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Posts posted by angeldelayette

  1. Saturday Week 4 March 2020

    USPW Liberty And Justice


    Match #1
    Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion

    In an exceptional match, Nicky Champion(91) defeated Rich Money(79) in 15:24 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Nicky Champion p. Rich Money =95



    Attack And Save
    Post-Match, Huey Cannonball slides into the ring and attacks Nicky Champion.  Cannonball slides Champion's ankle in a chair but Skull DeBones comes in from the audience with the baseball bat.  He chases Cannonball off, sending him running through the crowd...88



    Not Going To Get Injured
    Backstage, Jack Bruce is shown watching the monitor.  He turns and is approached by Joss Thompson.  Thompson reminds Bruce that he beat Nicky Champion last Wednesday night.  Bruce asks where he heard this one before.  Thompson says he's not going to get injured.  He says he's going to beat Ricky Dale Johnson tonight to prove that he's the top guy in this industry.  Bruce says he'll have this shot as we move forward...100




    Match #2
    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. Natural Storm

    In a decent match, Natural Storm(71) defeated Jett(72) & Moor(71) in 13:33 when D.C. Rayne pinned Jacob Jett with a Storm Damage. Natural Storm win the USPW World Tag Team titles.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Natural Storm p. Jett & Moor =80


    The Dark Destroyer
    Backstage, Steve Frehley hypes the match with Bulldozer Brandon Smith tonight.  He calls him a young pup and says he's going to learn that he ain't nothin...87



    A video plays hyping Alicia Strong, Juliette King and Glorious Gloria vs. Melody, Sara Marie, and Charity Sweet...52




    Match #3
    The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and Charity Sweet

    In a decent match, Melody(68), Sara Marie(71) and Charity Sweet(51) defeated The Triumvirate (Alicia Strong(73), Glorious Gloria(35) and Juliette King(47)) in 11:51 when Charity Sweet pinned Glorious Gloria with a Sugar Smack.

    Glorious Gloria was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Melody, Sara Marie and Charity Sweet p. The Triumverate =69


    Ricky Dale Johnson had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Joss Thompson.  He says that Thompson don't know what he's in for and that he will prove himself once again to be one of the top athletes in the company...85


    Match #4
    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Casey Valentine

    In a decent match, Casey Valentine(70) defeated Roger Cage(67) in 11:31 by pinfall with a Deep Impact. Casey Valentine wins the USPW National title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Casey Valentine p. Roger Cage =77



    Good Luck
    Backstage, Running Wolf is talking with Jack Bruce.  Bruce wishes Running Wolf good luck in his match tonight.  Running Wolf talks about how tough an opponent that Tyson Baine is.  Running Wolf says that he will make sure that he keeps this title for the fans and USPW...93



    A video plays hyping Steve Frehley vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith...73


    Match #5
    Steve Frehley vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Steve Frehley(90) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(82) in 9:39 by pinfall with a handful of tights.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Steve Frehley p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith =84


    Enygma cuts a backstage promo where he talks about having a tough time lately and not being at the top anymore.  He says that this is a time where he wants to train up new wrestlers and he will do that each and every week that he can.  He says that they won't solve the Enygma but they will get better...63



    Hype 2
    A video plays hyping Joss Thompson vs. Ricky Dale Johnson...68


    Match #6
    Joss Thompson vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Joss Thompson(86) defeated Ricky Dale Johnson(68) in 12:03 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Joss Thompson p. Ricky Dale Johnson =81



    Through A Table
    The match is over and Ricky Dale Johnson is left down.  Joss Thompson slips out of the ring and grabs a table, sliding it back in the ring.  He slides back in and puts RDJ through the table with a spinebuster.  Thompson stands tall over RDJ as we go backstage...83


    Paper Bag
    Jaime Quine had an interview hyping her upcoming singles match with Pariah.  Quine says she has a paper bag specifically made for Pariah...80


    Match #7
    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Pariah

    In a good match, Pariah(71) defeated Jaime Quine(77) in 15:24 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. Pariah wins the USPW Women's title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Pariah p. Jaime Quine =78



    Hype 3
    A video plays hyping Running Wolf vs. Tyson Baine...68


    Match #8
    USPW World Title Match
    Running Wolf defends vs. Tyson Baine

    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Running Wolf(83) defeated Tyson Baine(68) in 14:56 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer. Running Wolf makes defence number two of the USPW World title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Running Wolf p. Tyson Baine =79


    Having picked up the victory, Running Wolf celebrates in the ring and then goes into the crowd to celebrate.  Running Wolf takes a microphone and thanks everyone for coming before saying that he promises to defend this title each and every time he can.  He announces an open challenge for this coming American Wrestling.  Running Wolf celebrates with the crowd as the show comes to an end...90

  2. heH16Ck.jpg



    Predictions List:

    Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
    Faces Of Fear vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner

    Tony Norris vs. Disco Inferno

    X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
    Eddy Guerrero vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

    X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
    Shane Douglas vs. Johnny B. Badd

    Paul Orndorff vs. Steve Austin

    WCW United States Title Match
    Vader defends vs. Randy Savage

    Comments On Diary In General (Any?  Please?  LOL): 

    TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #USTitle

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

  3. Saturday Week 1 December 1995

    WCW Saturday Night

    Highlights From Monday Nitro
    Highlights from Monday Nitro include Roddy Piper defeating Steve Austin, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson arguing and Hulk Hogan confronting Roddy Piper.

    Austin Is Done Being Screwed
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund calls out Steve Austin.  Okerlund asks Austin about what happened this past Monday night.  Austin says he got screwed by Diamond Dallas Page.  But he says that things are going to change.  He says that he's done being screwed by anyone and that's the bottom line.  Austin pushes away from Okerlund and heads to the back.  We go to the ring.

    Match #1
    In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Benoit(80) and Malenko(82) defeated Hardy Boyz(Matt-52, Jeff-37) in 9:52 when Dean Malenko submitted Jeff Hardy with a Texas Cloverleaf.

    Jeff Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...75

    Extreme Franchise
    Shane Douglas had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Johnny B. Badd.  He talks about being the Extreme Franchise and says that it means he's walking away with the gold.  He raises four fingers and then we head to the ring.

    Match #2
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Johnny B. Badd(50) defeated Sabu(58) in 7:27 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press...62

    Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner
    Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner are shown standing before a WCW background.  Hawk talks about all the World Tag Team titles that he and his partner have held.  Scott Steiner says that they are going to pick up a victory Monday on Nitro to make it to the match at Starrcade

    Match #3
    In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Diamond Dallas Page(64) defeated El Hijo Del Santo(47) in 8:31 by pinfall with a Discus Lariat. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number twelve of the WCW World Television title...68

    Austin Is Here
    Post-Match, Steve Austin rushes the ring and attacks Diamond Dallas Page.  The fight moves out of the ring where Austin grabs a chair and brings it down on the back of DDP.  Austin sets up DDP for the Stun Gun on the guardrail but DDP manages to block it.  DDP escapes through the crowd as the show comes to an end.

  4. Monday Week 1 December 1995



    Main Event Announced
    WCW Monday Nitro begins with the sound of bagpipes playing in the background.  This sound can mean only one thing and that's the arrival of the winner of the World War 3 battle royal, Roddy Piper!  Piper comes out to some boos and cheers from the fans here at the UTC Arena.  Piper enters the ring and smiles.  He takes the microphone and tells the fans that they need to get on their feet and cheer for the man who's going to take the World title away from Hulk Hogan.  This demand gets a few more boos added to the mix.  Piper says he wouldn't expect any different from the rednecks here in Tennessee.  But he is the man who defeated 29 other wrestlers so that he can go to Starrcade and face Hulk Hogan.  Piper reminds everyone that just when they think they have the answers, he changes the questions.  Piper's words get interrupted, though, by the arrival of the last man he eliminated at World War 3.

    Steve Austin comes out from the back and marches right to the ring, stepping inside.  Austin reminds Piper that he was the last man in the ring wiht him last night and that if it had been an actual wrestling match then the Superstar would have been the one to walk out as the winner.  Piper laughs and tells Austin to stand down there.  He tells Austin that he's playing above his weight class and needs to just head to the back.  What? asks Austin.  Austin says that Piper is the one that needs to walk to the back before he gets a mudhole stomped in him by the Superstar.  Piper responds that Austin needs to remember not to throw rocks at a man with a machine gun.  Austin challenges Piper to a one on one match tonight to prove his point.  Piper laughs it off and says he could do with an easy night tonight so he accepts.  He throws a sucker punch to Austin but Austin ducks and hits Piper with the Stun Gun!  Piper rolls out of the ring, looking a little wild-eyed as he backs up.  Austin climbs up on the second turnbuckle and raises his fists to cheers from the crowd.


