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Posts posted by fredreed2000

  1. <p>I actually looked at the Title Bout forum and I don't think that the game is even being developed anymore. There was talk that the developer was hoping to release version 3.0 which was to include a career mode but I haven't seen anything more on that like In quite a few years. The only thing that seems to be updated is the fighter database that's all. </p><p> </p><p>

    One more thing when developers decide what to develop for games they take a look at the Market and also how popular It would sell meaning how many people would be willing to buy It. If there's no market for that type of game then that dev won't develop It because the game wouldn't sell.</p>

  2. <p>Actually Title Bout is under new ownership and It hasn't been updated In quite a long time however supposedly the new owner has stated that they were working on adding In a career mode but It never happened. Originally OOTP had owned Title Bout I think but wanted to focus more baseball and other projects not boxing. </p><p> </p><p>

    As for World Championship boxing manager the company that developed It went out of business. So the game is no longer In development and don't expect any technical support If you can still find It. I also believe that World Championship boxing manager is longer available for download anywhere as well because I think you need a key to play It. </p><p> </p><p>

    There is a new boxing game that just released on steam called Boxing Club manager and Its pretty good and does include an editor however the 1 major drawback that comes with the editor is you can't currently add custom fighters to the game.</p>

  3. There's a new developer who is now working on title bout boxing. Supposedly the developer is working on a new title bout boxing that includes a career mode but the dev hasn't posted any updates on this. I believe that version 2.5 is the last version that has been released to date.
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