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Posts posted by Jazz49ers

  1. Anybody have any experience running two promotions during the same game?


    Nine years into my WWF game, loving it, but with ECW about to become extreme, I have thought about taking them over using another player and running them from nearly the start. Plus, gives me a chance to book some wrestlers I wouldn't be using as the WWF. I'm thinking of just running two shows a month with ECW, and it probably wouldn't be hard to see me use autobooker a lot of with.


    Just wondering if anybody here has done it before and had any tips for it.

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WWF March 87 - November 90<p> </p><p> WWF Television - Owen Hart</p><p> WWF Tag Team - The Brain Busters</p><p> WWF IC - Bret Hart</p><p> WWF World - The Undertaker</p><p> </p><p> WWF Memorial Tournament (136 Man Tournament) - Ricky Steamboat</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> A 136 Man tournament? Geez, how hard was that to book? How many shows did it take?</p>
  3. It took me a while, but I finally finished 1993. Sting snapped Hulk Hogan's streak of winning the wrestler of the year. Ric Flair won veteran wrestler of the year for the second year running. New Japan Pro Wrestling was company of the year, while River City Wrestling was most improved. Sting beating Barry Windham at a Saturday Night taping won match of the year, but Wrestlemania was the best show for the fifth year running.


    For the Power 500, I finally had a good showing, with for wrestlers (Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Mr. Perfect) in the top ten. Brian Pillman (116)and Steve Austin (107) both jumped from the 100s to 22 and 24.


    Storyline wise, at Summerslam in August, Hulk Hogan would defend the WWF Heavyweight title against Ric Flair. Hogan would come out on top with help from the nWo. Mortal enemies Bret Hart and Undertaker would team up to defeat nWo members Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. Their victory was short lived as Hart would attack Undertaker as soon as the bell rang. Despite the lost, the Blonds would continue to dominated the WWF tag team scene, winning the 1993 WWF Tag Team Classic.


    Going towards the end of September, tensions between the nWo and the WWF would continue to rise with Flair challenging them to a War Games match. The WWF team of Flair, Savage, Undertaker, and Bret Hart would come up short with Hart costing them the victory. Hart and Flair would face each other at our October PPV, with Flair coming out on top. The Undertaker would become the first man since Hogan's return to defeat Hogan but it was by DQ, so the Heavyweight title would stay with the nWo.


    November would see Owen Hart, who lost the WWF IC title to nWo member Mr. Perfect in October, trying to convince his brother Bret to change his ways and join with Flair, Randy Savage, and The Undertaker to run the nWo out of the WWF. A Survivor Series match would be set for the PPV, pitting the four nWo members against Undertaker, Flair, and Savage. It was supposed to be Bret Hart joining them, but the week before, Flair and Savage would tell Bret that they couldn't trust him and wanted Owen on their team. However, at the Survivor Series PPV, the nWo would viciously attack Owen, knocking him out of the match. Finally wanting revenge, Bret would join with Flair, Savage, and The Undertaker but it wouldn't be enough as the nWo once again came out on top.


    The next night on Monday Night Raw, the nWo would celebrate, as they now held two victories over Team WWF, Hogan had the Heavyweight title, Mr. Perfect was the IC champion, and The Hollywood Blonds had regained the WWF Tag Team titles, beating The Smokin' Gunns at Survivor Series. The battle would continue throughout December with Bret Hart firmly the WWF's side. The nWo would end the year still on a high note, with the Blonds defending the Tag Titles against the Harts at our December PPV, and Mr. Perfect and Hogan beating The Undertaker and Ric Flair. The big news coming out of the PPV, however, was an injury to Steve Austin, which will see him out for the next two months. Can the nWo survive without one of it's strongest members?


    Elsewhere in the WWF, the legendary tag team High and Mighty would reform with Rick Rude coming to Jake Roberts aid in Roberts's battle against Ted DiBiase and his Corporation. Hoping that Austin recovers in time for him and Pillman to take on High and Mighty at Wrestlemania. Dream match for this game, for sure.


    Alundra Blayze held the Women's title from May until November, losing the belt to Manami Toyota. Still trying to build up some more women, but the division is mainly those two.


    Both Scott Steiner and Dusty Rhodes asked for their releases. Steiner was at the start of a major push, but got hurt facing a local wrestler, and was unhappy while hurt so it wasn't that hard to release him. Rhodes, also got hurt, but I tried to turn him into either a manager or a color commentator. Despite being 47 years old, Dusty wasn't feeling it and asked for his release. Trying to inject some new blood into my main roster, I signed Jeff Jarrett, Steven Regal, and Sean Waltman. Waltman, going as The Kid, has mainly been a jobber, but is getting a little push, teaming up with Nikita Koloff against Jerry Sags and Stan Hansen. Regal had a brief feud with Owen Hart over the IC title but hasn't done much since then. He's on my next big things list so I'm slowly building him up to be a major force. Jarrett, debuting with The Roadie at his side, is winning matches, keeps threatening to sing, but hasn't entered into a program with anybody yet.


    1993 finally saw both the AWA and WCCW close, with WCW buying them both. Paul Heyman would leave WCW and take over the booking of ECW. AJPW would fall to cult status, having reached national in October. No big retirements or deaths happened and no major random incidents this year.


    I think 1994 is going to be a big year for the WWF. My shows are getting great ratings but the main event scene is getting up their in age. Neither Flair or Savage are on the time decline list but I feel like it could happen any day now. Especially Savage. Shawn Michaels feels ready to break out any time now, but with the nWo being the major heels in the WWF, where is the room for HBK?


    1994 is off to a roaring start. It started off with a big bang, as Randy Savage would turn against his WWF brothers, joining his former best friend, Hulk Hogan, in the nWo. With a shot at Hogan on the line at the Royal Rumble, Ric Flair, The Undertaker, Bret Hart, and many more would fight tooth and nail for the victory, but at the end, with Flair and Undertaker battling each other, Randy Savage managed to knock them out, but Bret Hart would sneak up behind Macho Man, throw him over the top rope, and win the Royal Rumble for the second time.


    Not only would this gave Hart a title shot against Hogan at Wrestlemania X, him and his brother Owen had won the tag team titles after the Hollywood Blonds were forced to vacate the titles when Steve Austin got injured. They won the titles against High & Mighty but the team of Jake Roberts and Rick Rude would ask for another title shot at the February PPV. After Hogan would get involved, High & Mighty picked up the tag titles for the fourth time.


    This would free up Bret Hart to put his entire focus on Hulk Hogan, and getting rid of the nWo. Hart would challenge Hogan to put the nWo on the line as well as the title at Wrestlemania, but it would only be a few weeks later, when Hart promised to put his career on the line, that Hogan would finally agree to it.


    After just a few weeks in the nWo, Randy Savage would pick up an injury, keeping him out for a few months. Hogan, always with a back up plan, brought in the Big Boss Man to be his enforcer ending into Wrestlemania. The month of March would be filled with the WWF battling the nWo, with The Undertaker promising that no nWo member would get involved at Wrestlemania.


    Steve Austin and Randy Savage would both return the week of Wrestlemania, adding to the nWo's numbers. Austin and Brian Pillman would challenge and defeat High & Mighty for the WWF Tag Team titles, while Randy Savage would unsuccessfully challenge The Undertaker. Ric Flair, doing his part to take care of the nWo, would make Big Boss Man tap out to the Figure Four.


    Mr. Perfect, second in charge in the nWo, and holding the IC title since October, would have a tough task at Wrestlemania, putting up the title against Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart in a triple threat match. Shawn Michaels would pick up the victory, becoming a four time IC champion but wouldn't come out a winner, as his bodyguard, Diesel, would turn against the Heart Break Kid. Brutally attacking the much smaller man, Diesel obviously is tired of being in the background.


    Despite winning the tag titles, the nWo wasn't having a very good Wrestlemania going into the main event. Right before the match started, The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair would find the nWo in the back, fighting them down from walking to the ring with Hulk Hogan. Not having to worry about anybody at ringside, The Hitman was able to put away Hogan, making him tap to the Sharpshooter, ending the reign of Hogan and the nWo in the WWF, and winning the Heavyweight title for the second time in his career.


    I had Jerry Sags ask for his release, which I granted. With the help of Ted DiBiase, Sags was a half decent worker but wasn't able to make much of his push after winning the King of the Ring. I used him to put over the 1 2 3 Kid, which made him unhappy. Oh well, no big loss. Stan Hansen's contract expired and I let the old cowboy go. Once he retires, I might bring him back as a road agent if he's interested. I tired to let Nikita Koloff's contract expire, but Vince McMahon resigned him to a three year deal. He's still pretty young so I might try to figure out something with him.


