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About PhoenixXV

  • Birthday 10/21/1998

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  1. I did some renders that i was missing (or re-did some that i didn't like that much) so i might a well share them (tried to stay as simple as possible) : Benny (Elmo) Benson (With a bearded alt) - Bart Biggins - Killer Shark - Jay Chord Charles Hapstander - Jasmine Saunders - Sammy Bach - Eddie Peak Ernest Forthdyke-Hume - Jay Fair - E-Z - E-Soteric Spencer Spade (I liked all 3 of them so i just did them lol)
  2. Phew, just went throught almost 75 pages in 3 days since it's been so long i've been here, almost feels like i'm playing a différent database now lol. Thanks a lot to everyone who posted theirs renders on this thread ! ^^ Donc have much to thank y'all rn so just take some joshi workers lol And him (he look just like someone you may know... maybe)
  3. Been a while since i posted here, tried my hand to things a lot more detailed than i usually do and got this : Haruka "The Neon Ninja" Tanaka :
  4. Been a while since i posted some free joshi workers so here's 61 of em' Might try my hand at some male renders when i'll find some prompts that i find good enough x)
  5. Well it happens for me too but it gives the boosts back so i'm not really complaining x)
  6. Oh yeah i'm on pc, don't know if it works on mobile though
  7. https://www.bing.com/images/create/help?FORM=GENHLP Should be in the 7th one.
  8. Little tips for BING users, if you delete your history everytime you used your boosts, you get 15 boosts back, it works all the time for me.
  9. Tried to experience with Galaxy themed gears, worked pretty well i guess. Now trying assassin themed gear now, might post them later ^^
  10. I think it depends on the prompts you put in tbh, i had some problems when i entered things too complicated so i simplified it a little bit
  11. Only bing, i use ChatGPT only if i want original bios
  12. Tried to go for a casual theme, may have gone a bit too far xD Feel free to ask for full renders if you want them ^^
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