    Match #1
    Bill Dundee and Harry Del Rio vs. The Demolishers

    With the ring cleared, we go to our first match of the night and that features The Demolishers taking on Bill Dundee and Harry Del Rio.  The match is an obvious squash match with The Demolishers in control for the entire contest.  Del Rio is stuck in the corner of Axis and Smasher and gets taken down with a double gutbuster and then it's time for The Demolisher Decapitation.  The move is hit and Axis makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Demolishers win in 5:38!
    The Demolishers p. Bill Dundee and Harry Del Rio =48


    New/Old Tag Team
    We go to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Okerlund talks about the WCW hotline and says he has some major news on a wrestler coming to WCW next week.  He says to make sure to tune in.  Then, he calls out his guests at this time and they are Sting and The Total Package Lex Luger.  Luger looks a little worse for wear after being in two matches last night.  Okerlund says that the two men wanted time to speak and that they have the floor.  Luger says that this man, meaning Sting, has been his friend for many years.  They have done a lot together and they know that they can trust each other.  Sting adds in that it's time for the two of them to make a run at the WCW World Tag Team titles.  Sting issues a challenge to Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko to meet them at Starrcade for the titles.  Luger flexes and Sting releases a howl before we go up to the ring.


    Match #2
    Scott Norton vs. Scotty Riggs

    Our second match, like the first contest, is a definite squash match.  This time it's favoring Scott Flash Norton.  Highlights include Norton spinning Riggs in a 360 with a lariat, bringing Riggs down with a backbreaker and taking Riggs down with a neckbreaker.  The announcers spend some of the time talking about Sting and Luger challenging for the WCW World Tag Team titles.  The finish coems when Norton hits Riggs with a Shoulder Breaker.  Norton makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Scott Norton wins in 6:08!
    Scott Norton p. Scotty Riggs =48


    Four Corners Elimination Match?
    We head back to Mean Gene as he welcomes his guests and they are three members of Technically Wonderful: Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko!  The WCW World Tag Team Champions come down and stand on either side of Okerlund with Benoit grinding his fist into his palm.  Guerrero is the one that takes the microphone.  Guerrero announces that there will be a first for WCW at Starrcade.  He announces that there will be a four corners elimination match at Starrcade for the WCW World Tag Team titles.  Three other teams will have to qualify to be in the match and that includes Sting and Lex Luger.  Guerrero says that Technically Wonderful is all about having the gold and it will be the same after Starrcade when these two men retain the WCW World Tag Team titles.  Viva la raza!  Guerrero pats Benoit and Malenko on the shoulders and Okerlund sends us to the ring.


    Match #3
    X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
    The Great Muta vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

    Our first match in the X-Division title tournament and what a contest it is as The Great Muta steps in the ring with Rey Misterio, Jr.  This could be a main event anywhere in the world but it's right here on WCW Monday Nitro!  Highlights include the 6'2" Muta getting the advantage early on and hitting the Space Rolling Elbow to Misterio in the corner.  Muta fires in with some precision kicks to the ribs and then one to the head that knocks Misterio down.  Muta makes a cover but only gets a two count.  Misterio manages to quicken the pace and hits a running crossbody on Muta before sending Muta out of the ring.  Misterio rushes in with a baseball slide that ends with a flying headscissors outside the ring.  The action returns inside the ring as Shane Douglas walks down to ringside.  The distraction is enough to keep Misterio off his game.  It allows Muta to regain the advantage for a few moments and then Muta goes for the moonsault but Misterio rolls out of the way.  Shane Douglas climbs on the apron and begins yelling at Misterio.  The referee tells Douglas to get down but he refuses.  Misterio hits a springboard dropkick to knock Douglas off the apron.  Misterio turns back to Muta, who strikes him with another kick to the head.  Muta moves in quickly and hits the Shining Wizard!  Muta makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Great Muta wins and advances in the tournament at 15:49!
    The Great Muta p. Rey Misterio, Jr. =77



    Horsemen For The Save
    Shane Douglas enters the ring after the bell and goes right after Rey Misterio, Jr.  Douglas picks up Misterio and hits a side belly to belly suplex.  Douglas sets Misterio up for the Franchisor but Ric Flair comes running in from the back!  Flair slides in and pulls Misterio free.  Flair hits chops to the chest of Douglas before tossing him out of the ring.  Flair checks on Misterio as we go to commercial.


    Horsemen Versus Horsemen?
    Back from commercial and it's Ric Flair standing in the ring alone to start hour number two.  Flair gets on the microphone and says that Tennessee is Flair Country!  Whooo!  The crowd echoes him back and he says it's been a little while since Tennessee has been in the presence of a real man and he's here to show the ladies a good time.  But before that happens he needs to talk about this fake Horsemen group.  He calls Arn Anderson, the leader of the cause, out to the ring to join him.  Arn Anderson comes out alone and steps in the ring.  Flair smiles and tells Anderson that the tingling he's feeling right now is butterflies trapped in his stomach from being in the ring with The Nature Boy.  Flair reminds Anderson that back in the day they rode together.  They had the long limousines, the jet airplanes and any women in the world they wanted.  But now things have changed.  Now there's two Horsemen groups.  There's only one way to settle this and that's at Starrcade.  Winner takes all.  Horsemen versus Horsemen.  What do you say, Enforcer?  Anderson responds that he's willing to show that his group is betetr than Ric Flair's group.  He says that he picked the pinnacle of excellence to be in his Horsemen group.  Anderson offers a handshake to seal the deal.  Flair gives the handshake but releases a 'Whooo' right in the face of Anderson.  He smiles and walks off, as does Anderson.


    Match #4
    Nasty Boys vs. Miracle Violence Connection

    A match featuring two fan favorite teams as Nasty Boys step in the ring with Miracle Violence Connection.  Highlights include Steve Williams showing off his wrestling skill by taking down both members of the Nasty Boys.  Williams hits a German suplex on Brian Knobbs and then another takedown on Jerry Sags.  Williams gets stuck in the Nasty Boys' corner, though.  Knobbs and Sags use frequent tags to keep the Horsemen member down.  Knobbs goes for the running powerslam but Williams manages to slip free and shoves Knobbs chest-first into a neutral corner before dropping him with a half-nelson suplex.  Williams crawls toward his corner, so does Knobbs.  Knobbs tags in Sags but Williams manages to tag in Gordy!  Terry Bam Bam Gordy comes in like a house on fire.  He hits both Knobbs and Sags.  Gordy takes down Knobbs with a running big boot.  Then, he strikes Sags with the Oriental Spike!  Gordy makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Miracle Violence Connection win at 9:45!
    Miracle Violence Connection p. Nasty Boys =67

    Match Set For Starrcade
    We go to a run-down house, moving through the house to the back porch where we see Jake Roberts seated on a rocking chair.  Roberts looks up at the camera and says he knew that you'd be here.  He says that people cannot resist looking at a snake.  But the snake always gets what he wants in the end.  Roberts says that he spoke with the WCW Booking Committee and they agreed to a match at Starrcade between himself and the Ultimate Warrior.  Roberts says that he is going to be the man to finish the destruction of the Ultimate Warrior.  Roberts reminds everyone that he has always been a snake and always will be.  It's in his nature.  Ultimate Warrior?  You're going to see just what happens when you try to keep a snake down.  Trust me.  Roberts laughs and begins rocking again as we go to the ring.


