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About JayDaKing

  • Birthday 09/21/1998


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    New York

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  1. This was an awesome project to be apart of. Glad to contribute to it! BTW there's two United Construction Company venues in Northern India and Heart Of Hawaii is located in the South East region instead of...Hawaii.
  2. Venue Name: Bovensen Bowl Open Date: Dec 1951 Location: Tasmania Venue Size: 23,105 Description: The premier cricket ground in Launceston, the Bovensen Bowl sits near the Tamar River and is harassed daily by the birds that do their business there. Home of the cricket team, the Launceston Long Sharks, the building has a special place in the heart of the locals there as it was the site of Australia's first Cricket World Cup win in 1985. Venue Name: The Hole Open Date: Oct 2013 Location: Tasmania Venue Size: 213 Description: Opened by power metal vocalist Ryan Stratsberg from the group Psychophysical, The Hole is a hotbed for more extreme metal acts like the new deathcore band, Made From Flesh, but it has opened its doors to other forms of entertainment that wish to perform there. Venue Name: Johnson's Barn Open Date: Sep 1943 Location: Tasmania Venue Size: 155 Description: In 1943 tragedy would strike Devonport when the city began to flood. Ore Johnson was able to gather over 200 people in his house and barn to save them from the disaster...according to legend. The Barn has since been turned into a theater and anyone who enters said the building will be told the story of Ore Johnson but in more drawn out and boring detail. Venue Name: Hobart National Convention Hall Open Date: Mar 1999 Location: Tasmania Venue Size: 10,230 Description: Opened by Tasmania's House of Parliament for "Indigenous peoples cultural perseverance" the HNCH has a large open arena near the back of the building where many exhibits have come and gone with time. Venue Name: The TBC Arena Open Date: June 1989 Location: Tasmania Venue Size: 5,339 Description: Owned by the Tasmanian Broadcasting Company in Hobart, the arena is famed for being the first city in Australia to host SWF. During the show they had the Tasmania Typhoons' top player Oliver Ignata introduce Christian Faith to a grand ovation. As the two were entertaining the crowd, Runaway Train would charge the ring and destroy both men which lead to a full-scale riot from the crowd. People were hurt, arrests were made and SWF hasn't been back to Tasmania since. Venue Name: Cradle Mountain Open Date: Aug 1967 Location: Tasmania Venue Size: 121 Description: Named after the mountain in the Central Highlands of Tasmania, Cradle Mountain is a bar located in the town of Queenstown. Peace doesn't even begin to describe the energy of the bar but that could all change with one ambitious promoter...
  3. Venue Name: The Black Swan Open Date: April 1977 Location: Western Australia Venue Size: 620 Description: A club renown for their otherworldly acts that they bring in almost on a daily basis. Many of Perth's residence jokingly refer to it as "Perth's Paradise" and it has become a staple in the downtown area. Venue Name: Watership Hall Open Date: Dec 2011 Location: Western Australia Venue Size: 486 Description: Watership Hall sits 400 feet away from the docks in Geraldton with a breathtaking view of the ocean. The auditorium sits about 486 people and has some of the best caramel corn on this side of Australia. Venue Name: Nancy Dalvin Arena Open Date: Jan 1985 Location: Western Australia Venue Size: 15,309 Description: After the tragic passing of Olympic figure skater and human rights activist Nancy Dalvin in 2014, the formally named Queen's Garden Arena would change its name to honor a Perth legend. The venue holds about 15,309 individuals and strewn along the walls are photos and memorabilia from almost every great athletic achievement in Western Australian history. Venue Name: Bunbury Centre of Visual Arts Open Date: June 2000 Location: Western Australia Venue Size: 3,451 Description: As a reward for "artistically achieving peace in the face of cultural and sociological changes in modern-day society" the city of Bunbury was awarded a new building for its local college, Millbridge University. The Bunbury Centre Of Visual Arts has since become a hotbed for surrealist painters and is attracting more and more visitors by the day. Venue Name: The Albany House Open Date: May 1990 Location: Western Australia Venue Size: 1,291 Description: An abandoned hospital located just outside of Albany was purchased and refurbished as a music venue in 1990. The drop-off in popularity for the venue started in 2005 causing the owners to open their doors the other types of entertainment. Some good, some bad, and pro wrestling. Venue Name: Wicker Point Stadium Open Date: Sep 1972 Location: Western Australia Venue Size: 56,340 Description: Open just one month prior to the Commonwealth Games, Wicker Point Stadium has been the home to the West Coast Demons, an Australian Rules Football club. The stadium seems to go under renovations every few years to add more capacity as the Demons become more popular but as for now, the venue can hold up to 56,340 hungry and rabid fans.
