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Posts posted by angeldelayette

  1. 17 hours ago, DinoKea said:


    Comments On Diary: Bit unfortunate to see the old diary end, but hopefully this one can get going

    Thanks for the predictions and comments.  It is unfortunate about the last diary but it also allows me to go a different way without guys like Jack Bruce, etc.


    USPW American Wrestling
    Wednesday Week 1 January 2020
    Location: The Dust Bowl (South East)
    Attendance: 13,629
    Overall Rating: 83
    TV Rating: 11,043,808

    Is Money Enygmatic?
    Rich Money comes to the ring.  He talks about The Business downsizing and getting rid of Charlie Thatcher and Rajah.  He talks about cutting the chaff from the wheat.  Money brags about still being the USPW World Champion after beating Running Wolf.  He says that he has set up a celebration for two weeks from now for his continued reign as the World Champion.  Out from the back comes Enygma, joining Money in the ring.  Enygma says that he has spoken with the top brass and he has been given a World title shot tonight.  Money kicks the ropes, looking angry.  He tries to go after Enygma but Enygma hits him with the Enygmagiri Kick.  Enygma goes for the ankle but Money rolls out of the ring.  Money stares up in the ring as he backs off.  The two men just stare each other down to end the segment.

    Match #1: USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Krusher Karloff
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Roger Cage(59) defeated Krusher Karloff(46) in 10:07 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defence number three of the USPW National title.
    Roger Cage d. Krusher Karloff =61

    Enygma Meets Running Wolf
    Backstage, Enygma is shown...walking!  He comes across Running Wolf.  Enygma and Running Wolf talk about the fact that they might be facing each other at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Enygma says that's the plan.  Running Wolf wishes Enygma good luck.  The two fan favorites shake hands before going their separate ways

    Match #2
    Funky Fedora vs. Jimmy Chipolata
    In an abysmal match, Funky Fedora(43) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(23) in 3:51 by pinfall with a Slingshot Back Suplex.
    Funky Fedora p. Jimmy Chipolata =29

    The Triumvirate Is Here
    Alicia Strong and The Muscle Monsters walk out to the ring.  Strong talks about Melody and Sara Marie being a thorn in their sides.  Strong reminds everyone that she is Wrestling Royalty.  Juliette King says that The Mama Bear is ready to maul.  Speaking of them, Melody and Sara Marie come out to the top of the ramp.  Melody issues a challenge to The Triumverate at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Strong laughs because there's two of them and three of us.  Melody says she bets she can find someone to join their team.  Sara Marie says she'll find someone.  Strong agrees and then walks out of the ring with The Muscle Monsters at her back.  Melody and Sara Marie move to the back before they get caught.

    Match #3
    Jillian Jarvis vs. Wendy Anderson
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Wendy Anderson(52) defeated Jillian Jarvis(55) in 11:37 by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body after a distraction from Pariah.
    Wendy Anderson p. Jillian Jarvis =53

    Pariah Goes Crazy
    Jillian Jarvis is celebrating her victory in the ring. Pariah runs in and attacks,  Pariah beats her down in the ring, finally dropping her with a Tornado DDT.  She picks Jarvis up and hits a second Tornado DDT. before leaving her rival laying on the mat.

    Bulldozer Brawls
    Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Trent Shaffer are backstage; an argument breaks out, and they start brawling with each other.  It ends when Bulldozer puts Shaffer through a table.  Raven Robinson is upset and checks on her man

    Hour 2

    Hawkeye And Dark Destroyer
    Nicky Champion comes down to the ring. Champion discusses his feud with Steve Frehley, which has been pretty much off and on since Frehley made his debut.  Champion says that he is the man in this company and the people's champion.  He is interrupted by Steve Frehley.  Frehley joins Champion in the ring.  Frehley says that there's no way that Nicky Champion is the people's champion because that's who he is.  Champion says that they should decide that in the ring at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  It will be Steve Frehley versus Nicky Champion for the right to be called the people's champion.  Frehley agrees and then slaps Champion before getting out of the ring.  Frehley backs up the aisle, smiling and laughing as Champion stands there stunned for a moment before he exits the ring.

    Match #4
    Sterling Whitlock vs. Running Wolf
    In a decent match, Running Wolf(73) defeated Sterling Whitlock(53) in 9:56 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.
    Running Wolf p. Sterling Whitlock =69

    Steve Frehley and Rich Money vs. Hawkeye & Wolf Next Week

    Tired Of Not Being On Television
    At the promo area, Casey Valentine talks about how he is sick and tired of not being on television.  He says that it's his turn to make an impact with his family's legacy on the line.  Funky Fedora shows up, laughing at Valentine since he got a victory earlier tonight.  Valentine shoves Fedora and Fedora tells him not to lose his funk.  Valentine challenges Fedora to face him next week.  Fedora agrees and removes his fedora, placing it on Valentine's head.  He tells Valentine to keep it.  He says that he has more before walking away.

    Match #5
    Jack Jackson vs. Rick Law
    In an extremely short match, Rick Law(71) defeated Jack Jackson(33) in 4:30 by pinfall with a Long Arm Of The Law.

    Rick Law p. Jack Jackson =59

    Grim Reaper Attack

    Backstage, Persephone hypes up Jett & Moor.  She says they are the best tag team in the world.  The lights suddenly flash and then turn off.  When they return, Jacob Jett is down on the ground with a Tarot card depicting a Grim Reaper on his chest.  Everyone knows that means Tyson Baine has been there.

    Match #6
    Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson
    In an extremely short match, Tiffany Jade(67) defeated Missy Masterson(60) in 4:27 by pinfall with a Green Destiny.
    Tiffany Jade p. Missy Masterson =61

    Be Mine
    Backstage, Joss Thompson is shown talking with Dawn Gemmell.  He asks her to be his manager but she refuses because she has enough time dealing with Rick Law.  Thompson says he can really use her and is more insistent on her being his manager.  The talk is broken up by the arrival of Rick Law.  Law tells Thompson that he needs to walk away while he can.  Thompson hesitates and then begins to walk away, muttering that he will get her as his manager.

    Match #7: USPW World Title Match
    Rich Money vs. Enygma
    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Rich Money(81) defeated Enygma(65) in 10:45 by pinfall with a Money In The Bank following interference from Dusty Ducont. Rich Money makes defence number eight of the USPW World title.
    Rich Money p. Enygma =80

    Running Wolf Makes The Save
    The match is over and Enygma is left down. Rich Money is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas.  From the back runs Running Wolf.  Running Wolf runs into the ring and ducks a clothesline from Money.  Running Wolf thows several punches and then lifts Money on his shoulders.  Money slips off and quickly rolls out of the ring.  Running Wolf smiles down at Money as show comes to a close

    • Like 1
  2. spacer.png


    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Krusher Karloff

    Jimmy Chipolata vs. Funky Fedora

    Jillian Jarvis vs. Wendy Anderson

    Sterling Whitlock vs. Running Wolf

    Jack Jackson vs. Rick Law

    Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson

    USPW World Title Match
    Rich Money defends vs. Enygma

    Comments On Diary: 

  3. spacer.png

    Welcome to United States Pro Wrestling.  Yes, I started one earlier but I got rid of it because I had BSOD.  This one will definitely have some changes to it.  For one thing, I will not be grabbing a bunch of wrestlers at the beginning.  I will grab people as I have ideas for where they come in.  So don't expect to see an immediate Jack Bruce, Skull DeBones, etc.  

    I am a writer that some have called 'Mr. USPW.' It is my favorite promotion to run with in the default data and I feel like I have a lot of different stories to tell. To make sure I am prepared, I have already run through several shows in the game. I hope you will all enjoy the stories that I have to tell.

    As you know, this diary will begin January 1, 2020.  I will be playing the role of Allen Packer.  

    Thank you for reading the diary.  I hope everyone enjoys it.

    • Like 1
  4. Clean sweep, baby! :D


    Great job! Seems like you have me down, at least so far.




    Saturday Week 3 February 1991 (Taped Wednesday)

    Location: Frank Erwin Center (Mid South)

    Attendance: 11,550

    Overall Rating: 83

    TV Rating: .72


    -At the announce booth, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Superstars. Vince McMahon says that we are on the road to WrestleMania. Vince McMahon talks about the situation with the WWF World Tag Team titles. He says that, next week, we are going to find out who is going to face The Hart Foundation. Roddy Piper speaks up and talks about Saturday Night's Main Event where Virgil stood up for himself. He says that, next week, he is going to have Virgil on Piper's Pit. But, back to this week, Vince McMahon sends us to the ring.


    -In a poor match, The Legion of Doom(Hawk-68, Animal-63) defeated Barry Hardy(25) and Bob Bradley(36) in 6:10 when Hawk pinned Barry Hardy with a Doomsday Device.


    Barry Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...56


    -A locker room interview is set with Gene Okerlund interviewing Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat talks about his history with Randy Savage. He says he is looking forward to the match tonight. But he is moreso looking forward to unseating Sgt. Slaughter at WrestleMania. He says he is going to take the title from that traitor and bring it back to America for all the veterans that served in the military.


    -In a decent match, The Barbarian(65) defeated Tito Santana(66) in 5:51 by pinfall with a Kick of Fear...73


    -At a staging area, Jerry Lawler hosts The King's Court. He makes fun of Ricky Steamboat before introducing his guest, the WWF debut of Wahoo McDaniel. Lawler spends most of the segment making fun of McDaniel's age and Native Americans. McDaniel gets angry and hits Lawler with a chop, knocking Lawler to the ground. The segment ends with McDaniel looking down on Lawler.


    -In an abysmal match, Jimmy Snuka(58) defeated Barry Horowitz(19) in 4:26 by pinfall with a Superfly Splash...44


    -Having picked up the victory, Jimmy Snuka celebrates in the ring. A man dressed in all black delivers a black wreath to ringside. Jimmy Snuka's name is written across the sash. Snuka looks at the wreath and shivers a bit, pushing it over to the ground before walking off.


    -In a superb match, Randy Savage(86) defeated Ricky Steamboat(79) in 14:31 by pinfall with a Flying Elbow Drop following interference from Sgt. Slaughter...88


    -Post-Match, Sgt. Slaughter assaults Ricky Steamboat. Slaughter locks Steamboat in the Camel Clutch as the crowd boos and begins a 'USA' chant. Steamboat manages to stand up and drops backward pinning Slaughter on the mat. Steamboat is the first to his feet and he starts a brawl with Slaughter before sending Slaughter over the top rope with a clothesline. Ricky Steamboat stands tall in the ring to close the show.



    Sunday Week 3 February 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: Corpus Christi Coliseum (Mid South)

    Attendance: 2,576

    Overall Rating: 71

    TV Rating: .07


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. They talk about last Saturday night's Saturday Night's Main Event show. Heenan brags about Rick Rude's victory. Monsoon hypes our main event that will see Demolition. face The Legion of Doom. Then, Monsoon sends us to the ring for our opening bout.


    -In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Jerry Lawler(58) defeated Tom Stone(22) in 4:01 by pinfall with a Diving Fist Drop...36


    -In a video, Sean Mooney hosts the WrestleMania Control Center. He hypes the upcoming WrestleMania card and tells everyone to make sure they purchase WrestleMania VII. With that said, he talks about a brand new match signed for WrestleMania. It will be a twenty man battle royal where the winner earns a future Intercontinental title match. He sends us to a promo by one of the wrestlers involved. That man is Tugboat. Tugboat says that he's going to see nineteen other boats get wrecked and tossed over the top rope until there is one boat left and that is Tugboat. He makes the tugboat air horn sound before we go to the ring.