    Match #5
    X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
    Sabu (w/The Sheik) vs. Al Snow

    Our second match of the X-Division title tournament is an interesting one as two young wrestlers go one on one.  Highlights of the match include Al Snow getting the Dragon Sleeper on Sabu within the first few minutes.  Sabu somehow manages to make it to the ropes to break the hold but Snow does his best to keep Sabu from doing a lot of those high risk moves.  Snow catches Sabu with the spinning heel kick and then sets up Sabu in the corner.  Snow goes up top but Sabu comes to life and begins throwing punches to knock Snow backward.  Sabu knocks Snow from the top turnbuckle and then leaps, catching Snow with the diving legdrop.  Sabu goes to get a chair and slides it in the ring.  The referee immediately grabs the chair, warning Sabu about being disqualified.  Sabu turns back to Snow, who strikes him with a superkick.  Snow immediately grabs Sabu and lands the Snow Plow.  Snow makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Al Snow advances in the tournament, winning at 7:35!
    Al Snow p. Sabu =60



    Who's The Savage?
    We go back to the ramp and Gene Okerlund, who reminds everyone to call the WCW hotline.  Okerlund then brings out his guests, Col. Robert Parker, Big Bubba Rogers and the WCW United States Champion Vader.  Okerlund congratulates Vader on defending the United States title last night against Lex Luger.  Parker gets on the microphone and reminds everyone that he is a southern gentleman.  But that he does not associate himself with people who are necessarily gentlemen at all times.  He says that Vader proved himself last night when, not only did he defeat Lex Luger in a last man standing match but he eliminated the most men in the battle royal.  He says that it doesn't matter who his opponent will be at Starrcade because the ending will always be the same.  The interview is interrupted by the arrival of Randy Savage.  The Macho Man gets up in the face of Vader before Big Bubba Rogers steps between the two as a bodyguard should.  Savage says that he has been doing some thinking, thinking, thinking and he wants to be the next man to challenge Vader for the WCW United States title, yeah.  Parker laughs and agrees to Vader putting the title on the line next week on WCW Monday Nitro against Randy Savage.  Savage tells Vader he's going to snap into him next week and walk away with the title.  Oh yeah!  Savage bounces around, full of energy.  Vader just laughs off the challenge and The Stud Stable turn and walk away as we head up to the ring for our main event.


    Match #6
    Roddy Piper vs. Steve Austin

    It's time for the main event of the evening and what a match we have as Rowdy Roddy Piper takes on Superstar Steve Austin.  Highlights of the early part of the match have Piper slap Austin early on.  Austin fires back with some punches, a kick to the gut and several forearm shots to the back that have Piper rolling out of the ring to catch a breath.  Moving forward some, Piper gains the advantage by a poke in the eye.  He takes down Austin with an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Piper brings the match outside the ring where he chokes Austin with the cable from the television camera.  The match moves back inside the ring where Piper takes Austin over with a vertical suplex.  Piper maintains control going in near the eleven minute mark of the match. 

    The momentum shifts when Roddy Piper goes for the Figure Four and Steve Austin reverses it into a small package for a two count.  Both men manage to get back on their feet, with Piper visibly tiring.  They trade blows in the center of the ring before Austin hits a Lou Thesz press and then some mounted punches.  The crowd gets behind Austin as he gets back up and pulls Piper to his feet.  Austin brings down Piper with a suplex and then locks in Hollywood And Vine.  The crowd are on their feet now, wondering if Austin is going to make Piper submit.  Piper struggles in the hold and then manages to reach the ropes.  Austin releases the hold and shoves Piper down in the corner before stomping his chest again and again.  He pulls up Piper and backs up, readying for a punch but Piper pulls the referee in the way and Austin hits the official instead!  With the referee down, Austin continues his attention on Piper.  He brings Piper down and heads to the top turnbuckle.  He leaps -- DIAMOND CUTTER!  Diamond Dallas Page just appeared from out of nowhere and dropped Austin with the Diamond Cutter!  The crowd boos loudly as DDP slides out of the ring and walks to the back.  Piper crawls over to the downed Austin and makes the cover as the referee recovers: One, Two, Three!  Roddy Piper wins at 16:39! 
    Roddy Piper d. Steve Austin =77


    In The Pit With Piper
    Roddy Piper just picked up the win and is visibly tired as he gets his arm raised.  He pulls himself to his feet and asks for and is given a microphone.  With his free hand, he points toward the Starrcade logo high up in the rafters.  Piper reminds everyone that he is still the number one contender for the WCW World Heavyweight title.  'American Made' begins to play and here comes Hulk Hogan!  The WCW World Heavyweight Champion marches down to the ring and slides inside.  Hogan cups his ear to the crowd and gets some loud cheers.  The two men in the ring circle each other with Hogan getting a microphone.  Hogan says that the two of them have been at odds for over a decade now but it all comes to a head at Starrcade, brother.  Piper says he wants to do this, to have this talk with Hulk Hogan, but he wants to do it on his terms.  Next week, he invites Hulk Hogan to come In The Pit With Piper.  Hogan agrees to it and Piper smiles, sliding out of the ring.  Piper backs up the ramp as Hogan stares him down.  The show comes to a close with Hogan celebrating in the ring.

    • Like 1
  5. Wednesday Week 4 March 2020

    USPW American Wrestling



    Backstage Brawl
    Steve Frehley and Bulldozer Brandon Smith are brawling in the backstage area.  Frehley sets up a table but Bulldozer fights back.  Bulldozer puts Frehley through the table with a spinebuster.  Bulldozer looks down at Frehley for a moment before officials come in to break things up...93


    Match #1
    Non-Title Match
    T-Rex vs. Running Wolf

    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Running Wolf(82) defeated T-Rex(45) in 5:50 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Running Wolf p. T-Rex =70



    Flames Are Coming
    Having picked up the victory, Running Wolf celebrates in the ring when the video screen lights up.  Tyson Baine is shown standing with flames all around him.  Baine warns Running Wolf that the flames are coming for him this Saturday.  He says that the flames are coming for the World title.  Running Wolf yells for him to come and get some.  Tyson Baine comes in the ring behind Running Wolf and attacks, dropping Running Wolf with another Hades Bomb and then grabbing the USPW World title belt, holding it up...85


    Match #2
    Casey Valentine vs. Jimmy Chipolata

    In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Casey Valentine(66) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(25) in 6:28 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Casey Valentine p. Jimmy Chipolata =64



    Weak American
    Roger Cage is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Petr Novak.  Novak says that Cage is weak and that the title should be the Russian National title.  Cage says that Novak can have a shot to prove it tonight.  Novak punches Cage and knocks him down before he accepts and walks away...67


    Match #3
    Juliette King vs. Missy Masterson

    In a decent match, Juliette King(48) defeated Missy Masterson(61) in 6:09 by pinfall with a Vertical Suplex Drop.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Juliette King p. Missy Masterson =62


    Da Phreak Is Back
    Andre Jones cuts a backstage promo where he says he is the new Andre Jones.  He says he's no longer reliant on the volleyball.  He says that he is going to prove each and every week that he is the best athlete in pro wrestling today.  He challenges anyone to a match next week on American Wrestling...49


    Match #4
    Jaime Quine and Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah and Wendy Anderson

    In a decent match, Pariah(65) and Wendy Anderson(48) defeated Jaime Quine(74) and Jillian Jarvis(58) in 10:08 when Pariah pinned Jillian Jarvis with a Tornado DDT.

    Wendy Anderson was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Pariah and Wendy Anderson p. Jaime Quine and Jillian Jarvis =72



    Friday Night Fights
    Jack Bruce comes out to the ring.  He announces a brand new tv show beginning next month called USPW Friday Night Fights.  He says the roster will be divided between the two shows and that will happen on USPW.com.  Joss Thompson comes out and says he wants the top spot on the new show.  He says that he will be the new and fresh talent that deserves a push.  Bruce says that Thompson can earn that push tonight and at Liberty And Justice.  Thompson says he will prove he is The Complete Package.  The segment ends as we go to commercial...99


    Match #5
    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Petr Novak

    In a decent match, Roger Cage(63) defeated Petr Novak(61) in 6:17 by pinfall with a fast roll up. Roger Cage makes defence number seven of the USPW National title.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Roger Cage p. Petr Novak =68



    Family Lineage
    Casey Valentine is shown watching a monitor.  Lionel Greenwood approaches him and asks him about what happened last week.  Valentine says he did what he should have done months ago.  He says he is going to put Roger Cage down for good at Liberty And Justice and walk away with his family's legacy.  Valentine insults Greenwood and then walks away as we go to the ring...57


    Match #6
    Jacob Jett vs. D.C. Rayne

    In a decent match, D.C. Rayne(68) defeated Jacob Jett(72) in 6:23 by pinfall with a fast roll up.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    D.C. Rayne p. Jacob Jett =69


    Getting Funky
    Funky Fedora talks about defeating Enygma, saying that he brought the funk in that match.  He promises to bring the funk whether it's on American Wrestling or Friday Night Fights.  Funky Fedora is always better than the rest...69





    Match #6
    Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Joss Thompson vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Nicky Champion and Ricky Dale Johnson

    In a superb match, Steve Frehley(88), Rich Money(82) and Joss Thompson(83) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(79), Nicky Champion(94) and Ricky Dale Johnson(68) in 14:37 when Joss Thompson pinned Nicky Champion with a Clean Cutter.