  4. Venue Name: Sendai Super Arena Open Date: Feb 2022 Location: Tohoku Venue Size: 34,870 Description: In 2018, video game developer Shōsan announced, not only a new game to their famous Crimson series but also a tournament and an arena they will be building that is close to their offices. Claiming it to be "the future of modern architecture", the Sendai Super Arena is one of the most expensive arenas in the world and the few that have gotten the chance to look inside have said that it was "completely breathtaking".
  5. That's odd, I'm gonna try and fix it. I think that worked, I hope.
  6. I updated it with new venues: https://www.mediafire.com/file/36kj5oj1ut0tjbr/TEW2020.mdb/file
  7. Venue Name: Astrofair Stadium Open Date: Aug 2024 Location: Wales Venue Size: 67,540 Description: Soon to be the biggest venue in Wales, the Astrofair Stadium was never wanted by the Cardiff population but it was insisted on being built by the UK Parliament. Venue Name: The Nightwalker Open Date: Nov 2021 Location: Wales Venue Size: 340 Description: A night club owned by suave entrepreneurs in the Welsh garbage collecting industry, The Nightwalker attracts it's fair share of...diverse patrons.
  8. Venue Name: Rolland Ballroom Open Date: July 1912 Location: Saskatchewan Venue Size: 2,650 Description: Located within the Regina Palace, the Rolland Ballroom is the bigger of the two ballrooms located in the building. Hosting many historic events in pro wrestling history, it was the site of a 4C crowning Barry Kingman as their first-ever champion in 2004, R.K. Hayes's first and only NOTBPW Canadian win in 1998, and a historic title defense from Jack DeColt against Alex DeColt in late 1999. Venue Name: Regal Ballroom Open Date: June 1913 Location: Saskatchewan Venue Size: 1,208 Description: Located within the Regina Palace, the Regal Ballroom is the smaller of the two ballrooms located in the building. Not used as much for wrestling as their more famous counterpart but the tides were turning in the 2000s as 4C was trying to expand into Saskatchewan. Venue Name: Saskatoon Institution Of Art Arena Open Date: Sep 1976 Location: Saskatchewan Venue Size: 32,450 Description: The SIAA is one of the most beautiful buildings in all of Saskatoon (not surprising coming from an art institute). The inside of the building is painted with the faces of some of the most legendary hockey players and musicians that came out of the city. Venue Name: Edwards' Pathway Open Date: March 1934 Location: The Maritimes Venue Size: 12,350 Description: Quite the large horseracing track Edwards' Pathway is, never less the indoor track was another stomping ground for NOTBPW as it's located in their home area. Venue Name: New Brunswick Superdome Open Date: May 1988 Location: The Maritimes Venue Size: 95,340 Description: Used incredibly sparingly, the Superdome is frequented by only the most important names in musical history but if a wrestling promotion can make its way into those halls, it'll be a magical moment in Canadian wrestling history. Venue Name: The Brandt Center Open Date: Dec 2006 Location: The Maritimes Venue Size: 19,540 Description: Named in honor of Nova Scotia's favorite hockey player, James Brandt, the Brandt Center is an ice hockey venue used mainly by the local team but it has been used by NOTBPW in the 2000s as they grew bigger in popularity. Venue Name: Quebec Park Open Date: March 1987 Location: Quebec Venue Size: 45,686 Description: The former home to the Canadian Winter Sports Classic, Quebec Park is haunted by structural and financial issue the past two decades which has seen it be used less and less. There were rumors of it being torn down before it was labeled a historical cite by the Quebec Nation Convention of History.
  9. Venue Name: Cúpula Dorada Open Date: March 1958 Location: Centro Venue Size: 90,438 Description: The Cúpula Dorada (Golden Dome) is a legendary stadium in the heart of Mexico City. From football to wrestling, it seems like almost all of Mexico's sports history happens here. Venue Name: Salón Dorado Open Date: May 1984 Location: Centro Venue Size: 1,450 Description: A block down the road from the Cúpula Dorada is the Salón Dorado (Golden Hall). Used by smaller promotions to ride off of the name of the Golden Dome. Venue Name: La Guarida del León Open Date: Oct 1994 Location: Centro Venue Size: 755 Description: Connected to Casa de Culto del León church, La Guarida del León is a small building where faith meets facelocks. It's another way to get money into the church and that is to put on family-friendly wrestling shows. An interesting note is that any wrestler who plays a demonic character always ends up on the losing end in this building. Venue Name: Centro de Rehabilitación de Celaya Open Date: Dec 1999 Location: Centro Venue Size: 455 Description: A rehab center in Celaya opens it's doors to wrestling promotions after a former wrestler who visited the building donated a large sum of money to it. The cafeteria is where the shows take place. Venue Name: Jardín de Daniel Open Date: Aug 2005 Location: Centro Venue Size: 965 Description: The Garden of Daniel is located behind the house of millionaire philanthropist Daniel Chavas in Irapuato. It's an extravagant maze where in the middle of it holds a ring where the ropes are interchangeable as he also welcomes boxing events as well as wrestling shows.
  10. With my last post, I believe that all regions of the USA have reached the goal of 10 locations. Once CPBHBK puts all the data in for the area he'll release it.
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