope you got your dancing shows, ‘cause I’m coming back to the ring very soon. Just remember everyone: Disco’s not dead!” Rating: 46 RVD chats with other members of the roster in his locker room such as Air Raid and Johnny the Bull, when Booker T enters. “Rob, I see a lot of potential in you, I’ve seen you do great things throughout your career. If there is anyone here who deserves the United States championship, it’s you. Now go beat Mike Awesome.” They shake hands and Booker decides to give advice to RVD’s audience. Rating: 62 Mike Awesome v. Rob Van Dam Awesome started strong with a massive brawl, but Van Dam countered with a barrage of kicks. With momentum back on his side, RVD followed it up with an Air Van Dam, which Awesome kicked out of. It seemed clear early on that both Awesome and RVD were pulling out all the stops. Without Lance at ringside to help him cheat, Awesome had no cheap advantage, as Van Dam was able to counter his big moves. Awesome did briefly put RVD down, and he set up for the Awesome Bomb, but he was met with a fake out from Van Dam, followed by a spin kick. RVD handed defeat to Awesome through two of his finishing moves: A split-legged moonsault and then the Five-Star Frog Splash. A pinfall finished off a good match, and the crowd cheered as RVD celebrated with them. Winner: Rob Van Dam; Time: 6:44; Rating: 67 While Van Dam was celebrating, Chris Kanyon walked down the ramp, and stared RVD down. Next week marks the semi-finals and both contenders here have a good shot at going all the way. Rating: 57 Just before the main event, we had a backstage interview with Arn Anderson, he interviews BG, Booker T, and DDP where they vow to defeat Buff and his partners. AA did question BG on Kanyon’s words, and he responded “Eh, guy’s talking out his ass. This match is what’s important now.” Booker T said “Buff, we will beat your team tonight, and then I’ll beat you next Sunday at Big Bang. Can you dig that, sucka?!”. Rating: 69 BG Armstrong/Booker T/Diamond Dallas Page v. Buff Bagwell/Shawn Stasiak/Curt Hennig With a match featuring three second-generation stars, two of the biggest names in pro wrestling, and the World champion, you’re bound to get some great action. It was clear very early on that Buff’s makeshift team did not get along well, while Booker’s worked together a lot better. The bad guys did get some good shots in, especially Hennig, but they we’re all met by just as many counters from the good guys. As the bad guys bickered, Hennig had enough and left the ring, as Stasiak complained, Booker hit a Scissors Kick on him, and Booker got the pinfall win for his team. As the winning team celebrated with the crowd, complete with Booker doing a Spin-a-Roonie, the commentary team ran down upcoming matches for next week, and then we fade to black. Winners: BG/Booker/DDP; Time: 10:21; Rating: 68 Post-Show - Billy Kidman beat Reno (6:34, 34) Final Rating: 71 Broadcast Rating: 1,519 PPV Buys, 546,089 TV viewers. (Note: Shawn Stasiak suffered Knee Ligament Damage which will put him out of action for the next month.)
  6. WCW Saturday Nitro – May 12, 2001 Commentary: Tony Schiavone/Scott Hudson/Jerry “The King” Lawler Location: Charlotte, NC Pre-Show - The Jung Dragons beat Lash LeRoux/The Funkster (6:29; 41) - Meiko Satomura beat Sharmell Sullivan (3:42, 20) - Rob Van Dam beat Jamie Gibson (8:16, 65) “The Fight Song” by Marilyn Manson plays to a new intro containing clips of action shots from WCW’s roster. Pyro then kicks off the broadcast of the first Nitro of the new WCW, live from it’s birth-state. Tony Schiavone introduces himself as well as his colleagues, Scott Hudson and Jerry “The King” Lawler. They hype up the stars you’ll see tonight, as Tony signals a cut to ring announcer David Penzer. “Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the commissioner of the WCW; “Rowdy” Roddy Piper!” Penzer’s introduction led to shock from the commentary team and the crowd. After a round of applause, Piper speaks: “The Hot Rod’s in charge baby, and boy are there gonna be some changes ‘round here!” He briefly talks about the WCW of the past; and how excited he is at being one of the leaders of a leaner, and more action-packed WCW. He then asks for Booker T to come out for an announcement. Booker obliges, and works the crowd before hearing the news: He must choose between the World Heavyweight or United States championships. Booker responded: “I knew this time might come, and I’ve made my decision a while ago. Piper, I’m keeping the top prize, sucka!” He hands the US belt to Piper and walks off saying his catchphrase and then Piper makes another announcement. “This title will be decided in a tournament, that will end at the first pay-per-view