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About XaviBigJuice

  • Birthday 05/28/2002

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  1. Starting a Saisho save, and would like some new belt renders for the company. Need the Destiny, Destiny Tags, and Ride The Tiger Championships. If anyone would be willing to help me out, that would be lovely.
  2. This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope it goes well. I essentially added WINNOW to the joshi landscape, except they in lore opened in 2021. I created some workers and other lore to go along with this. All the important information you need is in the database whiteboard. I changed nothing else from the C-Verse besides things revolving around WINNOW and to a minor degree 5SSW. MediaFire was a pain so I only uploaded the created workers picture wise. I used the gif picture pack when making this. So I suggest just copying the default picture folders and pasting them to replace the picture folders TEW creates for you when you create a new database in the game to download mods. Then simply put the created wrestlers pics from the download link in the people folder after you have copied everything. Just so it'll automatically place those pics with the created worker they belong to. (I hope that made sense. ) The key thing for WINNOW you should know is that Higa finally got fed up with 5SSW and left to join WINNOW. HEART Saitoh followed her since 5SSW was starting to phase her out, and she wanted some change. Lastly, I have ran a test save and I personally think everything is really balanced. Let me know what you did like, didn't like, etc. Enjoy! Created Workers-https://www.mediafire.com/folder/dp334hxshuy1s/CVerseJoshiWorkers Expansion File- https://www.mediafire.com/folder/w0x3i66dtcojk/TEWIXCVerseJoshiExpansion
  3. The editor is a lot easier to use as far as creating characters than last year. I'm planning a c-verse expansion for the joshi side of things with Higa and HEART leaving to join WINNOW. I didn't want to just give WINNOW the free agents so I am creating some people to plan ahead. It hasn't been as creatively draining to create people for me personally compared to 2020.
  4. Loving the beta. Already writing down ideas for a WINNOW expansion. Two names leaving 5SSW, like 5 WINNOW talents being created, and a few other ideas.
  5. Hoping we get a more fleshed out Joshi scene. 5SSW was a blast in 2020, but definitely needed some competition. Can’t wait to experience all the changes to Japan.
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