    I signed Dustin Rhodes away from the WCW. Still a few years before I'm ready for Goldust to appear, I brought up John Layfield from development and made them The New Blackjacks, Blackjack Rhodes and Blackjack Bradshaw. Thinking of sticking Sunny with them. They'll be my second cowboy tag team along with the Smokin' Gunns, so that's a built in feud, right?

  4. Wonder if anyone here has already decided to keep a toxic worker and keep working with him, and even pushing him, despite the scandal. Would be interested to know how that works out in the long term.


    I did it. Ran with The Undertaker for about three years while he was toxic. Was my World champion for a good while during it. As long as you keep putting on good shows and getting good ratings, it's pretty easy to stay ahead of it. I never once noticed my pop or prestige or anything else dropping because of it.

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alan James" data-cite="Alan James" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>^ That is part of the challenge. Making room. If I can't then I usually dump them on vacation for a while. Of course, Shawn Michaels is not just anybody else. I'm sure you'll think of something. <p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Michaels is a weird one in this game. He's been on my main roster since 1986, spend the first two years jobbing with Marty Jannetty before getting a push to the tag titles the next year. Him and Jannetty split in 1989 and Michaels has been solo ever since. He's won the IC title three times, always puts on great matches, no matter who he is paired with. Has reached Main Event push in the last year or so, but none of his feuds have really taken off and pushed him over the top yet. I have major plans for him in 1994 and hopefully he'll be able to cement a top spot for the rest of the decade.</p><p> </p><p> I'm always up for giving people vacations when I have nothing planned for them. Problem as been that I always seem to have plans for my top guys lately haha.</p>
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just finished up July 1993 and it's been an amazing year so far. Wrestlemania IX was our fifth straight Wrestlemania with a 100 rating, headlined by The Undertaker defeating the Heavyweight title against Rick Rude. The day after Wrestlemania, a game changer happened as Hulk Hogan resigned with the WWF after spending five years in the WCW. Hogan would make his return a few weeks later on Monday Night Raw but it was not a hero's welcome, as he would rip apart the WWF and it's roster. He would go on the next week to proclaim that a war was coming and he was not alone. First saying that it was Randy Savage who was on his side, than Ric Flair, and than the injured Bret Hart, Hogan would make WWF President Gorilla Monsoon nervous enough to interview the whole roster to find out who was on Hogan's side.<p> </p><p> The WWF Tag Team champions, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin, known as the Hollywood Blonds, turned out to be on Hogan's side. After defending their titles with the help of Hogan against Ric Flair and Randy Savage, the trio would announce the formation of the New World Order. Attacking Flair and Savage the next few weeks, the nWo kept promising more people and another would be revealed at the next PPV...after Bret Hart came down to ringside while the nWo was once again beating down Flair and Savage, many thought he was going to join in, only for the Hitman to save Flair and Savage before being jumped from behind by Mr. Perfect!</p><p> </p><p> The next month would see Hart watching on the sidelines, still injured, while being quizzed by Flair, Savage, and Monsoon if he was with the nWo, or still WWF. At King of the Ring, Hogan would finally wrestle in a WWF match, teaming with Mr. Perfect to defeat Flair and Savage. It was after the match, where Hart would accidentally lay out both Flair and Savage while aiming for Hogan that was the big story. The next night on Raw, Hogan would set his sights towards the Heavyweight title, still held by The Undertaker. After accepting Hogan's challenge, the entire nWo would attack the Deadman, only for Flair, Savage, and Hart to make the save. But after running the nWo away...Hart would attack The Undertaker! This would cause Gorilla Monsoon to make Hart the special guest referee for the Hogan/Undertaker match, telling Hart that after the match, he would truly know where Hart stood.</p><p> </p><p> With the tension running high going into our July PPV, nobody knew where Hart stood. His feud with The Undertaker (Hart being the only man to defeat Undertaker since he's been in the WWF) is legendary. But he's also proclaimed his hatred for the nWo and what they stand for. During the match, Hart called it right down the middle...preventing the nWo from getting involved, and not letting Hogan cheat...but at the end of the match, as Hogan made the pinfall, Hart would make the three count extremely fast, screwing the Undertaker out of his title. Where does Hart go from here? Is he with the nWo? </p><p> </p><p> Else where in the WWF, Owen Hart would have a classic feud with Shawn Michaels over the Intercontinental title, losing to the Heartbreak Kid twice thanks to Diesel, HBK's ever watchful bodyguard. Owen would challenge Michaels to a cage match, which proved to be HBK's downfall, as Hart would win the IC title for the second time in his career.</p><p> </p><p> The Tag Team titles, after being held by the Hollywood Blonds most of the year, are currently in the hands of bitter enemies. Kerry Von Erich and Rick Rude, after feuding with The Undertaker over his Heavyweight title, put aside their differences for one night to take on the Blonds, and with the help of Haku and Nikita Koloff, ending up winning the titles. They still hate each other and usually brawl after they defend their titles.</p><p> </p><p> For the first time in WWF history, the King of the Ring was held as a round robin tournament. In perhaps the biggest shock in WWF history, Jerry Sags would defeat Earthquake in the Finals to become the 1993 King of the Ring. After his tag team partner, Brian Knobbs was released for repeated drug violations, Sags has turned to the single ranks, putting on 90+ ratings against Owen Hart.</p><p> </p><p> I've been making some changes to my roster, releasing a number of wrestlers that have either been on the roster too long with nothing going on, or wrestlers I wanted to get experience elsewhere. I also brought up Bryan Clarke from development, named him the Nightstalker, gave him Jimmy Hart as a manager, and sent him on a nice winning streak to start his career. Brought Steven Regal back in and he's going to challenge Owen Hart for the IC title soon. Planning to let a few wrestlers contracts expire before bringing up some more from development. Gotta keep things fresh, ya know. I honestly wouldn't mind if a few of my older wrestlers decided to retire, forcing me to push the younger guys.</p><p> </p><p> So far, I've booked 1115 shows in just over eight and a half years in this save. It's amazing.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It took me a while, but I finally finished 1993. Sting snapped Hulk Hogan's streak of winning the wrestler of the year. Ric Flair won veteran wrestler of the year for the second year running. New Japan Pro Wrestling was company of the year, while River City Wrestling was most improved. Sting beating Barry Windham at a Saturday Night taping won match of the year, but Wrestlemania was the best show for the fifth year running.</p><p> </p><p> For the Power 500, I finally had a good showing, with for wrestlers (Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Mr. Perfect) in the top ten. Brian Pillman (116)and Steve Austin (107) both jumped from the 100s to 22 and 24.</p><p> </p><p> Storyline wise, at Summerslam in August, Hulk Hogan would defend the WWF Heavyweight title against Ric Flair. Hogan would come out on top with help from the nWo. Mortal enemies Bret Hart and Undertaker would team up to defeat nWo members Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. Their victory was short lived as Hart would attack Undertaker as soon as the bell rang. Despite the lost, the Blonds would continue to dominated the WWF tag team scene, winning the 1993 WWF Tag Team Classic.</p><p> </p><p> Going towards the end of September, tensions between the nWo and the WWF would continue to rise with Flair challenging them to a War Games match. The WWF team of Flair, Savage, Undertaker, and Bret Hart would come up short with Hart costing them the victory. Hart and Flair would face each other at our October PPV, with Flair coming out on top. The Undertaker would become the first man since Hogan's return to defeat Hogan but it was by DQ, so the Heavyweight title would stay with the nWo.</p><p> </p><p> November would see Owen Hart, who lost the WWF IC title to nWo member Mr. Perfect in October, trying to convince his brother Bret to change his ways and join with Flair, Randy Savage, and The Undertaker to run the nWo out of the WWF. A Survivor Series match would be set for the PPV, pitting the four nWo members against Undertaker, Flair, and Savage. It was supposed to be Bret Hart joining them, but the week before, Flair and Savage would tell Bret that they couldn't trust him and wanted Owen on their team. However, at the Survivor Series PPV, the nWo would viciously attack Owen, knocking him out of the match. Finally wanting revenge, Bret would join with Flair, Savage, and The Undertaker but it wouldn't be enough as the nWo once again came out on top.</p><p> </p><p> The next night on Monday Night Raw, the nWo would celebrate, as they now held two victories over Team WWF, Hogan had the Heavyweight title, Mr. Perfect was the IC champion, and The Hollywood Blonds had regained the WWF Tag Team titles, beating The Smokin' Gunns at Survivor Series. The battle would continue throughout December with Bret Hart firmly the WWF's side. The nWo would end the year still on a high note, with the Blonds defending the Tag Titles against the Harts at our December PPV, and Mr. Perfect and Hogan beating The Undertaker and Ric Flair. The big news coming out of the PPV, however, was an injury to Steve Austin, which will see him out for the next two months. Can the nWo survive without one of it's strongest members?</p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere in the WWF, the legendary tag team High and Mighty would reform with Rick Rude coming to Jake Roberts aid in Roberts's battle against Ted DiBiase and his Corporation. Hoping that Austin recovers in time for him and Pillman to take on High and Mighty at Wrestlemania. Dream match for this game, for sure.</p><p> </p><p> Alundra Blayze held the Women's title from May until November, losing the belt to Manami Toyota. Still trying to build up some more women, but the division is mainly those two.