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Posts posted by MrTroy03

  1. You might want to consider adding the "AEW World", "AEW Women's World" and "AEW World Tag Team" titles to the database. I see the pics, but the belts aren't there. I wouldn't add the TNT title as there is no guarantee of the TV deal they have now. Obviously the belts won't be doing anything until the company opens, but once they open they will have those belts.


    It also appears now that "Double Or Nothing" will be their yearly Wrestlemania at the end of May. Tony Khan said its their biggest event of the year, so you may want to add it in as a season ending event. They haven't shown yet if any of their other PPVs will be recurring each year.


    As of right now the game will just invent belts for them which is OK I guess.

  2. <p>I look at it like this. I am new on the job, surely <em>someone</em> knew what was going to happen on the next show before I got hired, right?</p><p> </p><p>

    So I autobook. I autobook a lot in general, but look at it like this. Autobook the first show, or first few shows if weekly, see who the AI throws together and generate stories on WHY those people are fighting. Look at their profiles, ranks, title histories and personalities and just make up some stupid reason they are fighting.</p>

  3. <p>I love being Booker. Yes it can kind of chaff sometimes, but I love the extra challenge. I autobook most things I love the feeling of "running" a company, not necessarily picking who wins all the matches on a B show, big picture, the main event, negotiating all the best TV deals and PPV deals to give me maximum profit AND coverage in all areas, I love contract negotiations with workers etc.</p><p> </p><p>

    Booking gets in the way sometimes for me. That may sound counter intuitive as I have MORE control as an Owner, but as Booker it "feels" more as if you are part of a corporate structure where you have your own performance metrics to reach on top of revenue and size, all the while managing your roster. I view it as like being the General Manager of a fast food restaurant, you are the big boss in a LOT of ways, scheduling, day to day decisions, hiring, in a LOT of ways it is "your" restaurant, but there is still someone else above you who spices it up a bit, so like 90% control.</p>

  4. Downloaded the mod, going to have a playthrough with it later on today. I'm a tad confused on the pictures. Do I need to just download the graphics or do I need to download all of the KYKY pictures as well? Sorry if that's a stupid question.


    You do NOT need to download the "Here is a KYKY album full of like 50,000 pics" link, thats just a ton of extra pics if you want them for an unassigned bucket etc.


    Just make sure to add a new picture folder in the database and copy them in, and then don't forget to set it to use the new picture folder otherwise no one will have pics.

  5. I'd take a closer look at attributes. I've been going through them and adding/changing things for a couple hours. Some personalities are way off, like Rebecca Knox as a mercenary. A lot of future road agents, colour commentators, etc. aren't set. I've added "passes on knowledge" to quite a few people. Very few deathmatch wrestlers are set to be deathmatch wrestlers or daredevils.


    You don't have to set the "Future Road Agent" attribute, Adam said that, as long as they are qualified, they have like a 1 in 3 chance of becoming a Road Agent, and if they have a few different personality types, its 1 / 2 (50%) and other personality types are less likely. That attribute overwrites the games natural methodology and ensures that wrestler will become a road agent no matter what.

  6. I haven't looked through the current game's angles but in theory you could create your own Angle where the wrestler turns it in, and then just book a match right after that for the title, or do a beatdown angle, then the turn in angle, then the match and then you make make the person doing the cash in do domination to sell the "beatdown" and "surprise" nature of the match, even if the title holder ultimately wins.


    If you want to interrupt a current match you could do outside interference and have the match get "thrown out" or end in DQ, then do the beatdown and cash in, then do a one on one or triple threat match if you want to kayfabe "turn it into a 3 way match".

  7. Hey I just threw a little something towards your PayPal, thanks for all the hard work.


    You may want to consider locking the titles down to gender. In my watcher game both the WWE Tag and World Tag and now basically both womens tag titles. They were both vacated due to injury or leaving the company and the AI booked a womens match for both sets of titles. Now, unless they get vacated again, its been over 4 years of both Tag belts being women's titles. Same thing with the WWE Cruiserweight title. I also saw it interestingly book an inter-gender IC title match which I guess DID happen in WWE with Chyna.


