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Posts posted by howchuck

  1. Is there any reliable way to close promotions on specific dates or nearabouts. I keep messing around with the narrative date and close by does nothing (which seems stupid to me, why does it only work if it's in the past?), but the narrative date just seems fairly random every time. Get a date of Tuesday Week 1 April, 1994, move it one date earlier in the narrative, fires back a completely different date for closing. Does it take off from the money percentage or is it utterly random?
  2. Any chance that we could at least get the demos back up long enough to mirror for the converter utilities? Some older mods can be helpful to the modding community.




    I also have a TEW 2004 working demo and I've converted the data over to TEW 2005 but with it not having a working converter any longer, I've had to do it manually so most of the worker data is just taken from TEW 2005 (I've changed all their contracts, bios and stuff to their 2004 counterparts however). Just in case anyone would be interested.


    I did manage to get all of my licenses back without a problem and that link was a good resource to reclaim all the demos and retails over the years so it's not too much of an issue for me. I know people aren't likely to care about these games going forward so I can understand why they're not being sold anymore but I just don't condone taking them off the market completely. I was lucky to find that gds download link.


    Honestly, with permission someday I might just release the TEW bundle with all the updated data/graphics/picture/patches and trial/retail exe's (obviously not the licenses so they'd only be there to look at the data or convert) and keep it archived somewhere. It's just nice to have and see how the game evolved and what the setups were for each game.

  3. I don't get the joke, guess I'm in the minority. I guess people don't care about older games taken off the market rather than released for free or archived. Some people like to see what changes between each game and import games, you know. That's why there's an editor.


    Meh, whatever. I'll just download the trials and import the data into TEW 2010 or something and do it that way.

  4. Absolutely irate at this. I enjoy playing from TEW 2005 to each different version to see what changes and then carry over my promotion date over, edit it at the start then setup a new game. Why have the older games just been trashed because they're not popular or up to date? It's still nice to have them. Are we getting free versions, or have they just been trashed never to be seen again like the long lost TEW 2004. Seems bizarre to me a creator wouldn't want to keep games he made previously even if they've been improved on.


    Honestly if this isn't fixed I just have no interest in playing another GDS game again. It's not the way I'd like to play and preservation of content is very important to me. I have enough of an issue with games rendered obsolete and pointless when the new iteration comes out as it is. Really, really disappointed.

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