</p><p> </p><p> Both Scott Steiner and Dusty Rhodes asked for their releases. Steiner was at the start of a major push, but got hurt facing a local wrestler, and was unhappy while hurt so it wasn't that hard to release him. Rhodes, also got hurt, but I tried to turn him into either a manager or a color commentator. Despite being 47 years old, Dusty wasn't feeling it and asked for his release. Trying to inject some new blood into my main roster, I signed Jeff Jarrett, Steven Regal, and Sean Waltman. Waltman, going as The Kid, has mainly been a jobber, but is getting a little push, teaming up with Nikita Koloff against Jerry Sags and Stan Hansen. Regal had a brief feud with Owen Hart over the IC title but hasn't done much since then. He's on my next big things list so I'm slowly building him up to be a major force. Jarrett, debuting with The Roadie at his side, is winning matches, keeps threatening to sing, but hasn't entered into a program with anybody yet.</p><p> </p><p> 1993 finally saw both the AWA and WCCW close, with WCW buying them both. Paul Heyman would leave WCW and take over the booking of ECW. AJPW would fall to cult status, having reached national in October. No big retirements or deaths happened and no major random incidents this year. </p><p> </p><p> I think 1994 is going to be a big year for the WWF. My shows are getting great ratings but the main event scene is getting up their in age. Neither Flair or Savage are on the time decline list but I feel like it could happen any day now. Especially Savage. Shawn Michaels feels ready to break out any time now, but with the nWo being the major heels in the WWF, where is the room for HBK?</p>
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Only two months into 1993 and it's already been quite an interesting year.<p> </p><p> It all started with NJPW ended our working agreement that we've had together for the pass seven years and going hostile towards us. Why? Because I've reached National size in Japan and are beating them in the National battle there. Oh well. I love to be able to trade for Japanese workers and have my workers work a few matches over there, so I signed a working agreement with AJPW.</p><p> </p><p> I held the first edition of Monday Night Raw the second week of January. I went right to a two hour show and it's been great so far. The main event of the first show saw Ric Flair defeat Randy Savage.</p><p> </p><p> Going into the Royal Rumble, I had no idea who was going to win it. My World Champion, The Undertaker, has already been feuding with Bret Hart, Randy Savage, and Ric Flair, winning a four way match involving all of them that same night. Undertaker has faced Hart at the last two Wrestlemania's, so I didn't like that idea. Savage and Flair headlined last years Wrestlemania. I knew it was going to be somebody new winning the match and getting a shot at The Undertaker. It came down to two or three choices, but in the end, I went with Rick Rude. Rude had been the Intercontinental champion since August 1992, but lost the belt at the Royal Rumble to Kerry Von Erich. Him and Undertaker have fought once before, scoring a 99 rating. So, I'm quite happy that they'll put on one heck of a show at Wrestlemania.</p><p> </p><p> Kerry Von Erich has been a fighting champion since winning the IC title. He already has five defenses in a months time. Rude held the belt for four months and only defended it six times overall. He'll face Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania for the title.</p><p> </p><p> The tag team division has slowly been picking up. The Natural Disasters won the belts in December, held the belts for a month before dropping them to the Hollywood Blonds, when Mr. Perfect and Rick Martel turned heel on them. The Blonds would begin a feud with TenKoji, dropping the belts to them at our February PPV. They'll get a rematch at Wrestlemania.</p><p> </p><p> The Women's title has been passed between Wendi Richter (excellent in a heel role, surprisingly enough), Jaguar Yokota, and Manami Toyota for the last year and a half. Trying to get more women over and involved, I had Yokota drop the belt to Bull Nakano. Since then, both Richter and Manami have gotten injured. I have a decent sized Women's roster, so hopefully I can use this time to get a few more over.</p><p> </p><p> Back to the World championship. I had to find a challenger for The Undertaker while I worked on Rude's overness a little bit. Rude would take on Randy Savage, beating him at our February PPV, aptly named Rude Awakening. But, to challenge The Undertaker, I had Bret Hart face Ric Flair in a number one contendership match, with the computer deciding the winner. And Bret Hart won it. Wanted to change up their normal match, I put them in a cage together. The Undertaker would win but in the process, break Bret Hart's face. Hart would sustain a compound zygomatic fracture, putting him out of action for around six months.</p><p> </p><p> Hart has been a core player for me since I started this game in 1985. Even losing him for six months hurts. With Flair and Savage getting older, a few other wrestlers in my main event scene really having no business being there (Earthquake, Kerry Von Erich, Dusty Rhodes), and some just not being in my future plans (Nikita Koloff, Rick Martel), it's going to be up to Rude and Undertaker to carry the main event scene while Hart is out. I may have to push either Haku, Mr. Perfect, Owen Hart, Scott Steiner, or Shawn Michaels up to Main Event to make up any ground I might lose to WCW.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just finished up July 1993 and it's been an amazing year so far. Wrestlemania IX was our fifth straight Wrestlemania with a 100 rating, headlined by The Undertaker defeating the Heavyweight title against Rick Rude. The day after Wrestlemania, a game changer happened as Hulk Hogan resigned with the WWF after spending five years in the WCW. Hogan would make his return a few weeks later on Monday Night Raw but it was not a hero's welcome, as he would rip apart the WWF and it's roster. He would go on the next week to proclaim that a war was coming and he was not alone. First saying that it was Randy Savage who was on his side, than Ric Flair, and than the injured Bret Hart, Hogan would make WWF President Gorilla Monsoon nervous enough to interview the whole roster to find out who was on Hogan's side.</p><p> </p><p> The WWF Tag Team champions, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin, known as the Hollywood Blonds, turned out to be on Hogan's side. After defending their titles with the help of Hogan against Ric Flair and Randy Savage, the trio would announce the formation of the New World Order. Attacking Flair and Savage the next few weeks, the nWo kept promising more people and another would be revealed at the next PPV...after Bret Hart came down to ringside while the nWo was once again beating down Flair and Savage, many thought he was going to join in, only for the Hitman to save Flair and Savage before being jumped from behind by Mr. Perfect!</p><p> </p><p> The next month would see Hart watching on the sidelines, still injured, while being quizzed by Flair, Savage, and Monsoon if he was with the nWo, or still WWF. At King of the Ring, Hogan would finally wrestle in a WWF match, teaming with Mr. Perfect to defeat Flair and Savage. It was after the match, where Hart would accidentally lay out both Flair and Savage while aiming for Hogan that was the big story. The next night on Raw, Hogan would set his sights towards the Heavyweight title, still held by The Undertaker. After accepting Hogan's challenge, the entire nWo would attack the Deadman, only for Flair, Savage, and Hart to make the save. But after running the nWo away...Hart would attack The Undertaker! This would cause Gorilla Monsoon to make Hart the special guest referee for the Hogan/Undertaker match, telling Hart that after the match, he would truly know where Hart stood.</p><p> </p><p> With the tension running high going into our July PPV, nobody knew where Hart stood. His feud with The Undertaker (Hart being the only man to defeat Undertaker since he's been in the WWF) is legendary. But he's also proclaimed his hatred for the nWo and what they stand for. During the match, Hart called it right down the middle...preventing the nWo from getting involved, and not letting Hogan cheat...but at the end of the match, as Hogan made the pinfall, Hart would make the three count extremely fast, screwing the Undertaker out of his title. Where does Hart go from here? Is he with the nWo? </p><p> </p><p> Else where in the WWF, Owen Hart would have a classic feud with Shawn Michaels over the Intercontinental title, losing to the Heartbreak Kid twice thanks to Diesel, HBK's ever watchful bodyguard. Owen would challenge Michaels to a cage match, which proved to be HBK's downfall, as Hart would win the IC title for the second time in his career.</p><p> </p><p> The Tag Team titles, after being held by the Hollywood Blonds most of the year, are currently in the hands of bitter enemies. Kerry Von Erich and Rick Rude, after feuding with The Undertaker over his Heavyweight title, put aside their differences for one night to take on the Blonds, and with the help of Haku and Nikita Koloff, ending up winning the titles. They still hate each other and usually brawl after they defend their titles.</p><p> </p><p> For the first time in WWF history, the King of the Ring was held as a round robin tournament. In perhaps the biggest shock in WWF history, Jerry Sags would defeat Earthquake in the Finals to become the 1993 King of the Ring. After his tag team partner, Brian Knobbs was released for repeated drug violations, Sags has turned to the single ranks, putting on 90+ ratings against Owen Hart.</p><p> </p><p> I've been making some changes to my roster, releasing a number of wrestlers that have either been on the roster too long with nothing going on, or wrestlers I wanted to get experience elsewhere. I also brought up Bryan Clarke from development, named him the Nightstalker, gave him Jimmy Hart as a manager, and sent him on a nice winning streak to start his career. Brought Steven Regal back in and he's going to challenge Owen Hart for the IC title soon. Planning to let a few wrestlers contracts expire before bringing up some more from development. Gotta keep things fresh, ya know. I honestly wouldn't mind if a few of my older wrestlers decided to retire, forcing me to push the younger guys.</p><p> </p><p> So far, I've booked 1115 shows in just over eight and a half years in this save. It's amazing.</p>
  8. Well days away from king of the ring. I've been building to a Bret hart vs Jericho title match. And then bret hart gets hit with the toxic thing. So I have to release him. Now I don't know how to explain this away in storyline.