    -In a terrible match, Tito Santana(61) defeated Barry Horowitz(21) in 3:52 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm Smash...49


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund hosts Update. He talks about the fallout from Saturday Night's Main Event. He talks about The Million Dollar Man and Virgil falling out. But DiBiase is going to be facing Tito Santana this Saturday. He sends us to a promo by DiBiase. The Million Dollar Man says that Virgil made a big mistake because his family won't see another dime. DiBiase then talks about his match with Tito Santana. He reminds him that everybody's got a price for The Million Dollar Man.


    -In an extremely short match, Greg Valentine(51) defeated Mike Sharpe(44) in 3:39 by pinfall with a Piledriver...38


    -In a promo, Rick Rude talks about The Heenan Family and their troubles with Hulk Hogan. Rude challenges Hogan to meet him face to face next Saturday on WWF Superstars. He promises just to talk.


    -In a decent match, The Legion of Doom(Hawk-65, Animal-63) defeated Demolition(Smash-52, Crush-47) in 9:42 when Hawk pinned Crush with a Doomsday Device...66


    -A video plays recapping Ricky Steamboat and The Ultimate Warrior defeating Sgt. Slaughter and Randy Savage from WWF Saturday Night's Main Event.

  5. Sad to see it go.


    Always sad to see your projects die, this one was looking like a lot of fun. If it furthers your WWF diary then it’s got a silver lining to it, but still. No matter what you’re writing, I’ll be around!


    I wanted to say thank you to both of you for your words. The truth is that this time of year is always going to be difficult for me. As of August, the 3rd, my sister has been passed away for three years. While I am moving forward, it still makes for a difficult time every single year.


    Thank you to those who stick by me through my troubles. Thank you to those who have had enough of me. I understand I can be a bit much. I know my limitations.

  6. Sad to see it go.


    Always sad to see your projects die, this one was looking like a lot of fun. If it furthers your WWF diary then it’s got a silver lining to it, but still. No matter what you’re writing, I’ll be around!


    I wanted to say thank you to both of you for your words. The truth is that this time of year is always going to be difficult for me. As of August, the 3rd, my sister has been passed away for three years. While I am moving forward, it still makes for a difficult time every single year.


    Thank you to those who stick by me through my troubles. Thank you to those who have had enough of me. I understand I can be a bit much. I know my limitations.

  7. G4sR5rB.jpg


    Saturday Week 2 February 1991

    Location: MA Foxboro Stadium (New England)

    Attendance: 69,528

    Overall Rating: 88

    PPV Buyrate: 7.57


    -Gorilla Monsoon, Vince McMahon and Lord Alfred Hayes welcome everyone to Saturday Night's Main Event. Monsoon announces that Mr. Perfect got injured so he will not be able to compete tonight or at WrestleMania. Vince McMahon speaks up, letting the viewing audiences know that we will see a singles match between Rick Rude and Marty Jannetty. Lord Hayes says that this was a huge hit to the show. Monsoon sends us to the opening match.


    -In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Hulk Hogan(85) defeated Haku(63) in 15:01 by pinfall with a Big Leg Drop. Hulk Hogan makes defence number two of the WWF Intercontinental title...84


    -From the pages of World Wrestling Federation The Magazine, Gene Okerlund hosts Update. Okerlund talks about the injury to Mr. Perfect and how he will be out for around three months. With that, he sends us to a promo by The Hart Foundation. Bret Hart says that they would have won against Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude if the match would have happened. Bret Hart says that they will have a match with another team picked by the WWF President. With that, we go to the ring for a tag team bout.


    -) In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Texas Tornado(67) and Kevin Von Erich(52) defeated Demolition(Smash-52, Crush-46) in 8:26 when The Texas Tornado pinned Crush with a Tornado Punch.


    The Texas Tornado carried the match in terms of in-ring performance...58


    In the ring, Jack Tunney hosts a contract signing between Jake Roberts and Rick Martel. The two sit on opposite sides of a table and Roberts quickly signs the contract, sliding it to Martel. Martel signs it and then goes around the table about to slap Roberts. Mr. Tunney stops Martel and says it was written in the contract that neither man can touch the other until WrestleMania. If one of them does, they get suspended indefinitely. Rick Martel's eyes go wide and he kicks the table, grabbing his foot in pain. Martel turns and hops out of the ring.


    -In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Undertaker(70) defeated Jim Duggan(68) in 7:23 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver...71


    -Post-Match, Jimmy Snuka rushes in and attacks The Undertaker. The fight breaks out between the two with Snuka knocking The Undertaker to the mat. Snuka heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps for the Superfly Splash. He is caught by the throat by The Undertaker. Undertaker sits up and stands up, leveling Snuka with the Choke Slam. The Undertaker looks down at Snuka before walking off.


    -In an interview area, The Million Dollar Man yells at Virgil. He tells Virgil that he better win tonight against Roddy Piper. DiBiase says that if Virgil doesn't win, he will stop funding Virgil's family. Virgil looks a little tougher when DiBiase mentions his family. Virgil turns and walks out, headed to the ring.


    -In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Roddy Piper(85) defeated Virgil(50) in 9:16 by submission with The Sleeper...80


    -Post-Match, The Million Dollar Man attacks Roddy Piper. DiBiase looks to shove a one hundred dollar bill down Piper's throat but his arm is grabbed by Virgil. Virgil shoves DiBiase to the mat and grabs the one hundred dollar bill. He holds it up while DiBiase stares at him. Virgil tears up the bill and drops the confetti on DiBiase before exiting the ring and walking to the back on his own.


    -Rick Rude comes to the ring and is handed a microphone. Rude begins with 'What I would like to have right now is for all of you fat out-of-shape New England sweathogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show the ladies what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit my music!' Rude slowly removes the robe and does the hip gyration.


    -In a decent match, Rick Rude(67) defeated Marty Jannetty(58) in 12:28 by pinfall with a Rude Awakening...72


    -Sgt. Slaughter and Randy Savage hype the upcoming match against The Ultimate Puke and Ricky The Maggot Steamboat. We go elsewhere to get a promo from The Ultimate Warrior and Ricky Steamboat. Warrior says that they are going to bring those two down from their lofty heights and destroy the ancient timbers that bind their hearts together. Steamboat gives a little side-eye to that before stating that this will just be a set up for his match against Sgt. Slaughter at WrestleMania.


    -In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, The Ultimate Warrior(72) and Ricky Steamboat(79) defeated Sgt. Slaughter(81) and Randy Savage(86) in 15:07 when Sgt. Slaughter was disqualified while fighting Ricky Steamboat...83


    -The match is over and Sgt. Slaughter and Randy Savage beat down The Ultimate Warrior and Ricky Steamboat. Slaughter places a USA flag over top of Steamboat. Randy Savage hits The Ultimate Warrior with a top rope flying elbow drop. Slaughter and Savage stand up and raise their arms as the show comes to a close.


    -From the pages of The Wrestling Observer, we bring to you a preview of WWF's Saturday Night's Main Event. The main event of the night will be a tag team encounter where Sgt. Slaughter teams with Randy Savage against The Ultimate Warrior and Ricky Steamboat. Both sides will be looking for momentum toward their respective WrestleMania VII singles matches.


    -Also, on this night, we will see Hulk Hogan defend the Intercontinental title against Haku. The Heenan Family are definitely coming after Hulkamania and that continues with this match. It might have been Mr. Perfect had Perfect not been injured during their last encounter.


    -Make sure you tune in and make the purchase from your local cable company!


    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Hulk Hogan defends vs. Haku



    Demolition vs. The Texas Tornado and Kevin Von Erich



    The Undertaker vs. Jim Duggan



    Virgil vs. Roddy Piper



    Rick Rude vs. Marty Jannetty



    Sgt. Slaughter and Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior and Ricky Steamboat



    Just wondering if anyone is still reading and enjoying this diary. It won't stop me either way from posting. But I do appreciate any comments that anyone has.

  9. uuDEseI.jpg


    Saturday Week 2 February 1991 (Taped Wednsday)

    Location: MetraPark Arena (North West)

    Attendance: 10,000

    Overall Rating: 76

    TV Rating: .70


    -At the announce booth, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Superstars. Vince McMahon says that the main event was announced where Hulk Hogan will defend the WWF Intercontinental title against Mr. Perfect. Piper says that it's difficult to beat someone twice. Vince McMahon says that if anyone can do it, it's Hulk Hogan. Then, he sends us to our opening match.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Earthquake(72) and Dino Bravo(54) defeated The Bushwhackers(Luke-40, Butch-38) in 7:34 when Earthquake pinned Bushwhacker Luke with an Earthquake Splash.


    In terms of in-ring work, Earthquake was head and shoulders above everyone else...58


    -At a staging area, Jerry Lawler introduces himself as the King of Memphis and the King's Court as his Playground. He hypes himself and then introduces his special guest, another King Randy Savage. Lawler and Savage shake hands. Lawler asks Savage about what happened at the Royal Rumble. Savage says that he did what he said he would do. Savage takes the time to issue a challenge for WrestleMania VII against The Ultimate Warrior. Lawler and Savage share their crowns before we go back to the ring.


    -In an abysmal match, Sid Vicious(47) defeated Al Burke(25) and Brian Costello(31) in 2:13 when Sid Vicious pinned Al Burke with a Powerbomb.


    Sid Vicious carried the match in terms of in-ring performance...23


    -From the pages of World Wrestling Federation The Magazine, Gene Okerlund hosts Update. Okerlund talks about the upcoming Saturday Night's Main Event card. Then, he sends us to a promo with The Million Dollar Man and Virgil. DiBiase tells Virgil that he has a special surprise for him. He tells Virgil that this Saturday on Saturday Night's Main Event he will be stepping in the ring with Roddy Piper. He tells Virgil that he can make up for losing at the Royal Rumble by winning this match. Back to Okerlund, he announces another match signed for SNME and that is Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude taking on The Rockers. He sends us to a promo with The Rockers. Shawn Michaels says that he knows they are the underdogs in this match but they're always the underdogs. Marty Jannetty says that they are going to keep on rocking and walk away with a victory. They both pump their fists and we go to the ring.


    -In an extremely short match, The Ultimate Warrior(75) defeated Bob Bradley(35) in 4:09 by pinfall with a Running Splash...51


    -Sean Mooney hosts the Saturday Night's Main Event Control Center. Mooney runs down the current card for Saturday Night's Main Event. Then, he sends us to a promo with The Texas Tornado and Kevin Von Erich. Tornado begins by saying that it feels good to have his brother with him. Kevin Von Erich says it's great to be here and issues a challenge to Demolition. for Saturday Night's Main Event. Tornado says he can feel an F-5 tornado blowing through SNME. Back to Mooney. He talks about tonight's main event before sending us to a quick promo from Hulk Hogan. Hogan cuts his usual promo on Mr. Perfect. He asks whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild over you. With that, we go to our main event.