of the new era: Big Bang! You will see some familiar faces, as well as new blood ready to take a big step, for this prestigious belt! In fact, the first match is coming up next, so don’t turn that dial, kiddies, ‘cause we’re starting hot!” The crowd applauds, and the commentators talk about the big news. Rating: 78 After commercials, Curt Hennig enters to new music (a knockoff of “We Will Rock You”) and cuts a promo, railing down the crowd and all his accomplishments, arrogantly declaring that he will becoming the next United States champion. Rating: 52 Curt Hennig v. Billy Kidman w/Wilson Billy Kidman enters next, and Hennig quickly got to work. While Kidman’s quick, high-flying moves gave Hennig a run for his money, Curt’s years of experience allowed him some good counters. His mat work grounded Kidman for quite a while, eventually leading to a Hennig-Plex. But Billy kicked out with encouragement from the fans and his manager and girlfriend, Torrie Wilson and rebutted with mat skills of his own, alongside his trademark high-flying action. The momentum then turned back to Hennig’s favor, but when taunting for a second Hennig-Plex, Kidman suddenly rolled him up and got the pin. Winner: Billy Kidman; Time: 8:13; Rating: 53 Hennig’s shock quickly blew into rage, as he destroyed Billy, ending with that second Hennig-Plex. As officials pulled Hennig away, he yelled at Kidman: “This is not over, I will not be humiliated! You hear me?!”. The camera cuts to a beaten Kidman consoled by Wilson. Rating: 59 We then cut backstage, as Arn Anderson interviews Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak. Stasiak tells AA that they are teaming up again with the ultimate goal of winning the Tag Team championship. Stasiak described him and Jindrak, as “well-oiled machines” and “the meccas of WCW”. They walked to the ring for their upcoming match, as Arn passes the buck to Tony. Rating: 46 Jindrak/Stasiak w/Keibler v. Air Raid The last time we saw Air Raid, was at the tail end of the old WCW’s run. But now they’re back, and got immediately taken down by their opponents. Jindrak and AJ Styles started first, and while Styles did get some hits in, that changed with Jindrak tagged in his partner. Stasiak dominated Styles, not helped with distractions from Stacy Keibler. (No doubt rousing the King) Styles tagging out and Paris entering changed nothing as a Fisherman’s Suplex ended the match with a Stasiak/Jindrak victory, as we cut to commercials. Winners: Jindrak/Stasiak; Time: 5:48; Rating: 35 After the break, we cut back to the commentary for some banter and acknowledgments. Tony: We hope you’re enjoying the action in the arena or at home, but for right now, we’d like to thank Roadrunner Records for the official theme song for Big Bang; Fear Factory’s “Linchpin”. Hudson: That’s right, Tony, this rocking song is on their new album Digimortal, available now wherever albums are sold. Same thing goes for the official theme for Saturday Nitro, “The Fight Song” by Marilyn Manson available on their album, Holy Wood. Tony then calls to Arn for another interview. AA then interviews Chris Kanyon about his match with Hugh Morrus, and questions if he thinks he’ll win. Kanyon responds: “You think that was worthy of a question?” Kanyon brags about himself and states “This is the new WCW, and it deserves a new top dog, and who better than Kanyon? I will destroy you, laughing man, and the United States championship will be mine! Good enough answer for you Arn?” AA shrugs and looks at the camera. Rating: 62 Stacy Keibler v. Chigusa Nagayo While Lawler perved on Keibler, Scott Hudson announced that WCW has relaunched their Women’s division and this match marks it’s rebirth. He and Tony also gave background info on Chigusa Nagayo, including her accomplishments in Japan. Nagayo wrestled circles around Keibler, even hitting a Super Freak on her before she kicked out. Keibler then turned the tide with some dirty plays to the crowd’s and 2/3 of the commentary’s disdain. Meanwhile, two women entered ringside, when Keibler hit a Spinning Wheel Kick and got the W. Winner: Stacy Keibler; Time: 5:30; Rating: 22 The women joined Keibler and proceeded to attack Chigusa Nagayo. Hudson quickly identified the pasty goth woman as Daffney, but was confused over who the other woman was. Those questions were put to rest when AA came to do an in-ring interviews with Keibler, asking what the hell was going on? Keibler answered: “A revolution. When I heard WCW was returning and a Women’s division was returning with it, I knew I wanted to dominate this division. So I got some friends. You losers might recognize Daffney, but I’d like to introduce to you, my new friend” She pointed to the black woman “Say