    Ricky Dale Johnson was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Joss Thompson p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Nicky Champion and Ricky Dale Johnson =92



    Post-Match Brawl
    Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Joss Thompson get into a pull apart brawl with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Nicky Champion and Ricky Dale Johnson.  The brawl spills out of the ring and around the arena.  The show ends with the brawl taking place in and out of the ring...90

  6. Wednesday Week 3 March 2020

    USPW American Wrestling




    Welcome To Canada
    Jack Bruce welcomes United States Pro Wrestling to Canada.  He says they have some of the best pro wrestling planned for this show, including Nicky Champion facing a mystery Canadian opponent.  Bruce is interrupted by Joss Thompson.  The Complete Package comes to the ring and demands a match on this show.  Before Bruce can answer, Running Wolf comes out from the back.  Running Wolf says that he accepts the challenge to a non title match.  Bruce agrees to the match and calls for a referee because this match is next...92


    Match #1
    Non-Title Match
    Joss Thompson vs. Running Wolf

    In a superb match, Running Wolf(83) defeated Joss Thompson(83) in 10:44 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Running Wolf p. Joss Thompson =68




    What A Save
    Running Wolf is being attacked by Joss Thompson in the ring. Seeing the assault, Ricky Dale Johnson comes running in and chases Thompson off, saving Running Wolf from a serious beating.  This leaves RDJ in the ring with the World Champion.  The two go face to face and then shake hands...81


    I Fought The Law
    A music video is shown to promote Rick Law...69


    Match #2
    Turk Trenneman vs. Zeus

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Turk Trenneman(42) defeated Zeus(54) in 6:07 by pinfall with a Spinebuster.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Turk Trenneman p. Zeus =55



    You Stole My Thunder
    Backstage, Roger Cage and Casey Valentine get into an argument.  Valentine argues that Cage took the pin last week intentionally to make him look bad.  Valentine slaps Cage.  Cage shoves Valentine, leading to Valentine kicking Cage between the legs.  Valentine shoves Cage to the ground and walks off...80


    Match #3
    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Missy Masterson

    In a decent match, Jaime Quine(77) defeated Missy Masterson(59) in 12:17 by pinfall with a K.O. Kick. Jaime Quine makes defence number eleven of the USPW Women's title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Jaime Quine p. Missy Masterson =79

    Coming Tonight





    Dark Bulldozer
    Steve Frehley comes down to the ring. He talks about recovering from Red, White And Blue.  But he says he is back and he is looking to show the world why they call him The Dark Destroyer.  Bulldozer Brandon Smith comes out from the back and enters the ring.  Bulldozer says that people have compared the two of them for awhile now and he thinks it's time to see which of them is better.  Frehley asks if that's a challenge and Bulldozer responds that it is a challenge for Liberty And Justice.  Frehley accepts the challenge and throws a few insults.  Bulldozer just smiles and exits the ring, heading for the back.  Frehley leaves a few moments later...90


    Match #4
    Shockwave vs. American Gold

    In a terrible match, American Gold(28) defeated Shockwave(Atlas-55, Jackson-54) in 8:13 when Maliek Chamberlain pinned Jumbo Jackson with a Golden Spike.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    American Gold p. Shockwave =50



    Skull Attack
    Skull DeBones is shown standing in the crowd.  Huey Cannonball attacks him from behind with a chair, hitting him in the back and then in the knee.  Cannonball locks DeBones's knee in a chair and stomps on it.  Security comes in and Cannonball takes off through the crowd...76


    Match #5
    Dusty Ducont vs. Leaf LeBaum

    In a terrible match, Dusty Ducont(58) defeated Leaf LeBaum(30) in 5:48 by pinfall with a Thrown Powerbomb.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Dusty Ducont p. Leaf LeBaum =54



    Title Defense?
    Backstage, Jett & Moor comes across Natural Storm.  D.C. Rayne talks about them being the best tag team in the world without the gold.  He says that Jett & Moor are the best team with the gold so these two teams should meet.  Jacob Jett immediately accepts the challenge and says that it will be an honor to beat the most highly decorated team in USPW history.  Eddie Howard and Julius Moor go face to face.  Howard says it will be an honor to face them.  Moor agrees.  The four men go their separate ways without incident...78



    Mystery Opponent
    Nicky Champion is in the ring waiting for his opponent.  The music for Dan Stone Jr begins to play and he comes out to the ring.  He shakes hands with Champion and it's time for the main event...82


    Match #6
    Dan Stone, Jr. vs. Nicky Champion

    In an exceptional match, Nicky Champion(95) defeated Dan Stone Jr(77) in 14:40 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Nicky Champion p. Dan Stone, Jr. =86


    Celebration In Canada
    The match is over and Nicky Champion and Dan Stone Jr celebrate together in the ring for the fans...92

    • Like 1
  7. heH16Ck.jpg



    Predictions List:

    Bill Dundee and Harry Del Rio vs. The Demolishers

    Scott Norton vs. Scotty Riggs

    X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
    The Great Muta vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

    Nasty Boys vs. Miracle Violence Connection

    X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
    Sabu vs. Al Snow

    Roddy Piper vs. Steve Austin

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #PiperAustin

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

  8. Wednesday Week 2 March 2020

    USPW American Wrestling



    Run It Back
    Rich Money comes down to the ring.  He announces that the State of The Business is there is no business.  He announces that he disbanded the stable this morning because of their failures.  Nicky Champion comes out.  He talks about their history and challenges Money to run it back one more time with him at Liberty And Justice.  Money agrees to the match, saying he'll be happy to beat Champion again.  Champion and Money shake hands and Champion leaves without any physicality...100

    Coming Tonight




    Match #1
    Funky Fedora vs. Enygma

    In a decent match, Funky Fedora(48) defeated Enygma(68) in 10:04 by pinfall with a Slingshot Back Suplex.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Funky Fedora p. Enygma =68


    Broken Freaking Neck
    A music video is shown recapping the injury last week to Trent Shaffer...68


    Match #2
    Kirk Jameson vs. Andre Jones

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Andre Jones(53) defeated Kirk Jameson(48) in 6:51 by pinfall with a Forward Russian Legsweep.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Andre Jones p. Kirk Jameson =55


    Psyche Up
    Alicia Strong is backstage, psyching up The Muscle Monsters for their upcoming match.  She tells them they need a victory tonight against Melody and Sara Marie.  She reminds them that they are part  of the most elite group in USPW...60


    Match #3
    The Muscle Monsters vs. Melody and Sara Marie

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Melody(63) and Sara Marie(65) defeated The Muscle Monsters(King-40, Gloria-32) in 14:32 when Sara Marie pinned Glorious Gloria with an Energy Burst.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Melody and Sara Marie p. The Muscle Monsters =62


    Hype For Dusty Ducont
    In a promo, Elizabeth Cartier hypes Dusty Ducont.  She says it's time for him to step up and be the best wrestler he knows how to be.  That means he is a future World Champion...68



    Reign In Flames
    Tyson Baine comes down to the ring.  Baine talks about the USPW World title being forged in fire and he is the one who reigns in the flames.  He says that he has returned to take the USPW World title back to the lake of flames.  He is interrupted by Running Wolf, who comes down to the ring.  Running Wolf says that Baine would have to take the title from his cold, dead hands.  Baine says that's possible.  Running Wolf tries to attack Tyson Baine but Baine no-sells the attack.  Baine grabs Running Wolf by the throat and chokes him down to the mat.  Officials come in to break things up and Baine sends fire from all four corners before leaving the ring...84


    Match #4
    Joss Thompson vs. The Force

    In a good match, Joss Thompson(86) defeated The Force(60) in 9:43 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Joss Thompson p. The Force =82


    Surprise Debut
    Huey Cannonball comes in from the crowd and enters the ring.  He says that everyone knows who he is but they don't know why he's here.  He calls out Nicky Champion, Jack Bruce and Running Wolf.  His microphone cuts out and security steps in, escorting Cannonball out of the ring...76


    An Apology
    Backstage, Roger Cage talks with Casey Valentine.  Valentine apologizes for what happened last week.  He says that he lost his temper.  Cage accepts the apology.  Valentine tells Cage he set up a tag team match for them and it's up next.  Valentine turns to leave and Cage frowns before he follows...71


    Match #5
    Shockwave vs. Roger Cage and Casey Valentine

    In a decent match, Roger Cage(64) and Casey Valentine(68) defeated Shockwave(Atlas-55, Jackson-54) in 5:31 when Roger Cage pinned Jumbo Jackson with a Cage Rage.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Roger Cage and Casey Valentine p. Shockwave =61



    Liberty And Justice Control Center
    In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts the Liberty And Justice Control Center.  He talks about the upcoming show, sending us to a promo by Jaime Quine.  Quine hypes her match with Pariah, saying she has a paper bag waiting for her.  She cannot wait to see Pariah in that paper bag as she believes it will be an improvement...72


    Match #6
    Natural Storm vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

    In a good match, Hawkeye(94) & Wolf(83) defeated Natural Storm(Howard-71, Rayne-70) in 14:39 when Nicky Champion pinned Eddie Howard with a Hawkeye Hammer.