    You don't have to release him. I had The Undertaker get hit with being toxic in August 1990. I kept him on my roster, even as my World champion, until it ended two years later. Never once saw a dip in my attendance, my income, or my prestige. As long as you keep ahead of it and keep putting on good shows, you can keep Hart around.

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Defmall" data-cite="Defmall" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm playing a 1987 RW mod, playing as Bill Watt's mid-south.<p> We are doing VERY well as far as profitability and locker room are concerned, and we are increasing in recognition every show.</p><p> </p><p> I am considering leaving the NWA alliance...but I am not clear on what the ramifications would be. I have a few working agreements in place, so I'm not sure what I need to be "concerned" about if we break away?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think the worse that could happen is that some promotions in the alliance could go hostile or even go to war with you.</p>
  10. 1992 is done. WCW killed me in the awards, the top 500, and won the national battle for like the sixth month running. Hulk Hogan won the wrestler of the year for the third year in a row, fourth time overall. Sting and Warrior won the tag team of the year for the second straight year. My own Ric Flair did manage to win veteran of the year. I also won company of year for the second straight year, seventh time overall. NJPW got most improved company. Match of the year went to WCW, with Warrior winning a four way match involving Larry Zbyszkbo, Arn Anderson, and Tito Santana. For the fourth year running, Wrestlemania was card of the year.


    Top 500, WCW had the top 8 wrestlers in the world, and 12 of the top 20. My best was Randy Savage at 13.


    Despite being under contract with me at the time, WCW put Terry Funk into their Hall of Fame, their first inductee. The Undertaker finally had his scandal blow over. Never stopped me from using him. Vince McMahon moved to Hawaii. Sorry, Vince, still not gonna hold any shows there. Nobody big died this year and no major accidents/incidents happened this year.


    After WCW didn't renew his contract and he announced he would retire in three months, I signed Terry Funk to a short contract. He was awesome in those three months, putting over Shawn Michaels and a few other wrestlers. He's now working as a road agent for me and running my dojo.


    Cactus Jack finally got his match against Andre the Giant at Summerslam. He won it but has failed to make an impact since then.


    Mr. Perfect and Rick Martel beat Bret and Owen Hart for the tag titles at our September PPV, but dropped them Natural Disasters right before the year ended. Boasting a big body, good brawler skills, surprisingly good submission skills, and being very charismatic, this is Earthquakes first title in the WWF, but he might just be a surprise at the top of the card.


    Kerry Von Erich won the King of the Ring in 1992, before entering into a feud with Rick Rude and Scott Steiner over the Intercontinental title. KVE hasn't managed to win the IC title yet but Rude has made it the most prestigious title in the WWF.


    It's 1993 and that means one thing...Raw is gonna debut this year! Woo!!! Hopefully finally having a two hour A show will help me make some stars that will let me take over the number one spot in the national battle from WCW. On the negative side, however, I have no idea who is going to win the Royal Rumble this year or what will be the main event of Wrestlemania.


    Only two months into 1993 and it's already been quite an interesting year.


    It all started with NJPW ended our working agreement that we've had together for the pass seven years and going hostile towards us. Why? Because I've reached National size in Japan and are beating them in the National battle there. Oh well. I love to be able to trade for Japanese workers and have my workers work a few matches over there, so I signed a working agreement with AJPW.


    I held the first edition of Monday Night Raw the second week of January. I went right to a two hour show and it's been great so far. The main event of the first show saw Ric Flair defeat Randy Savage.


    Going into the Royal Rumble, I had no idea who was going to win it. My World Champion, The Undertaker, has already been feuding with Bret Hart, Randy Savage, and Ric Flair, winning a four way match involving all of them that same night. Undertaker has faced Hart at the last two Wrestlemania's, so I didn't like that idea. Savage and Flair headlined last years Wrestlemania. I knew it was going to be somebody new winning the match and getting a shot at The Undertaker. It came down to two or three choices, but in the end, I went with Rick Rude. Rude had been the Intercontinental champion since August 1992, but lost the belt at the Royal Rumble to Kerry Von Erich. Him and Undertaker have fought once before, scoring a 99 rating. So, I'm quite happy that they'll put on one heck of a show at Wrestlemania.


    Kerry Von Erich has been a fighting champion since winning the IC title. He already has five defenses in a months time. Rude held the belt for four months and only defended it six times overall. He'll face Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania for the title.


    The tag team division has slowly been picking up. The Natural Disasters won the belts in December, held the belts for a month before dropping them to the Hollywood Blonds, when Mr. Perfect and Rick Martel turned heel on them. The Blonds would begin a feud with TenKoji, dropping the belts to them at our February PPV. They'll get a rematch at Wrestlemania.


    The Women's title has been passed between Wendi Richter (excellent in a heel role, surprisingly enough), Jaguar Yokota, and Manami Toyota for the last year and a half. Trying to get more women over and involved, I had Yokota drop the belt to Bull Nakano. Since then, both Richter and Manami have gotten injured. I have a decent sized Women's roster, so hopefully I can use this time to get a few more over.


    Back to the World championship. I had to find a challenger for The Undertaker while I worked on Rude's overness a little bit. Rude would take on Randy Savage, beating him at our February PPV, aptly named Rude Awakening. But, to challenge The Undertaker, I had Bret Hart face Ric Flair in a number one contendership match, with the computer deciding the winner. And Bret Hart won it. Wanted to change up their normal match, I put them in a cage together. The Undertaker would win but in the process, break Bret Hart's face. Hart would sustain a compound zygomatic fracture, putting him out of action for around six months.


    Hart has been a core player for me since I started this game in 1985. Even losing him for six months hurts. With Flair and Savage getting older, a few other wrestlers in my main event scene really having no business being there (Earthquake, Kerry Von Erich, Dusty Rhodes), and some just not being in my future plans (Nikita Koloff, Rick Martel), it's going to be up to Rude and Undertaker to carry the main event scene while Hart is out. I may have to push either Haku, Mr. Perfect, Owen Hart, Scott Steiner, or Shawn Michaels up to Main Event to make up any ground I might lose to WCW.