    In my personal opinion, I would lock all the titles in WWE down to Men's only except for the Womens title, even though Chyna did hold the IC title once.


    Also, for TNA you might want to consider locking the NWA World title to TNA or going ahead and making the TNA World title. Not once in 5 years has TNA ever had a match to borrow the NWA World Heavyweight title from the alliance. I know that is more of an Adam Ryland / TEW thing, but the game also doesn't make them generate their own Primary level title, so basically there is no primary title in TNA with the way the game operates now.

  8. Meh, screen size should be adjustable and auto updates should be in the game. You shouldn't have to buy a new monitor to play this specific game.


    Should it be adjustable? That would be nice. But I disagree with the part of the quote that I put in bold.


    Game designers would still be doing 640 or 800 resolution if people weren't forced to move forward a bit. Like me previous post in this thread states, the resolution of this game became the common minimum over 10 years ago. Should the game run in a tiny little box because some users out there are still rocking 1024x768 screens? Not in my opinion.


    Plenty of games have minimum resolutions.

  9. No offense dude, but your monitor must be quite old. Your resolution of 1280 ×1024 had it's peak market share in 2007, 13 years ago.


    The resolution of old games was 1024 x 768 lost the lead in market share in 2010, 10 years ago. The games new resolution 1366×768 became the market share lead in 2012, 8 years ago, full HD (1920 x 1080) is in a close 2nd place today, between the two, the majority of users.


    1024 x 768 for the vast majority of players today is TINY. I am sorry you are frustrated, but unfortunately you have to cut off 15+ year old hardware at some point from support.


    I don't personally think copy and pasting an EXE file over an old one is a big deal and I am not going to complain about all these bugs being stamped out in rapid fashion. It may suit you to come back in two months when most of the major patching is done.

  10. You're not entirely wrong, my philosophy would be to let these companies die. No mod is going to meet your exact opinion.


    I spend a handful of hours modding and tweaking promotions, stats, TV deals etc. to fit, but the mod gets me 95% of the way. As I find stuff I keep tweaking, I copy my modified database somewhere else on my HDD as a backup so I can use that one as the starting point later if/when I get a new PC etc. I do this with any and every mod I use all the way back to TEW04.

  11. What an altnernate universe!


    Ok so I am running with the 2004 Ruthless Aggression real world mod and this happened. This is in my "watcher" save.








    Poor Steph, she gave birth 9 DAYS after this happens, I guess in this reality HHH will not get the WWE after Vince kicks the bucket, lol. It'll be interesting to see if they re-sign HHH, he is one of the biggest stars, but will the business sense override the hatred?


    It also generated Hatred relationships with all blood relatives, so Vince, Linda, Shane & Stephanie all hate HHH and Trish Stratus now.

  12. Dude, I am going to run with this database when I start TEW 20, might start today. I was waiting for a good mod to be mostly done before I start. I like running with real world and this is one of my favorite eras. I was going to wait for a current day mod but TheWho87 is still in Beta and WWE is set to medium size, meh.


    Killing the Business is too light for me on data set size from what I can see... then I realized that this is probably my 2nd favorite era and the perfect time for my friends and I to be young I like to add us all in as unemployed but mildly talented. I like to sim and watch and just see what happens and see if any of us become stars. I think at best one us became a lower midcarder in WWE in TEW 2016 completely organically.


    Anyway, that is besides the point. Thank you for this! I know this takes HOURS of work. Do you have a patreon or a PayPal donation jar anywhere or anything?