    In terms of in-ring work, Nicky Champion was head and shoulders above everyone else.  
    Hawkeye & Wolf p. Natural Storm =90



    You Want A War?
    Post-Match, Hawkeye & Wolf celebrate their victory.  In from the crowd comes Huey Cannonball.  Cannonball looks at the two in the ring and talks about how USPW wanted a war and now they're going to get a war.  Nicky Champion speaks up, saying that Cannonball alone doesn't make for a war.  Cannonball says he's not alone and you'll find out.  He stares up at them as the show comes to an end...96

    • Like 1
  9. Sunday Week 4 November 1995

    WCW World War 3



    Match #6
    World War 3 Battle Royal

    The two unfortunate wrestlers to draw numbers one and two are called to the ring.  Those two wrestlers are The Extreme Franchise Shane Douglas and 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams!  It's a fight between the two Four Horsemen groups to kick things off in the battle royal.  Williams showcases some of his wrestling skills when he takes Douglas down to the mat.  Williams gets Douglas in an Oklahoma Roll but there are no pinfalls in a battle royal.  Douglas fights back and actually hits Williams with the belly-to-belly suplex.  Douglas does his best to try and throw Williams out but Williams struggles and manages to get back to his feet.  Williams grabs Douglas and throws him with a German suplex just as the buzzer sounds for entrant number three.

    Viva la raza!  Entrant number three is 'Latino Heat' Eddy Guerrero!  Guerrero slowly walks to the ring, motioning for Steve Williams and Shane Douglas to keep fighting.  Williams holds the ropes open for Guerrero to come in the ring but Guerrero walks around the ring instead.  Douglas attacks Williams with punches and manages to get Dr. Death over with a vertical suplex.  Guerrero enters the ring and works together with Douglas on Williams.  They both try to get him over the top rope but Douglas shifts, trying to eliminate both Guerrero and Williams.  This causes Guerrero to let Williams go free.  Guerrero attacks Douglas and brings him over with a train of three vertical suplexes in the ring.  As the fight continues in the ring, we hear the buzzer for entrant number four.

    Here comes the Stud Stable's bodyguard Big Bubba Rogers at number four.  There's no honor among thieves and it shows in this moment as Rogers goes after Shane Douglas.  Eddy Guerrero and Steve Williams are battling in a far corner.  Guerrero catches Williams with a flying headscissors.  Rogers catches Douglas with the Bubba Slam but he cannot seem to eliminate The Extreme Franchise.  Williams comes back with a big body slam on Guerrero.  He tries to eliminate Eddy Guerrero but Guerrero hangs on to the top rope to keep from being thrown over.  Remember, you have to go over the top rope and have both feet hit the floor at the same time.  Rogers sends Douglas into a corner and rushes in but Douglas moves and Rogers hits chest-first.  Douglas hits the Franchisor on Rogers.  Just as that happens, the buzzer sounds for entrant number five.

    Entrant number five is a veteran of this sport and a member of the Four Horsemen in Brian Pillman!  Pillman rushes in to help Shane Douglas.  They both put the boots to Big Bubba Rogers.  The two smaller men grab Rogers and lift him near the ropes.  Rogers struggles but the two Horsemen members manage to eliminate him!  Big Bubba Rogers has been eliminated!  We have our very first World War 3 elimination!  Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman move over to Steve Williams and attack him.  Pillman shows his high flying skills with a flying headscissors on Williams.  Williams pops to his feet, though, and takes down both Douglas and Pillman with a double clothesline.  Williams picks up Douglas and hits the Oklahoma Stampede!  Williams picks up Douglas and tosses him over the top rope to the floor.  Shane Douglas has been eliminated!  Just as that elimination is made, the buzzer sounds for the next participant.

    The ring is filling with high flying wrestlers as entrant number six Jushin Thunder Liger comes running to the ring to join Steve Williams, Eddy Guerrero and Brian Pillman.  Liger and Pillman meet in the middle of the ring and do a quick back and forth showcasing both of their talents.  In another corner, Williams and Guerrero resume their fight.  Guerrero goes for a flying headscissors but Williams turns it into a power bomb.  Dr. Death picks up Guerrero and throws him over the top rope but Guerrero lands on the apron and slides back inside.  Williams takes down Pillman with a clothesline.  Jushin Thunder Liger goes after Guerrero and the action continues as the buzzer sounds with our seventh competitor coming down to the ring.

    The man who drew number seven is 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan!  A USA chant fills the arena as Duggan rushes to the ring and climbs inside.  Duggan twirls his 2x4 in hand and then hits Pillman with it.  Duggan tosses the 2x4 out of the ring and picks up Pillman, trying to toss him over the top rope.  Steve Williams steps in and helps Duggan, while Pillman does his best to keep from being eliminated.  Eddy Guerrero moves in to try to help Duggan and Williams eliminate Pillman.  Pillman goes over the top rope but lands on the apron.  Pillman hits Duggan with a shoulder through the ropes -- Air Pillman on Williams!  The action moves forward with all five men still in the ring.  We reach the two minute mark without any eliminations.  The buzzer sounds and it's time for entrant number eight.


    That eighth entrant is a snake.  It's Jake 'The Snake' Roberts.  Jake Roberts joins Steve Williams, Eddy Guerrero, Brian Pillman Jushin Thunder Liger and Jim Duggan.  Roberts comes slithering down to the ring with the snake bag in hand.  Roberts slides in under the bottom rope and releases the snake.  A huge cobra rears up in the ring and everybody escapes through the ropes, leaving only Jake Roberts in the ring.  No one was eliminated.  Roberts grabs the snake and puts it back in the bag.  Officials come out to take the bag and wrestlers slowly rejoin the ring.  Roberts sits in a far corner with a smile on his lips taking in the action as the fighting resumes.  Liger hits Pillman with a running Liger Bomb in the center of the ring.  He picks up Pillman and looks to eliminate him but he gets attacked by Eddy Guerrero.  The newly christened Latino Heat tries to eliminate Liger.  As the action continues in the ring, we have the buzzer sound for entrant number nine.

    Entrant number nine is the WCW World Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page.  DDP comes down to the ring wearing a smile and twirling around like he's the best ever.  DDP enters the ring and goes right after Hacksaw Jim Duggan.  The two exchange punches and DDP sends him on A Trip To The Diamond Mine.  Steve Williams goes after Jake Roberts and the two exchange punches in the ring.  Williams has been in for nearly twenty minutes as he started the match.  Dr. Death lifts Roberts and throws him with a German suplex.  Williams picks up Roberts and tosses him over the top rope with Roberts landing on the floor.  Jake Roberts has been eliminated!  Roberts starts to walk to the back and he gets attacked by Ultimate Warrior!  The two brawl their way to the back.  The match continues with some high flying action until the buzzer sounds and we are one third of the way through the battle royal.

    Entrant number ten is Arn Anderson!  The Enforcer comes running in to help out his teammate Brian Pillman.  Anderson and Pillman turn and go after Steve Williams.  It's a double-team between the two Four Horsemen members.  Anderson plants Williams with the Anderson DDT.  Anderson and Pillman lift up Williams and toss him over the top rope.  Williams tries to fight but lands on the floor with both feet touching.  Steve Williams has been eliminated!  Our iron man is now down and Eddy Guerrero has been in the ring for the longest amount of time.  Anderson and Pillman turn toward Jim Duggan, helping Diamond Dallas Page take him down.  DDP hits Anderson with a Diamond Cutter!  He dodges a punch by Pillman and drops him with the Diamond Cutter!  DDP holds up the Diamond sign and drops it with a bang!  The match continues and the buzzer sounds for the next competitor, number eleven.