    -In a superb match, Hulk Hogan(81) defeated Mr. Perfect(80) in 14:42 by pinfall with a Big Leg Drop. Hulk Hogan makes defence number one of the WWF Intercontinental title...78


    Hulk Hogan is celebrating his victory in the ring. Rick Rude, Haku and The Barbarian run in and attack, beating Hogan down into the mat. The Barbarian hits the Kick Of Fear on Hogan. Haku hits Hogan with the Asian Spike. The Heenan Family stand over Hulk Hogan as the announcers cry foul.


    -From the pages of World Wrestling Federation The Magazine comes Update hosted by Lord Alfred Hayes. Lord Hayes discusses WrestleMania VII coming up next month. He says that the main event has been set as Sgt. Slaughter facing off against Ricky Steamboat. He sends us to a promo by Slaughter. Sgt. Slaughter hypes the fact that he is the WWF Heavyweight Champion. He says that he will be taking that trip to Iraq following WrestleMania. He says that there is no way that Steamboat can beat him. He calls Steamboat a puke and says after WrestleMania he will be dismissed. Back to Lord Hayes, who worries about Slaughter keeping his title. He says that this week on Wrestling Challenge will be Jake Roberts, Rick Martel and more. Make sure to tune in. Lord Hayes sends us off.



    Sunday Week 2 February 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: Bohler Gymnasium (North West)

    Attendance: 2,000

    Overall Rating: 69

    TV Rating: .07


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. Monsoon talks about WrestleMania coming up next month. Heenan says that The Heenan Family is going to rule WrestleMania this year. Monsoon says that remains to be seen. With that, he sends us to our opening match.


    -In an extremely short match, The Texas Tornado(59) defeated Bob Bradley(35) in 3:55 by pinfall with a Tornado Punch...45


    -At a staging area, Paul Bearer hosts The Funeral Parlor. His special guest this evening is wrestling legend Jimmy Snuka. Bearer asks Snuka questions about death and whether he wants to be buried or cremated. Snuka starts to get upset at the questions and grabs Bearer. A vertical coffin opens behind him to reveal The Undertaker. The Undertaker attacks Snuka from behind and puts him in one of the caskets. Paul Bearer reads a eulogy for Jimmy Snuka. It ends with The Undertaker's eyes rolling back in his head.


    -In a terrible match, Al Burke defeated The Mountie in 3:38 by pinfall. An injury to The Mountie meant that an audible was called and the finish was changed on the fly...34


    -Brother Love hosts the Brother Love Show with special guest Jake Roberts. Love asks Roberts about his feud with The Model. He asks if Roberts is jealous of Rick Martel. Roberts denies the jealousy and reminds everyone that he wants to see Martel in a contract signing at Saturday Night's Main Event. Rick Martel shows up and has Roberts prove his word about not touching Martel. Martel slaps him twice, the second one knocking The Snake down. Roberts comes back up with Damian in hand, stating that he never said anything about Damian. Martel staggers backward and moves away while the camera zooms in on the snake to end this segment.


    -In an extremely short match, Jim Duggan(66) defeated Tanaka(50) in 3:59 by pinfall with an Old Glory...52


    -From the pages of World Wrestling Federation The Magazine comes Update! This update is hosted by Lord Alfred Hayes. Lord Hayes talks about Saturday Night's Main Event and what a card that is. He discusses the match between Roddy Piper and Virgil. before sending us to a promo by Roddy Piper. Piper says that he doesn't want to face Virgil but he's not going to back down from a fight. He says that he hopes he can show Virgil that he has the strength to break free from The Million Dollar Man. Back to Lord Hayes, who hypes the rest of the card before sending us to our main event.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Power(54) and Glory(50) defeated The Killer Bees(Blair-54, Brunzell-49) in 9:57 when Paul Roma pinned B. Brian Blair with The Power-Plex. An injury to Paul Roma meant that an audible was called and the finish was changed on the fly...55


    -Gene Okerlund hosts the WrestleMania Control Center. Okerlund talks about the big card forthcoming, announcing we will see The Ultimate Warrior take on Randy Savage. He sends us to a promo by Randy Savage. Savage tells The Ultimate Warrior that he will always be just a lowly servant to The Macho King. Savage reminds everyone that they are one match apiece and their WrestleMania bout will determine who is at the top without the belt. Savage promises it will be him, dig it! Back to Okerlund, who reminds everyone to purchase WrestleMania at the end of next month before ending the show.

  10. uuDEseI.jpg


    Saturday Week 1 February 1991 (Taped Wednsday)

    Location: Cow Palace (South West)

    Attendance: 9,885

    Overall Rating: 75

    TV Rating: .71


    -At the announce booth, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Superstars. Vince McMahon talks about last Sunday's Royal Rumble, letting Piper give his insights into the Royal Rumble itself. Piper tells Virgil that he needs to get free of The Million Dollar Man. Vince McMahon sends us to the ring.


    -In an extremely short match, Greg Valentine(53) defeated Bob Bradley(43) in 4:23 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock...37


    -From the pages of WWF The Magazine, Lord Alfred Hayes hosts Update. He talks about the Royal Rumble event. He shows highlights that include Hulk Hogan winning the Intercontinental title and the Royal Rumble in one night. Then, he shows the return of Rick Rude before sending us to a promo with Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. Heenan talks with glee about the win over Big Bossman. Rude says that it was a great night for him but not for Mr. Perfect. So, he has talked it over with The Heenan Family and he challenges The Hart Foundation to a match at WrestleMania VII. He says that his partner will be Mr. Perfect. Rude insults Jim Neidhart's weight before we fade to black.


    -In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Jimmy Snuka(51) defeated Brooklyn Brawler(33) in 4:41 by pinfall with a Superfly Splash...43


    -At a staging area, Brother Love hosts the Brother Love Show. He welcomes Brother Sgt. Slaughter to the show. Love congratulates Slaughter on winning the WWF Heavyweight title. They show a video of Slaughter winning the belt. Back live, Ricky Steamboat joins the show. He challenges Sgt. Slaughter to a match at WrestleMania VII for the WWF Heavyweight title. Slaughter laughs and accepts the challenge, pushing Steamboat backward. Steamboat fires back with a punch and a chop. Love distracts Steamboat and Slaughter catches him with a Slaughter Cannon. He gets the Camel Clutch on Steamboat until Steamboat passes out. The Brother Love Show ends with Sgt. Slaughter standing over Ricky Steamboat.


    -In a terrible match, The Barbarian(62) defeated Al Burke(24) in 4:20 by pinfall with a Kick of Fear...41


    -At a staging area, Paul Bearer hosts The Funeral Parlor with his special guest The Undertaker. Bearer talks about the destruction that The Undertaker did at the Royal Rumble. Then, he challenges Jim Duggan to face The Undertaker at Saturday Night's Main Event. The Undertaker finishes by saying that Jim Duggan will rest in peace. The Undertaker rolls his eyes back in his head as the Funeral Parlor ends.


    -In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Randy Savage(83) defeated Tito Santana(67) in 15:02 by pinfall with a Flying Elbow Drop...81


    -Randy Savage is celebrating his victory in the ring. The Ultimate Warrior runs in and attacks, kicking off a brawl between the two. Officials manage to get the two apart but they stare each other down from opposite sides of the ring.


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund hosts the Saturday Night's Main Event Control Center. He announces that we will see Demolition take on The Texas Tornado and Kevin Von Erich at Saturday Night's Main Event. Then, he sends us to a promo by Jake Roberts. Roberts talks about getting his hands on Rick Martel at the Royal Rumble but that he's not done. He challenges Martel to go face to face with him at Saturday Night's Main Event and sign a contract for a match at WrestleMania VII. He says he will hold himself back and not touch Martel until WrestleMania VII. Back to Okerlund, who says that new WWF Intercontinental Champion Hulk Hogan will be in the building next week. With that, he signs off for today.



    Sunday Week 1 February 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: Antelope Gymnasium (South West)

    Attendance: 2,000

    Overall Rating: 77

    TV Rating: .08


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. Heenan praises the Heenan Family, specifically Rick Rude making his return and The Barbarian throwing out the most wrestlers in the Royal Rumble. Monsoon reminds Heenan that Mr. Perfect lost the Intercontinental title. Heenan yells back at Monsoon not to mention that ever again. Monsoon sends us to the ring where a member of The Heenan Family is set to wrestle.


    -In a decent match, The Barbarian(62) defeated Bob Backlund(67) in 7:37 by pinfall with a Kick of Fear...70


    -In a video, Sean Mooney hosts Update. Mooney talks about being past the Royal Rumble and heading toward Saturday Night's Main Event and WrestleMania VII. He discusses tonight's main event where The Genius will face Jake Roberts. He sends us to a promo with The Genius. The Genius hypes his match with Jake Roberts, even reciting a poem that claims he will beat The Snake. We go back to Sean Mooney. Mooney talks about the challenge laid out by The Undertaker on WWF Superstars to Jim Duggan. He sends us to a promo with Jim Duggan. Duggan accepts the challenge, saying that the good ole U S of A will be coming to destroy Death Valley. Ho! Duggan gives a thumbs up before we go back to the ring.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Tugboat(51) defeated Boris Zhukov(39) in 3:58 by pinfall with a Running Splash...40


    -Mr. Perfect cuts a video promo where he discusses losing to Hulk Hogan. Perfect says it wasn't a perfect night but today is a new day. He says that he heard that Hulk Hogan will be on WWF Superstars next week. He says that he may just drop in and get his rematch. No matter what he will have the perfect timing for that. He is what he says he is and that's absolutely perfect.


    -In an extremely short match, Demolition(Smash-50, Crush-43) defeated The Killer Bees(Blair-55, Brunzell-49) in 4:05 when Smash pinned B. Brian Blair with a Demolition Decapitation...48


    -A video is done to introduce Jerry Lawler. Lawler's music plays in the background as he is shown beating wrestlers with his Piledriver. A voiceover says that Jerry Lawler will be coming soon to WWF. Not only that but he will be hosting the King's Court next week on WWF Superstars with a special mystery guest.


    -In a decent match, Jake Roberts(71) defeated The Genius(50) in 10:56 by pinfall with The DDT...71


    -The match is over and The Genius is left down. Jake Roberts is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He goes to his corner and gets Damian. He places the snake on The Genius. The Genius slowly starts to wake up, sees the snake and his eyes go wide right before he faints.


    -Back at the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan discus the upcoming Saturday Night's Main Event. Heenan says that Mr. Perfect will enter that show with the Intercontinental title back around his waist. Monsoon reminds Heenan that Hogan will have to go through to do that. Heenan says he really hates . Monsoon reminds everyone to tune in this Saturday for WWF Superstars and in one week right here for WWF Wrestling Challenge. Monsoon wishes everyone a good night.

  11. Hey everyone,


    I am sorry to say that I am bringing this diary to an end. I do not wish to discuss why. I only say here thank you to those who have been reading. I am still running my WWF diary. Who knows, I may re-start another USPW diary. I do have that tendency to make it happen. Thank you to everyone here.

    A special thank you to King Bison for all of his renders.

