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Posts posted by angeldelayette

  1. On 12/6/2022 at 5:36 AM, James The Animator said:

    Non-Title Match
    V.K. Wallstreet vs. Sting
    Comments: Another squash match, this time for Father Wyatt!

    Kurasawa vs. Disco Inferno
    Comments: For those who don’t know, Kurasawa is Manabu Nakanishi of NJPW fame. I’m tentatively pencilling this in for the weirdest match of all time. At the end of the day, I can’t justify picking Gifted Glenn Gilbertti (how is he gifted?) over Nakanishi.

    WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
    Hulk Hogan defends vs. Lex Luger
    Comments: In the end, creative control always goes over, brother!

    Comments On The Diary: Your first Nitro went well. Hopefully you can come up with some interesting non-Hogan angles soon.

    Hey James The Animator,

    Always good to see you predicting here and making the comments.  I think the Nitros are going well.  Hulk Hogan is definitely a big part of the company, especially with Nitro being 1 hour only at this moment.

  2. WCW Monday Nitro
    Monday Week 2 September 1995
    Location: Ocean Center (South East)    
    Attendance: 7,999
    Overall Rating: 83
    TV Rating: 2.53

    A Quick Swerve
    Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman are already in the ring.  Arn Anderson talks about his recent issues with Ric Flair.  He invites Flair down to the ring so that they can bury the hatchet.  Flair joins Arn Anderson and Pillman in the ring.  Pillman yells that Flair should be on his knees for him letting Flair come out.  Flair goes face to face with Pillman but Arn Anderson steps in.  Flair turns to Arn Anderson and grabs him by the shirt, ripping his shirt off to reveal a IV Horsemen t-shirt.  Flair embraces both Arn Anderson and Pillman.  He says that last week was just a hiccup and the Horsemen are just about back.  They just need one more member.  It will happen sooner or later.  All three men hold up four fingers before exiting the ring and walking to the back.

    Match #1
    V.K. Wallstreet vs. Sting
    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Sting(80) defeated V.K. Wallstreet(51) in 11:41 by pinfall with a quick cradle
    Sting p. V.K. Wallstreet =73

    Macho Man Or Nature Boy?
    Gene Okerlund talks about the 900 number before bringing in Randy Savage.  Okerlund asks Savage what he thinks of Lex Luger's arrival.  Savage says he'll talk about that later on tonight.  He will say what he has to say to Lex Luger's face.  The interview is interrupted by Ric Flair.  Flair tells Savage that he needs to focus on his own pain because a match got booked for Fall Brawl.  The match is a six man tag team match and Savage needs to pick his partners.  Flair gets a slap in on Savage and backs off, heading to the back.  Savage rushes toward the backstage area.

    A music video is shown to promote Steiner Brothers.  They make their return next week on WCW Monday Nitro.  

    Match #2
    Kurasawa vs. Disco Inferno
    In an extremely short match, Kurasawa(46) defeated Disco Inferno(40) in 5:26 by pinfall with a German Suplex.
    Kurasawa p. Disco Inferno =22

    What A Rush
    At a staging area, Gene Okerlund interviews Road Warrior Hawk.  Okerlund asks Hawk where he's at right now.  Hawk says that things are about to change in this company.  That will begin next week.  Okerlund tries to get the scoop but Hawk refuses to answer and we're sent to the next video.

    The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Paul Orndorff take on Jim Duggan on WCW Saturday Night.

    Match #3: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
    Hulk Hogan defends vs. Lex Luger
    In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Hulk Hogan(78) defeated Lex Luger(78) in 9:42 when Lex Luger was disqualified when The Giant ran in and attacked Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan makes defence number six of the WCW World Heavyweight title.
    Hulk Hogan d. Lex Luger =79

    Dungeon Of Doom Attack
    Post-Match, The Giant, Big Bubba Rogers and Kamala attack Hulk Hogan, ignoring Lex Luger.  Sting and Randy Savage run out to make the save.  Luger joins in, knocking The Giant over the top rope.

    Is Lex Luger Good Or Bad?
    Randy Savage gets on a microphone and asks why The Dungeon Of Doom didn't attack Lex Luger.  Luger says he doesn't know but he has respect for everyone in this ring.  Sting speaks up, singing the praises of Lex Luger.  Sting says that Luger is on their team.  Savage says he isn't sure he believes that.  Savage and Luger go face to face.  Hulk Hogan breaks things up and says that he believes in Luger, brother.  The promo in the ring ends the night.

  3. 41 minutes ago, neslo024 said:

    Came on to predict and missed it by a few minutes but enjoyed the show. I'm interested to see your plan for Trask as he's wrestled every week and has definitely been presented as more than a jobber.

    Hey neslo024.

    I hope your day is going well.  Sorry I got the show in right before you got your predictions in.  Glad you enjoyed the show.  I decided to make predictions only for the premium events.  This will enable me to get through things sooner.  I can honestly say that this is the furthest I've gotten in a very long time.  I'm actually all the way up to April in the game.  

    As far as Anthony Trask goes?  Well, you definitely may see some sort of push for him after March.  There is going to be a major change in things after March that will be talked about later on.

    • Like 1
  4. USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 3 February 2020
    Location: Illinois State Park (Great Lakes)
    Attendance: 11,790
    Overall Rating: 82
    TV Rating: 10,790,708

    Fatal Fourway Announced
    Steve Frehley comes out to the ring and talks about what Nicky Champion did to him last week.  He calls Champion a coward for attacking him.  Running Wolf comes out to the ring.  Frehley says he already beat Running Wolf so what could he possibly want right now.  Running Wolf says he wants another shot next week one on one.  Before Frehley could answer, Sam Keith comes out to the top of the ramp.  He tells them not to touch one another tonight.  But he has a momentum building match set up for next week.  It will be Steve Frehley versus Running Wolf versus Nicky Champion versus Rich Money.  It will be non title.  Running Wolf quickly agrees to the match and then so does Frehley.  Frehley exits the ring and walks to the back.  Running Wolf follows shortly thereafter, high fiving the fans.

    Match #1
    Anthony Trask vs. Andre Jones
    In an extremely short match, Anthony Trask(50) defeated Andre Jones(58) in 3:56 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf after blatantly cheating.  
    Anthony Trask d. Andre Jones =51

    In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts Update.  During the segment, he talks about the upcoming triple threat match tonight with a member of all three teams that will fight at Red, White And Blue.  He sends us to a promo by The Texas Express.  Cooper Christie says there's no one more powerful than a Texas man.  Turk Trenneman says he's going to show that tonight in the triple threat match against Jacob Jett and Grunt.  Christie says that God blessed Texas when they were born.  The butt whipping those other teams are going to face is going to be Biblical.  They both pose as we head to the ring.