    Contestant number eleven is a member of the Flair Horsemen, Terry Gordy!  He's just had to watch his partner be eliminated but he rushes down to the ring, doing a staredown with Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  Also in the ring are Eddy Guerrero, Jushin Thunder Liger, Jim Duggan and Diamond Dallas Page.  The ring is definitely starting to fill up with wrestlers.  Gordy goes right into a brawl with Anderson and Pillman.  It's two on one but Gordy starts getting the advantage.  Gordy knocks down Pillman with the oriental spike.  He turns his attention to Anderson, hitting him with a high angle belly-to-back suplex.  Eddy Guerrero is in a fight with Jushin Thunder Liger in one corner and Jim Duggan and Diamond Dallas Page are brawling in another corner.  DDP tries to eliminate Duggan but Duggan manages to grab his 2X4 from the ring apron where it landed and he cracks DDP in the skull with it.  Duggan drops the 2X4 and continues the fight with DDP.  Guerrero hits Liger with the triple vertical suplex.  As the brawl continues, the buzzer sounds for number twelve.

    The number twelve wrestler is The Great Muta!  It's an international competition right now with Japan and Mexico represented in the ring.  Eddy Guerrero has been in the ring for eighteen minutes now.  Muta comes in the ring and goes after Jushin Thunder Liger and Eddy Guerrero.  There's no honor among thieves so Muta delivers kicks to both men.  Jim Duggan marches over and attacks The Great Muta.  These two veterans get into a brawl in a corner.  Duggan seems to get control for the moment.  Duggan tries to eliminate Muta.  He's nearly got Muta over the top rope but Muta fires mist into the eyes of Duggan!  Muta wiggles his way free and takes down Duggan with a martial arts kick.  In another corner, Brian Pillman and Arn Anderson have turned the corner on Terry Gordy and are working to wear him down.  Diamond Dallas Page goes for the Diamond Cutter on The Great Muta but Muta dodges and catches DDP with a sharp kick, knocking him against the ropes.  Another kick sends DDP over the top rope and DDP's feet hit the floor.  Diamond Dallas Page has been eliminated!  With that elimination, the buzzer sounds for another man to come down to the ring.

    Entrent number thirteen is The Taskmaster!  We saw him earlier by the side of The Giant, who lost to WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.  The Taskmaster wants his own shot and he joins the ring.  Inside the ring are The Taskmaster, Eddy Guerrero, Jushin Thunder Liger, Jim Duggan, Brian Pillman, Arn Anderson and Terry Gordy.  It's a fit of brawling mostly in the ring.  The Taskmaster goes after Jim Duggan, helping out The Great Muta in that fight.  Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman try to eliminate Terry Gordy but Gordy refuses to be eliminated.  He fights off both men.  The high flying action is still continuing between Eddy Guerrero and Jushin Thunder Liger.  There are seven men in the ring right now.  The buzzer sounds and number fourteen comes out.

    Number fourteen is a big one!  It's the WCW United States Champion Vader!  He has to be worn down some from his Last Man Standing match earlier tonight but he doesn't look like it.  Vader charges down to the ring and steps inside.  Jushin Thunder Liger charges with a spinwheel kick but he's caught in mid-air by Vader.  Vader turns and throws Liger up the ramp.  Liger lands on the ground.  Jushin Thunder Liger has been eliminated!  Terry Gordy splits from the other Horsemen and charges Vader.  The two men begin a wild brawl in the ring.  Vader manages to get the advantage and he tosses Terry Gordy over the top rope!  Gordy falls to the ground and hits the floor.  Terry Gordy has been eliminated!  Vader roars and turns back toward the wrestlers in the ring.  Jim Duggan charges and begins brawling with Vader.  Duggan tries to use his 2X4 but Vader breaks it in half.  Vader catches Duggan with a Power Bomb.  Vader tosses Duggan over the top rope and he lands on the floor.  Jim Duggan has been eliminated!  Vader turns toward The Great Muta and hits him with a body avalanche and then tosses him over the top rope.  The Great Muta has been eliminated!  Vader has been dominant since his arrival to the ring.  Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman stay in a corner away from Vader.  Vader looks for another man to fight as the buzzer sounds.

    Number fifteen, halfway through, is Tully Blanchard!  Blanchard is careful walking down to the ring.  Blanchard slides in the ring beside Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  We have three members of that version of the Four Horsemen in the ring.  We have those three men, Eddy Guerrero, The Taskmaster and Vader still in the ring right now.  Vader challenges the three Horsemen to come and get some from him.  He asks them what time is it?  It's Vader time!  The Horsemen circle around Vader, each trying to get in a few shots but none going in for the kill.  Vader has enough of it and goes after Arn Anderson.  He begins hitting Anderson with forearm shots as Pillman and Blanchard move in, grabbing the legs of Vader.  Vader throws them to the side and grabs Arn Anderson.  He lifts him up and drops him with a Power Bomb.  The Taskmaster looks at Eddy Guerrero and Guerrero shrugs, the two of them doing battle in a corner.  Vader picks up Arn Anderson and tosses him over the top rope to the floor.  Arn Anderson has been eliminated!  As the action in the ring continues, the buzzer sounds and we're at number sixteen.

    Number sixteen is the return of Ultimate Warrior!  Warrior runs down to the ring and slides inside, going face to face with Vader.  Warrior bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline, knocking Vader back a step.  Vader bounces off the ropes and hits a body avalanche on Warrior, knocking him back against the ropes.  Vader charges Warrior and hits a clothesline, sending him over the top rope to the floor in our quickest elimination of the night!  Ultimate Warrior has been eliminated!  Vader turns back toward the other wrestlers, who had been watching the confrontation.  Tully Blanchard and Brian Pillman stand in one corner.  The Taskmaster stands in another corner.  Eddy Guerrero stands in a third corner.  Vader stands in the middle, declaring that this is his ring.  The men all look at each other and it's a massive wall of attack on Vader!  Everybody is trying to beat the big man down but Vader manages to come out of it like an explosion happening in the center.  He's throwing bodies around the ring before raising the 'V' symbol to boos but some appreciation from the fans.  The battle continues as the buzzer sounds for the next entrant.

    The next entrant is one of the two mystery combatants.  This man is the former Ahmed Johnson from WWF.  He's called Tony Norris by the announcers as he rushes down to the ring.  He flexes in front of Vader and goes right after him.  The two men brawl in the ring, much like Vader did with Ultimate Warrior.  But, Tony Norris gets the advantage.  Norris shows off his power when he lifts and body slams Vader!  Norris picks up Vader and motions to the other wrestlers.  Everyone joins in, helping lift Vader up and get him tossed over the top rope.  Vader collapses down to the floor, eliminating him.  Vader has been eliminated!  What a huge elimination!  Norris attacks The Taskmaster as soon as the elimination is done.  He lifts The Taskmaster and drops him with the Pearl River Plunge.  He picks up The Taskmaster and tosses him over the top rope to the floor.  The Taskmaster has been eliminated!  The action continues in the ring when the buzzer sounds.

    Number eighteen is the prettiest man in the World War 3 battle royal, Johnny B. Badd.  Still in the ring are Eddy Guerrero, Tully Blanchard, Brian Pillman and Tony Norris.  Johnny B. Badd goes right after Eddy Guerrero as the two have been embroiled in a feud lately.  Badd dances around the ring and strikes with the kiss that don't miss left hook on Guerrero.  Badd tries to eliminate Guerrero but Guerrero holds on to the top rope.  On the other side of the ring, Tully Blanchard and Brian Pillman circle Tony Norris.  Blanchard and Pillman attack Norris but Norris blasts his way out.  Norris hits Blanchard with an axe kick.  He grabs Pillman and goes to toss him over the top rope but Pillman reverses it and tosses him over the top.  Norris tries to hold on to the top rope but Pillman hits him with three dropkicks, knocking him off the apron to the floor.  Tony Norris has been eliminated!  Pillman goes to check on Blanchard and then he gets knocked backward by Eddy Guerrero.  Guerrero tosses Pillman over the top rope and Pillman hits the floor.  Brian Pillman has been eliminated!  As we move forward, it's time for the next contestant.