  12. 0UbaRom.jpg


    Wednesday Week 4 February 2020

    Location: The Ranch Of San Antonio (Mid South)

    Attendance: 10,000

    Overall Rating: 79

    TV Viewers: 11,695,654


    -Eddie Howard comes down to the ring. Howard talks about what happened last week where he was attacked by his former partner. Howard doesn't understand what happened to D.C. Rayne but he wants an answer right now. Steve Frehley and D.C. Rayne come out and Rayne says he decided to move up in his choice of friends. Rayne says that he wants to be a Top Dog in this promotion and the only way to do that is by associating with the top. An argument leads to Frehley and Rayne beating down Howard. Once again, Howard is saved by James Justice and Jack Bruce.


    -In a decent match, Alicia Strong(71) defeated Missy Masterson(59) in 11:03 by pinfall with an Angel Driver...73


    -Backstage, Maryam Vega hypes the arrival of Jameson & Youngman. She says that this is just the step that Kirk Jameson needed to step up in this company. She throws out a few lines in Spanish about The Marksman. Then, she challenges Jett & Moor to meet them next week with the USPW World Tag Team titles on the line.


    -The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Steve Frehley take on Ricky Dale Johnson tonight.


    -In a terrible match, Jameson(47) & Youngman(34) defeated Phunk(52) & Black(53) in 5:48 when Ernest Youngman pinned Grandmaster Phunk with The Hit.


    Ernest Youngman was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...50


    -Jaime Quine had an interview hyping her upcoming battle with Charity Sweet, Gorgon and Pariah. She calls all three of them uggos and says that they can't even come close to matching her looks. Quine says that she's the only one deserving of the Women's title in the best women's division in the world.


    -In a decent match, Charity Sweet(57) defeated Tiffany Jade(58) in 14:41 by pinfall with a Sugar Smack...64


    -A music video is shown to promote The Force. He will be returning soon to USPW.


    -Rich Money comes out and talks about what Enygma did to his car. Money says he is looking for revenge so shows us the backstage area where a truck has been smashed beyond repair. Enygma comes out and says that's not his truck. On the video, Sterling Whitlock shows up looking absolutely upset. He says that he bought that truck as a gift for Rich Money and wonders what happened to it. Enygma laughs and points at Money from the top of the ramp. An angry Money slams down the microphone and exits the ring, stomping his way to the back.


    -In a decent match, Running Wolf(75) defeated Zeus(61) in 12:37 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.


    -The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Running Wolf take on Joss Thompson at Red, White And Blue for the National title.


    -Roger Cage comes out to the ring making his usual entrance promo. You know, the whole Certified 'G' and bona fide stud stuff. He hypes his match against T-Rex. That match is coming up right now.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Roger Cage(61) defeated T-Rex(47) in 5:33 by pinfall with a Cage Rage...56


    -Zeus and Bad Intentions attack Skull DeBones backstage and leave him down and out. Zeus gives DeBones a curb stomp right on the ground. The lights go out during the assault. When they return, DeBones is gone, leaving an angry Zeus.



    -In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Steve Frehley(84) defeated Ricky Dale Johnson(70) in 14:53 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage...81


    -The match is over, Eddie Howard rushes out from the back and attacks Steve Frehley. This leads to a brawl which includes James Justice, Jack Bruce and D.C. Rayne.

  13. RPKgW1b.jpg


    Sunday Week 4 January 1991

    Location: Miami, FL (South East)

    Attendance: 50,000

    Overall Rating: 76

    PPV Buyrate: .50


    -Mr. Perfect comes out to the ring and talks about facing a mystery opponent. He says that no one is going to ruin this perfect night for Mr. Perfect, calling out his mystery opponent. A man comes out wearing a dragon mask and cloak. The mask is removed to reveal Ricky Steamboat.


    -In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Ricky Steamboat(78) defeated Mr. Perfect(82) in 14:38 when Mr. Perfect intentionally got counted out.


    -Mr. Perfect is backing up the ramp when Hulk Hogan comes out and grabs him by the hair, dragging him back to the ring. Hogan yells at Perfect and Bobby Heenan from ringside. Bobby Heenan challenges Hogan to step in the ring against Mr. Perfect. Hogan gets permission from Ricky Steamboat and steps in the ring. He is immediately attacked by Mr. Perfect before the bell.


    -In a superb match, Hulk Hogan(81) defeated Mr. Perfect(81) in 11:23 by pinfall with a Big Leg Drop. Hulk Hogan wins the WWF Intercontinental title.


    -The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Warlord, Paul Roma and Hercules take on The Texas Tornado, Animal and Hawk in a three-on-three match.


    -In a decent match, The Texas Tornado(68) and The Legion of Doom(Hawk-66, Animal-64) defeated The Warlord(52) and Power(54) and Glory(48) in 7:47 when The Texas Tornado submitted Paul Roma with an Iron Claw.


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund is backstage with The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior hypes the match with Sgt. Slaughter. They flip over to Sgt. Slaughter where he hypes the match with The Ultimate Warrior, promising to bring the WWF Heavyweight title to Iraq.


    -In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Sgt. Slaughter(78) defeated The Ultimate Warrior(74) in 13:13 by pinfall after interference from Randy Savage. Sgt. Slaughter wins the WWF Heavyweight title.


    -Backstage, Randy Savage is interviewed by Sean Mooney. Savage says that he did what he promised to do. That is to take the title away from The Ultimate Warrior one way or another. Now, he is going to focus on the Royal Rumble and becoming the true Macho King.


    -Big Bossman comes down to the ring and waits to find out who his mystery opponent is. Bobby Heenan comes out and throws out insults before introducing the mystery opponent. That man is Rick Rude. Rude comes out and tells Bossman that he's going to lose. Bossman says it's time for Rude to serve hard time.


    -In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Rick Rude(68) defeated Big Bossman(72) in 6:09 by pinfall with a Rude Awakening.


    -Backstage, Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan promises to win the Royal Rumble for the second time in a row. He says that 29 other wrestlers are going to fall, brother.


    -In a decent match, The Hart Foundation(Hart-75, Neidhart-53) defeated The Million Dollar Man(74) and Virgil(51) in 10:30 when Bret Hart pinned Virgil with a Hart Attack after The Million Dollar Man wiped out Virgil by accident. The Hart Foundation make defence number thirty-one of the WWF World Tag Team titles.


    -A video package for the Royal Rumble plays. This includes promos by The Undertaker, Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts and Rick Martel.


    -In a decent match, Hulk Hogan won a Royal Rumble in 65:12. The other members of the 'final four' were Ricky Steamboat, The Barbarian and Roddy Piper, with Ricky Steamboat being the final elimination. The Barbarian got the most eliminations over the course of the match; Ricky Steamboat set the record for surviving the longest. Hulk Hogan wins the WWF Royal Rumble


    -Mystery wrestlers included Kevin Von Erich, Bob Backlund, Sid Vicious, Ricky Steamboat and Rick Rude.


    -Having picked up the victory, Hulk Hogan celebrates in the ring.

  14. Wednesday, Week 3, February 2020


    Live from The Minnesota Coliseum...

    Attendance of 10,000...

    Broadcast via Reverie at On Demand...

    USPW presents...







    [The set of 10,000 fans here in Minnesota rise on their feet as the opening pyros go off. Those cheers turn to boos when the USPW World Champion Rich Money comes out and enters the ring. He is given a microphone and begins by telling these fans to shut up before he squashes them with his wallet. This only enrages the crowd further. Money says that in a little over a week he is going to step in the ring with the number one contender, Enygma. He calls Enygma an idiot. He tells the fans that he offered Enygma a large sum of money to step away from this match but Enygma wouldn't take it. He would rather get beaten down just like he did at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Money's words are broken away by the video screen lighting up. The video shows Rich Money's custom convertible car. Money asks what his car is doing there. The cameras back up to reveal Enygma back there. Enygma makes a motion and the sound of a large vehicle backing up can be heard. A concrete mixing truck pulls up beside the convertible. Within moments, concrete is seen being poured into the car. The inside of the car fills up, smashing the windows and windshield. Money is pacing in the ring and finally drops the microphone and runs toward the back. Enygma is seen walking away.]


    Match #1




    Anthony Trask & The Cold Warriors vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & The Texas Express


    [in a decent match, Ricky Dale Johnson(71) and The Texas Express(Christie-45, Trenneman-44) defeated Anthony Trask(52) and The Cold Warriors(Novak-64, Karloff-52) in 9:47 when Cooper Christie pinned Anthony Trask with a Top Rope Elbow Drop.]


    Winners: Ricky Dale Johnson & The Texas Express (Via Pinfall @ 9:47)

    Match Rating: 66




    [We go back out to that parking garage where Rich Money is standing beside his destroyed car. He gives a kick to the door and pitches a real hissy fit. He yells that he is going to sue Enygma right into the ground. He says that Enygma won't even own his mask. Money is joined by Elizabeth Cartier. Cartier tells Money that they will get the insurance money and buy a new car. But that doesn't mean that Money doesn't have to get out some pain or anguish on someone. Cartier says that The Business have a match tonight, She says that Money can take out his anger and punish someone in that match. Cartier looks over into the camera and states that The Business accepts the match request by Ricky Dale Johnson. Three members of The Business against RDJ and The Texas Express at Red, White And Blue. Cartier pats Money on the shoulder. The two of them walk off and back into the building as we go back to the ring.]


    Match #2


    Merle O'Curle vs. Jacob Jett


    [in a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Jacob Jett(63) defeated Merle O'Curle(19) in 4:01 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off.]


    Winner: Jacob Jett (Via Pinfall @ 4:01)

    Match Rating: 48





    [Jacob Jett, one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions, picks up the victory and begins celebrating in the ring. The celebration is cut short by the arrival of Maryam Vega. Vega walks down to the ringside area, keeping all eyes on her. Kirk Jameson and Ernest Youngman slide into the ring behind Jett. Jameson hits Jett with a chair to the back. Youngman picks up Jett and sets him on his shoulder. Youngman hits Jett with The Hit, a tornado face slam. Youngman and Jameson put the boots to Jett with Jameson telling Jett that they're coming for the USPW World Tag Team titles. Vega makes a motion and the new team exit the ring. Officials step in and check on Jett inside the ring.]




    [back to the promo ring, we see Charity Sweet and Pariah standing by. Sweet says that, within moments, The Blonde Bombshell is going to go side by side with a Pariah to take on a selfie blitz and a rather large woman. Pariah speaks up, reminding Sweet that, while they may be teaming tonight, at Red, White And Blue, it will be every woman for herself. All four women will be doing battle for the USPW Women's title. Sweet says she understands that. But, tonight, she trusts that Pariah has her back during the match. Pariah agrees because she wants momentum. She wants to be the one to get the pinfall or submission. Sweet wishes Pariah good luck. The two women shake hands and then walk off together as we're getting close to that match.]





    Match #3


    Jaime Quine & Gorgon vs. Charity Sweet & Pariah


    [in a decent match, Jaime Quine(73) and Gorgon(53) defeated Charity Sweet(63) and Pariah(67) in 14:34 when Gorgon pinned Pariah with a Hydra Bomb.


    Gorgon was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.]