    Match #2
    Zeus vs. Jimmy Chipolata
    In a terrible match, Jimmy Chipolata(25) defeated Zeus(55) in 7:57 by pinfall with a fast roll up.  
    Jimmy Chipolata p. Zeus =48

    Dummy, Yeah!
    Jack Jackson had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Running Wolf.  He calls Running Wolf a dummy and says that he is going to whip the dumminess out of him.  Maybe then he'll be back where he should be and that's challenging for the USPW World title, yeah.

    Match #3
    Grunt vs. Turk Trenneman vs. Jacob Jett
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Grunt(33) defeated Turk Trenneman(48) and Jacob Jett(69) in 15:49 when Grunt pinned Turk Trenneman with a Dump Truck.

    Jacob Jett carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Grunt was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.
    Grunt p. Turk Trenneman and Jacob Jett =55

    Dawn Is Still Recovering
    Backstage, Rick Law is shown taking care of Dawn Gemmell.  A knock comes on the door and in walks Joss Thompson.  Law stands up and grabs his nightstick.  He turns and swings it at Thompson.  Thompson manages to duck.  He holds his hands up, saying that he doesn't plan on doing anything until after Red, White And Blue.  Law asks him what he's doing here.  Thompson responds that he's getting a good look at his trophy manager after the end of the month.  Law shoves Thompson backward and out of the dressing room.  He closes the door and turns back to Dawn.  Dawn now has her eyes open and is looking toward the door.  She asks Law who that was and he admits it was Joss Thompson.  Dawn nods and closes her eyes again.  With that, we go to the ringside area.

    Hour 2

    The Miracle Blonde Debuts
    Alicia Strong comes down to the ring.  She talks about the Gauntlet match tonight.  She says that she will be the last woman standing tonight and then win the battle royal so that she can walk away as the top female wrestler in this company.  She is interrupted by the introduction of Suzanne Brazzle.  The bubbly woman comes down to the ring.  She offers Strong a handshake but Strong refuses.  The Miracle Blonde talks about being a veteran wrestler but she hasn't yet wrestled in this top company.  She says that she is glad to be here where the big girls wrestle.  Strong says that she shouldn't have interrupted Wrestling Royalty.  She tells Brazzle to kiss her toes.  Brazzle refuses and a short brawl ensues, leading Brazzle to clothesline Strong over the top rope to the floor.  Brazzle celebrates and poses in the ring.

    A video plays hyping Roger Cage vs. Charlie Thatcher later tonight

    Match #4
    Jack Jackson vs. Running Wolf
    In a decent match, Running Wolf(79) defeated Jack Jackson(34) in 8:14 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.
    Running Wolf p. Jack Jackson =70

    The Business Is Here
    Running Wolf is celebrating his victory in the ring. Rich Money, Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock run in and attack, beating him down into the mat.  Nicky Champion comes from the back with a chair to save his friend.  Instead, Champion accidentally hits Running Wolf wih the chair.  Champion stares at what he just did before being attacked by the three Business members.  Dusty Ducont throws Champion through the announce table with a Thrown Powerbomb.  Ducont stands over Champion and sneers at the crowd.

    A music video is shown to promote Annihilus.  He will be coming soon to USPW

    Match #5: USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Charlie Thatcher
    In an extremely short match, Roger Cage(61) defeated Charlie Thatcher(43) in 4:45 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defence number seven of the USPW National title.  
    Roger Cage p. Charlie Thatcher =50

    Update Part 2
    In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts Update for the second time tonight.  He sends us to an update on the status of Enygma.  Enygma gives a promo, saying that he knows he has been down and out here lately.  But he says that his life and career is not close to being over.  He says that he is gearing up for a World title shot.  He asks Sam Keith to think about him for a title shot the Wednesday after Red, White And Blue.  In the end, they will know who's next.

    Match #6
    Gauntlet Match Including Pariah, Raven Robinson, Sara Marie, Alicia Strong and Melody
    In a decent match, Pariah(64) defeated Raven Robinson(56), Sara Marie(67), Alicia Strong(77) and Melody(68) in an Elimination match in 14:21; the order of elimination was Raven Robinson first, then Melody, then Sara Marie, and finally Alicia Strong.
    Pariah d. Raven Robinson, Melody, Sara Marie and Alicia Strong =79

    Applause For The Win
    Having picked up the victory, Pariah celebrates in the ring.  Jaime Quine comes out to the ring.  She claps for the victory by Pariah.  She laughs and says that at Red, White And Blue she'll have another quick and easy victory.  Pariah disagrees and says that the win is going to go her way.  The two women go nose to nose before Pariah shoves Quine backward.  Pariah blocks the K..O. Kick, knocking Quine back in the corner.  Pariah hits the tornado DDT.  She grabs the Women's title belt and holds it up as the show comes to an end.

  5. spacer.png

    Anthony Trask vs. Andre Jones

    Zeus vs. Jimmy Chipolata

    Grunt vs. Jacob Jett vs. Turk Trenneman

    Jack Jackson vs. Running Wolf

    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Charlie Thatcher

    Gauntlet Match
    Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong vs. Sara Marie vs. Pariah vs. Melody

    Comments On The Diary: 

  6. USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 2 February 2020
    Location: Oregon Gardens (North West)
    Attendance: 12,964
    Overall Rating: 82
    TV Rating: 11,194,246

    Rayning On Frehley's Comet
    Steve Frehley comes down to the ring.  He takes a microphone and talks about the upcoming match with Nicky Champion, reminding everyone that he is one win away from facing off with Rich Money and taking the World title.  When there is a break in the talking, here comes D.C. Rayne.  Rayne has not really been seen this year.  But he steps in the ring and gets a microphone.  Rayne talks about being in a tag team, the best tag team in the history of USPW.  Frehley wonders what this has to do with him.  Rayne says that he wants a singles match tonight against one of the top wrestlers in this company.  Frehley agrees to the match and then catches Rayne with a punch, followed by a Frehley's Comet.  Frehley stands over Rayne for a moment then exits the ring.  Finally, Rayne exits as well.

    Match #1
    Joss Thompson vs. Leaf LeBaum
    In a decent match, Joss Thompson(87) defeated Leaf LeBaum(26) in 8:12 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  
    Joss Thompson p. Leaf LeBaum =73

    Wanting Back In Rich Money's Good Graces
    Backstage, Rajah gets into an argument with Running Wolf.  Rajah says he wants to get back into the good graces of Rich Money.  Running Wolf says that Rajah doesn't need Money.  He just needs to stand up and be his own man.  Rajah says he will do that after he beats the man who is getting a World title shot.  Sam Keith shows up and and books the match between Rajah and Running Wolf later in the night.