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Azul" data-cite="Azul" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do you get penalized for not running a TV show? I'm running PGHW and want to run 4 small events during the touring month, and then have 1 big event during the month. I realize that could be done with a TV show, but I'm a nerd and want realism in my puro <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No, it'll just make it harder for you to get bigger in size.</p>
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Six months into 1992 and thing are looking up, a little bit. Didn't run too many fun storylines in 1991, just stuff to get me through the year, but I've been doing some fun ones in 1992.<p> </p><p> The year started off with two major storylines at the Royal Rumble. After turning heel and winning a buried alive match against The Undertaker, Bret Hart would start teaming more often with his brother, Owen. But, the first week of January, after winning a tag match against Kerry Von Erich and Randy Savage, the lights would go out, and a gong would hit. The next few weeks would see Hart calling out Undertaker, supernatural things happening, costing Bret and Owen matches, and Undertaker promising the end of the Harts.</p><p> </p><p> At the Royal Rumble, Undertaker would finally make his returning, beating the ever loving crap out of Bret Hart. Not wanting to see the Deadman double teamed, Kerry Von Erich would appear at the side of The Undertaker, with those two beating the Harts at the next PPV. Undertaker would challenge Bret to a match at Wrestlemania VIII. It would be the second year in a row these two would square off at Wrestlemania, with Undertaker coming out on top again.</p><p> </p><p> Since then, Undertaker has moved on to a feud with Ted DiBiase and his Million Dollar Corporation, consisting of Stan Hansen, Earthquake, and their newest member, Jerry Sags. Bret and Owen have continued to tag together, getting ready to challenge the tag team champions, Haku and Nikita Koloff.</p><p> </p><p> Randy Savage would win the 1992 Royal Rumble. With Ric Flair as the WWF Heavyweight champion, it was pretty easy to just copy their real life feud from that year, with Flair saying he slept with and had pictures to prove it, with Miss Elizabeth. Savage would win the match at Wrestlemania, winning the WWF Heavyweight belt for the third time. However, I did throw one twist into it...The Four Horsemen! Flair would team up with Arn Anderson and The Fabulous Ones, Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. After Wrestlemania, Savage would recruit Dusty Rhodes, Manny Fernandez, and Big Boss Man to his side, resulting in a War Games match at the next PPV, with Savage's team coming out on top.</p><p> </p><p> Flair would get his rematch for the belt the next month. However, with Arn Anderson no longer in the company and The Fabulous Ones back on their own, would come up short again. He's still trying to get another shot at Savage, but Shawn Michaels has also started to challenge for the belt!</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of Michaels, he dominated the IC title scene in 1991 and the first part of 1992. He won the belt in February 1991, lost it for a month to Arn Anderson before regaining it, and holding it until the Royal Rumble, losing it to Mr. Perfect. Perfect and Michaels would put on the match of the night at Wrestlemania VIII, with Perfect retaining the title in a ladder match. He's defended the title since then against Scott Steiner, Rick Rude, and Rick Martel, but faces his biggest test yet this month, when all four will square off.</p><p> </p><p> The Women's title scene has gotten a lot better. Manami Toyota won the belt from Jaguar Yokota at Wrestlemania VIII. The Women's roster is slowly getting more over with the fans and the matches are started to get rated in the 60s, which I'm quite happy with.</p><p> </p><p> On the other hand, the Tag Team title scene is still crap. I tried pushing the Nasty Boys, but I can't get Brian Knobbs off pain killers. He's currently in rehab for the second time. If this doesn't work he's gone. Which sucks, because both him and Sags have turned into good workers behind the mentoring of Randy Savage and Ted DiBiase. Dusty Rhodes and Manny Fernandez held the belts for the first month of 1992, before dropping them to Money, INC (DiBiase and Rick Rude). I found out that Haku and Nikita Koloff had great chemistry, so they currently hold the titles.</p><p> </p><p> When I first started the game, I discovered that Andre the Giant and Cactus Jack had good chemistry together. I knew that before Andre retired, I had to take advantage of this. So, I released Jack for a few years, let him make his way in the world for a few years, and just resigned him this year. I put Andre in the Hall of Fame last year, kept him off TV until a month ago, and then brought him back as a special ambassador for the WWF. After making an announcement about the WWF returning to Japan, Cactus Jack would make his WWF debut/return, attacking the Giant. Andre would tell him that he was retired, but Jack didn't care, continuing his attacks. Dusty Rhodes would step up to fight for Andre, but would lose to Cactus. Cactus continues to challenge the Giant, and they'll eventually face off soon.</p><p> </p><p> I think I've done two stupid things this year, however. First off, I held a Ladies of WWF special on MTV. It bombed horribly. Probably wouldn't have been so bad if I made sure the main event hadn't been done three times before. Yeah, I could have changed it, but had a plan for it, and didn't want to. Second stupid thing, I accidentally held a show in Puerto Rico. Language barrier drastically caused a ratings drop.</p><p> </p><p> After signing away Steve Austin, I would end up sending him to rehab for a few months, to take care of a pain killer problem. Since returning, he's been a model worker. Him and Pillman, still managed by Alexandra York, have just started teaming as the Hollywood Blonds. I just need a face team for them to go against.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 1992 is done. WCW killed me in the awards, the top 500, and won the national battle for like the sixth month running. Hulk Hogan won the wrestler of the year for the third year in a row, fourth time overall. Sting and Warrior won the tag team of the year for the second straight year. My own Ric Flair did manage to win veteran of the year. I also won company of year for the second straight year, seventh time overall. NJPW got most improved company. Match of the year went to WCW, with Warrior winning a four way match involving Larry Zbyszkbo, Arn Anderson, and Tito Santana. For the fourth year running, Wrestlemania was card of the year.</p><p> </p><p> Top 500, WCW had the top 8 wrestlers in the world, and 12 of the top 20. My best was Randy Savage at 13.</p><p> </p><p> Despite being under contract with me at the time, WCW put Terry Funk into their Hall of Fame, their first inductee. The Undertaker finally had his scandal blow over. Never stopped me from using him. Vince McMahon moved to Hawaii. Sorry, Vince, still not gonna hold any shows there. Nobody big died this year and no major accidents/incidents happened this year.</p><p> </p><p> After WCW didn't renew his contract and he announced he would retire in three months, I signed Terry Funk to a short contract. He was awesome in those three months, putting over Shawn Michaels and a few other wrestlers. He's now working as a road agent for me and running my dojo.</p><p> </p><p> Cactus Jack finally got his match against Andre the Giant at Summerslam. He won it but has failed to make an impact since then.</p><p> </p><p> Mr. Perfect and Rick Martel beat Bret and Owen Hart for the tag titles at our September PPV, but dropped them Natural Disasters right before the year ended. Boasting a big body, good brawler skills, surprisingly good submission skills, and being very charismatic, this is Earthquakes first title in the WWF, but he might just be a surprise at the top of the card.</p><p> </p><p> Kerry Von Erich won the King of the Ring in 1992, before entering into a feud with Rick Rude and Scott Steiner over the Intercontinental title. KVE hasn't managed to win the IC title yet but Rude has made it the most prestigious title in the WWF.</p><p> </p><p> It's 1993 and that means one thing...Raw is gonna debut this year! Woo!!! Hopefully finally having a two hour A show will help me make some stars that will let me take over the number one spot in the national battle from WCW. On the negative side, however, I have no idea who is going to win the Royal Rumble this year or what will be the main event of Wrestlemania.</p>
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>March 87 - January 2002<p> </p><p> Raw Brand</p><p> WWF Bantamweight - Billy Kidman</p><p> WWF Women's - Madusa</p><p> WWF Commenwealth - Brock Lesnar</p><p> WWF Tag Team - Harlem Heat</p><p> WWF IC - Eddie Guerrero</p><p> WWF Heavyweight - Steve Austin</p><p> </p><p> SD Brand</p><p> WWF Lightweight - Ultimo Dragon</p><p> WWF Diva's - Mickie James</p><p> WWF Television - Ric Flair</p><p> WWF Tag Team - Enigma (AJ Styles and Nigel McGuiness)</p><p> WWF US - Chris Benoit</p><p> WWF World Heavyweight - Chris Jericho</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Top 10 of the 500</p><p> 10. Shawn Michaels</p><p> 09. Masahiro Chono</p><p> 08. Jeff Jarrett</p><p> 07. Kurt Angle</p><p> 06. Bret Hart</p><p> 05. Otto Hammerschmidt</p><p> 04. Steve Austin</p><p> 03. Triple H</p><p> 02. Chris Jericho</p><p> 01. Owen Hart</p><p> </p><p> End of 2001 Awards</p><p> </p><p> Wrestler of the Year - Owen Hart (1990)</p><p> Tag Team - Al Snow and Jeff Jarrett (Al also won in 1998 with Bryan Holmes)</p><p> Young Wrestler of the Year - Toshiharu Hyobanashi</p><p> Veteran of the Year - Bret Hart (won in 2000)</p><p> Female of the Year - Chigusa Nagayo (2000, 1991, 1990, 1987)</p><p> Independent of the Year - Mayumi Ozaki (1999)</p><p> Company of the Year - WWF</p><p> Most Improved - Zero-One</p><p> Match of the Year - Rich Money and Great Muta defeated Owen Hart and Dr. Death Steve Williams (NJPW)</p><p> Card of the Year - WWF IYH: A Death in Texas</p><p> Manager of the Year - Kerry Von Erich (2000, 1994)</p><p> Announcer of the Year - Michael Cole (1998, 1999, 2000)</p><p> Color Announcer of the Year - Roddy Piper</p><p> Ref of the Year - Kyohei Wada (2000, 1996)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Kerry Von Erich as a manager? Did he develop some entertainment skills in your game?</p>
  14. <p>WWF Risky Business mod, started January 1985, currently in August 1992.</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Heavyweight-</p><p>