    Winners: Jaime Quine & Gorgon (Via Pinfall @14:34)

    Match Rating: 74








    [in a backstage area, Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson are seated on a couch watching the challenge from last week by Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Shaffer looks up into the camera and says that he's going to make this response short so that even a peabrain like Smith can understand it. He says that the answer is no. As soon as Shaffer says no, the door to the dressing room opens and it's Bulldozer Brandon Smith! Smith throws a few punches to Shaffer and then locks him in a guillotine choke. Smith stares over at Robinson, saying that she can accept this match on her client's behalf. Shaffer's face is turning blue before Robinson finally says yes, that the match is on. Smith smiles and releases Shaffer, tossing him at the floor at Robinson's feet. Smith tells Shaffer that he'll see him at Red, White And Blue before walking off. Raven Robinson checks on the neck of Trent Shaffer as we go back to the ring.


    Match #4




    The Business (Rich Money, Sterling Whitlock, Rajah, Dusty Ducont and Charlie Thatcher) vs. Americana, Regular Joe, Leaf LeBaum & American Gold


    [in a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Business (Rich Money(81), Sterling Whitlock(57), Rajah(42), Dusty Ducont(53) and Charlie Thatcher(44)) defeated Americana(34), Regular Joe(43), Leaf LeBaum(29), Maliek Chamberlain(38) and Marcus English(41) in 6:20 when Sterling Whitlock pinned Americana with a Whitlock's End.


    In terms of in-ring work, Rich Money was head and shoulders above everyone else.]


    Winners: The Business (Via Pinfall @ 6:20)

    Match Rating: 65




    [back to the backstage area where we find Steve Frehley and D.C. Rayne locked in a conversation. Rayne is talking about his best friend Eddie Howard returning tonight from injury. He says that Eddie will join them in the same way that he joined Frehley. He says he knows that Eddie Howard wants what is best for himself and what will be the best for the collective. Frehley seems a little less enthused about the return of Eddie Howard. He tells Rayne to watch his back because when you're at the top it's usually the people who are closest to you that turn on you. Rayne says he knows and he's fine but that he promises Eddie Howard will join the cause. With that, we go back to the ring.]


    Match #5


    Jumbo Jackson vs. Casey Valentine


    [in an extremely short match, Casey Valentine(68) defeated Jumbo Jackson(51) in 4:28 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.]


    Winner: Casey Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 4:28)

    Match Rating: 58




    [The crowd cheers in a voiceover when we see Jack Bruce and James Justice. The two veterans shake hands and Jack thanks Justice for saving him last week. Justice says that's what they do here. He wasn't about to let another veteran go down to the wrong crowd. Bruce asks Justice what it's like to hold the USPW World title. Justice says it's been awhile since he held the belt but that it felt like he was on top of the hill just waiting for someone to try and knock him down. Bruce says he understands that as he was a multi-time World Champion in some other Supreme place. The conversations turns back to Steve Frehley and D.C. Rayne but we fade out.]




    [The Olympus Order are shown in a staged up area to look like the top of Mount Olympus. Zeus is seated upon a throne with Bash Street and Siale Valhalla standing on either side. Zeus begins by reminding everyone that he is a wrestling GOD! He says that boys like Skull DeBones and Roger Cage don't seem to understand that. But he says that the two of them will find out, if they choose to accept their demise. Zeus challenges Roger Cage and Skull DeBones to fight in a handicap match against The Olympus Order. Zeus promises to bring down the lightning on Cage and DeBones and prove just who is a wrestling GOD. Zeus leans back on his throne as we go back to ringside.]





    [it's time for the main event. The challenger Joss Thompson comes out to the ring first in his usual hooded robe. He takes a microphone and says that what he would like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape, Minnesota sweathogs to keep the noise down while he takes his robe off and shows the ladies what a real man is supposed to look like. He tells them to hit his music. The music begins to play and he slowly begins to remove his robe and swivel his hips. This gets stopped by the music playing for Roger Cage. The USPW National Champion walks out and begins his usual speech: 'My name is Roger Cage and I am a certified 'G' and a bona fide stud and you can't teach that. Bada Bing realest guy in the ring. How you doin? Cage steps down to the ring and steps inside, looking Joss Thompson up and down. He says it seems like he's less of a complete package. How you doing? Thompson slaps Cage and the match is on.]


    Match #6


    USPW National Title Match

    TV Time Remaining

    Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson


    [in a decent match, Joss Thompson(83) defeated Roger Cage(61) in 14:39 by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also had Zeus distract Cage. Joss Thompson wins the USPW National title.]


    Winner: Joss Thompson (Via Pinfall @ 14:39)

    Match Rating: 86





    [Steve Frehley and D.C. Rayne come out to the ring. They talk about what happened last week with Jack Bruce and James Justice. Frehley promises that they are going to force them both to know their roles in USPW. He says to take a look at the two of them because they are the top dogs in USPW. You can call them Top Dogs, if you want. Frehley hands the microphone over. Rayne gets on the microphone and welcomes back his brother to USPW, Eddie Howard. Howard comes out to the ring and asks Rayne what happened while he was gone. Rayne said that he wanted to become the top dog in this company. He wanted to be the best. Howard reminds him that they are the best tag team in the business. He's sorry he got hurt but they can still move forward as Natural Storm right now. While they discuss, Frehley sneaks around behind Howard and attacks Howard from behind. Rayne hesitates and then joins Frehley in the attack. Jack Bruce and James Justice run out and fight off Frehley and Rayne. They stand tall as the show ends]


    A Note: This is the last show to be posted in this format for awhile. I've decided to move to a more abbreviated format such as the one I am using in my WWF 1991 diary.


    Jaime Quine & Gorgon vs. Charity Sweet & Pariah

    Comments: That was a big win for Charity over Alicia-- Has Strong been poached? :p



    Hey Rhysrob! Thanks for the predictions and the comment. I can honestly say that Strong hasn't been poached but she was willing to do the deed for Charity. It definitely pushes Charity up in the rankings.

  15. nhrBUNO.jpg










    ATTENDANCE: 50,000

    PPV BUYRATE: 3.46

    Justin Sensitive(51) defeated American Machine(45)...54

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Huey Cannonball...69

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Masked Patriot...56

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Krissy Angelle...72

    ANGLE: An interview with Primus Allen & Spencer Spade...64

    John Greed(61) defeated Lenny Brown(69), Mainstream Hernandez(79), James Prudence(59) and Jungle Lord(58)...76

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with ZWB...71

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Paul Huntingdon...66

    Primus Allen(64) & Spencer Spade(72) defeated Masked Patriot(73) & Steven Parker(62)...76

    Bear Bekowski(61) defeated Ekuma(68)...72

    Hollywood Bret Starr(82) defeated Ranger(68)...81

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with John Greed...59

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Steven Parker...58

    Unleashed Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball(75), Jefferson Stardust(78) & Randy Unleashed(79)) defeated Joey Morgan(78), Brandon James(65) & ZWB(87)...85

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Joey Morgan...68

    ANGLE: An interview with Rogue...74

    Des Davids(71) defeated Marshall Dillon(63) to retain the SWF North American title...71

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Brandon James...67

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Jungle Lord...63

    Valiant(84) & Rogue(68) defeated Fame & Money(Monty Trescarde-73, Paul Huntingdon-72) for the SWF World Tag Team titles...81

    Remo(87) defeated Scythe(77) by DQ...86

    Rocky Golden(89) defeated The Crippler(73), Angry Gilmore(78) and Mikey Lau(80) in a Cage match to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...88






    ATTENDANCE: 5,976

    TV RATING: 3.24

    Angry Gilmore(84) defeated Charger Siaki(54)...80

    ANGLE: An interview with Rogue...66

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Joey Morgan...71

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Steven Parker...58

    ANGLE: An interview with Emma Chase...73

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Paul Huntingdon...64

    Scythe(72) defeated Dominic De Sousa(51)...71

    ANGLE: An interview with Jefferson Stardust...68

    The Rat Pack (Monty Trescarde(71), Hollywood Bret Starr(80) & Paul Huntingdon(71)) defeated Joey Morgan(75) & The Dallas Cowboys(Ranger-66, Marshall Dillon-64)...81

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Spencer Spade...66

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Masked Patriot...55

    ZWB(87) defeated Primus Allen(73)...89

    Valiant(74) defeated Randy Unleashed(77)...78

    The Crippler(72) & Atom Smasher(78) defeated Rogue(68) & Brandon James(68)...80

    Mikey Lau(81) defeated Jefferson Stardust(78)...79






    ATTENDANCE: 9,368

    TV RATING: 3.97

    ANGLE: Wolf Hawkins did an interview talking about Aaron Andrews...73

    Mighty Mo(72) defeated Yuri Yoshihara(34)...66

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Eddie Chandler...58

    ANGLE: An interview with Troy Tornado...64

    ANGLE: An interview with Mighty Mo...64

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Vita...65

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Dazzling Dave Diamond...60

    Tana The Mighty(52) defeated Nick Booth(46)...57

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Laura Catherine Huggins...60

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Floyd Goldworthy...64

    Troy Tornado(55) defeated Jeremie Courtney(46)...59

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Nate Johnson...61

    Titan(59) defeated Danny Fonzarelli(51) in a Dog Collar match...63

    Killer Shark(58) defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond(54)...64

    Matt Hocking(63), Freddy Huggins(75) & Jay Chord(73) defeated Edd Stone(72) & Benny(63) & The Foxx(59)...79

    Aaron Andrews(80) & Sammy Bach(65) defeated The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins(91) & Doc Hammond(72)) by DQ...91

    @TCW – @SWF – #TotalWrestling – #SupremeTV


    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of Promotion Wars


    -From the pages of The Wrestling Observer, we bring to you a preview of WWF's 1991 Royal Rumble. The main event of the night will be the titular Royal Rumble match. Will this be the first time someone has won twice in a row? Will we see a guy like The Barbarian or Earthquake pick up the win? Or maybe a smaller guy like Bret Hart or Jake Roberts will manage to pick up the victory.


    -Also, on this night, we will see The Ultimate Warrior defend the WWF Heavyweight title against the turncoat Sgt. Slaughter. Warrior just recently had to defend that belt against Randy Savage. That could easily make him too tired to defend the title. But American spirit just might prevail against the man who turned on the United States.


    -The Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect issued an open challenge to face anyone in the WWF. He says he has the ability to defend against anyone no matter how big or small. He plans on making the Intercontinental title the title to hold in this company.


    -Make sure you tune in and make the purchase from your local cable company!


    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Mr. Perfect defends vs. ???



    The Warlord and Power & Glory vs. The Texas Tornado and The Legion Of Doom



    WWF Heavyweight Title Match

    The Ultimate Warrior defends vs. Sgt. Slaughter



    ??? vs. Big Bossman



    WWF World Tag Team Titles Match

    The Hart Foundation defend vs. The Million Dollar Man & Virgil



    Royal Rumble Match

    Dino Bravo vs. Earthquake vs. Haku vs. Hercules vs. Mr. Perfect vs. Paul Roma vs. Randy Savage vs. Rick Martel vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. The Barbarian vs. The Million Dollar Man vs. The Undertaker vs. The Warlord vs. Virgil vs. Big Bossman vs. ??? vs. Bret Hart vs. Greg Valentine vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Jake Roberts vs. Jim Duggan vs. Jim Neidhart vs. Jimmy Snuka vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. Roddy Piper vs. The Texas Tornado vs. Tito Santana vs. Tugboat


  17. uuDEseI.jpg


    Saturday Week 4 January 1991 (Taped Wednesday)

    Location: St. Louis Arena (Mid West)

    Attendance: 15,938

    Overall Rating: 84

    TV Rating: .72


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Superstars. Monsoon mentions that Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are off commentary today. He calls this show a pay-per-view quality show with the matches they have lined up. Heenan talks about the main event where he predicts a new WWF Heavyweight Champion in Roddy Piper. Monsoon sends us to the ring for our opening match.