    Match #2
    Kirk Jameson vs. Greg Black
    In a poor match, Kirk Jameson(50) defeated Greg Black(53) in 6:15 by submission with a Kirk-Hold.
    Kirk Jameson d. Greg Black =59

    Belle's Corner
    Belle Bryden is standing by at a new staging area called Belle's Corner.  She hypes the show tonight and then talks about a newcomer that she will be bringing out tonight as a guest.  She invites out Debbie Rose.  Rose comes to the staging area and is all smiles for the woman who is her mentor.  They do some small talk and Bryden asks her what her plans are for the new year.  Rose responds that she plans to be the USPW Women's Champion by the halfway mark and then keep the belt the rest of the way.  She says that is something that Bryden couldn't do.  She throws a few more insults and then a slap.  Bryden slaps her back and the two women get into a shoving match before officials come in to break things up.

    Match #3: USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson
    In a decent match, Jett(67) & Moor(70) defeated Jumbo Jackson(50) and T-Rex(45) in 14:27 when Jacob Jett pinned Jumbo Jackson with an Emergency Landing. Jett & Moor make defence number six of the USPW World Tag Team titles.
    Jett & Moor p. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson =68

    Celebration Interrupted
    Persephone climbs in the ring to celebrate the victory with Jett & Moor.  She gets on the microphone and hypes Jett & Moor and their title reign.  They are interrupted by the team known as The Nation Of Filth.  Grunt and Stink walk down and enter the ring.  Grunt picks his nose and flicks it toward Jett & Moor.  Stink says that they have come to USPW for one reason and that's to take the USPW World Tag Team titles back to their home.  Persephone is about to speak up when they are all interrupted by The Texas Express.  They come down to the ring.  Cooper Christie  asks why they would get a title shot right away.  Turk Trenneman says they demand the next title shot.  Before the teams come to blows, Sam Keith arrives.  He says he is booking a threeway tag team match for the tag titles at Red, White And Blue.  He tells them to leave the ring or their team gets dropped from the match.  Keith exits and so do the teams, heading to the back.

    Hour 2

    Women's Title Discussion
    Jaime Quine comes out to the ring.  Quine talks about being the USPW Women's Champion now and until she retires.  She hypes herself up before she is interrupted by Pariah.  Pariah comes down to the ring.  She stares at the USPW Women's title belt that is around Quine's waist.  Quine tells her to take a good look because she is never going to hold it.  Pariah smirks and says that the title will be hers after Red, White And Blue.  A shoving match starts between the two and ends when Quine hits the K.O. Kick.  Quine pulls out her phone and takes a selfie of her standing over Pariah.  Then she exits the ring

    Red, White And Blue Control Center
    In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts the Red, White And Blue Control Center.  He talks about the great matches signed for this show.  That includes two battle royals.  He sends us to a promo by James Justice.  Justice talks about being on his last run in this company.  That means that he needs to win this, dudes.  He says that nine other men will be eliminated and he will be the only dude left standing.

    Match #4
    Rajah vs. Running Wolf
    In a decent match, Running Wolf(77) defeated Rajah(45) in 7:04 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer
    Running Wolf p. Rajah =72

    Nicky Champion
    Nicky Champion gives a promo that talks about his upcoming match with Steve Frehley.  Champion knows that he is going to win that match and move on to face Rich Money.  Champion says that within the next couple of months he will be the USPW World Champion.  Why?  Because Champion is more than just a name.

    Match #5
    Juliette King vs. Pariah
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Pariah(51) defeated Juliette King(32) in 4:54 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT.
    Pariah p. Juliette King =42

    Red, White And Blue Control Center Times Two
    In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts the Red, White And Blue Control Center for the second time.  He talks about the great matches signed for this show.  This time he focuses on the Women's Battle Royal.  He sends us to a promo with one of the female participants.  Charity Sweet talks about the upcoming battle royal and how high the stakes are.  She knows that all ten women will be in the ring at once.  But she knows that her fans will help pull her through this match and a win for the USPW Women's title against Jaime Quine.

    The Traskmaster Versus Volleyball
    Anthony Trask has been in an argument with Andre Jones.  The argument gets physical, with full-on brawling between the two men.  Before anyone can get the advantage, officials and security step in to break things up

    Match #6
    Steve Frehley vs. D.C. Rayne
    In a good match, Steve Frehley(84) defeated D.C. Rayne(65) in 11:24 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.
    Steve Frehley p. D.C. Rayne =80

    Frehley And Champion Fight
    Post-Match, Steve Frehley gets on the microphone and talks about beating D.C. Rayne tonight.  It is much the same way that he will do to Nicky Champion.  Champion races from the back and slides into the ring.  Champion grabs a microphone and says that there is no way that Frehley beats him.  Frehley reminds Champion that he won at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  In response, Champion slaps Frehley and then kicks him in the gut.  He drops Frehley with the Hawkeye Hammer.  Nicky Champion stands tall and celebrates in the ring as the show comes to an end.

    • Like 1
  7. WCW Saturday Night
    Saturday Week 1 September 1995 (Taped Wednesday)
    Location: Sanford Civic Center (South East)
    Attendance: 1,300
    Overall Rating: 68
    TV Rating: .16

    Match #1
    Barrio Brothers vs. American Males
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, American Males(Bagwell-44, Riggs-41) defeated Barrio Brothers(Santana-37, Siera-33) in 4:32 when Scotty Riggs pinned Fidel Sierra with an American-Plex.  
    American Males p. Barrio Brothers =26

    Monday Nitro Highlights Part 1
    A video shows highlights from Monday Nitro.  This includes the win by Hulk Hogan over Big Bubba Rogers.  Also, the arrival of Lex Luger on Nitro.

    Feel The Bang!
    Diamond Dallas Page had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with The Renegade.  DDP says that Renegade should be ready to feel the Diamond Cutter...BANG!

    Match #2

    Terry Richards vs. Jim Duggan
    In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Jim Duggan(51) defeated Terry Richards(25) in 3:03 by pinfall with a Running Clotheline Tackle.  
    Jim Duggan p. Terry Richards =39

    Monday Nitro Highlights Part 2
    A video plays hyping the very first Monday Nitro.  Sting defeats Ric Flair by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock.

    Match #3: WCW World Television Title Match
    The Renegade defends vs. Diamond Dallas Page
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page(57) defeated The Renegade(33) in 6:07 by pinfall. Diamond Dallas Page wins the WCW World Television title.
    Diamond Dallas Page p. The Renegade =55

    The Kiss That Don't Miss
    Johnny B. Badd had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Dean Malenko.  Badd says that all it takes is this one punch, the kiss that don't miss, to win this match.

