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Everything posted by Teasenitryn

  1. ... Ok I was thinking of doing Zen A anyhow, I just need to import the Plague >.>
  2. ROUND 1 MATCHES: AUKLAND RAIDER VS DEVILFISH TREVOR FEATHER VS A HANDPICKED OPPONENT ZERO VS THE HAEMOGOBLIN 2 BLACK FLASH VS CELESTINA CHERISH ROUND 2: Aukland Raider VS Trevor Feather Haemogoblin 2 VS Celestina Cherish FINAL ROUND: Trevor Feather VS Haemogoblin 2 ALSO FEATURING: BUCKMINSTER SNARK & THE MALOTHIAN VS KALLIOPE WOODCHUCK & PINK PAPER SPIDER I am thinking that Haemogoblin 2 is maybe going to be Hez, so I am backing her to go all the way before she is revealed, could be wrong but the outlaws did say in their cutscene that they would need to be sneaky to take advantage of knowing of the tournament. As for the tag match, Snark is on thin ice, I suspect he will have to start proving his worth or Karrg will get impatient over the threat he is holding over Snark, however Snark being there does mean he will in some way prevent Malothian from mind warping Kalliope and he can even do that straight out because his deal with Karrg was that he is there to run interference, Karrg's own words were she doesn't need to be hurt, much less taken out. I also suspect that cracks are going to form between Malothian and Karrg and that not having Malothian will be part of Karrg's eventual downfall, so Karrg siding with the puppet that he forced Malothian to free? That's a whole lot of friction right there.
  3. I love that Snark is playing the long game, he knows he has a very thin line to toe but he is using the truth and the actions of others to destabilise them, both in calling out that Malothian cost them the situation with Kalliope last week and the casual and here I thought the guy in charge was he on the throne. I only hope that he can get some kind of message through to Kalliope that there is more to this situation than he can tell her.
  4. CRIME GANG! Another excellent show, the tournament and what our outlaws plan is intriguing. I like that Hez got through to Vortex indirectly through using his words to another, that's some nice storytelling, as is Malothian's emotions costing Karrg again, there are going to be issues there. Karrg is playing with fire, Cyanide might be licking his wounds but sooner or later he is going to get more pissed than despondent and that is without the movements on the game board we are actually seeing from others.
  5. "The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade Not time to dethrone Danielle yet, I don't think, if anyone can do it after this little a time in QAW it's Demelza but there's still legs in a Sweetheart reign. The Experience (c) Vs. The Rage Again it's a matter if it isn't time and I don't think these are the people to do it Southern Charm Vs. The San Diego Girls Vs. Lilly & Rose Vs. Payback Inc This is dependant on can you get two months without losing one of these to 5SSW but I feel Lilly and Rose are the next champs in waiting. BattleBowl: "World Class" Emma May Candy Purple Viper Juana Hurricane Little Miss Perfect Mariana Torres Queen Amazon "The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel Hellcat Hernandez "100% Rudo" Raquel Alvarado Sonnaz Shah Celeste Moon Black Diamond Felicia Luck "The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez "Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador I bounced around a lot of people for this and eventually went for my favourite heel (I see Danielle retaining) who, bonus, Farrah is debating does she deserve a title program. I wanted to go Emma May, it feels like it should be Emma May for Showdown, it comes down to do I think that Danielle is going to lose then? If yes, then it would almost certainly be Emma, no one else is quite ready, if not then it comes down to the same reasoning as to why aren't the daleks in every season of Doctor Who? It is hard to keep them scary if they keep on losing. On the same note Emma can only take so many losses on the path to reclaiming the title or towards a definitive rivalry (or at least current storyline) ending match. ??? (My last name's a colour, a bold fiery hue) ??? (I stretch where clouds softly lie, I captivate the eye) ??? (My spark lights the way, my name won't fade away) ??? (In the market of names, mine stands tall) Extra points if you guess who the mystery entrants are: 1. Pamela Rojo 2.Skye Hermosa 3. Electric Dreamer 4.Suzanne Brazzle The first three I am more or less confident on just because they seem to fit the riddle. The latter...I am torn between the Mistress of the DDT and the Miracle Blonde, Brazzle got it based on more around the board in the US popularity and the market value of her costing a little more per show. Who stays in the BattleBowl the longest? Pinky Perez. Right now she is in one of your most visible storylines and being cheated out of the match late by Marianna makes sense to me. Who has the most eliminations? Purple Viper (just for funsies I'll guess eight as a number). Other than she has the capability to be a dominant force again it comes down to she is visible in your storylines right now, I think we are going to see her either making a play for leadership of the Furies or splitting off to become oh so very much more dangerous without a leader that insists on we don't need tricks to win. Who has the breakout performance (your choice receives +1 pop)? Felicia Luck. She had a decent match last month and if you are going to make a thing of the potential brewing situation with Sonnaz, Felicia and Danielle I kind of feel like one of Felicia or Sonnaz have to do well and on the entirely scientific basis of I like Felicia more I went with her.