    Ted DiBiase (defended Randy Savage at our July PPV.)</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Intercontinental-</p><p>

    Scott Steiner (defended Mr. Perfect at King of the Ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Tag Team-</p><p>

    Bret and Owen Hart (second time holding the belts, defended Haku and Nikita Koloff at King of the Ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Women's-</p><p>

    Manami Toyota (defended Jaguar Yokota at Wrestlemania VIII.)</p><p> </p><p>

    King of the Ring 1992-</p><p>

    Kerry Von Erich</p><p> </p><p>

    Royal Rumble 1992-</p><p>

    Randy Savage (first person to win the Royal Rumble twice.)</p>

  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And now 1991 is done and over with. Wasn't my best year ever but I'm still the only International company and I'm still number one in the world, despite WCW beating me in the last few National Battles.<p> </p><p> For the awards, Hulk Hogan won Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row, third time overall. Tag Team of the Year was a bit of t surprise, as Sting and Warrior took home the award. Young Wrestler of the Year went to Eddie Guerrero. Despite only being a midcarder for WCW, him and his brother Hector pulled out two 99 rated matches and one 97 rated match this year. Terry Funk won the Veteran Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row, third time overall. Female Wrestler of the Year went to Condor Saito. WWF won Company of the Year for the sixth time, the first in four years. Most Improved Company went to WCCW. Match of the Year took place at Survivor Series, when the team of Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Ric Flair beat Kerry Von Erich, Randy Savage, and Rick Martel. For the third year in a row, my Wrestlemania event won Card of the Year.</p><p> </p><p> Over on the Power 500, Hulk Hogan took the first spot for the second year running. Tito Santana, Sting, Road Warrior Animal, and Ricky Steamboat rounded out the top 5. I managed to get three wrestlers in the top 20. Savage at 11, Bret Hart at 12, and Ric Flair at 18. Goal next year is to get somebody into the top 10.</p><p> </p><p> Shane Douglas had to retire due to injury, shame a good young career got cut off so short. Rocky Johnson was the only big name to pass away. I got my first event up to Historic importance. Saturday Night's Main Event reached it after its 14th show. No other major news happened this year.</p><p> </p><p> Overall, I'm working on building up some young wrestlers and trying to boost my midcard. A bunch of WCW wrestlers contracts came up at once. I tried really hard to sign both Vader and Lex Luger but both rejected me and signed with WCW. The also managed to get Jacques Rougeau to reject me and sign with them. Sting, Cactus Jack, and Diamond Dallas Page all were up but I didn't try for any of them. I did manage to sign Ron Simmons, Wayne Bloom, and Mike Enos away from WCW. Big hit for them, huh?</p><p> </p><p> Oh, I did sign some guy named Steve Austin away from WCW. I don't know if he'll turn into anything good, but at least him and Brian Pillman seem to have some tag chemistry between them.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Six months into 1992 and thing are looking up, a little bit. Didn't run too many fun storylines in 1991, just stuff to get me through the year, but I've been doing some fun ones in 1992.</p><p> </p><p> The year started off with two major storylines at the Royal Rumble. After turning heel and winning a buried alive match against The Undertaker, Bret Hart would start teaming more often with his brother, Owen. But, the first week of January, after winning a tag match against Kerry Von Erich and Randy Savage, the lights would go out, and a gong would hit. The next few weeks would see Hart calling out Undertaker, supernatural things happening, costing Bret and Owen matches, and Undertaker promising the end of the Harts.</p><p> </p><p> At the Royal Rumble, Undertaker would finally make his returning, beating the ever loving crap out of Bret Hart. Not wanting to see the Deadman double teamed, Kerry Von Erich would appear at the side of The Undertaker, with those two beating the Harts at the next PPV. Undertaker would challenge Bret to a match at Wrestlemania VIII. It would be the second year in a row these two would square off at Wrestlemania, with Undertaker coming out on top again.</p><p> </p><p> Since then, Undertaker has moved on to a feud with Ted DiBiase and his Million Dollar Corporation, consisting of Stan Hansen, Earthquake, and their newest member, Jerry Sags. Bret and Owen have continued to tag together, getting ready to challenge the tag team champions, Haku and Nikita Koloff.</p><p> </p><p> Randy Savage would win the 1992 Royal Rumble. With Ric Flair as the WWF Heavyweight champion, it was pretty easy to just copy their real life feud from that year, with Flair saying he slept with and had pictures to prove it, with Miss Elizabeth. Savage would win the match at Wrestlemania, winning the WWF Heavyweight belt for the third time. However, I did throw one twist into it...The Four Horsemen! Flair would team up with Arn Anderson and The Fabulous Ones, Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. After Wrestlemania, Savage would recruit Dusty Rhodes, Manny Fernandez, and Big Boss Man to his side, resulting in a War Games match at the next PPV, with Savage's team coming out on top.</p><p> </p><p> Flair would get his rematch for the belt the next month. However, with Arn Anderson no longer in the company and The Fabulous Ones back on their own, would come up short again. He's still trying to get another shot at Savage, but Shawn Michaels has also started to challenge for the belt!</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of Michaels, he dominated the IC title scene in 1991 and the first part of 1992. He won the belt in February 1991, lost it for a month to Arn Anderson before regaining it, and holding it until the Royal Rumble, losing it to Mr. Perfect. Perfect and Michaels would put on the match of the night at Wrestlemania VIII, with Perfect retaining the title in a ladder match. He's defended the title since then against Scott Steiner, Rick Rude, and Rick Martel, but faces his biggest test yet this month, when all four will square off.</p><p> </p><p> The Women's title scene has gotten a lot better. Manami Toyota won the belt from Jaguar Yokota at Wrestlemania VIII. The Women's roster is slowly getting more over with the fans and the matches are started to get rated in the 60s, which I'm quite happy with.</p><p> </p><p> On the other hand, the Tag Team title scene is still crap. I tried pushing the Nasty Boys, but I can't get Brian Knobbs off pain killers. He's currently in rehab for the second time. If this doesn't work he's gone. Which sucks, because both him and Sags have turned into good workers behind the mentoring of Randy Savage and Ted DiBiase. Dusty Rhodes and Manny Fernandez held the belts for the first month of 1992, before dropping them to Money, INC (DiBiase and Rick Rude). I found out that Haku and Nikita Koloff had great chemistry, so they currently hold the titles.</p><p> </p><p> When I first started the game, I discovered that Andre the Giant and Cactus Jack had good chemistry together. I knew that before Andre retired, I had to take advantage of this. So, I released Jack for a few years, let him make his way in the world for a few years, and just resigned him this year. I put Andre in the Hall of Fame last year, kept him off TV until a month ago, and then brought him back as a special ambassador for the WWF. After making an announcement about the WWF returning to Japan, Cactus Jack would make his WWF debut/return, attacking the Giant. Andre would tell him that he was retired, but Jack didn't care, continuing his attacks. Dusty Rhodes would step up to fight for Andre, but would lose to Cactus. Cactus continues to challenge the Giant, and they'll eventually face off soon.</p><p> </p><p> I think I've done two stupid things this year, however. First off, I held a Ladies of WWF special on MTV. It bombed horribly. Probably wouldn't have been so bad if I made sure the main event hadn't been done three times before. Yeah, I could have changed it, but had a plan for it, and didn't want to. Second stupid thing, I accidentally held a show in Puerto Rico. Language barrier drastically caused a ratings drop.</p><p> </p><p> After signing away Steve Austin, I would end up sending him to rehab for a few months, to take care of a pain killer problem. Since returning, he's been a model worker. Him and Pillman, still managed by Alexandra York, have just started teaming as the Hollywood Blonds. I just need a face team for them to go against.</p>
  16. <p>WWF, started January 1985, currently in April 1992. Just finished Wrestlemania VIII.</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Heavyweight-</p><p>