    Number nineteen is the man who lost the Last Man Standing match earlier tonight, Lex Luger.  The Total Package rushes out to the ring and goes after Tully Blanchard.  Luger hits Blanchard with a powerslam and then lifts Blanchard up -- Human Torture Rack!  But there are no submissions in a battle royal.  Luger drops him and takes a dropkick from Eddy Guerrero.  Guerrero hits a flying headscissors on Luger before dodging another punch from Johnny B. Badd.  Guerrero slides underneath the bottom rope and paces at ringside.  Luger slides out of the ring and chases Guerrero around the ring.  Guerrero slides back in and Luger follows him.  Guerrero stomps on Luger as he comes back in.  Guerrero lifts Luger and hits him with a European uppercut.  The action continues as we reach time for the next buzzer sounding.

    Number twenty is the first member of The Family, V.K. Wallstreet.  He enters the ring alongside Eddy Guerrero, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger and Johnny B. Badd.  Wallstreet marches down to the ring and slides inside.  He goes after Johnny B. Badd and the two begin brawling in the center of the ring.  Wallstreet lifts Badd and hits a standing Samoan Drop.  The Computerized Man Of The 90's turns right into a clothesline from Lex Luger.  Eddy Guerrero stays hidden in a corner, trying to catch his breath.  He has been in this match a long time, coming in at number three.  Lex Luger turns his attention to Tully Blanchard and takes him down with a powerslam.  Luger picks up Blanchard and tosses him over the top rope.  Blanchard lands on the apron.  Luger begins throwing punches, trying to knock Blanchard down.  V.K. Wallstreet charges in and lifts Luger over the top rope.  Both Blanchard and Luger are knocked to the floor.  Tully Blanchard and Lex Luger have been eliminated!  We are left with Eddy Guerrero, Johnny B. Badd and V.K. Wallstreet in the ring.  Guerrero and Wallstreet team up to attack Badd as the buzzer sounds for the next entrant.

    Number twenty-one is the Macho Man Randy Savage!  The crowd cheers as Savage rushes out from the back and climbs to the top turnbuckle.  He comes crashing down on Wallstreet with a flying double axehandle.  Savage helps Johnny B. Badd to his feet and they go two on two against Eddy Guerrero and V.K. Wallstreet.  It's a wild brawl between these four men who are in the ring.  Wallstreet kicks Savage down low and then looks to eliminate him.  As this happens and the action continues, it's time for the next entrant.

    Number twenty-two is The Nature Boy Ric Flair!  Flair comes out from the back and slides in the ring.  He attacks V.K. Wallstreet, saving Randy Savage.  Flair throws in a few hard knife-edge chops to the chest of V.K. Wallsteet.  Eddy Guerrero attacks Flair from behind.  Guerrero lifts up Flair and hits the Splash Mountain!  Guerrero picks up Flair and tries to lift him over the top rope but Flair is saved by Savage!  Savage throws a few punches to Guerrero and then teams up with Flair.  The two of them hit Guerrero with a double clothesline that sends Guerrero over the top rope to the floor!  Eddy Guerrero has been eliminated!  That takes our ironman out of the competition.  Savage and Flair look at each other for a moment and then Flair laces Savage's chest with a knife-edge chop.  Savage throws a punch!  Flair throws a chop!  It's definitely every man for himself in this battle royal.  As we continue forward, it's time for the next participant.

    Number twenty-three is Paul Orndorff!  Mr. Wonderful makes his way down to the ring to join Randy Savage, Johnny B. Badd, V.K. Wallstreet and Ric Flair.  Orndorff slides in the ring and goes right after Johnny B. Badd.  Orndorff exchanges blows with Badd.  Mr. Wonderful kicks Badd in the gut and hits him with a Piledriver.  Orndorff picks up Badd and goes to toss him over the top rope.  Badd struggles to hold on to the top rope, while Orndorff continues to push him.  V.K. Wallstreet comes over and helps Orndorff get Badd down to the floor.  Johnny B. Badd has been eliminated!  Wallstreet tries to eliminate Orndorff right after but Orndorff holds on.  Randy Savage and Ric Flair come over and they both eliminate Wallstreet and Orndorff!  V.K. Wallstreet and Paul Orndorff have been eliminated!  This leaves Randy Savage and Ric Flair in the ring by themselves.  Savage and Flair begin to fight in the ring with Flair striking Savage in the knee.  Flair puts Savage in the Figure Four!  The Figure Four is held until the buzzer sounds for the next combatant.

    Number twenty-four is a favorite to win the whole thing and that is Rowdy Roddy Piper!  Piper comes down to the ring and slides inside.  He looks down at Flair and Savage in that Figure Four and drops down, throwing punches to Savage.  He turns and throws punches to Flair, breaking the Figure Four.  Piper bangs Flair's head off the mat and then throws a few elbow shots to Savage.  Piper gets to his feet and lifts Savage up.  He looks to eliminate Savage but Savage struggles, holding on.  Ric Flair slowly gets to his feet in the background but doesn't move in.  Instead, he stands back and watches as Piper tries to eliminate Savage.  Three legends are in the ring right now.  Savage manages to fight back and wins the battle.  Flair moves in when Piper settles into a corner and begins hitting knife-edge chops.  The three-way fight continues between the three men in the ring when the buzzer sounds.

    Number twenty-five is another member of Flair's Horsemen, Rey Misterio, Jr.!  Misterio rushes to the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle.  He takes down Roddy Piper with a flying headscissors off the top turnbuckle.  Misterio joins in with Flair, raising four fingers in the air.  The two of them go after Randy Savage.  Misterio and Flair work over Savage together.  Then, they lift Savage up and get him over the top rope to the floor.  Randy Savage has been eliminated!  We're down to Ric Flair, Roddy Piper and Rey Misterio, Jr. in the ring.  Piper tries to beg off and then tries to shake hands with Flair.  For lip-readers, Piper can be seen saying they have a long past and history together.  Flair shakes hands with Piper and both he and Misterio kick Piper in the gut.  They send Piper to the ropes and hit a double clothesline.  The action continues in the ring without any eliminations before the next buzzer sounds.

    We're at number twenty-six and that man is the Maniac himself Matt Borne.  Borne comes rushing down to the ring and attacks Ric Flair, recalling their match recently.  Borne and Flair get in one corner with Misterio and Piper in another corner.  Flair chops the chest of Borne several times before Borne comes back with a few punches.  Borne sends Flair across the ring to another turnbuckle and Flair flips up and over the turnbuckle, landing on the apron.  Flair runs along the apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle where he's met by Borne.  Borne body slams Flair into the ring.  On the other side, Piper body slams Misterio.  He locks Misterio in the Sleeper back by his corner with Misterio struggling.  Flair looks at Borne with his fists up and then flops down face-first.  Piper has Misterio down on the mat before releasing the Sleeper.  The buzzer sounds and it's time for our next wrestler.

    Number twenty-seven is the WCW Franchise Sting!  Sting releases a howl and rushes down to the ring, sliding inside.  He looks at Ric Flair for a moment and then goes after Borne.  Sting lifts Borne with a press slam.  He Irish whips Borne into a corner before charging in and hitting the Stinger Splash.  In another corner, Piper picks up Rey Misterio, Jr. and tosses him over the top rope.  Misterio lands on the apron and catches Piper with a shoulder through the ropes.  Piper ducks down and Flair nearly hits Misterio but stops himself in time.  Sting comes over and knocks Misterio off the apron.  Rey Misterio Jr. has been eliminated!  Sting gets shoved by Flair and the two begin throwing punches and chops.  The battle is on between Sting and Flair, while Borne and Piper watch on.  Sting trips Flair to the mat and locks on the Scorpion Deathlock!  Matt Borne clotheslines Sting, breaking the hold and trying to eliminate Sting.  Sting struggles to keep from getting eliminated.  As Sting holds on, the buzzer sounds.

    Wrestler number twenty-eight is Al Snow!  Snow holds up Head and then sets her down before running to the ring.  We have Ric Flair, Matt Borne, Roddy Piper, Sting and now Al Snow.  Snow and Borne fight in one corner.  The three veterans in Ric Flair, Sting and Roddy Piper fight in another corner.  Piper gets some control and locks Sting in the Sleeper.  Sting struggles but Flair hits a few chops to the chest to help wear him down.  Flair and Piper seem to be working together in this moment.  Matt Borne gets the advantage in the other corner.  He takes down Al Snow with a released German suplex.  Flair moves over and joins Borne in beating down Al Snow.  The two of them go to eliminate Snow.  Flair also lifts Borne up!  Matt Borne and Al Snow both go over to touch the floor!  Matt Borne and Al Snow have been eliminated!  We're down to just Ric Flair, Roddy Piper and a knocked out Sting.  Piper releases the Sleeper and moves over to Flair.  He motions to Flair for them to eliminate Sting.  As Flair walks over, Piper grabs Flair and chucks him over the top rope.  Flair lands on the apron and Piper goes after Sting, pulling him up.  The buzzer sounds as Ric Flair re-enters the ring.