  6. Very nice writeup, I am interested to see how things play out between Emma and Viper, the green mist after Emma says we don't need cheap tricks, we are just that good wasn't just a miscommunication, it was an outright defiance of what the lead told us to expect. Rudos don't always tell the truth, sure, but the reaction speaks volumes. Could also get tasty on the Line side of things between Sonnaz and Felicia, even with smaller factions it seems there is plenty of room for inter-faction tension. Brock...oh man, men is not the answer though I know where I would go if pushed, it would mean adding characters to the roster but exoticos are akin to queens Something that the new women's with a small male roster setting for women's companies allows for 🤔
  7. So apparently I am feeling the left side of this set of matchups. To writ Karrg Sky's the Limit Fox Spider Slim And swapping Auckland for Oakland? You monster.
  8. Good pet, give master the steak and he will give you a squeaky toy! (In all seriousness I can't wait to see what you do with Malothian on commentary lol)
  9. Spider Booster boy and crew (the crew being the ones doing the carrying) Snark Lone Shark Sky's the Limit Shaolin It feels like it is too soon to take the Harmony titles, the Conceptual...I can't see how Spider keeps it and I could well see the Armada taking it early but while there are outlaws out there, the titles in the hands of one who was aligned with F.E.A.R. represents hope, invisible hope, imaginary hope, 'but hope nonetheless. As long as one light is lit, darkness will not prevail Um...yeah, Karrg, whatever
  10. Lol fair, and I get it, I go all kayfabe half the time in my comments on the wwf 97 diary lol
  11. I think this is a case where we need to trust the story. This was a very dark day, Zen is bloodied, Zen is scared, Zen lost. But you need moments like this for the heroes to build from. We have Kalliope determined to take down the Armada, not taking the promise of an easy way out, and she knows she can run through a faction, we have Hez and Warped with Vortex maybe in the wings, we have heroes who will shine more because of the darkness they are now in. While the end did not highlight Cyanide, it is also possible that in one key moment a favour will be returned in the name of righting the ship now to run for the captaincy later. Yeah it was an Empire Strikes Back moment, Return of the Jedi doesn't succeed if the heroes don't lose in Empire Strikes Back.
  12. Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997 Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza 5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge: Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper WWF World Tag Team Championship: Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq WWF Intercontinental Championship: HHH (c) vs Goldust The Undertaker vs Vader 30 Man Royal Rumble featuring: Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind, Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels BONUS x2: RVD, Raven BONUS: Bret Hart BONUS x2: Stone Cold (11) BONUS x3: Stone Cole, Bret Hart, Brian Pillman I'll be honest in that I struggled to think of names outside the WWE lol, I had gone with AJ Styles until I looked it up and he only started the indies in 1998 which technically we're into but he was super close to the end in WCW before he got the smallest name value. Going against history in the winner, we'll see how that works out for me I guess lol, since I do see some of the same beats happening but I know you're not sticking tightly to the history. I've maybe diverged a little far in terms of a completely changed main event to Mania.
