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Posts posted by Taylor2020

  1. 3 minutes ago, JBrother said:

    Im not sure who's RW mod is better between Questlove and The Who or what the differences are? Anyone help me out?

    TheWho's version tends to be kinda 'quantity over quality' in some way, as his mod tends to carry a similar amount of workers as Questlove's does, but his worker skills feel a lot less varied (almost exclusively being numbers that are multiples of 5/10), and said skills all seem to be under-rated to the point where you'd struggle to put on a show with WWE that didn't lose popularity for the first good while of a save, and since it seems like most players likely don't go more than a year on a save - including me usually - most people don't manage to last that long on a TheWho save for skills to truly pick up and improve the show ratings.

    Questlove's RWC mods are usually considered the best for the 'current-day' real-world mods. There's definitely a motive to make things not only very balanced but also allow one to realistically put enough time to playing one to be able to rise in the ranks in terms of show ratings. The presentation in the mod also feels a lot more lively (mainly the GIF version of RWC with the backdrops) compared to TheWho's, since last I checked, TheWho is still using those fairly colorless backdrops that I think have been a part of his mods' presentation for over a decade now. I know, somewhat of an odd thing to nitpick, but I just really prefer the presentation of stuff like what Questlove does.

    So yeah, I'd more recommend the RWC mods by Questlove.

    • Like 12
  2. How things are going lately in my WWE 2010 save, now past Over The Limit and heading towards the revived King of the Ring PPV

    The latest PPV card: lMw1eub.jpeg


    The short (that's still long) of what's been happening in the save:

    • Instead of retiring at Mania, Shawn Michaels is now going on a 'jaded grizzled veteran heel' run. Thinking of probably aping the recent Bryan Danielson storyline by giving HBK one last title run where he retires once he loses the belt. Also Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are his midcard cronies.
    • Swapped the Intercontinental and United States titles between the brands: Miz is still US Champ heading into SmackDown, but Drew McIntyre almost immediately lost his IC title to MVP in a shock win - though I plan on Drew potentially regaining the title, and him and Finlay joining forces with Sheamus to be the next new heel stable threat on Raw now that Legacy has broken up.
    • The women's titles are only temporarily unified since I'm slowly trying to grow the division and it being split between Raw and SmackDown makes things a little shallow.
    • CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society target John Morrison heading into SummerSlam - Joey Mercury returns as a part of SES just like in real-life, though in this case it makes somewhat more sense due to him being Morrison's former tag partner, and being convinced to join Punk's cause due to a lack of direction in recent years.
    • I'm also sort of doing the Undertaker/Kane feud that happened in real life, but I started it a little earlier (as in not long after Mania); Kane eventually emerges wearing a version of his classic mask, and now being managed by the Sinister Minister, James Mitchell. However, the game decided Kane was gonna take a little break for his 'outside interests' and I decided to move the next PPV, King of the Ring, up a week to fit in a casket match that he'll lose against World Heavyweight Champion Edge with help from Undertaker. I do plan on advancing the Taker/Kane feud once Kane's available again (though I imagine it won't give the exact date of when he would come back).
    • ECW as a brand is still alive in this save. Initially, I was just gonna let it run a little longer until SummerSlam or Survivor Series, but then I considered 'What if I just had ECW stick around until the point in 2012 where NXT in real life went from the game-show to the developmental brand?' Granted, with how I tend to play TEW, I rarely ever make it past a year let alone half of one on the usual save. In short, Heyman's back, and there's a few classic ECW vets back on the roster (like RVD, Sabu, Jerry Lynn, the Full Blooded Italians) mixed in with some of the 2009/2010 ECW talents (Christian, Ezekiel Jackson, Dudebusters, Vance Archer, etc.), a few FCW callups (so far, Daniel Bryan and Kaval), and a couple of other roster members I brought into the brand to spice things up a little (namely Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr., continuing their post-Legacy feud).

    A lot going on, to put things in even less words.

    • Like 8
  3. How convenient; for my WWE 2010 save, I decided to capitalize on the official incorporation of backdrops in TEW IX by making compatible pictures for my entire main roster and then making backdrops for the three brands.