    The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Hulk Hogan take on Lex Luger

    Match #4
    Dean Malenko vs. Johnny B. Badd
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Dean Malenko(63) defeated Johnny B. Badd(50) in 9:33 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf.  
    Dean Malenko d. Johnny B. Badd =64

    The Taskmaster
    The Taskmaster had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between his client The Giant and Hulk Hogan.  The Taskmaster says that Hulk Hogan made a big mistake when facing The Giant,  At Fall Brawl, Hogan will give that title to The Giant.  The Giant laughs and roars, raising his hand in a Chokeslam motion.

  8. WCW Monday Nitro
    Monday Week 1 September 1995
    Location: Duluth Entertainment Center (Mid West)
    Attendance: 7,011
    Overall Rating: 79
    TV Rating: 2.51
    This show increased our pop in 17 regions
    The feedback from viewers has been excellent, it seems they really struck gold with this show

    Match #1
    Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger
    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Brian Pillman(77) defeated Jushin Thunder Liger(55) in 7:52 by pinfall with an Air Pillman.  
    Brian Pillman p. Jushin Thunder Liger =77

    Former Friends Will Collide
    At the top of the ramp, Gene Okerlund calls out Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  Okerlund asks about the latest stuff between them and Ric Flair.  Arn Anderson says that he watched Flair's back for years.  He says he just wants a little respect.  He says he'll get that when he takes on his former friend and pins him in the middle of the ring.  A crazed Pillman looks toward the camera and says they are coming for Flair.

    Match #2
    The Giant vs. Joey Maggs
    In an extremely short match, The Giant(62) defeated Joey Maggs(29) in 2:25 by pinfall with a Big Boot.
    The Giant p. Joey Maggs =53

    Fall Brawl Control Center
    Tony Schiavone hosts the Fall Brawl Control Center.  Schiavone talks about how we are not having War Games this year.  Instead, Hulk Hogan defends the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Giant and more.  Speaking of more, the WCW United States title is on the line tonight.  With that, he sends us to a promo Ric Flair.  Flair says that Sting is in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Flair says that Sting and I have fought many times for many reasons.  He says that, tonight, when they walk that aisle, Ric Flair is going to prove who the man is.  Whooo.  Flair, then, turns his attention to Arn Anderson and what Anderson said earlier tonight.  Flair says they don't need to wait until Fall Brawl to solve these problems.  He invites Anderson to meet him in the ring next week.

    The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Dean Malenko take on Johnny B. Badd this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night.

    Match #3: WCW United States Title Match
    Sting defends vs. Ric Flair
    In an exceptional match, Sting(78) defeated Ric Flair(91) in 12:18 by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock after interference from Brian Pillman. During the match we also had Arn Anderson distract Flair. Sting makes defence number four of the WCW United States title.
    Sting d. Ric Flair =81

    A video from earlier in the week, Hulk Hogan is shown promoting Pastamania, a new restaurant at the Mall of America.  Hogan gets the crowd there fired up.  He tells them to make sure they watch tonight because he's going to take out that nasty Big Bubba Rogers.  Then comes Fall Brawl and The Giant.  Hogan says he's body slammed giants before and it will happen again, brother.  Hogan gets a few fans together and they say his catchphrase.

    Match #4: Non-Title Match
    Big Bubba Rogers vs. Hulk Hogan
    In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Hulk Hogan(79) defeated Big Bubba Rogers(69) in 9:32 by pinfall with a Leg Drop.  
    Hulk Hogan p. Big Bubba Rogers =80

    Surprise, Surprise
    Having picked up the victory, Hulk Hogan celebrates in the ring.  He is interrupted by the shocking return of Lex Luger.  Luger gets in the ring and goes face to face with Hogan.  Luger says he has all the respect for Hogan but he came here to be where the big boys play.  He came to face the best wrestlers in the world.  He challenges Hogan to meet him one on one next week for the WCW World Heavyweight title.  Hogan gives respect to Luger and agrees to the match.  The two men look face to face as the show comes to a close.  

    • Like 1
  9. spacer.png

    Joss Thompson vs. Leaf LeBaum

    Kirk Jameson vs. Greg Black

    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson

    Rajah vs. Running Wolf

    Juliette King vs. Pariah

    Steve Frehley vs. D.C. Rayne

    Comments On Diary: 

  10. USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 1 February 2020
    Location: Utah Park Reservation (South West)
    Attendance: 15,000
    Overall Rating:  88
    TV Rating: 11,440,157

    What's Going On With The World Title?
    Sam Keith comes out to the ring.  He talks about this being a new start for USPW and a new day under his rule.  He turns his focus to the USPW World title.  He says he watched last Saturday and he needs to speak with Rich Money.  Money walks out to the ring, shaking hands with Keith.  Keith tells Money that his next defense will come at Red, White And Blue.  That defense will be against his challenger from last Saturday night, Running Wolf.  Because he is making this match, he allows Money to pick the stipulation.  Money thinks for a moment and then decides on a Last Man Standing match to end their feud.  Keith says it will be done.  He shakes hands with Rich Money again before they both exit the ring.

    A music video is shown to promote that Annihilus is coming soon to USPW

    Match #1
    Joss Thompson vs. Enygma
    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Joss Thompson(85) defeated Enygma(63) in 10:22 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.
    Joss Thompson p. Enygma =76

    Backstage Struggle
    Backstage, Trent Shaffer and Bulldozer Brandon Smith get into an argument that leads to a brawl.  Enygma steps in to break things up.  The fight takes them close to where Mick Muscles stands in catering.  Muscles jumps into the fight on the side of Shaffer.  The segment ends in a total and complete brawl where the four men have to be broken up.

    Match #2
    Leaf LeBaum vs. Casey Valentine
    In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Casey Valentine(65) defeated Leaf LeBaum(27) in 4:05 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.  
    Casey Valentine p. Leaf LeBaum =47

    Champion Moving Forward
    Backstage, Lionel Greenwood interviews Nicky Champion.  Champion talks about losing last Saturday against Steve Frehley.  Champion says he wants to end this feud at Red, White And Blue in a cage match.  He says that is the only way to prove that Champion is more than just a name.

    Match #3
    Jaime Quine and Alicia Strong vs. Sara Marie and Melody
    In a decent match, Sara Marie(62) and Melody(69) defeated Jaime Quine(68) and Alicia Strong(77) in 14:36 when Sara Marie pinned Jaime Quine with an Energy Burst after a distraction from Persephone.
    Sara Marie and Melody p. Jaime Quine and Alicia Strong =81

    Steve Frehley Answers The Challenge
    Backstage, Steve Frehley answers the challenge of Nicky Champion with a resounding yes.  He promises that Red, White And Blue will be the last time they see Champion.  He says that Champion is going to get a permanent room in the Smackdown Hotel.  Frehley says he will take him to the top of the hotel and toss Champion from the top with the Frehley's Comet.  He says that when he steps in that ring, he will have three words for Nicky Champion and those three words are just bring it.  Frehley poses before we go back to ringside.