    -In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Roddy Piper(83) defeated Sgt. Slaughter(79) in 15:16 when Sgt. Slaughter got disqualified after going into an attacking rage...88


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund hosts the Royal Rumble Event Center. He talks about The British Bulldog being attacked in a parking lot so he won't be at the Royal Rumble. He sends us to a promo with The Legion of Doom. Animal says they have found a new partner in The Texas Tornado. Tornado says he's going to land a Tornado punch on their opponents and send them flying away. Back to Okerlund, who hypes the Royal Rumble match itself. Then, he sends us to a promo with Hulk Hogan. Hogan hypes the Royal Rumble and says he will be the first two time Royal Rumble winner, brother.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Tito Santana(57) defeated Boris Zhukov(37) in 4:20 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm Smash...44


    -In a video, Sean Mooney hosts Update. He talks about the situation with the WWF Heavyweight title and then sends us to promos. The Ultimate Warrior hypes the match with Randy Savage and the feud with Sgt. Slaughter. Randy Savage hypes the match with The Ultimate Warrior. Finally, Sgt. Slaughter says it doesn't matter who he faces, he will be bringing the WWF Heavyweight title to the feet of Saddam Hussein.


    -Big Bossman cuts a video promo where he hypes his match against a mystery opponent at Royal Rumble. He throws a few insults to The Heenan Family, saying he will bring law and order down on all of them.


    -The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Hart Foundation vs. DiBiase and Virgil.


    -In an exceptional match, The Ultimate Warrior(80) defeated Randy Savage(92) in 12:08 by pinfall with a Running Splash. The Ultimate Warrior makes defence number seventeen of the WWF Heavyweight title...86


    -Having picked up the victory, The Ultimate Warrior celebrates in the ring. Out from the back comes Sgt. Slaughter. Warrior lifts Randy Savage and press slams him onto Slaughter. Warrior beats his chest in the ring. The Ultimate Warrior raises the WWF Heavyweight title belt high in the air before the show comes to an end.



    Sunday Week 4 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: Memorial Hall (Mid West)

    Attendance: 2,977

    Overall Rating: 65

    TV Rating:


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. Monsoon brings up the Royal Rumble event tonight. Heenan says that Mr. Perfect is going to make it a perfect evening. Monsoon discusses the main event tonight that features Orient Express in a rematch against The Rockers. After a brief exchange, Gorilla Monsoon sends us to the ring.


    -In an extremely short match, Dino Bravo(54) and Earthquake(71) defeated The Killer Bees(Blair-53, Brunzell-52) in 4:38 when Earthquake pinned Jim Brunzell with an Earthquake Splash.


    Earthquake carried the match in terms of in-ring performance...50


    -In a video, Sean Mooney hosts the Royal Rumble Event Center. He talks about the upcoming Royal Rumble match and sends us to interviews with some of the participants. These include Paul Bearer with The Undertaker, Jim Duggan and Earthquake.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Jake Roberts(63) defeated Bob Bradley(30) in 3:31 by pinfall with The DDT...54


    -Jake Roberts is celebrating his victory in the ring. Rick Martel runs in and attacks, knocking him to the mat. Martel goes and gets his atomizer and strikes Roberts in the head with it. Rick Martel stands tall in the ring.


    -The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Mr. Perfect take on a mystery opponent at the Royal Rumble.


    -In an extremely short match, Haku(60) and The Barbarian(61) defeated The Bushwhackers(Luke-38, Butch-37) in 3:41 when The Barbarian pinned Bushwhacker Luke with a Cresant Kick...31


    -A video plays featuring The Million Dollar Man and Virgil. DiBiase hypes their match against The Hart Foundation for the WWF Tag Team titles. DiBiase tells Virgil to follow his lead during the match. He tells Virgil now to go and get him a drink. Virgil hesitates and then walks off. The Million Dollar Man reminds the audience that everybody's got a price for The Million Dollar Man. DiBiase throws his head back and laughs as the segment comes to an end.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Rockers(Michaels-60, Jannetty-56) defeated Orient Express(Tanaka-49, Kato-43) in 15:23 when Marty Jannetty pinned Kato with a Rocker-Plex...60


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan hype the upcoming Royal Rumble. Monsoon predicts a victory for America and The Ultimate Warrior. Heenan says that this will be the last time we see Big Bossman. Monsoon reminds everyone to purchase the Royal Rumble before we go off the air.


    Slaughter is performing above his level for you! I have never had that much luck with Slaughter in any of my games.


    Yeah, Sarge usually tanks his scores due to age and whatnot in my games as well. Did you give him a potion from the fountain of youth? :D


    Hey Jaysin! Hey Smasher1311! Looks like I definitely lucked out with Sgt. Slaughter. Could those performances send him to the WWF Heavyweight title? Well, let's just hold on and watch.

  18. uuDEseI.jpg


    Saturday Week 3 January 1991 (Taped Wednsday)

    Location: Joe Louis Arena (Great Lakes)

    Attendance: 16,812

    Overall Rating: 78

    TV Rating: .70


    -At the announce booth, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Superstars in Chicago, Illinois. Roddy Piper accepts the challenge laid out by Sgt. Slaughter on Wrestling Challenge. Vince McMahon hypes the main event where Randy Savage takes on The Ultimate Warrior in a non title match. Vince McMahon sends us to the ring for a six man tag.


    -In an extremely short match, The British Bulldog(58) and The Legion of Doom(Hawk-63, Animal-62) defeated Brooklyn Brawler(35), Boris Zhukov(39) and Al Burke(24) in 5:02 when Hawk pinned Brooklyn Brawler with a Doomsday Device.


    Al Burke was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...42


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund hosts the Royal Rumble Event Center. He talks about the upcoming Royal Rumble and sends us to a promo with Mr. Perfect. Mr. Perfect talks about not only winning the Royal Rumble but defending the Intercontinental title on the same night. He issues an open challenge for anyone to face him except Big Bossman. He promises that the night is going to be absolutely perfect.


    -In a terrible match, Tugboat(51) defeated Bob Bradley(29) in 3:48 by pinfall with a Running Splash...34


    -At a staging area, Brother Love hosts the Brother Love Show. He talks about how being the manager of The Undertaker doesn't give him much time for anything else. So he found the greatest manager to take his place. He introduces Paul Bearer. Bearer says that all opponents who step in the way of The Undertaker will rest in peace.


    -In an extremely short match, The Million Dollar Man(80) and Virgil(48) defeated The Bushwhackers(Luke-44, Butch-41) in 3:34 when The Million Dollar Man submitted Bushwhacker Luke with a Million Dollar Dream.


    The Million Dollar Man carried the match in terms of in-ring performance...54


    -Post-Match, The Million Dollar Man tells Virgil to stuff a hundred dollar bill down the throat of Bushwhacker Luke. Virgil refuses but DiBiase yells at him, forcing the money in Virgil's hand. During the argument, Bushwhacker Butch pulls his partner out of the ring. Seeing this, DiBiase slaps Virgil, forcing him to hold open the ropes so they can leave.


    -A music video is shown to promote the return of Ricky Steamboat at the Royal Rumble.


    -In an exceptional match, Randy Savage(95) defeated The Ultimate Warrior(78) in 14:15 by pinfall with a Flying Elbow Drop following interference from Sgt. Slaughter...81


    -Post-Match, Randy Savage and Sgt. Slaughter assault The Ultimate Warrior. Hulk Hogan comes out and makes the save by taking out both Savage and Slaughter with clotheslines over the top rope. Then, he grabs the WWF Heavyweight title belt. Warrior grabs the other side of the belt and tugs. Both men hold the belt and square off as the show comes to a close.



    Sunday Week 3 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: Chicago, IL (Great Lakes)

    Attendance: 3,293

    Overall Rating: 75

    TV Rating: .08


    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. Heenan hypes Mr. Perfect's open challenge for the Royal Rumble. Monsoon hypes the match between Sgt. Slaughter and Greg Valentine and then sends us to the opening bout.


    -In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Warlord(51) and Power(53) and Glory(49) defeated Jim Powers(42), Koko B. Ware(42) and Sam Houston(31) in 7:21 when Paul Roma pinned Sam Houston with a Power-Plex.


    Sam Houston was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...49


    -Sgt. Slaughter had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Greg Valentine.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Rockers(Michaels-62, Jannetty-57) defeated Orient Express(Tanaka-51, Kato-42) in 10:23 when Shawn Michaels pinned Kato with a Rocker Dropper...62


    -A video plays to recap The Ultimate Warrior versus Randy Savage match from WWF Superstars.


    -In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Sgt. Slaughter(76) defeated Greg Valentine(51) in 14:39 by submission with a Camel Clutch...78


    -The match is over but Sgt. Slaughter refuses to release the Camel Clutch he has on Greg Valentine. He finally releases when threatened with a disqualification. Slaughter celebrates in the ring as the show comes to an end.

  19. qi109Wl.jpg






    This week, USPW American Wrestling comes to you live from the Minnesota Coliseum in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The fans are sure to enjoy the show as they will be getting a title match in their main event.
    Roger 'Smooth' Cage
    will be defending the title against The Complete Package
    Joss Thompson
    . Thompson issued the challenge last week and it was accepted by the champion. Only one man can walk out of here as the National Champion. Make sure you tune in and find out.


    Going back to the first hour, the first hour main event will feature four women who will be fighting in a fatal fourway match for the USPW Women's title at Red, White And Blue. This will be a tag team match that will feature the current USPW Women's Champion
    Jaime Quine
    teaming up with the mighty
    against 'The Blonde Bombshell'
    Charity Sweet
    . It will be interesting to see how Pariah gets along with a tag team partner. Can they pick up a win and momentum toward the match or will the champion and Gorgon get the momentum?


    Remember, the live aspect of USPW American Wrestling means that anything can happen. Make sure you BE THERE and, as always, Keep Pounding!


    Predictions List:


    Anthony Trask & The Cold Warriors vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & The Texas Express



    Merle O'Curle vs. Jacob Jett



    Jaime Quine & Gorgon vs. Charity Sweet & Pariah



    The Business (Rich Money, Sterling Whitlock, Rajah, Dusty Ducont and Charlie Thatcher) vs. Americana, Regular Joe, Leaf LeBaum & American Gold



    Jumbo Jackson vs. Casey Valentine



    USPW National Title Match

    TV Time Remaining

    Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson



    Comments on the diary in general:

    @USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #KeepPounding – #USPWNationalTitle


    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. USPW.com is a property of USPW

  20. Wednesday, Week 2, February 2020


    Live from The Theatre Of Dreams...

    Attendance of 10,000...

    Broadcast via Reverie at On Demand...

    USPW presents...