    I also made an alternate backdrop for ECW because I decided to keep the brand around, and it wound up getting a graphical rebrand after I decided to have the show start airing on USA Network after its SyFy deal ended.


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  4. WWE 2010 save, started in January, now in the end of March (Post-WrestleMania)

    WWE Champion: John Cena (defeated Sheamus at WrestleMania 26)
    World Heavyweight Champion: Edge (dethroned Batista at WrestleMania 26 in a match also featuring Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho)
    United States Champion: The Miz (initial champion at the start of the save)
    Intercontinental Champion: Drew McIntyre (initial champion at the start of the save)
    Unified Tag Team Champions: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd, The Hart Dynasty (defeated CM Punk and Luke Gallows, the Straight Edge Society, at WrestleMania 26)
    ECW Champion: Rob Van Dam (defeated Christian at WrestleMania 26)
    Women's / Divas' Champion: Mickie James (won the Women's title from Michelle McCool at the Royal Rumble, won the Divas title from Maryse at WrestleMania 26)
    Mr. Money in the Bank: The Miz

    • Like 2
  5. IIRC, allseeingi and brainswap were in 2020 too, so the only difference between the two games' cheats is that the uwillrespectme and sophie cheats are gone in IX since those cheats correlated to how the user avatar was in previous games, that has since been changed for the new game.

    • Like 1
  6. I decided that my first proper save with TEW IX was gonna be a rehash of my WWE 2010 save for TEW2020.

    A lot of the story beats I made with the previous save are going to be similar (Cena/Sheamus being the Bret vs. Vince match for Mania, ECW surviving a little longer before becoming NXT, Miz as MITB, etc.), but I am planning on diverting a little bit differently:

    • I started building onto the eventual Kane vs. Undertaker feud that would happen IRL much earlier, with Kane showing signs of frustration and paranoia against everyone right at the start of the save, creating tension for him and Taker to get that feud going after Mania, and thus lead to that whodunit of Undertaker being beaten comatose that they did heading into SummerSlam.
    • I decided to capitalize on Zack Ryder's momentum from after his feud victory over Tommy Dreamer closed out ECW in 2009, so that he wound up winning the Homecoming Battle Royal to face Christian at the Royal Rumble (IIRC the previous save was Christian vs. Punk at the Rumble instead). This is mostly going to be inspired by Matt Cardona's GCW run (though obviously with a PG product, you couldn't duplicate it the same way).
    • I don't remember if it's what I did for the TEW2020 version of the save, but I'm having Hart Dynasty get the tag titles at WrestleMania and solidifying themselves as faces by going over Punk and Gallows (who'll get the titles from DX in an identical fashion to how I did it last time).
    • ECW will last until SummerSlam this time instead of WrestleMania - much like the previous save, though, I'll have RVD and Paul Heyman coming back, but I also locked down Bobby Lashley as a neat return signing just to spice things up.
    • The WWE title match at the Rumble is also a bit different - it is now Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Kofi in a Triple Threat, after Orton and Kofi wind up double-pinning Cena in the #1 contenders' match on Raw. I think the plan is still Cena vs. Sheamus at Mania.
    • Edge vs. Jericho and Mysterio vs. Batista will both still be going to Mania, but Batista will win the Big Gold at the Chamber instead of Jericho, and both feuds will converge into a Fatal 4 Way at Mania.
    • I'm also toying around with the idea of having the Women's and Divas titles unified for a little bit after WrestleMania - but unlike them just merging it into one title for until the 2016 brand split, I'll just have someone (either Maryse or Mickie) holding onto both titles for a bit and they'll be split off in whatever way I plan to do it when I get to that point.

    In terms of what else could happen, I haven't solidified it all.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Dsarkov said:

    seriously the height and weight adjustment take so much time was barely to able to do the WWE Main Roster with some adjustment to stat. So kudos to anybody working on mods.

    Yeah for doing my save with a converted January 2010 database, I only adjusted the data for the main WWE roster and pledged to only continue adjusting for anyone else I bring onto the roster, whether callups or new hires outright.

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