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Posts posted by dbaron

  1. 1 hour ago, Stennick said:

    I don't want to bog down this awesome thread I just personally dislike "its way better". I don't think any of us on this board are meaning to come across that way. I think they are two drastically different styles with neither being better or worse than the other. 

    I love your current style @Heinzreich I prefer your current zoom level but I'm also a huge fan of the NGO picture style they are very similar. 

    For what it's worth I would never speak for 'any of us on this board', I can only speak for myself.  I personally enjoy these styles in my personal opinion than what's in the new game.  So I was encouraging him to keep up producing this style, because that is what I enjoy.  Other people may enjoy what's in the game better or different zoom levels.  I was only giving my personal opinion, I wasn't looking to upset the whole board.  To be honest I don't think I went on someone else's post and made a disparaging remark.  I wasn't looking to hurt anyone's feelings, but I stand by what I said, I hope he continues to create this style and hope he doesn't switch to what's in the new game.  That's not a knock on the game style it's just my personal opinion. 

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Heinzreich said:

    Alright y'all I need some opinions on how to proceed with how I make portraits for the TEW IX. So for example, here is the portrait I made for Remmy Skye for TEW 2020 and next to it is GDS' Aaron Andrews JPG and GIF portraits in TEW IX. Not only is there a difference in style with TEW IX's more realistic aesthetic compared to the digital 3D render style I use, but the placement is different too.

    RemmySkye_altai11.jpg.d61ec7ff7c9eda28395793fb7a2cd58b.jpg AaronAndrews.jpg.061be33f1c866ee5c01590ea0362d4db.jpgimage.png.b909066646230ed8d683334e6e3e579e.png

    So here's the question: should I just refit all of my portraits to the new format? A small few wouldn't exactly line up with the others as some of the older portraits I made such as Remmy here, I don't have the original PNGs for anymore.

    RemmySkyeTest4.jpg.4631acf141153aeec0819497b3a0a9c6.jpg AaronAndrews.jpg.061be33f1c866ee5c01590ea0362d4db.jpgRemmySkyeTest4.gif.889e89bb61d71cfc6ea15233d961b5b6.gif image.png.b909066646230ed8d683334e6e3e579e.png

    Or do I gen up new ones matching the new realistic style with matching-ish placement, OR the new realistic style with the placement I normally use? I think the new GIF portraits are good but a little too zoomed out and it's especially noteworthy on the GIFs, which is why I bring up the latter option. Bing and ChatGPT are a little problematic with more realistic character generations so it's not going to look like a picture of someone like they do in the game, but I wouldn't mind it honestly.


    New style, matching-ish placement

    RemmySkyeTest1.jpg.51a1b3babca45573925cf8592a5c34f5.jpg AaronAndrews.jpg.061be33f1c866ee5c01590ea0362d4db.jpg RemmySkyeTest1.gif.1e237cd6b6fcd33b60c1b3702f8048f1.gif image.png.b909066646230ed8d683334e6e3e579e.png

    New style, my own placement

    RemmySkyeTest2.jpg.221603e7e2357f2febc3c8aa0d286328.jpg AaronAndrews.jpg.061be33f1c866ee5c01590ea0362d4db.jpg RemmySkyeTest2.gif.fb78e363f132c8d41b2853a0c76f9d0f.gif image.png.b909066646230ed8d683334e6e3e579e.png

    I don't know if anyone else is as crazy about this as I am but oh well lol. If anyone has tips to more closely match the new portraits too, I'd love to hear 'em.

    Please keep with your style, it's way better than the new style that's in TEW9.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Heinzreich said:

    I never realized how many portraits I've done total before. When it comes time to redo these, I'll have to do up...

    1,364 portraits?! Why has no one given me an intervention to stop this addiction I so clearly have?! Others probably have more, especially the OG creators, but this was a shock to me lol

    Are kidding me it's like I the junkie waiting for the next hit.  

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Heinzreich said:

    Ah you're too kind, but it looks like you're doing well enough alone! And like you said, it's just AI art and we're just cutting and editing it- we doin' the same s*** lol. Love that Marcos Flores btw


    Outback Jack


    The Apocalypse, Warmonger & Hatemonger
    (I was gonna put HATE on his forehead but apparently HATE is a naughty and banned word for Bing 🙄 so I changed it to HATRED)
    (so I also did some alts for Hatemonger that say FEAR instead of HATRED)



    (SO I was in a discord call with my friends while I was doing these. Below is the result of my friends rotting my brain away. Enjoy lol)


    Mace Mueller


    Christopher Gerard


    The Brat Pack, Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III



    Blaze Maximum


    Brodie Lachlan & Rose Wills





    I don't know if anyone else gonna get those satisfied feelings from this, but I was obsessing over how everything lines up perfectly with this
    edit: noticed I had music playing after I uploaded it. woopie



    You must adjust every crooked picture that you see on the wall ;) .  Excellent work as always.

    • Haha 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, WalterSobchak said:

    So full disclosure I’m debating next steps after GSW and are interested in what folks would like to see at a higher priority than others…

    I’m thinking about recutting MAW, QAW, and potentially TCW to get my early attempts more in line with my most recents render attempts.

    From there…have thought about Australia as a challenge…Canada…or Mexico. But anywhere is fair game. 

    Opening it up today for voting while I take a brief mental break before starting GSW. 

    Please share your feedback…by picking and sharing your top choice.

    1. Canada 

    2. Mexico 

    3. Australia 

    4. Japan

    5. UK

    6. Europe

    7. USA Unemployed Workers

    I would like to see Canada then Australia after the recuts.

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