    Hour #2

    Pariah Wants A Women's Title Shot
    Pariah comes down to the ring.  She talks about being ostrasized from the other women in USPW due to her prior business.  But she is going to take the anger he feels and put it into another wrestler.  Her speech is interrupted by Sam Keith, who joins her in the ring.  Pariah says that she wants a title match against Jaime Quine.  Keith says he will grant her request but she has to win a number one contenders Gauntlet match in two weeks.  Pariah agrees and Keith says she will be number one in that Gauntlet.  That means she will have to go through every wrestler in the gauntlet to win.  He laughs and wishes her good luck, leaving an angry Pariah in the ring.

    Match #4: USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Funky Fedora
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Roger Cage(60) defeated Funky Fedora(48) in 5:38 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defence number six of the USPW National title.  
    Roger Cage p. Funky Fedora =65

    The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Roger Cage take on Petr Novak Next Week.

    Match #5
    Dusty Ducont vs. Andre Jones
    In a decent match, Dusty Ducont(56) defeated Andre Jones(60) in 6:26 by pinfall with a Thrown Powerbomb.
    Dusty Ducont p. Andre Jones =65

    Joss Thompson Sucks Up To Sam Keith
    Backstage, Joss Thompson is shown talking with Sam Keith.  Thompson calls Keith a role model for him.  Then, he asks if Keith can give him a match with Rick Law for the care of Dawn Gemmell.  Keith immediately agrees and says that sounds like what is best for business.  Thompson says he is the best to care for her and make her see the light.

    Match #6
    Rick Law vs. Rajah
    In a decent match, Rick Law(71) defeated Rajah(43) in 5:50 by pinfall with a Long Arm Of The Law.
    Rick Law p. Rajah =74

    Bet On Black
    Backstage, Maryam Vega hypes Kirk Jameson.  They are approached by Greg Black, who tries to hit on Vega.  Jameson steps up and tells Black that he'll show him who the top man is in this company.  Black agrees and Jameson sucker punches Black, knocking him down.

    Something's Wrong With Dawn
    Backstage, Dawn Gemmell is shown in her catatonic state.  Rick Law comes to her and forces her to eat and drink, telling her that she will feel better soon.  He says he will make her better.  Law looks in the camera and says he accepts the challenge laid out by Joss Thompson.  But he is only doing it so that Thompson will leave Dawn Gemmell alone.  Law picks up Dawn and carries her away to a locker room.

    Match #7
    Anthony Trask vs. Nicky Champion
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Nicky Champion(93) defeated Anthony Trask(50) in 9:58 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.
    Nicky Champion p. Anthony Trask =86

    Frehley's Comet Comes Through
    Nicky Champion is celebrating his victory in the ring. Steve Frehley runs in and attacks, beating Champion down into the mat.  Frehley brings the attack to ringside, banging Champion's head against the announce table and then the ring post.  Then, he puts Champion through the announce table with the Frehley's Comet.  He stands over Champion to end the show.

  11. Hey neslo024,

    Thanks a lot for your predictions and comments.  Are you on the same page as me?  Well, you'll just have to wait and see as the next show comes.  There's definitely a lot of people that deserve a push.  The only problem is deciding which ones get the push and when.  My roster is completely stacked and there's more I would love to sign, especially when SWF and TCW wrestlers come up for grabs.

    Hey DinoKea,

    Thanks for your predictions and comments.  I'm glad you enjoyed the first PPV of the year.  Hopefully, there will be more solid PPVs to come.  As far as no title changes on the first PPV, I did that on purpose.  I felt like it was something different that people might not expect.  Hopefully, you continue to enjoy things as we move forward and that you continue your predictions and comments.  I really do appreciate all of them.

  12. spacer.png

    Joss Thompson vs. Enygma

    Leaf LeBaum vs. Casey Valentine

    Jaime Quine and Alicia Strong vs. Sara Marie and Melody

    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Funky Fedora

    Dusty Ducont vs. Andre Jones

    Rajah vs. Rick Law

    Anthony Trask vs. Nicky Champion

    Comments On The Diary: 

  13. 9 hours ago, neslo024 said:

    Really enjoying this so far. I'm the most inconsistent predictor ever but I'm definitely going to try and follow along in real time. USPW has some really great wrestlers hidden in their bloated roster and some future stars as well as the cash to fill any holes they have. Their tag team division is the first thing I always try to shore up with more actual teams, Rich and Famous are usually my go to. They fit Rich Money's stable and are a good team.  Sorry for the ramble just love talking shop. Looking forward to where this goes

    Hey neslo024!

    It's great to see you here.  I can understand being inconsistent with predicting, especially during this time of year.  USPW definitely has some great wrestlers and there are more that I picked up from the indy scene.  Rich and Famous are a team I have looked at.  The only problem, of course, is the amount of time and getting everyone involved on the one show.  I have future thoughts of picking up a second show and doing a brand split.  But the decision is not made yet.  I do enjoy talking shop as well.  So, please, write here any time.

  14. Thank you both for the predictions and the comments.  I really do appreciate and read them all.  Don't forget the diary of the month!

    USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams
    Saturday Week 4 January 2020
    Location: Mississippi Bowl (South East)
    Attendance: 50,000
    Overall Rating: 82
    TV Rating: 12,878,991

    New Authority Figure
    In an office, Sam Keith opens the show.  He announces that he has been placed in an authority figure role.  He says that tonight he is going to sit back and enjoy the show.  Then he is going to make some moves next month.  He welcomes everyone here before sending us to the ring.

    Match #1
    The Triumverate vs. Sara Marie, Melody and Faith McGee
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Triumvirate (Alicia Strong(75), Glorious Gloria(33) and Juliette King(41)) defeated Sara Marie(66), Melody(67) and Faith McGee(45) in 10:13 when Glorious Gloria submitted Faith McGee with a Glorious Full Nelson. 
    The Triumverate d. Sara Marie, Melody and Faith McGee =64

    A video plays hyping Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    Match #2
    Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Bulldozer Brandon Smith(71) defeated Trent Shaffer(76) in 7:20 when Trent Shaffer intentionally got counted out.  
    Bulldozer Brandon Smith d. Trent Shaffer =80

    Wishes Of A Goddess
    Persephone had an interview hyping her team of Jett & Moor taking on The Titans in a tag match.  She talks about Tyson Baine making a big mistake when he attacked Jacob Jett backstage.  Jacob Jett speaks up and says that he is going to be flying high in this match and it's going to be a crash landing on The Titans.  Julius Moor says that he will be the ground attack in this match.  He will prove that he is the stronger of the three men.  Persephone ends the promo by stating that victory is theirs.