  13. Oh man that got dark and i love it, you tied up a lot of threads there and started some I am looking forward to seeing play out, I can't wait to see what comes next.
  14. Speaking of the Ace Attorney series, if you didn't already know, the Miles Edgeworth games are being released on Steam, I'm waiting until I get where they become relevant in my current replay of the series (I was all the way back in Great Ace Attorney when it was announced) but one of those games you could only play with a fan translated rom.
  15. ZEN MASTER TITLE STEEL CAGE MATCH KARRG THE INSIDIOUS (c) VS PUMPKIN JACK KALLIOPE WOODCHUCK VS CYANIDE NO DQ DOJO DEMOLITION TRIOS MATCH HALLOWEEN KNIGHT, HALLOWARPED, & HEZ JENDELL VS THE MALOTHIAN, BUCKMINSTER SNARK, & TOADY HARMONY TITLE MATCH THE ALIEN FLEET (c) VS SKY'S THE LIMIT HANDICAP MATCH THE PARTY PEOPLE VS ZERO CONCEPTUAL TITLE MATCH PINK SPIDER (c) VS DEATHWATCH BEETLE ATOMICOS MATCH C-W-A, CELESTINA CHERISH, AUKLAND RAIDER, & SHAOLIN VS BOOSTER: BOY GENIUS, JESTER, ERASER, & BLACK FLASH DEVILSHARK VS CASUAL VIOLENCE Really torn on the main. This is the biggest show so logically I would book Pumpkin to come out of this with the title and start building a new big threat from Kaarg's underlings but the way the story has played out, a Jack win halts the doomsday clock entirely, a Kaarg win puts Jack at three minutes to midnight and that is a more interesting story for me (assuming Malothian is telling the truth which cannot be taken for granted, but still, facts as I know them and all).
  16. Shotgun Saturday Night #2 Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD BONUS: Barry Horrowitz Comments: The Deadman makes Salvatore dead, Sincerely Sunday Morning Superstars #535 No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner 4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico Sycho Sid vs The Goon Comments: Snakes, bulldogs and smoking guns, my oh my it's all gone Sycho Monday Night Raw #193 Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia Crush vs The Undertaker Comments: The Burger King of Kings...nah that'll never catch on
  17. Danielle & Felicia vs Emma & Viper I kind of think unless you have someone else up for taking on Danielle, Emma is going to have to stay in the running and taking a loss here doesn't do that for her. I don't see anyone about to step up as a result of this card given LMP and Pinky are fighting for a shot at Mariana. LMP vs Pinky With my thoughts on the main in mind I really should be going with Pinky but that's too neat a path back to Mariana after a ladder match and I am looking further down the card at a match involving Poison Moon on the other side of the ring from Little Miss Perfect rival Modesty Pador and Simony Sentinel. This has six woman tag waiting to happen all over it and part of that means Pinky needs revenge on all three of Perfect, Celeste and Mariana. My only pause in this is are you going to run a rudo vs rudo championship match after doing a rudo vs rudo tag championship match? The Experience vs Payback Inc. This might be punishment detail but unless Lily starts getting so involved in Japan you can't reliably use her I don't see anyone but Lily and Rose taking the titles. Sonnaz vs Demelza Demelza might not be Timeless but she is coming into this off the back of solid character work and Sonnaz is setting herself up to be...I don't know, either Danielle's heater or eventual rival. Lily and Rose vs Southern Charm Lily and Rose will meet the Experience again but Snyder and Anderson have already shown they are willing to take a countout loss to protect their belts from Lily and Rose, I suspect there is going to be some foul play. Also you have just put together Southern Charm as an official tagteam, do they lose this early? Nah. The San Diego Girls vs The Rage I had originally been going to bet on Lily and Rose until I thought about it and under that scenario I would have gone with the San Diego Girls just because I don't like betting against all of The Line in one event, I could see this going either way but the San Diego Girls have time to bounce back if Southern Charm are next for The Experience. Poison Moon vs Simony & Modesty I was all kinds of torn in this one. If I am thinking that Pinky's rematch with Mariana will be further down the line, say, Showdown, then either one of Simony or Modesty would make a credible threat to Mariana, especially if they have a pin over her in a tag match. But I am looking at Modesty here and Little Miss Perfect further up and...I don't think LMP is going to be able to help herself getting involved either as a stab at Mariana or to stop her old rival having a claim for being next should Perfect begin a new reign. My bet is the title scene is going to be messy so this really could go either way just like the LMP vs Pinky match but I am thinking if I were booking towards a six woman then I would be booking a quid pro quo between Perfect and Mariana here. My other thought is that a pin over Mariana by either Simony or Modesty turns the potential Perfect vs Mariana match I guessed at as next into a three way dance, that would also be tasty and Pinky could try to take out Celeste in the meantime so I wouldn't mind being right or wrong over this.