    Randy Savage (3x champion, beat Ric Flair at WM VIII)</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Intercontinental-</p><p>

    Mr. Perfect (4x champion, beat Shawn Michaels at Royal Rumble 1992)</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Tag Team-</p><p>

    Haku and Nikita Koloff (Beat Money INC at WM VIII)</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Women's-</p><p>

    Manami Toyota (Beat Jaguar Yokota at WM VIII)</p><p> </p><p>

    First time I can remember in a long time that all my titles were held by faces.</p>

  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dr_Avalanche" data-cite="Dr_Avalanche" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A question regarding language. My company is located in the American Mid South. I have noticed that foreign workers pick up English language skills at a certain pace. Does this happen because we are putting on shows almost exclusively in English language areas, or is it because my home region is where it is? <p> </p><p> If I started putting on a lot of shows in Mexico, would my roster start picking up Spanish language skills eventually?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I believe it doesn't have anything to do with your companies region, but with who is on your roster. So, if you have mainly English speakers, and hire a Japanese speaker, the Japanese speaker will learn English.</p><p> </p><p> Your region mainly comes into play when you have a worker cut a promo. So, if said Japanese worker tries to cut a promo in an English-speaking region, it will fail, unless he learns English first.</p>
  18. Been quite a few interesting months since Wrestlemania VII. Thanks to them signing away Piper and Magnum T.A. from me and a major push to Sting, WCW has beaten me in the National Battle the last few months. This last month, just by four points. They finally gave Hulk Hogan their World championship, only to drop it to Terry Funk a few months later. They've been putting on amazing shows lately, so I've got to step up my game.


    And it's not going as well as I would have hoped for.


    After retaining his World title at Wrestlemania, The Undertaker would finally lose his first match in the WWF, dropping the belt to Bret Hart at our April PPV. The next few months would see Hart defending his World title against anybody willing to step up. This included Randy Savage, Jerry Lawler, Ted DiBiase, Rick Rude, Ric Flair, even Flair and Savage in a three way match, before The Undertaker got his revenge, causing Hart to lose the belt to Ric Flair at Summerslam.


    Hart would go crazy, demanding that WWF President Gorilla Monsoon give him a match against The Undertaker, as well as his rematch against Flair. Monsoon told him to chose one or the other. Hart would choose the title rematch, but lost the match, thanks again to The Undertaker. Getting his brother, Owen Hart, involved, Bret would go after The Undertaker, culminating in a Buried Alive match at our October PPV. With the help of Owen, Ted DiBiase, and Rick Rude, Bret would bury The Undertaker alive, turning him and Owen heel, and Undertaker face, in the process.


    After the heels left, however, lighting would strike, and Undertaker's hand would burst up out of the grave.


    After defending the title against Hart, Flair would make his second defense against Randy Savage. With Hart now a heel, Undertaker buried, and the only two faces in the main event scene being Kerry Von Erich and Savage, will anybody step up to face The Nature Boy?


    Besides a few weeks reign by Arn Anderson, Shawn Michaels has had a firm grip on the Intercontinental title. The self-proclaimed Heartbreak Kid is getting better every match, cockier every interview, and looks poised to run with the IC belt for a long time.


    Going into the WWF Tag Team Classic, the Steiner Brothers had to be one of the the favorites to win it. Scott Steiner stepped into the singles ranks for a month, winning the King of the Ring. Him and Rick had lost a few tag matches, mainly bad luck. They managed to make it to the Finals of the tournament, against the make shift team of Mr. Perfect and Owen Hart. They would lose the match, crowing Perfect and Owen as winners of the prestigious Tag Team Classic. The next show, Scott would turn against Rick. They would face one-on-one for the first time at the next PPV, only to find out they have bad chemistry against each other.


    With The Steiner Brothers breaking up, Dynamite Kid being released, Michaels Hayes being fired for drug use, Ricky Morton asking for his release, and The Barbarian signing for WCW, my tag team division has gone to crap. The belts are currently being held by the team of Nikita Koloff and Hercules and they've been challenged lately by Dusty Rhodes and the recently signed Manny Fernandez, yeah, not very good. The Natural Disasters are still making waves, but aren't quite championship material yet. The Nasty Boys were being pushed for a while, but Brian Knobbs got hurt and than was sent to rehab. I did sign the Eliminators, which turned kinda good when Saturn had Flair take him under his wing, and Kronus had Dusty Rhodes take him under his wing, but they're still too young to do anything. Hopefully I can rebuild this division, but it's gonna take a while.


    My women's division on the other hand, has exploded. Like a dud. After trying to make it work with just American workers, I gave up and signed Dump Matsumoto, only for her to break her back and be forced to retire. After stripping her of the title, I bite the bullet and signed Aja Kong, Bull Nakano, Manami Toyota, and Monster Ripper to my roster. Along side Jaguar Yokota, they've improved the wrestling quality a ton. Now to just get them over with the audience.


    The wrestling industry is falling pretty much all over the world, besides Australia. It's currently 11 in America and Canada, 31 in Mexico, 56 in Great Britain but a 94 (just starting to fall), in Japan. Which is good for NJPW and AJPW. Bad for me, especially trying to not lose ground to WCW. Trying to rebuild my main event scene and my tag team scene is gonna be tough work, especially with the roster I currently have. I expect it to look totally different a year from now. Here's to battle with WCW!


    And now 1991 is done and over with. Wasn't my best year ever but I'm still the only International company and I'm still number one in the world, despite WCW beating me in the last few National Battles.


    For the awards, Hulk Hogan won Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row, third time overall. Tag Team of the Year was a bit of t surprise, as Sting and Warrior took home the award. Young Wrestler of the Year went to Eddie Guerrero. Despite only being a midcarder for WCW, him and his brother Hector pulled out two 99 rated matches and one 97 rated match this year. Terry Funk won the Veteran Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row, third time overall. Female Wrestler of the Year went to Condor Saito. WWF won Company of the Year for the sixth time, the first in four years. Most Improved Company went to WCCW. Match of the Year took place at Survivor Series, when the team of Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Ric Flair beat Kerry Von Erich, Randy Savage, and Rick Martel. For the third year in a row, my Wrestlemania event won Card of the Year.


    Over on the Power 500, Hulk Hogan took the first spot for the second year running. Tito Santana, Sting, Road Warrior Animal, and Ricky Steamboat rounded out the top 5. I managed to get three wrestlers in the top 20. Savage at 11, Bret Hart at 12, and Ric Flair at 18. Goal next year is to get somebody into the top 10.


    Shane Douglas had to retire due to injury, shame a good young career got cut off so short. Rocky Johnson was the only big name to pass away. I got my first event up to Historic importance. Saturday Night's Main Event reached it after its 14th show. No other major news happened this year.


    Overall, I'm working on building up some young wrestlers and trying to boost my midcard. A bunch of WCW wrestlers contracts came up at once. I tried really hard to sign both Vader and Lex Luger but both rejected me and signed with WCW. The also managed to get Jacques Rougeau to reject me and sign with them. Sting, Cactus Jack, and Diamond Dallas Page all were up but I didn't try for any of them. I did manage to sign Ron Simmons, Wayne Bloom, and Mike Enos away from WCW. Big hit for them, huh?


    Oh, I did sign some guy named Steve Austin away from WCW. I don't know if he'll turn into anything good, but at least him and Brian Pillman seem to have some tag chemistry between them.