    Match #3: USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. The Titans
    In a decent match, Jett(65) & Moor(67) defeated The Titans(Baine-68, T-Rex-45) in 9:07 when Jacob Jett pinned T-Rex with an Emergency Landing. Jett & Moor make defence number five of the USPW World Tag Team titles. 

    T-Rex was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.
    Jett & Moor p. The Titans =71

    A Bruised Bicep Won't Stop Me
    Nicky Champion had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Steve Frehley.  Champion lets everyone know that he left American Wrestling with a strained bicep.  He is working through it and is well enough to fight tonight because he is going to prove that Champion is more than just a name.

    Match #4: USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Wendy Anderson
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Jaime Quine(55) defeated Wendy Anderson(41) in 9:35 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Jaime Quine makes defence number ten of the USPW Women's title.  
    Jaime Quine p. Wendy Anderson =55

    Everybody Has A Price
    Rich Money had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Running Wolf.  Money reminds everyone that everybody has a price for Rich Money.  He says that Running Wolf has made the mistake of not accepting his money.  It will cost him this shot at the World title because greed is good and Money makes the world go round.

    Match #5: USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Sterling Whitlock
    In a decent match, Roger Cage(64) defeated Sterling Whitlock(58) in 6:04 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defence number five of the USPW National title.  
    Roger Cage p. Sterling Whitlock =69

    The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Nicky Champion take on Anthony Trask this Wednesday on American Wrestling.

    Match #6
    Joss Thompson and Mick Muscles vs. Law & Justice
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Joss Thompson(78) and Mick Muscles(47) defeated Law(73) & Justice(61) in 7:58 when Mick Muscles pinned James Justice with a Bulldozer Powerbomb.

    Mick Muscles was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  
    Joss Thompson and Mick Muscles d. Law & Justice =68

    Money Doesn't Rule The World
    Running Wolf had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Rich Money.  Running Wolf talks about his ancestors coming to him the night before and they told him that he is going to walk away with a victory.  Running Wolf says that money does not rule the world and he is going to prove that he is the best Native in this company.

    Match #7: USPW World Title Match
    Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Running Wolf(74) defeated Rich Money(81) in 10:04 when Rich Money intentionally got counted out.
    Running Wolf d. Rich Money =79

    Checking In To The Smackdown Hotel
    Steve Frehley had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Nicky Champion.  Frehley says that tonight he is going to put Champion into the Smackdown hotel.  He reminds everyone that he is a jabroni beating, hell raising main event player in this company.  That means that when he steps in the ring with Nicky Champion and all of his Champion this and Champion that, he is going to prove that Champion's role is just below his because Champion ain't nothin.  Frehley poses for the camera and then heads out.

    Match #8
    Steve Frehley vs. Nicky Champion
    In an exceptional match, Steve Frehley(81) defeated Nicky Champion(89) in 11:20 by pinfall with a handful of tights.    
    Steve Frehley p. Nicky Champion =82

    Frehley Wants The World Title
    Having picked up the victory, Steve Frehley celebrates in the ring.  He gets on the microphone.  He talks about beating Nicky Champion tonight and says he's on the road to a match with Rich Money.  The show closes with Frehley celebrating in the ring.

  15. Q9JOFpq.png

    The Triumverate vs. Faith McGee, Melody and Sara Marie

    Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. The Titans

    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Wendy Anderson

    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Sterling Whitlock

    Joss Thompson and Mick Muscles vs. Law & Justice

    USPW World Title Match
    Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf

    Steve Frehley vs. Nicky Champion

  16. USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 4 January 2020
    Location: Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)
    Attendance: 10,000
    Overall Rating: 82
    TV Rating: 11,145,487

    Final Partner Revealed
    Alicia Strong comes down to the ring.  She talks about how we're less than a week away from Stars, Stripes And Slams.  That means we're a few days away from her and The Muscle Monsters beating down Melody and Sara Marie and whoever they find to be their partner.  Faith McGee interrupts and comes down to the ring, facing off with Strong.  She says that she will be the final partner for Melody and Sara Marie.  Strong says something must be broken in her to face The Triumverate.  McGee says that she is fearless and will prove it this Saturday night.  The argument turns physical, with McGee actually getting the advantage.  McGee goes to the top rope and hits the Flying Cross Body.  Strong rolls out of the ring and McGee stands tall.

    Match #1
    Dusty Ducont vs. Nicky Champion
    In a good match, Nicky Champion(94) defeated Dusty Ducont(52) in 12:24 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.
    Nicky Champion p. Dusty Ducont =76

    Vega Scores With Craps
    Maryam Vega had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between her client Kirk Jameson and The Force

    Match #2
    Kirk Jameson vs. The Force
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Kirk Jameson(45) defeated The Force(56) in 6:18 by submission with a Kirk-Hold.  
    Kirk Jameson d. The Force =55

    A video plays hyping Nicky Champion vs. Steve Frehley...73

    Match #3
    Gorgon vs. Wendy Anderson
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Wendy Anderson(51) defeated Gorgon(51) in 15:01 by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body.  
    Wendy Anderson p. Gorgon =56

    Titanic Attack
    Backstage, Tyson Baine attacks Julius Moor by the soda machine.  Baine lifts Moor up and drops him with the Hades Bomb.  Baine looks down at Moor and tells him that the belts belong to him and T-Rex.

    Hour 2

    Nicky Champion comes out to the ring.  Champion talks about his upcoming match against Steve Frehley.  He reminds everyone that they have been fighting off and on for a long time.  But he is looking to put Frehley away and turn his attention to the USPW World Champion Rich Money.  Anthony Trask interrupts him, coming out to the ring.  Trask says that Champion needs to face him before he can move on to the World title.  Champion says he is willing to take on Trask next week.  Trask reminds Champion that he is the Traskmaster.  Champion responds back thaht Champion is more than just a name.  Champion throws a few punches and then hits the Hawkeye Hammer, dropping Trask on the mat.  Champion leaves the ring.

    Match #4
    Joss Thompson vs. Enygma
    In a good match, Joss Thompson(80) defeated Enygma(64) in 9:11 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter. 
    Joss Thompson p. Enygma =82

    Two Champions Unite
    Backstage Jaime Quine is shown talking with Rich Money.  They both gloat about being the top champions in their respective genders.  Quine says that they are two top wrestlers in their field.  Money agrees and says that everybody has a price for him and that includes Quine.  Quine says that their friendship doesn't have a price.  Money agrees that this one thing doesn't have a price.  He says it's going to be funwhen they beat Running Wolf and Wendy Anderson.  A backstage hand walks toward them pushing the cart.  The cart pops a pie that hits both of them.  Wendy Anderson is shown to be this person.  She points and laughs at both of them before walking away.  Quine stomps her foot in anger and the camera shows she got pie on her new cellphone.