hello to Jazz. We share a goal to be the Queens of this Women’s divison. In fact, that’s the name of our alliance.” Daffney then took the mic “So for any woman who wants a piece of WCW fame, stay away, because then you’ll have to deal with the Queens.” Rating: 37 AA interviews “Sugar” Shane Helms next to vows to be a fighting champion and will defend his belt next week. The interview was interrupted by an attack by 3-Count, who then cut a promo on him, challenging him for the Cruiserweight championship. Rating: 35 Kicking off the second hour, Jerry “The King” Lawler steps inside the ring to interview Buff Bagwell. Buff and Jerry got along great, as Buff explained that he wants to go for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, “since all the competition stayed in their homes.” He then brags more about how “The Stuff will give the Big Gold Belt a more deserving home.” He was interrupted by unfamiliar music as BG Armstrong stormed the stage and began ripping Buff a new one. “Trust me dog, the competition has arrived. You want a piece of Booker, you have to go through me first!” Buff laughed in his face and taunted how he can’t defeat him and they stared each other down. Rating: 63 This was followed by another interview by AA; this time with Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Mike Sanders. Sanders claimed they will team up next week against anyone “dumb enough” to challenge them. Rating: 41 Sanders’s former teammates, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire entered the ring, and announced an open challenge. Every week, they will give a shot at their Tag Team championship to anyone who answers the call. Sean O’Haire says “The door’s open, so anyone who wants to step up, do so right now!” Rating: 39 WCW World Tag Team Championship Natural Born Thrillers v. Romeo/Skipper The challenge was answered by Kid Romeo and “Primetime” Elix Skipper who put up a decent fight getting some good hits against the NBT; but that changed with Sean O’Haire’s brutal strikes. The match ended with a Super Kick from Chuck Palumbo, on what might be the first of many successful defenses. Winners: Natural Born Thrillers; Time: 7:14; Rating: 47 After the celebration, we fade into a promo cut by Hugh Morrus vowing that he will defeat Kanyon, and that his bragging and taunting won’t affect him. Rating: 39 This was followed by a video of a nightclub, featuring a certain disco dancer. Disco Inferno dances with a crowd and announces that disco’s not dead, hyping the audience for a return to WCW. Rating: 52 During an interview with Team Canada, in which Lance Storm vows to take the US title back to Canada, they’re interrupted by Rob Van Dam, who acts nonchalant about Lance’s boasting and stares down Mike Awesome, who he will face next week. Rating: 48 In preparation for the main event, Booker enters DDP’s locker room and wishes him good luck, which he thanks Booker for. As he walks to the ring, he cuts a promo on Team Canada, telling them that America will stand tall against them, to chants of “Canada Sucks”. DDP then questions to the crowd, who will be the new United States champion? “It’ll be me, DDP.” Rating: 75 Lance Storm w/Awesome v. Diamond Dallas Page This was the main event, and the contenders performed like it. They were neck in neck pulling out all the stops to move on in the tournament. Early on, DDP hit a Diamond Cutter, but Lance kicked out. Lance trapped him in a Sharpshooter, but DDP got a rope break. The moment momentum switched towards one person, it switched to the other just as quickly. That changed, when the referee wasn’t looking. Buff Bagwell rushed and hit the Buff Blockbuster on DDP. Mike Awesome joined in and hit DDP. Lance took advantage and DDP tapped out to a single leg Boston Crab to a sea of boos. Winner: Lance Storm; Time: 10:45; Rating: 60 Buff Bagwell continued beating up DDP, until BG Armstrong and Booker T made the save. Bagwell quickly retreated, but not before BG spoke. “Hey Buff, remember that challenge I gave you? Well, I’ve changed my mind. Next week, grab some partners cause were doing a six-man tag match.” Buff accepted and the good guys stood tall. Complete with Booker doing a Spineroonie, and spouting his catchphrase with DDP and BG. Rating: 63 Post-Show - “Sugar” Shane Helms beat Mike Sanders (9:35, 39) Final Rating: 68 Broadcast Rating: 1,766 PPV Buys, 521,943 TV viewers
  7. Understandable. After all, that is how the mod was built. Hell, my first playthrough with this mod, was with Jerry as the owner. Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I do have some things planned, especially in regards to who I'm choosing for the roster. You'll see some of whom I added when I write up my first show.