  18. Excellent first run of shows, I think you have the tone and delivery of so many people here just right and I like how the commentary desk is just as much a part of thew diary.
  19. Eh as a creative writer I do not feel threatened by AI because I know that it can't do what I do. I have actually tried to put through the kind of things I would do on chat gpt and have tried to refine prompts, no way that I could see it not being more work to fix and make look right than just writing in the first place. As AI advances...eh, maybe that will change and maybe it is something that will need to be monitored closely in areas that it affects livelihoods. Posting diaries or character designs on a site like this does not fall anywhere close to that though. I guess overall even if AI does make it easy for people to put out diaries, so what? If people want to share how they have played their game but are not confident in writing promos or match roundups and it lets them do it, they're not making money off of it, if I brought my diary that I did in a discord group here they would not be taking money off of me and it isn't really the writing that makes a successful diary more than it is the planning behind the scenes and the interaction with the people who visit your thread. I get that there is a view on AI and there will always be a side that hates it and a side where whether it is written word or art it allows them to make something that they could not do otherwise but on a site where we are all sharing our works for the enjoyment of others I see no value in forcing people to tag their work or for the accusations and moderator presence that such a rule would bring into being.
  20. Definitely going to give this a look both in default data and maybe in cverse alt which is where I tend to live lol. There's a lot I like, staying at huge would be a challenge especially alongside USPW's Reverie money and I like an intergender fed, there's feds in both default data and alt that I try to push into intergender using Ashley Keith or Pariah (who in default data absolutely could perform the Tessa Blanchard TNA role as the woman so ahead of her division in perception she forced the change) as a catalyst so having that out the gate is a definite positive and gets me involved with workers I generally miss given I usually run the women's feds. I am already looking at people like Blackfyre and F.R.E.A.K. and am going to be seeing where do I fit them among the roster you've already shown us. It does make me look at the default data more I think, the alt is amazing but it would be another fed among a more crowded market whereas this, women's revolution, maybe sheores and box of whispers to round out the female competitors would make the default data feel more like a living, breathing world
  21. Oh yeah I'm not making a whole mod, I'm doing pictures of characters I like in my save for fun, especially when I look at Bizarro or Silent Mime and I am all...I couldn't take this person as a sinister scary force seriously, there's a whole lot of difference, so yeah I can justify $10 a month when I feel like doing a few, $20-25 not so much. If I were trying to pump out 50-100 a day then yeah I look at the next one up in midjourney especially if the server time when you don't have tokens is quick enough to make do (you don't get that at the basic plan) or at chatgpt.
  22. Oh yeah Honey Badger and Hellcat I knew lol, in my QAW game Honey Badger didn't consider it a good day if she didn't nearly have a shoot fight to live up to her ring name. Either way I do like how taking into account the backstage incidents can flavour the show.
  23. Hoo boy, Hellcat and Honey Badger got into it in the carpark and had to be separated...yeah sounds legit lol. Guessing Izzy knows something Coco doesn't, don't know if you're playing that in character or out but I am starting to think the San Diego Girls aren't long for this diary.
  24. Just as an extra comment outside of my picks because I am late to the party, I got into wrestling in 93 but this was the kind of period that I was old enough to really know what was going on. This is bringing back memories, so I'll be following this as long as it is going.
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