    Match #5
    T-Rex vs. Jacob Jett
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Jacob Jett(63) defeated T-Rex(45) in 6:13 when T-Rex intentionally got counted out.  
    Jacob Jett d. T-Rex =64

    Titanic Fight Part 2
    Post-Match, The Titans assault Jacob Jett.  Tyson Baine drops Jett over the top rope to the floor with the Hades Bomb.  They start to go after him again but Julius Moor rushes out with a chair.  He limps out there, sliding in the ring and bouncing the chair off both Baine and T-Rex.  Jacob Jett manages to get up and hit a Springboard Forearm Smash on T-Rex.  The Titans rolls out of the ring, leaving the USPW World Tag Team Champions alone in the ring.

    Muscles Is Here
    Backstage, Joss Thompson stands by with Mick Muscles.  Thompson talks about the fact that he and Muscles have become teammates for Stars, Stripes And Slams.  He challenges Rick Law to find a teammate for himself.  James Justice walks by and says that he will be glad to team up with his friend against them.  This leads to Thompson striking Justice.  Muscles hits Justice with the Bulldozer Powerbomb.  Thompson and Muscles stand over Justice.

    Match #6
    Steve Frehley vs. Running Wolf
    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Steve Frehley(82) defeated Running Wolf(72) in 13:34 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet following interference from Rich Money.
    Steve Frehley d. Running Wolf =78

    Pull-Apart Brawl
    Post-Match, Steve Frehley continues beating down Running Wolf in the ring.  Nicky Champion rushes down to save his friend and gets into a brawl with Frehley.  As Frehley and Champion brawl at ringside, Rich Money slides into the ring and catches Running Wolf with a Bank Roll.  He heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps, hitting Dollars From Heaven.  Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion brawl through the crowd.  In the ring, Rich Money stands over Running Wolf as the show comes to a close.

    • Like 1
  17. On 11/25/2022 at 7:57 PM, DinoKea said:

    Phunk & Black def. The Cold Warriors
    Comments: Aren't all these guys nearing retirement

    Joss Thompson def. Jimmy Chipolata
    Comments: Chipolata is just a jobber and Thompson has a feud coming up

    Trent Shaffer def. Enygma
    Comments: Shaffer's a good worker and Enygma is getting a bit on the older side

    Alicia Strong def. Melody
    Comments: I don't think there has ever been a time I've picked Strong to lose

    Running Wolf def. Rajah
    Comments: Rajah stands no chance

    Non-Title Match
    Nicky Champion def. Rich Money
    Comments: Normally the point of non-title is in case the champ loses

    Thank you so much for the predictions.  I hope you enjoy the card.

    10 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:

    excited to see the new version! Hyped for what you've got, can't wait for more! 

    Hey.  Great to see you here.  I have some real plans moving forward.

  18. USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 3 January 2020
    Location: Plum Park (Tri State)
    Attendance: 15,000
    Overall Rating: 91
    TV Rating: 11,695,287

    Kick Off Brawl
    Backstage, Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion are shown brawling.  Champion runs Frehley head-first into the USPW soda machine.  Frehley bounces off and throws a right hand to Champion.  Officials step in to break things up.  Champion is pulled back but Frehley rushes toward him, throwing punches.  Champion fights back and officials have to step in again.  The officials finally get them broken apart.

    Match #1
    In a decent match, Grandmaster Phunk(55) and Greg Black(53) defeated The Cold Warriors(Novak-64, Karloff-47) in 12:45 when Grandmaster Phunk pinned Krusher Karloff with a Phunkensteiner.

    Petr Novak carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.  
    Grandmaster Phunk and Greg Black p. The Cold Warriors =65

    A New Giant Awakens
    A music video is shown to let everyone know a little bit about Annihilus.  He is a giant and is coming soon to USPW.

    Match #2
    In an extremely short match, Joss Thompson(75) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(24) in 4:21 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.
    Joss Thompson p. Jimmy Chipolata =59

    Money Is An Ending
    At the promo area, Rich Money hypes his match with Nicky Champion.  He thanks Steve Frehley for the attack earlier, saying he owes Frehley some money.  Then he cuts a short promo on Running Wolf.  He states that Running Wolf is going to end up the same way he did last week and that is as a loser.

    Match #3
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Trent Shaffer(61) defeated Enygma(52) in 14:36 by pinfall with a Heart Burn.
    Trent Shaffer p. Enygma =65

    Powder The Bulldozer
    Post-Match, Trent Shaffer celebrates his victory when Bulldozer Brandon Smith charges the ring.  The two men begin to brawl in the ring before Shaffer slides out, trying to get free.  Bulldozer chases him.  Bulldozer manages to catch him at the top of the ramp.  He grabs Shaffer by the back of the head.  Shaffer turns and throws some powder in the eyes of Bulldozer.  Shaffer grabs Bulldozer and hits the Heart Burn on the ramp.  Shaffer stands over Bulldozer.

    Jameson, Buy My Merchandise!
    Maryam Vega hypes Kirk Jameson.  She states that he is the best wrestler in the company and dares anyone to prove her wrong.  She issues an open challenge for next week.  Stepping onto the scene is The Force.  The Force goes on a rant, talking about 'Buy My Merchandise.'  He looks at Jameson and says that, next week, Jameson can feel the might of The Force.  Jameson smirks and accepts the challenge.  The Force says that he will know what it is to feel pain and suffering.  The Force snarls and growls at Maryam Vega and Kirk Jameson.  Vega turns up her nose and escorts Kirk Jameson away.

    Hour 2

    Flying High
    Persephone and Jett & Moor make their way to the ring.  Persephone talks about the attack by Tyson Baine.  She says that only a weakling would attack while the lights are out.  Jacob Jett says he's ready to get his hands on Baine because of that attack.  Julius Moor is interrupted by the video screen lighting up to show a cemetary.  Standing near a set of two graves is Tyson Baine.  Baine says that Jett & Moor are going to die in flames.  He warns them not to show up at Stars, Stripes And Slams because they will get blood and flames.  He says the tag titles will come where they belong and that's around his waist.  Jett yells at Baine to come and fight him right now.  Baine smirks and the video turns off.  Julius Moor accepts the challenge on behalf of his team.  The USPW World Tag Team Champions walk off, high-fiving the fans on their way to the back.

    Match #4
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Alicia Strong(71) defeated Melody(67) in 9:43 by pinfall after using a foreign object.
    Alicia Strong p. Melody =77

    A Model Life?
    Backstage, Jaime Quine is shown doing a modeling shoot.  The cameraman gets her in several different poses before Wendy Anderson approaches her.  Anderson talks about how vain Quine is.  But she's going to lose her most cherished possession and that is the USPW Women's title.  Quine stops the cameraman and then tells Anderson that she's too ugly to wear the belt.  Anderson says that she'll look better once she has the title around her waist.  Anderson grabs Quine's cell phone and tosses it to the ground, smashing it.  Quine gets upset and a short brawl ensues that ends with the K.O. Kick by Quine.