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1-2-3 kid" data-cite="1-2-3 kid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48842" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I’m 4 month into a good save and I’ve run into a problem. I’m play as WCW in 1998 and am pushing some of the younger talent and released other older talent, which has angered some of the older stars. Hogan and Piper have turned in their notice and have left the company, which strikes me as highly unrealistic as they would not have been able to just up and leave the company just for being unhappy. Is there a way to edit them back in or do I need to start all over and make sure everyone has a non compete? Any insight on why a mod maker wouldn’t have had these contracts as non compete in the mod? Seems like quite a big oversight...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You can just try to re-sign them after 6 months. Or just start over and edit the mod to give non-compete. But that doesn't stop them from sitting out their contract if you upset them!! They can still get upset and refuse to work, but you don't pay them if they do this.</p><p> </p><p> It may be better to remove the relationships that tie Hogan and Piper to people you released. I find that some mod makers have artificially inflated casual co-worker relationships for loyalty or friendship. In reality there were VERY few people Hogan would give a crap about as long as he was still getting his.</p>
  14. <p>I don't think so, you could leave it as nonexclusive and just "pretend" that its limited to two brands? Or are you worried about the major stars from the 3rd brand complaining about being left off?</p><p> </p><p>

    The other thing you can do is hold two events on the same night, one for each brand and name them with the name or first initial of the brand in the title and just pretend that its all the same night, where the main event of the first event is the mid-show main event.</p>

  15. <p>I am definitely going to buy TEW 20 but I am going to wait for real world mods to come out and get updated and converted with some polish. Whenever a new version comes out all the way back to 07 there is always a very rough database conversion that really isn't cleaned up and optimized.</p><p> </p><p>

    Plus I want to wait until the bulk of the major issues are patches out as well. I am so busy with work right now anyway there is no harm in me waiting a bit for the patch train to slow down as well as some real world data to get smoothed out as well.</p>

  16. The programmer Adam Ryland has been making wrestling sim games for decades. I can understand the hesitation to buy a game from some random guy on some random forum though, but when he transitioned from free games to paid, it significantly increased in quality and complexity. It has a long history. I know my user title says "Rookie" because I don't post much, but look at my registration date (Oct 2005).


    Depending on if if "hooks" you, you can spend hundreds of hours. I know and love wrestling but I am more of a "watcher" these days, meaning I load scenario databases and sim a year at a time and spend an hour or two digging into everything, looking at the stars, who got fired or signed with major promotions, major events etc.


    They use eLicense, a 3rd party to process the payment and give you the license. I have bought every version of TEW. I am an IT professional and I can attest that the games themselves are safe and 100% trustworthy. I have been following this guy and his wrestling games since probably 2001. Hes just a small independent programmer, but its completely legit. He joined Grey Dog several years back, I think it was a handful of small, solo programmers that make similar games that banded together for this very reason.


    You can read the Wikipedia page about the games here if you still don't trust: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Warfare


    I know I am some random guy on the internet, but you can 100% trust buying TEW directly. I think the attempt to get it on Steam was the effort to get the word out more, but honestly this is a niche community and the forum has ALWAYS been the heart and soul of these games, even back on the free versions where people make "real world" mod databases, picture packs, and even mods that start in different years (80s, 90s etc).


    Now... I do recommend the demo, there is a demo of the new 2020 version for beta testing out now, as well as the old 2016 version. If you are going to BUY, I would recommend that you get the new 2020 version. You can play I think 3 months of in game time for TEW for free, and then start over for another free trial of 3 months of in game time. Its up to you how to play, you can run the big promotion in the game, or do a small fed, or just sim and watch.


    I always wait for real world mods. They are left out for legal reasons, Adam can't sell a product that has trademarks from WWE in it, for example, but this community always comes through with amazing mods and databases.

  17. Ah, this is fantastic.


    It gets better. This is 2028, and Vince is 82 years old. So he was 82 when he decided to step down. His Owner contract was "for anything needed", so I pushed him as an Occasional Wrestler. Same thing for Shane McMahon who he chose as his replacement. I put them in a match at the February PPV (Mr. McMahon's last day) for "ownership of the company."


    Mr. McMahon, at 82, wrestled a 5 minute match against Shane McMahon and I choose to have Shane "dominate" and "bury" Mr. McMahon. He GOT INJURED IN THE MATCH!





    It was a bad injury as well. Can you imagine retiring at 82 and then have a year long injury to send you off into retirement? He did still leave the business as expected.

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