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kingster" data-cite="Kingster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The moment of truth is getting scarily close now. So, does anybody have any insight on this?<p> And if I lose him, will there be any more negatives other than the obvious fact, that I'll lose the attendance and merchandise bonuses and that I'll need to establish another figurehead?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Another question: If I pillage another company, do I have to pay extra for the assets I pick or is it only the amount of debt that I have to pay off, no matter what?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't think it does. I lost my figurehead in my latest game to a rival company. And nothing negative happened.</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And now Wrestlemania VII is in the bags! But first, who won the awards for 1990? Not me, that's for sure! Hulk Hogan was wrestler of the year. WCW only had him in 33 matches, winning 20, losing 11, with one draw, but he had an average of 93, so, whatever. Antonio Inoki and Tatsumi Fujinami won tag team of the year. Condor Saito became the first woman to win young wrestler of the year. Terry Funk won veteran of the year. NJPW won company of the year. I had the match of the year, with The Undertaker beat Roddy Piper in a casket match. Also had show of the year for Wrestlemania VI. Hogan also topped the power 500 for the second time in his career. My first wrestler in the power 500? The Undertaker at 19!<p> </p><p> I've let quite a few wrestlers go lately. Magnum T.A., Chris Benoit, Bob Orton Jr, Roddy Piper, and Davey Boy Smith all signed with WCW. Benoit and Davey Boy asked for their releases, which I granted, I let Magnum resign with them since I had nothing else for him, Orton I didn't renew his contract, and he signed with them. I went all in on Piper but he chose WCW over me. Lame.</p><p> </p><p> Outside of The Undertaker scandal mentioned in my quoted post, nothing too interesting happened in the wrestling world. Sabu was forced to retire at 26 after breaking his back. Gonna be weird to see ECW without him. </p><p> </p><p> On the home front in WWF, despite losing a few stars to WCW, and my World champion being toxic, I like where my heading. Bret Hart won the 1991 Royal Rumble for a shot to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania VII. Undertaker still is undefeated at 91-0 since coming to the WWF. He also has a massive ego, leading to a few fights. </p><p> </p><p> After spending a few months in development, I finally brought the Women's division and title back to the WWF at my September supercard. Wendi Richter regained the Women's title against Alundra Blayze. The division isn't taking the WWF by storm but I like where it's heading.</p><p> </p><p> And now, for the Wrestlemania VII card!</p><p> </p><p> In the opening match, after months of trying to get at him, and losing a few matches against him, Arn Anderson finally beat Mr. Perfect.</p><p> </p><p> Next up, the Faces of Fear, after turning against Bobby Heenan the week before, defeated their former Heenan Family teammates, Hercules and Nikita Koloff, when Big Bossman turned against the Heenan Family.</p><p> </p><p> Testing out the singles waters for one of my former tag team champions didn't turn out so well, as Scott Steiner lost to Randy Savage. I don't know if Steiner will keep going down the singles rout or if he'll keep teaming with his brother, Rick.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of the Women's Division, Wendi Richter retained her Women's title against former GLOW wrestler, Hollywood. Richter lost the title to Alundra Blayze at the Royal Rumble, but regained it a few weeks later when Blayze announced she was pregnant. Currently looking for a new heel to feud with Richter.</p><p> </p><p> In a disappointing match, Ric Flair defeated Dusty Rhodes. Since coming to the WWF in December, Rhodes hasn't been everything I hoped he would be. I'm hoping to find a young wrestler to team up with him.</p><p> </p><p> In the first men's title match of the night, Money, INC, (Ted DiBiase and Rick Rude), defended their Tag Team titles against the Fabulous Freebirds. Talk about a match you never thought you would see at Wrestlemania. Was my second highest rated match of the night, a 97.</p><p> </p><p> For the first time ever, a ladder match was held at Wrestlemania. After beating Kerry Von Erich for the IC title the month before, the cocky Shawn Michaels would put his belt on the line against Owen Hart. A fast paced match, that saw Owen take a stunt bump, Michaels would come out on top. These two feuding for the IC title has been a gold mine.</p><p> </p><p> And in the main event, after winning the Heavyweight belt a year ago at Wrestlemania VI, The Undertaker put his title on the line against the Royal Rumble winner, Bret Hart. First time these two have fought one-on-one, with great chemistry between them, they managed to some how get a 99 rated match as the Undertaker continued his winning streak. Will the Hitman go down like so many before him? Or will he come back again?</p><p> </p><p> Also at Wrestlemania VII, I inducted the first two members of the WWF Hall of Fame. Andre the Giant and Big John Studd. Despite them both still being active wrestlers, neither has been seen in over a year, and I just keep sending them on vacation until they retire.</p><p> </p><p> Else where in the WWF, Dynamite Kid, after losing his tag team partner, started with Rick Martel as the new Strike Force. Razor Ramon keeps going off to film movies, making it hard to invest too much in him.</p><p> </p><p> I took control of CMLL, NJPW, AJPW, and WCW and updated all their championships, events, and a few other things. Makes the game world feel more alive when I do things like that. I can't wait for ECW to form in a few years. Hopefully by than, a few other companies will have closed (or will WCCW and the AWA last well into the 90s!?), so ECW has a chance to strive. I have a few of their wrestlers (Dreamer, Sandman, Taz, etc.), in my dev company so that they can improve before hand.</p><p> </p><p> Still loving this game. Love seeing my own WWF evolve from the very start.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Been quite a few interesting months since Wrestlemania VII. Thanks to them signing away Piper and Magnum T.A. from me and a major push to Sting, WCW has beaten me in the National Battle the last few months. This last month, just by four points. They finally gave Hulk Hogan their World championship, only to drop it to Terry Funk a few months later. They've been putting on amazing shows lately, so I've got to step up my game.</p><p> </p><p> And it's not going as well as I would have hoped for.</p><p> </p><p> After retaining his World title at Wrestlemania, The Undertaker would finally lose his first match in the WWF, dropping the belt to Bret Hart at our April PPV. The next few months would see Hart defending his World title against anybody willing to step up. This included Randy Savage, Jerry Lawler, Ted DiBiase, Rick Rude, Ric Flair, even Flair and Savage in a three way match, before The Undertaker got his revenge, causing Hart to lose the belt to Ric Flair at Summerslam.</p><p> </p><p> Hart would go crazy, demanding that WWF President Gorilla Monsoon give him a match against The Undertaker, as well as his rematch against Flair. Monsoon told him to chose one or the other. Hart would choose the title rematch, but lost the match, thanks again to The Undertaker. Getting his brother, Owen Hart, involved, Bret would go after The Undertaker, culminating in a Buried Alive match at our October PPV. With the help of Owen, Ted DiBiase, and Rick Rude, Bret would bury The Undertaker alive, turning him and Owen heel, and Undertaker face, in the process.</p><p> </p><p> After the heels left, however, lighting would strike, and Undertaker's hand would burst up out of the grave.</p><p> </p><p> After defending the title against Hart, Flair would make his second defense against Randy Savage. With Hart now a heel, Undertaker buried, and the only two faces in the main event scene being Kerry Von Erich and Savage, will anybody step up to face The Nature Boy?</p><p> </p><p> Besides a few weeks reign by Arn Anderson, Shawn Michaels has had a firm grip on the Intercontinental title. The self-proclaimed Heartbreak Kid is getting better every match, cockier every interview, and looks poised to run with the IC belt for a long time.</p><p> </p><p> Going into the WWF Tag Team Classic, the Steiner Brothers had to be one of the the favorites to win it. Scott Steiner stepped into the singles ranks for a month, winning the King of the Ring. Him and Rick had lost a few tag matches, mainly bad luck. They managed to make it to the Finals of the tournament, against the make shift team of Mr. Perfect and Owen Hart. They would lose the match, crowing Perfect and Owen as winners of the prestigious Tag Team Classic. The next show, Scott would turn against Rick. They would face one-on-one for the first time at the next PPV, only to find out they have bad chemistry against each other.</p><p> </p><p> With The Steiner Brothers breaking up, Dynamite Kid being released, Michaels Hayes being fired for drug use, Ricky Morton asking for his release, and The Barbarian signing for WCW, my tag team division has gone to crap. The belts are currently being held by the team of Nikita Koloff and Hercules and they've been challenged lately by Dusty Rhodes and the recently signed Manny Fernandez, yeah, not very good. The Natural Disasters are still making waves, but aren't quite championship material yet. The Nasty Boys were being pushed for a while, but Brian Knobbs got hurt and than was sent to rehab. I did sign the Eliminators, which turned kinda good when Saturn had Flair take him under his wing, and Kronus had Dusty Rhodes take him under his wing, but they're still too young to do anything. Hopefully I can rebuild this division, but it's gonna take a while.</p><p> </p><p> My women's division on the other hand, has exploded. Like a dud. After trying to make it work with just American workers, I gave up and signed Dump Matsumoto, only for her to break her back and be forced to retire. After stripping her of the title, I bite the bullet and signed Aja Kong, Bull Nakano, Manami Toyota, and Monster Ripper to my roster. Along side Jaguar Yokota, they've improved the wrestling quality a ton. Now to just get them over with the audience.</p><p> </p><p> The wrestling industry is falling pretty much all over the world, besides Australia. It's currently 11 in America and Canada, 31 in Mexico, 56 in Great Britain but a 94 (just starting to fall), in Japan. Which is good for NJPW and AJPW. Bad for me, especially trying to not lose ground to WCW. Trying to rebuild my main event scene and my tag team scene is gonna be tough work, especially with the roster I currently have. I expect it to look totally different a year from now. Here's to battle with WCW!</p>
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