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Posts posted by Rev1395

  1. This coming from me; even at this point, I still have trouble statting and the attributes on this one are a bit unbalanced X) When I get to editing this though, I'll probably either restat all characters, lower their attack power or both.


    It is playable and can still be somewhat fun when playing the high leveled characters. I sometimes scratch my head when the weaker heroes are able to beat the stronger enemies though.

  2. Update has been uploaded on the Ryuki mod:


    The villains whose costumes are a either a pallete swap for each other, one that goes through a life cycle, and one who is a fusion of two have been rendered into alternates.


    Alternates currently stand at 26 and the Hero/Anti-Hero/Villain/Wildcard ratio is at 11/5/31/5. One villain is a non combatant while two pairs appear occasionally and rarely so that should balance things a bit. Locations have been reduced to two with the third one still there for flavor. Battles still last at most three turns especially if it's only 1v1 though there was a rare instance the enemy decide to "gloat" (taunt) and the fight lasted for five turns.

  3. Oh... I really did not think of that for the villain's side hahaha! Thanks for pointing that out dude.


    I thin I can go for each one having one alt (or one having 2 in some cases) since there was a lot of subspecies (near palette swap of the suits) of the monsters in this particular show. I was already using the alts for form changing for the riders but I did not think to apply that to the monsters. Haha! Thanks! The 48 villains in the Ryuki mod could get trimmed to nearly half or less if I implement this I think.

  4. Thanks for the reply!


    I think a version of Kikaider had a guest appearance in Gaim and/or in one of the movies, so he'll probably be included when I get there.


    I've noticed myself since playing this that since the heroes are way outnumbered, I'll weaken most of the monsters while the bigshots will remain where they are (Tier 1's would only have regular 1 level attacks, etc.) That or remove 1 or 2 monsters from each tier. Or both.


    The only problem I have when making mods here is how to balance the stats. I just ended up rolling 2d6+6 for the stats with some gap in between each tiers, lol.

  5. Well, here's my second mod guys. Or to be more precise, it's going to be a series of mini mods revolving around the Kamen Rider franchise. The first upload in particular is based on Kamen Rider Ryuki, which was adapted into Kamen Rider Dragon Knight a few years ago.


    Kamen Rider Ryuki Mod: Download Link




    1/30/2021 Minor update:

    Just fixed the folders because they're not in the Databases and Pictures folders. Otherwise no changes.

  6. Update:


    -8 villains have been removed and have been replaced each.


    This would probably be the final update of this portion of the mod though I may try to balance it again if I get an idea on how to do so. There's still the Remnant Order and Human Order Revision though those would come at a later time.


    The editor was a bit overwhelming to use at first but I did learn a bit on how to do so. The next mod I would make won't probably have such inflated stats.


    1/30/2021 Update:


    Turns out the download link has no database. Fixed.

  7. Update:


    New Characters:


    Jerusalem: 2 heroes, 2 anti heroes, 2 wildcards, and 4 villains.


    Mesopotamia: 3 heroes, 1 wildcard, and 4 villains


    Some attributes have been switched around so that even the low hp ones can possibly KO/do damage to high hp characters especially if they are part of a group.


    This probably has a few more updates left before I try to make a new one, this time without so much inflated attributes.

  8. Update:


    New characters (still from League) for:


    London : 2 heroes, 1 anti-hero, 2 wildcards, 4 villains


    North America: 3 heroes, 1 anti-hero, 1 wildcard, 6 villains


    Jerusalem: 1 hero


    Ars Paulina: 1 hero


    A new location which has 4 civilians. Those 4 along with the 2 new heroes from the latter areas come from GhostXavier's fanfic, Fragments of Chaldea


    1/8/2021 Update:


    Fixed up the all the new character's abilities along with 1 new wildcard in North America.


    1/8/2021 9:32 AM Update:


    Updated 3 characters I forgot about.

  9. Update:


    New guest characters from League of Legends. Not all singularities have new characters at the moment.


    Orleans: 3 heroes and 4 villains.


    Septem: 1 hero, 1 anti hero, 2 villains, and 1 wildcard.


    Okeanos: 1 hero, 1 anti hero, 3 villains, and 3 wildcards.


    Also the schemes of all villains have been changed a bit.

  10. Another QoL Update:


    - All 137 characters each have six dialogue now. These are opening of the battle, victorious in battle, attack, defend, scoring a knockout, and being knocked out.


    - some attributes have been changed/removed.


    - some characters have shifted from alternates to characters of their own.


    Gonna play it for a while and then either next update is another attribute and scheme revamp, or finally add some new characters.

  11. QoL Update:


    - Biographies are now in.

    - Character classes have been modified. (Nearly the line up was once supernatural to adhere to the characters mostly being servants but I just decided to based some based on their origin, or what they became famous for (An example would be Heracles is still a supernatural while Edison has become technological).

    - Character alignments have been modified (The roster now stands at 46 heroes, 15 anti-heroes, 62 villains, and 11 wildcards).


    12/2/2020 Update:


    Attribute Revamp:

    - Changed the attributes of some characters due to some inconsistencies.

    - Added some attributes to some characters.

  12. Here's a mod based on Fate Grand Order covering the primary singularities from Fuyuki until Solomon's Temple.


    Features (currently):


    - 10 Locations

    - 203 Characters (There are two Atalantas, Teslas, Neros, Leoniadas, Mordreds, King Hassans, and Nautiluses (Nautili?) along with three Elizabeths and which are not alternates so it's more like 197 unique characters.)

    - 23 Teams

    - 150 Relationships

    - 4 Alternates


    Things to do:


    - Adding Remnant Singularities (Soon).

    - Adding the Lostbelts (Soon).



    Things to note:


    - Character Parameters come from the Type Moon Wiki.

    - Character Descriptions and Dialogues come from the FGO Wiki.

    - Dialogue of League of Legends characters come from the League of Legends wiki

    - Nobody has a secret identity.


    Human Order Incineration Incident Mod Download Link (Doucumentation included inside.)



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