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Posts posted by GDE71

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SaySo" data-cite="SaySo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Cena sucks chants lol. When will these ppl disappear from WWE TV. They should stick with ECW on TNN.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It was dueling Let's go Cena/Cena sucks chant...</p>
  2. The TNA spoilers never seem to be good "on paper", yet the shows have been worth watching.


    Anyone who isn't watching TNA right now, is missing out on a show that is better than 95% of RAW.


    Also, as scattered as it seems, they are moving away from a lot of what went on Jan-April as they figure out what hasn't worked and what won't work.


    I will continue to tune in to TNA and I will DVR Raw as I won't bother with Raw live until it improves. I feel the Nxt angle could have been GREAT, but it's not.

  3. The 8-man last week was pretty nice and some liked Kendrick/Williams(I didn't) and it was the go home show even if it was taped a long time before it aired.


    Granted this is the go home show for WWE. But last week was pretty abysmal except for the awesome angle to end it and it was 3 hours.


    I would really like to enjoy WWE and TNA, but right now I only enjoy TNA.


    I believe the more good wrestling we have the better off we all will be.

  4. See the last couple of TNA episodes they are averaging around or above Smackdown in match time and have gotten less silly and nostalgia heavy. Come on make the change! lolz.


    I prefer TNA, but the NXT angle from last week was awesome. So I had to turn in tonight to see how things went.


    WWE should be called WSE for World Sports Entertainment, because they just don't do any wrestling.


    TNA needs to be so much better than it is, so please don't think that I think TNA can do no wrong. They have many problems too, but at least I get to see people wrestle and the shows are getting better.

  5. That was really cool. Had my adrenaline going (during wrestling?! that hasn't happened since I was like 10 years old). I wish this wasn't the nail in the coffin because this piece to it just makes you want to see what NXT could do in retaliation. But if it's over... that was one way to do it.



    See I didn't think it was that good because of who came out. Santino? Mark Henry? Regal?


    Then Mark Henry was running side by side with the rookies as they ran out?

  6. international wrestling federation? Has a pretty good ring to it


    You know if it's IWF it might be something awful like


    Intergalactic Wrestling Federation.


    Cuz ya know intergalactic is bigger than WWF.



    A name change to me would be meh


    Live on Thursday every week would be worth the hype


    2nd weekly show would be worth the hype


    Rock/HBK/Austin would be worth the hype

  7. Just saw this:




    By Dave Scherer on 2010-06-11 19:07:39

    The 6/10 edition of Impact did a 1.0 rating, with 1,276,000 viewers. The 6/10 edition of Superstars did a 0.8 rating, with 1,017,000 viewers.

    The Superstars replay did a 0.3 rating, with 207,000 viewers.




    Also on PWInsider they mention it could be Kevin Sullivan or Paul Heyman coming in to book TNA.





    So w/o Game 1 of the NBA, they got back to a 1.0.

  8. Was I the only one who really disliked the Kendrick Homicide match last night (Impact was good though)? It just seemed to be paced quite awkward and the whole matched just seemed sloppy. I am a fan of both and last night was just a very disappointing match.


    I'm with you on this. I'm not too sure Homicide is into doing anything except finally doing the job.


    It was almost as Kendrick couldn't get him to do what was planned and had to go along with what was being done.


    I didn't think it helped Kendrick at all after what was a decent promo. Altho it seemed to me he was reading off cue cards or a prompter whenever he was looking away for dramatic effect.

  9. Dixie on facetwat:


    Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level.


    Seems I was wrong. It is tv related. My guess live every Thursday or a second show on Tuesday?


    If they go with a 2nd show on Tuesday please make it an all X-Division/KO show.


    That way both of those would get enough time and the "regular" male workers would get plenty of time on Thursday.

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