    Match #5
    In a decent match, Running Wolf(74) defeated Rajah(43) in 5:42 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.
    Running Wolf p. Rajah =75

    A Muscled Return
    Backstage, Mick Muscles makes his return to USPW.  He says that he is the best former USPW World Champion ever.  His interview is interrupted by Joss Thompson.  Thompson says he has something for Muscles.  The two men shake hands and then move to a private area to discuss what this is.

    Match #6
    In an exceptional match, Nicky Champion(93) defeated Rich Money(81) in 14:59 when Rich Money was disqualified when Steve Frehley ran in and attacked Nicky Champion.
    Nicky Champion d. Rich Money =93

    A Flying Comet
    Following the bell sounding, Steve Frehley continues his assault on Nicky Champion.  He hits the Frehley's Comet in the middle of the ring before moving the fight outside the ring.  Frehley puts Champion through the announce table with another Frehley's Comet.  Steve Frehley stands over Nicky Champion to end the show.

    • Like 1
  19. spacer.png


    The Cold Warriors vs. Phunk & Black

    Joss Thompson vs. Jimmy Chipolata

    Trent Shaffer vs. Enygma

    Alicia Strong vs. Melody

    Rajah vs. Running Wolf

    Non-Title Match
    Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion

    Comments On The Diary: 

  20. USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 2 January 2020
    Location: Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic)
    Attendance: 15,000
    Overall Rating: 83
    TV Rating: 11,131,711

    Money And Dark Destroyer Meet
    Rich Money comes down to the ring.  He expresses his disapproval of having to defend his title last week.  But he did it and now he has to face Hawkeye & Wolf in a tag team match with a partner that is so beneath him.  He throws a few more insults the way of Frehley.  Steve Frehley interrupts, walking down to the ring.  Rich Money tries to back off, saying he didn't really mean what he said.  Frehley responds that lions don't care about the opinions of sheep.  However, who in the blue hell do you think you are?  He says that if Money follows him, they will win because those two ain't nothin, especially Nicky Champion.  Frehley says he will take care of business so long as Money takes care of his business.  Money promises to do so and Frehley says they should go backstage and talk.  Money agrees and the two men leave together.

    Match #1: USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Zeus
    In a decent match, Roger Cage(61) defeated Zeus(54) in 11:26 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defence number four of the USPW National title.
    Roger Cage p. Zeus =66

    Injury To Jarvis
    Backstage, Lionel Greenwood interviews Jillian Jarvis, who was attacked last week by Pariah.  Jarvis says that Pariah got the better of her but it won't happen again.  She challenges Pariah to a match anywhere, any time when she gets healthy again.  She says she will remind everyone why she is called the Iron Lady because she will come back stronger after this injury.

    Nicky Champion faces Rich Money Next Week On USPW American Wrestling

    Match #2
    Shockwave vs. The Texas Express
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Texas Express(Christie-42, Trenneman-41) defeated Shockwave(Jackson-49, Atlas-47) in 3:50 when Cooper Christie pinned Atlas with a Dallas Drop.
    The Texas Express p. Shockwave =41

    Rich Money Discusses Business
    Backstage, Rich Money is seen talking with Business members Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock.  Money says that he trusts them to help make sure they keep this gold.  Ducont nods in agreemnent, looking menacing in the background.  Whitlock says he will do whatever it takes to make sure Money stays on top.

    Match #3: USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Amelia Fairchild
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Jaime Quine(68) defeated Amelia Fairchild(39) in 9:31 by pinfall with a K.O. Kick. Jaime Quine makes defence number nine of the USPW Women's title.
    Jaime Quine p. Amelia Fairchild =64

    Anderson Goes For The Save
    Amelia Fairchild is being attacked by Jaime Quine in the ring. Seeing the assault, Wendy Anderson comes running in and chases Quine off, saving Fairchild from a serious beating.

    Taking Care Of Business
    Backstage, Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock brawl with Hawkeye & Wolf.  Hawkeye & Wolf get the advantage, sending Whitlock running off, pulling Ducont away from the fight

    Hour 2

    Be Mine Part 2
    Joss Thompson comes out to the ring.  He calls Dawn Gemmell out immediately.  Dawn walks out from the back and joins Thompson in the ring.  Thompson asks her, once again, to become his manager.  Dawn refuses and an angry Thompson begins walking toward her.  Rick Law steps out of the back and yells at Thompson to stop right now.  Law slides in under the bottom rope and comes face to face with Thompson.  Law tells Thompson that he needs to stop.  Thompson says he thinks she would get him elevated.  A brawl opens between Law and Thompson with Thompson throwing Law over the top rope.  Thompson turns back to Dawn but she rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp.

    Match #4 
    Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Casey Valentine(58) defeated Funky Fedora(49) in 9:42 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.
    Casey Valentine p. Funky Fedora =59

    Teaching A Lesson
    On a video, Trent Shaffer is in a school classroom at a chalkboard.  He points to the one word on the chalkboard and that is 'Talent.'  Shaffer says that he is The Talent and he will prove it week after week against Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  He reminds everyone that he is the greatest and when he can move on from Bulldozer he will be looking toward the World title

    Match #5
    Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Miss American Pie
    In a decent match, Trent Shaffer(75) and Raven Robinson(56) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(72) and Miss American Pie(48) in 11:05 when Trent Shaffer pinned Bulldozer Brandon Smith while using the ropes for leverage.
    Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Miss American Pie =74

    Body Building
    On a video, Mick Muscles is shown at a body building competition.  Highlights are shown of the competition and he is shown winning it all.  He looks in the camera at the end and says he is returning to USPW next week to collect more titles.

    Match #6
    Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf
    In a superb match, Rich Money(81) and Steve Frehley(82) defeated Hawkeye(93) & Wolf(74) in 11:55 when Steve Frehley pinned Running Wolf with a Frehley's Comet following interference from Dusty Ducont.

    Nicky Champion carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.
    Rich Money and Steve Frehley p. Hawkeye & Wolf =90

    The Business Takes Care Of Business
    Post-Match, Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock hit the ring and attack Hawkeye & Wolf.  Rich Money and Steve Frehley join the beatdown.  Money grabs Running Wolf's finger and dislocates it.  The Business stand tall in the ring as Nicky Champion and Steve Frehley fight through the crowd.  The show ends with The Business standing tall.

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    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Zeus

    Shockwave(Jumbo Jackson and Atlas) vs. The Texas Express (Cooper Christie and Turk Trenneman)

    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Amelia Fairchild

    Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine

    Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Miss American Pie

    Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

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