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About ldkrz

  • Birthday 11/27/1998

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  1. running this back, did some quick events for the company if you or anyone wanna run them as a custom company or as a child company when your save is a few years in
  2. looks sick man, colour gradient looks banging too basically what i was envisioning in the first place! oh sick! first time i think ive seen the OG thread makes things way cleaner for me cause i was about to use default pics as i couldnt remember where i first saw the company logo from
  3. had an idea to do a local to global save at some point with South Beach cause its a cool custom company someone made on 2020 (i think) and was wondering if someone could do a GIF backdrop for them so they fit in with the rest of the companies in the gif pack database, Thanks:) (lmk if like other peoples custom content isnt allowed or something, or if someone has already done one because i feel like i might have seen someone do one)
  4. honestly love the simple side with the blue and gold cause they were gonna be a long time "good guy" faction that do wrestling the "right way", kinda like an imperium but with a bit more colour and babyface but the idea is for them be more respectful of wrestling and CZCW so simple was the headcanon vibe
  5. Hi! could someone replace the "coastal zone" at the top with "california" im creating a new secondary title at czcw and we recently grew to medium size and i put a weight limit on the xtreme title so i needed a more serious regional title for bigger mid card guys. and also if its not too much to ask; a stable logo (and backdrop if possible) for a stable called "INTEGRITY" as im in the middle of setting up a good guy faction to rival Ernest Youngmans Steel Circle. thanks:)
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