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Posts posted by spargs73

  1. 48 minutes ago, Teasenitryn said:

    Bear in mind that some of what is making the Forbidden Door stuff work is it isn't just a one night thing. Mina Shirakawa was around AEW for a couple of months and has a past with Mariah May they could air videos over, Hechicero has been there a while in multiman matches, Zack Sabre Jr has shown up though he is more a special case because he is that well known. The other thing is that Forbidden Door is a long term project, most of the NJPW and CMLL types have been losing in closely fought matches, Naito and possibly Okada's retention in the four way a while back are the only ones I would say would really have struggled in terms of their results.

    What I would like to see is a new match purpose, something along the lines of

    Special attraction:
    The intent of this match is to show off a talent that is well known in other regions, win or lose the person they are in the ring with will show off the best offence of their opponent. If the foreign talent loses they will have been shown to be on an equal level to their opponent, if they win it will be portrayed as having been a close match that they deserve to have been part of to mitigate the shock factor.
    This match aim works best with talent that is over representing the home company alongside or against talent that has high reputation and overness in their home area that may count towards spillover towards people who would have watched companies with lower local coverage that would be able to give word of mouth knowledge about the visiting talent.


    This would need to be balanced in such a way that it is not an immediate pop boost but I could see this, if being done right over a few weeks or months before a forbidden door type event, leading to good ratings on such a card.

    My point is that if it was a TEW game, these wrestlers would have US popularity ratings in the teens or 20s at the most, which simply wouldn't be accurate. Look at, for example, Matthew Keith's or Edward Cornell's US popularity in TEW 2020.  There should be a lot of North American recognition/familiarity there, yet it's impossible for one of the US Big 3 to immediately put them over in main event or upper midcard matches where they should be, due to the game's reliance on the popularity system. If you're playing as TCW and paying big money to sign these guys, being forced to have them slowly build up US popularity over 6-12 months (like an unknown indie wrestler signing at minimum) doesn't seem right.

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  2. Just catching up on the TEW IX news. I discovered the game with the TEW 2020 edition, so I haven't been around long. I agree with others earlier in the thread that an overhaul to popularity is definitely needed, as this was my biggest issue with TEW 2020. A Forbidden Door type of event, or simply mimicking AEW's usage of NJPW/AAA/CMLL/Stardom wrestlers, simply cannot occur in TEW 2020, as the existing roster won't put them over due to their in-game "lack" of US popularity and US viewers would be uninterested in them. A fix to this would result in an immediate purchase by me.

    • Like 4
  3. Question regarding toxic workers: I'm currently running a TCW fed (in March 2021), and Greg Gauge got himself in a scandal regarding his regular usage of prostitutes. He is now deemed to be toxic and essentially unusable for the foreseeable future until the storm has time to pass.


    How long can I expect this toxicity to last? Does "foreseeable future" mean a month or two? 6 months? A year? Will I need to suspend him (give time off)? Naturally, his contract is up in 3 months, and I have huge plans for him going forward - he's become a major star (my #2 heel after Jay Chord), is the current leader of the Syndicate (having taken control of the group from Eddie Chandler after Wolf Hawkins turned face), and was scheduled to enter a storyline with Wolf after Wolf wins the TCW title from Chord at Total Mayhem in May.



  4. TEW newbie here - I purchased TEW 2020 2 weeks ago, greatly enjoying the game and Cornellverse so far!


    I'm playing a TCW fed and have some questions regarding creating a broadcasting company, as my readthrough of the handbook left me with more questions. When is the best time to create your own broadcasting company to air your programming? Should you wait until your existing major television deals expire? Does airing your weekly tv shows and events on your broadcasting company, when those same shows/events already have cable/tv deals on other broadcasters in that region, prevent your broadcasting company from being profitable? Does airing on one cannibalize viewers on the other?


    For example... If I create an internet commercial broadcasting company with Very Big coverage in the US to air TCW Total Wrestling, with ACE already airing the program on cable commercial television with Very Big coverage, what happens if I let the ACE deal expire rather than renewing? Would all the existing US viewership of the show on ACE simply move to the created broadcasting company's broadcast? I understand that I'd be receiving 100% of a smaller revenue number, as opposed to 15% of the larger revenue number on ACE. If the full ACE viewership simply moves to the created broadcasting company's broadcast, then creating the broadcasting company seems like a no-brainer, right?


    Thanks in advance.

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