  8. Championship History WCW World Heavyweight Booker T (since March 26, 2001 on Monday Nitro, 47 days) WCW United States Vacant (since May 12, 2001 on Saturday Nitro) Booker T (March 18-May 12, 2001, 55 days) WCW World Cruiserweight “Sugar” Shane Helms (since March 18, 2001 at Greed, 55 days) WCW World Tag Team Natural Born Thrillers (since January 14, 2001 at Sin, 117 days)
  9. Initial Roster Main Event (Major Stars/Stars) Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page Midcard (Well Known/Recognisable) Billy Kidman ©, Buff Bagwell, Chris Kanyon, Chuck Palumbo, Hugh Morrus, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Sean O’Haire, "Sugar" Shane Helms ©, Shawn Stasiak, Stacy Keibler Undercard (Unimportant) Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©, David Flair ©, “Primetime” Elix Skipper ©, Evan Karagias ©, Jamie Gibson ©, Jason Jett, Jimmy Yang ©, Johnny The Bull, Kaz Hayashi ©. Kid Romeo ©, Lash LeRoux ©, Mark Jindrak, Mike Sanders ©, Reno, Shannon Moore ©, Sharmell Sullivan, The Funkster ©, The Wall*. Torrie Wilson (C) -= Cruiserweight ; * = Injured/Unavailable Tag Teams/Stables 3 Count (Karagias/Moore) Jung Dragons (Yang/Hayashi) Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo/O’Haire) Kid Romeo/Elix Skipper Team Canada (Awesome/Storm) Managers Stacy Keibler (Stasiak) Torrie Wilson (Kidman) Commentary Scott Hudson (PbP) Arn Anderson (Color) Referees Billy Silverman Charles Robinson Nick Patrick Road Agents Arn Anderson Dave Finlay (Fit Finlay) Jerry Jarrett John Laurinaitis (Johnny Ace)
  10. March 31, 2001 – The Fate of WCW The time has come. WCW has officially been acquired from AOL Time Warner. Surprisingly, the rights have been bought not by the World Wrestling Federation, as most expected, but by legendary wrestling promoter, Jerry Jarrett. In a press conference held just recently, Jarrett expressed how shocked he was at how little the WWF offered for the company, and responded by throwing his hat in the ring. He then announced that he only bought out 32 contracts, mostly for younger and/or undercard talent. The only big names he bought out contracts for were for Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page, whom were present at the conference; others like Hulk Hogan, Sting, Goldberg, and even Jerry’s son, Jeff, are still under Time Warner for the time being. This is in order to save on costs, but also to signify the start of a new WCW, by making room for new talent. As he explained, “The WCW was on a downward spiral over the past few years; filled to the brim with corruption, ego, and sleaze. As owner, I’d like to get as far away from that as possible. My goal now is not to compete with the WWF right out of the gate, but to establish a long term future for the brand.” He then spoke about partnerships with other wrestling companies around the globe, drawing on WCW’s history of showcasing international talent, as well as to give wrestlers extra places to work. He then brought up a PowerPoint presentation showing the companies WCW will work with, such as NWA Wildside, Ultimate Pro Wrestling, and surprisingly, Pro Wrestling NOAH. The conference put special emphasis on the latter, with CEO Mitsuharu Misawa entering soon after, and announcing a deal with a translator: Not only will WCW and NOAH have a talent trading agreement; but whenever they send one of their younger stars on excursion, they may come to WCW. Jarrett resumed, “When we come back, you’ll will see some familiar faces and brands, such as the Cruiserweight division, which I hope to boost to new heights, as well as the brand name of Nitro. But when we come back, expect to see new faces, a different approach to our product, a pivot towards the youth of our business, and a reborn WCW.” WCW will take a hiatus to seek out extra talent, and to find a new television deal. At the earliest, the new WCW will start in May. (OOC: Hello, I am using the May 2001 mod by @MrCanada, which I highly recommend. using the previous versions of this mod for TEW 2020, was some of the most fun I've had. I was inspired by various dynasties that used that mod or something similar, such as @PH71's dynasty, and I would recommend looking that up as well.)
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