    [The show begins with a cold feeling in the arena. Fog rises along the entrance ramp as Skull DeBones makes his entrance, walking to the ring. He stands on the stairs and the lights grow brighter as he raises his arms. He steps inside the ring and is handed a microphone. He begins his promo by saying that he came to USPW because there is a man here who believes that he is a god. But he is the reaper of souls. That means that even a man who claims to be a god cannot escape him. Eventually, he will reap the soul of Zeus and bring him down to earth. Then, he will move on and reap many more souls in this company on his way to claiming the USPW World title. He reminds Rich Money that he cannot take money with him. When he reaps the soul of the champion, he will hold that title and show that he is the best. DeBones says that all of his opponents will rest in peace. The lights flicker and go out. When they return moments later, the ring is empty.]




    [Remaining at the ringside area, Joss Thompson walks his way down to the ring in his signature hooded robe. He is given a microphone and he begins his speech: 'What I would like to have right now is for all you fat, out-of-shape south western sweathogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show all the ladies what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit my music. The music begins to play again and The Complete Package slowly removes his robe, tossing it out of the ring. He takes the microphone again and talks about his match tonight with Running Wolf, claiming that the Native American is not on his level. He calls Running Wolf a loser and says he's going to prove that tonight. Speaking of losers, he says that there is a loser holding the USPW National title and that man is Roger Cage. He says that a real man should be holding that title. He challenges Cage to a match next week on American Wrestling. With that said, he tosses the microphone and gets ready for his match.]


    Match #1


    Joss Thompson vs. Running Wolf


    [in a good match, Joss Thompson(82) defeated Running Wolf(75) in 9:38 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.]


    Winner: Joss Thompson (Via Pinfall @ 9:38)

    Match Rating: 87




    [backstage, at the interview area, stands the legend Jack Bruce. Jack says that he should have seen what happened last week coming. But he didn't. He thought that D.C. Rayne had integrity. He should have known that Rayne was someone who couldn't stand on his own. He's been in a tag team for his entire career in USPW and now he is standing behind Steve Frehley. Well, tonight, D.C. Rayne, you cannot stand behind Steve Frehley. Tonight, you have to step in the ring with the best in the ring. You call yourself the storm? Well, the weather is clear here in this building. The storm is over and Jack Bruce is going to come out on top. Jack flashes a smile to the camera and we cut to the ring.]


    Match #2


    Ducont & Thatcher vs. The Melbourne Blondes


    [in an abysmal match, Ducont(52) & Thatcher(43) defeated The Melbourne Blondes(Belushi-28, Stantz-25) in 4:02 when Dusty Ducont pinned Blake Belushi with a Thrown Powerbomb.


    In terms of in-ring work, Dusty Ducont was head and shoulders above everyone else.]


    Winners: Ducont & Thatcher (Via Pinfall @ 4:02)

    Match Rating: 33




    [back to the interview area and standing there is the USPW National Champion Roger Cage. Cage holds up the title belt and reminds everyone that he is the USPW National Champion. He says that he heard earlier tonight that a hater challenged him to a match next week. Hey Joss, if you want to have a loss on your record, that's fine with me. But I watched your match with Running Wolf earlier and I have to say that you don't seem to be a complete package. It looks to me like you may be coming up a little short in that area. How you doing? Speaking of coming up a little short, that's exactly what's going to happen next week. You are going to come up short because there's only one word to describe you and I'm going to spell it out for you: S A W F T. SAWFT! The camera focuses in on the title belt before we go to our first hour main event.]


    Match #3


    Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet


    [in a decent match, Charity Sweet(58) defeated Alicia Strong(78) in 14:57 by pinfall with a Sugar Smack.(Missile Dropkick)]


    Winner: Charity Sweet (Via Pinfall @ 14:57)

    Match Rating: 77







    [The crowd rises in boos as out come Steve Frehley and D.C. Rayne. We know that Frehley has a match upcoming but he is joined in the ring by the former six time USPW World Tag Team Champion. Frehley gives the microphone to Rayne. Rayne says that there have been so many people asking him why he attacked Jack Bruce and joined with The Dark Destroyer. Rayne says that it is simple, he believes in the power of The Dark Destroyer. He knows that Steve Frehley will position him right on top of USPW. As a matter of fact, one week with Steve Frehley and he is in tonight's main event. That means something. So the fans can boo him if they want. He doesn't care about any of them anymore. He just wants to show who is the best and that's him and that's Steve Frehley. He hands the microphone over to Frehley and Frehley says to be quiet because the millions and millions of Frehley's fans are chanting his name. There's a lot of boos but a few fans chanting 'Frehley.' Frehley calls out his unfortunate opponent tonight, Casey Valentine. He says that, tonight, is going to be a big night for himself and Rayne. He tosses the microphone and prepares for the match.]


    Match #4


    Steve Frehley vs. Casey Valentine


    [in a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Steve Frehley(69) defeated Casey Valentine(53) in 14:43 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet(Tornado Face Slam/F-5).]


    Winner: Steve Frehley (Via Pinfall @ 14:43)

    Match Rating: 71




    [back to the interview area and the USPW World Champion Rich Money. Money begins by saying that greed is good. That's something that so many people don't understand. Greed keeps him on top. Greed makes him better than all the fans in this building. Greed makes him better than Enygma. Why? Because he wants this title more than anyone, more than Enygma. He proved it at Stars, Stripes And Slams when he took a count out loss to make sure that he walked away with the title. He says that Enygma wouldn't do that. Now, he is faced with losing the champion's advantage. He is not happy about that at all but he will step in the ring with Enygma and rain dollars from heaven down on the masked man. Money promises that he walk away from that match with the title belt still around his waist because everybody's got a price for Rich Money. Money laughs and we go elsewhere backstage.]




    [That elsewhere is in the locker room where Ricky Dale Johnson is talking with The Texas Express. The three men all talk about their issues with The Business. Cooper Christie talks about taking that loss last week to Rich Money and Sterling Whitlock. He says that it hurt their forward momentum. But it didn't kill them. Turk Trenneman adds in that he wants another shot at The Business and he wants this shot at Red, White And Blue. RDJ says that he will step in the ring at their side in a six man tag team match against any three members of The Business. RDJ says that he will go now and call Allen Packer so that he can make this match official. Before he goes, RDJ talks about the fact that he has a future World title shot against whoever the champion might be. He could be facing Rich Money or he could be facing Enygma or anyone. But he promises that when he cashes in his match, he will be the USPW World Champion. RDJ shakes hands with both members of The Texas Express before walking out to make that call. The Texas Express sit back down and we go to the ring.]


    Match #5


    Gorgon vs. Miss American Pie


    [in an extremely short match, Gorgon(54) defeated Miss American Pie(47) in 4:17 by pinfall with a Hydra Bomb.(Crucifix Powerbomb)]


    Winner: Gorgon (Via Pinfall @ 4:17)

    Match Rating: 39




    [before we get to our main event, we go to the interview area where Bulldozer Brandon Smith is standing by. Or, rather, he is sitting on a stool. He has a lit candle in one hand and he is bringing the other hand back and forth over the flame. He looks up in the camera and says that Trent Shaffer made a big mistake in his attack last week. That mistake is that he left the Bulldozer alive. That means that the Bulldozer can get his vengeance. Like this light, Trent Shaffer has brought Smith nothing but pain. But he can survive pain. He can take it. The question is, how much pain can Trent Shaffer absorb? How much pain will Raven Robinson let The Talent take? Smith says that the two of them have been booked in a bullrope match at Red, White And Blue. That means that he will be striking Shaffer with the bullrope until his back is nothing but bruises and blood. He will touch all four corners when Shaffer has felt all of the pain that he has given Smith. Then he will be snuffed out. The camera closes in on the light from the candle and Smith blows it out before we go to the ring for our main event.]


    Match #6


    TV Time Remaining

    D.C. Rayne vs. Jack Bruce


    [in a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Jack Bruce(82) defeated D.C. Rayne(65) in 12:22 when D.C. Rayne was disqualified when Steve Frehley ran in and attacked Jack Bruce.]


    Winner: Jack Bruce (Via Disqualification @ 12:22)

    Match Rating: 77





    [The crowd has filled the arena with boos as Steve Frehley hit Jack Bruce with a Dark Destroyer Spear to cause the disqualification. Frehley helps D.C. Rayne to his feet and they begin putting the boots to Bruce. Frehley picks Bruce up on his shoulders and hits him with Frehley's Comet. Frehley picks up Bruce again but here comes James Justice! The crowd cheers Justice as the veteran rushes into the ring. Justice throws a Liberty Big Left Hand to Rayne but then turns into a Dark Destroyer Spear from Steve Frehley. Rayne picks up Justice and hits a high velocity swinging neckbreaker known as Storm Damage. James Justice and Jack Bruce are laid down side by side while Steve Frehley and D.C. Rayne stand over top of them. They have come together and now they are on top. We'll see you next week where the USPW National title will be defended by Roger Cage against Joss Thompson. See you there!]

  21. nhrBUNO.jpg










    ATTENDANCE: 9,495

    TV RATING: 3.25

    Rogue(69) defeated Robbie Wright(53) by count out...69

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Krissy Angelle...71

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Brandon James...69

    ANGLE: An interview with Emma Chase...79

    Monty Trescarde(71) defeated Joey Morgan(79)...77

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Masked Patriot...52

    Unleashed Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust(72), Huey Cannonball(71) & Randy Unleashed(80)) defeated ZWB(88) & Hawaiian Crush(Ekuma-71, High Flyin Hawaiian-70)...84

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with ZWB...73

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Primus Allen...64

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Huey Cannonball...71

    Angry Gilmore(83) defeated Bear Bekowski(66) by DQ...79

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Jungle Lord...63

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Spencer Spade...59

    Scythe(82) defeated John Greed(65)...80

    Mikey Lau(79) defeated Paul Huntingdon(65)...81

    The Crippler(72) & Atom Smasher(78) defeated Brandon James(67) & Valiant(83) by DQ...79






    ATTENDANCE: 9,860

    TV RATING: 3.89

    ANGLE: Wolf Hawkins got the upper hand in a short backstage brawl with Aaron Andrews...77

    Tana The Mighty(54) defeated Yuri Yoshihara(31) by DQ...52

    ANGLE: An interview with Mighty Mo...69

    ANGLE: An interview with Edd Stone...58

    ANGLE: A brawl between One Man Army and Titan...54

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Troy Tornado...62

    Troy Tornado(56) & Benny(63) & The Foxx(57) defeated Greg Gauge(79) and International Express(Matt Hocking-68, Marc Speed-63)...78

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Vita...61

    Wolf Hawkins(90) defeated Dean Daniels(44) by DQ...78

    ANGLE: A backstage segment with Dazzling Dave Diamond...59

    Killer Shark(58) defeated Danny Fonzarelli(47)...62

    Doc Hammond(73) defeated Edd Stone(70)...82

    One Man Army(53) defeated Titan(64)...68

    Aaron Andrews(81) & Sammy Bach(65) defeated Freddy Huggins(70) & Jay Chord(73) by DQ...78

    @TCW – @SWF – #TotalWrestling – #SupremeTV


    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of Promotion Wars

  22. uuDEseI.jpg


    Saturday Week 2 January 1991 (Taped Wednesday)

    Location: Madison Square Garden (Tri State)

    Attendance: 18,000

    Overall Rating: 87

    TV Rating: .74


    -At the announce booth, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Superstars. They talk about having the biggest match in the history of Superstars today when Hulk Hogan takes on Earthquake in their final match in this feud. Vince McMahon predicts a win by Hulkamania while Piper doesn't know who will win. Vince McMahon sends us to the ring for our opening match.


    -In an extremely short match, Big Bossman(65) defeated Dino Bravo(54) in 4:14 by pinfall...55


    -Bobby Heenan walks out from the back and stands at the top of the ramp. He tells Big Bossman that his match at the Royal Rumble against The Barbarian has been postponed. Instead, Bossman will face a wrestler of Heenan's choosing. Big Bossman gets on the microphone and says that it doesn't matter who he faces because the Heenan Family will all serve hard time, including Mr. Perfect before Perfect hands over the WWF Intercontinental title. Heenan throws out some insults and then gets away before Bossman runs to chase him backstage.


    -In a video, Sean Mooney hosts the Royal Rumble Event Center. He announces that a new match has been added to the show. That match will feature Power and Glory and The Warlord teaming together against The Legion of Doom and The British Bulldog. He sends us to a promo with Slick, Power and Glory and The Warlord. Slick, in particular, hypes the match and then it flips to an interview with The Legion of Doom and The British Bulldog. They hype the match and the Royal Rumble.


    -In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The British Bulldog(53) defeated Brooklyn Brawler(38) in 3:51 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam...39


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund hosts the Royal Rumble Event Center. He talks about the challenge issued last week by The Million Dollar Man and Virgil to face The Hart Foundation for the WWF World Tag Team titles. He sends us to an interview with The Hart Foundation. Bret Hart accepts the challenge for the team, saying that The Million Dollar Man and Virgil will have to face the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Jim Neidhart agrees and then talks briefly about the Royal Rumble, stating that they will be the last two remaining and then it's every Hart Foundation member for himself. Back to Gene Okerlund. Okerlund talks about the Royal Rumble and then sends us to promos by several of the participants. These include Earthquake, Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Snuka.


    -In a terrible match, Power(56) and Glory(50) defeated Brian Costello(29) and Sam Houston(24) in 4:30 when Paul Roma pinned Sam Houston with The Power-Plex...37


    -In the ring, Roddy Piper hosts Piper's Pit. His special guest is the WWF Heavyweight Champion The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior hypes his match with Sgt. Slaughter. Randy Savage interrupts and says that Warrior is not going to make it to the Royal Rumble. Savage says that he will be facing Warrior next week. When he beats Warrior, he will receive a title match at the final WWF Superstars before the Royal Rumble. Savage slaps Warrior and then escapes the ring before Warrior can get him. Savage yells at Warrior that he'll see him next week.


    -In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Hulk Hogan(86) defeated Earthquake(72) in 9:56 by pinfall with a Big Leg Drop...78


    -Having picked up the victory, Hulk Hogan celebrates in the ring. He gets on the microphone and hypes the upcoming Royal Rumble match, promising a victory for all the Hulkamaniacs.



    Sunday Week 2 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: MA Hart Center Arena (New England)

    Attendance: 2,733

    Overall Rating: 84

    TV Rating: .08

    -At the announce booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. Heenan hypes his feud with Big Bossman, promising that Bossman's career will end like an all you can eat buffet after Bossman's mother gets done there. Monsoon tells Heenan to stop it and then sends us to the ring for our opening bout.


    -In an extremely short match, The Undertaker(66) defeated Nikolai Volkoff(50) in 4:18 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver...54


    -A video plays focusing on Piper's Pit hosted by Roddy Piper from WWF Superstars. The Ultimate Warrior was the guest but they were interrupted by Randy Savage. He set up a singles match against The Ultimate Warrior next week.


    -In an extremely short match, Jim Duggan(63) defeated Brooklyn Brawler(38) in 3:58 by pinfall with an Old Glory...54


    -In a video, Gene Okerlund hosts Special Report. Okerlund talks about the upcoming Royal Rumble and says that there are a few words that come from the challenger to the WWF Heavyweight title, Sgt. Slaughter. Slaughter hypes his upcoming match with The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble. Then, he challenges Roddy Piper to meet him on Wrestling Challenge next week.


    -In a terrible match, The Rockers(Michaels-60, Jannetty-56) defeated Bob Bradley(36) and Steven Dane(19) in 4:14 when Shawn Michaels pinned Steven Dane with a Rocker-Plex.


    Steven Dane was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...29


    -The Rockers are celebrating their victory in the ring. Orient Express and Demolition. run in and attack, beating them down into the mat.


    -A video plays recapping Hulk Hogan defeating Earthquake from WWF Superstars.


    -In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Rick Martel(69) defeated Jimmy Snuka(64) in 9:38 by pinfall with a handful of tights...73


    -Rick Martel is celebrating his victory in the ring. Jake Roberts comes running in from the back. Martel and Roberts brawl before Roberts goes for the DDT. Martel slips free and slides out of the ring. Roberts and Martel stare each other down while Roberts brings out a snake, holding it around his neck as the show comes to an end.


    Always excited for a 91 angel diary! Count me in :D


    Hey Smasher1311! Always great to see you here! Glad that you're coming along for the ride. Thanks for the comment!

  23. uuDEseI.jpg


    Saturday Week 1 January 1991 (Taped Wednesday)

    Location: Tampa, FL (South East)

    Attendance: 12,234

    Overall Rating: 80

    TV Rating: .71


    -At the announce booth, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Superstars. They discuss the upcoming Royal Rumble. Piper announces that he will be in the Royal Rumble match this year. Vince McMahon hypes the Sgt. Slaughter versus Jim Duggan match as our main event. Then, he sends us to our opening bout.


    -In an extremely short match, The Texas Tornado(63) defeated Brooklyn Brawler(35) in 3:43 by pinfall with a Tornado Punch...50


    -In a video, Update is hosted by Gene Okerlund. He talks about the upcoming WWF Heavyweight title match between The Ultimate Warrior and Sgt. Slaughter. He says that there is another man looking to take down Warrior and that man is Randy Savage. He sends us to a promo by Savage. Randy Savage states that the match between Warrior and Slaughter will be non title because he is going to walk away with the belt before then. Back to the studio, Okerlund sends us to a promo by The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior says he has put Savage in the rear view mirror and expects total surrender from Sgt. Slaughter.


    -In a terrible match, The Warlord(52) defeated Brian Costello(29) in 2:40 by submission with a Full Nelson...33


    -At a staging area, Brother Love hosts the Brother Love Show with special guest, Hulk Hogan. Hogan hypes the Royal Rumble and claims to be the first two time Royal Rumble winner. They are interrupted by Earthquake, who says he wants things finished between the two of them. He challenges Hogan to meet him in their final encounter next week on WWF Superstars. Hogan agrees to the challenge and Earthquake knocks Hogan down, striking him with the megaphone before walking off.


    -In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The Rockers(Michaels-60, Jannetty-59) defeated Barry Hardy(22) and Bob Bradley(33) in 4:29 when Shawn Michaels pinned Barry Hardy with a Rocker-Plex.


    Barry Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...45


    -In a video, Royal Rumble Event Center is hosted by Sean Mooney. Mooney talks about the Royal Rumble and sends us to promos by several of the participants. These include Bret Hart, Paul Roma, The Undertaker and The British Bulldog. Each of them promise to win the Royal Rumble.


    -In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Sgt. Slaughter(71) defeated Jim Duggan(60) in 10:42 by submission with a Camel Clutch...76


    -In a video, the Royal Rumble Report is hosted by Gene Okerlund. Okerlund talks about some of the other matches at the Royal Rumble, announcing that the Rhodes family will no longer be participating. He sends us to a promo with The Million Dollar Man and Virgil. DiBiase states that he ran the Rhodes family out of the WWF and should be rewarded. He challenges The Hart Foundation to put their WWF World Tag Team titles on the line against him and Virgil. He promises that they will walk away with gold because everybody's got a price for The Million Dollar Man. Back at the studio, Gene Okerlund discusses the feud between Jake Roberts and Rick Martel. He sends us to a promo by Roberts. Jake Roberts discusses the Royal Rumble and how that's a perfect match for a snake. But he also says that if he comes face to face with Rick Martel that Martel will no longer look like a model. Trust me.


    -In a video, Hulk Hogan is shown...walking through the parking lot! A car pulls up and Earthquake gets out. Earthquake attacks Hogan, including body slamming him on top of the car before shoving him to the ground. Earthquake gets back into the car and it drives off. Hogan watches from his knees, obviously hurting.



    Sunday Week 1 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

    Location: Palumbo Center (Tri State)

    Attendance: 4,270

    Overall Rating: 76

    TV Rating: .08

    -Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge. Heenan says that Hulkamania will be destroyed next week on WWF Superstars. Monsoon says that they will learn more about what Heenan is talking about as the show moves forward. Monsoon sends us to the ring for our opening bout.


    -In a terrible match, The Hart Foundation(Hart-70, Neidhart-59) defeated Barry Hardy(24) and Bob Bradley(35) in 4:16 when Bret Hart pinned Barry Hardy with a Hart Attack.


    In terms of in-ring work, Bret Hart was head and shoulders above everyone else. Barry Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...48


    -In a video, Special Report is hosted by Lord Alfred Hayes. Lord Hayes hypes the Royal Rumble and then sends us to a recap of Hulk Hogan on the Brother Love Show. Earthquake interrupts the moment and challenges Hogan. Hogan accepts the challenge. Earthquake knocks down Hogan with a megaphone.


    -In an extremely short match, The Undertaker(66) defeated Shane Douglas(39) in 3:54 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver...49


    -In a video, the Royal Rumble Event Center is hosted by Sean Mooney. Mooney talks about the upcoming Royal Rumble and then sends us to interviews with several of the participants. Those participants are Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan and The Million Dollar Man and Virgil.


    -In a terrible match, The Nasty Boys(Knobbs-55, Sags-53) defeated Al Burke(22) and Koko B. Ware(42) in 4:11 when Brian Knobbs pinned Al Burke with a Trip to Nastyville.


    Al Burke was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...38


    -The Ultimate Warrior had an interview with Gene Okerlund hyping his upcoming singles match with Sgt. Slaughter.


    -In a decent match, Mr. Perfect(76) defeated Jim Powers(41) in 10:08 by pinfall with a Perfect Plex...71


    -In a video, a second Royal Rumble Event Center is hosted by Sean Mooney. Mooney talks about the Royal Rumble and then sends us to interviews with several of the participants. Those participants include Power and Glory and Jake Roberts. Roberts threatens Rick Martel, saying that if he gets in the ring with Martel he's going to get his revenge.

  24. Background Information

    Hello everyone. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to read this diary. As you already know, my username is angeldelayette. I am presenting my take on World Wrestling Federation beginning in the month of January and the year of 1991. I have been working on this diary in secret and I already have everything up to the Royal Rumble written out.


    I love this time period as it brings me back to my childhood. It is a wonderful time when The Ultimate Warrior is the king of the WWF, Sgt. Slaughter is an Iraqi sympathizing turncoat and Hulkamania is still running wild. I will be bringing my unique take to the time period while keeping some things as they were in real life.



    I will be using an abbreviated format for the shows. I write my own angles in when I play in the game so I will be mostly doing that. I will have two shows. WWF Superstars will be my 'A' show, while Wrestling Challenge will be my 'B' show. There won't be any predictions put up except on the pay-per-view events. However, I do encourage people to write in and tell me what they think of my shows and the direction I have the WWF going.

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