    The next-to-last wrestler involved is the second of our mystery entrants.  Mexican wrestling legend El Hijo Del Santo comes down to the ring and slides inside.  Santo goes after Ric Flair with a few chops and punches.  Santo knocks Flair down and then picks him up, trying to eliminate him.  On the other side, Piper throws Sting over the top rope but Sting manages to wake up at the last minute.  Sting holds on to the top rope and manages to slide back in the ring without his feet hitting the floor.  Piper raises his hands to Santo, motioning for them to eliminate Flair.  Piper looks to help Santo and then punches him instead.  Piper throws a few punches and clotheslines El Hijo Del Santo over the top rope!  Santo lands with both feet on the floor.  El Hijo Del Santo has been eliminated!  We're back down to Roddy Piper, Sting and Ric Flair.  Sting attacks Piper from behind, knocking him back in the corner.  Sting backs up and rushes in, hitting the Stinger Splash!  Piper steps forward and drops to the mat.  Our final four will include the next man to come out to the ring as this buzzer sounds.

    The final wrestler to come out from the back is Steve Austin!  Austin rushes down to the ring and slides inside.  He begins throwing punches to anything that moves.  Austin catches Sting with the Stun Gun!  Austin knocks Ric Flair down with a clothesline and then locks on the Hollywood And Vine.  Though, there's no submissions in this World War 3 battle royal.  Roddy Piper picks up the fallen Sting and tosses him over the top rope.  He lands on the apron again.  Piper rushes in with a clothesline, knocking Sting off the apron.  Sting has been eliminated!  And then there were three!  Austin releases the submission hold on Ric Flair and gets in the face of Roddy Piper.  The two jaw off-microphone before Austin shoves Piper.  Austin ducks a punch from Piper and hits the Stun Gun.  Austin turns back to Flair, picking him up.  Austin throws Flair over the top rope!  Ric Flair has been eliminated!



    And then there were two.  Either Steve Austin or Roddy Piper will face Hulk Hogan at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight title.  Austin moves into a corner and waits for Piper to get to his feet.  The two men stare each other down before stepping forward and throwing punches.  It's a wild brawl between these two men!  Austin backs up and hits a Lou Thesz press before throwing more punches from the mounted position.  Piper tries to cover up and Austin gets to his feet.  He pulls up Piper and leans him against the ropes.  Austin takes a few steps back and then charges with a clothesline but Piper gets his head down, sending Austin over the top rope to the apron.  Austin steadies himself and grabs Piper, pulling him over the top rope.  The two men begin throwing punches there on the apron.  Piper kicks Austin in the gut and then turns Austin around -- Sleeper!  Austin struggles but Piper has his signature hold locked in!  Piper suddenly lets go and Austin's struggles send him off the apron to the floor.  Steve Austin has been eliminated!
    Roddy Piper Wins The World War 3 Battle Royal =82



    An Old Feud Reignited
    Roddy Piper has won World War 3 and now will go on to face Hulk Hogan at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight title!  Piper slides back in the ring and gets his arm raised by the official.  Piper drops to his knees in celebration and just because of how tired he is.  As Piper tries to recover, Hulk Hogan comes out from the back.  Hogan has the WCW World Heavyweight title belt around his waist.  He stares up toward the ring from the top of the ramp.  Piper turns to see him and then points to the Starrcade sign.  Piper and Hogan stare each other down as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you tomorrow for WCW Monday Nitro!

    • Like 3
  10. Wednesday Week 1 March 2020

    USPW American Wrestling



    New World Champion
    Running Wolf comes down to the ring as the new USPW World Champion.  Running Wolf thanks the fans and says he'll be a fighting champion.  Rich Money comes out and enters the ring.  Money talks about using his automatic rematch clause tonight and that Running Wolf is going to lose the title the first time out.  He says that he will hold The Business meeting next week because his focus is on winning his World title back.  Running Wolf smiles and says he has something special for Money.  Suddenly, hundred dollar bills start flying down from the ceiling into the crowd.  It's Money's money.  Money gets upset but there's nothing he can do.  He tries to attack Running Wolf but gets dropped with the Wolf Tamer.  Running Wolf celebrates in the ring as we go to commercial...100


    Match #1
    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Casey Valentine

    In a decent match, Roger Cage(63) drew with Casey Valentine(68) in 9:52 following a double pinfall.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Roger Cage Draws Casey Valentine =70



    Upset Valentine
    Post-Match, Casey Valentine gets upset and drops Roger Cage with the Deep Impact.  Valentine slaps the mat and leaves angrily...67


    Greatest Canadian
    Trent Shaffer cuts a backstage promo where he talks about being the greatest Canadian wrestler ever.  He says he will prove it in two weeks when USPW comes to Canada.  He challenges any other Canadian wrestler to meet him in the ring...85


    Match #2
    Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Julius Moor

    In a decent match, Julius Moor(69) defeated Kirk Jameson(49) in 6:28 by pinfall with a Charging Tackle.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Julius Moor p. Kirk Jameson =77


    Da Phreak
    A music video is shown to promote Andre Jones.  He will return to American Wrestling next week...46




    Match #3
    The Triumverate vs. Faith McGee and The Bombshells

    In a poor match, The Triumvirate (Alicia Strong(76), Glorious Gloria(36) and Juliette King(45)) defeated Faith McGee(46) and The Bombshells(Adams-41, Fairchild-40) in 10:42 when Juliette King pinned Faith McGee with a Vertical Suplex Drop.

    Alicia Strong carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    The Triumverate p. Faith McGee and The Bombshells =64



    Celebration Cut Short
    The match is over and Alicia Strong and The Muscle Monsters celebrate in the ring.  The celebration is cut short by the arrival of Sara Marie and Melody.  Alicia Strong asks them what they're doing there.  Sara Marie says they want another shot at The Triumverate.  Melody says they will pick a different partner to take them on.  Strong laughs and agrees to the match but warns them that they are facing the best women in USPW.  Sara Marie and Melody smile and walk to the back without getting physical...65



    Best Canadian Meets Best Native American
    Nicky Champion comes down to the ring.  He talks about being finished with  as of last Saturday night and it's time for him to move forward in his career.  He is interrupted by Trent Shaffer, who walks out to the ring.  Shaffer reminds Champion that he's the best Canadian wrestler and the best wrestler in USPW because he pinned Champion.  Champion reminds him that he's never done it one on one.  Shaffer challenges Champion to meet him one on one at Liberty And Justice.  Champion says he never backs down from a challenge so he accepts.  Shaffer throws a few insults, ending with a slap on Champion.  Champion fires back, going for the Hawkeye Hammer but Shaffer slides free and exits the ring.  Champion celebrates with the fans...100


    Match #4
    Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah

    In a decent match, Pariah(71) defeated Jillian Jarvis(56) in 9:33 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Pariah p. Jillian Jarvis =72



    Paper Bag For A Month?
    Having picked up the victory, Pariah celebrates in the ring.  The celebration is interrupted by Jaime Quine.  Quine comes out with that paper bag and offers it to Pariah again.  Pariah shakes her head and refuses to wear it.  She wants the USPW Women's title belt.  Quine offers her a challenge.  She can get another match for the Women's title at Liberty And Justice but if she loses she must wear the paper bag for a month.  Pariah accepts the challenge and out comes Jack Bruce.  Bruce enters the ring and asks Pariah if this is really what she wants.  Pariah agrees again and Bruce says the match is official...94


    Ricky Dale Johnson
    A music video is shown to promote Ricky Dale Johnson...74


    Match #5
    Trent Shaffer vs. Regular Joe

    (Trent Shaffer sustained a Broken Neck.)  In a decent match, Regular Joe(44) defeated Trent Shaffer(80) in 5:35 by pinfall with a Joe And Behold. An injury to Trent Shaffer meant that an audible was called and the finish was changed on the fly.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Regular Joe p. Trent Shaffer =73



    in a video, Danny Jillefski hosts Update.  Jillefski discusses last Saturday night's premium live event.  He sends us to a promo by someone who wasn't there, Funky Fedora.  Funky Fedora says that he needs to bring the funk to USPW.  He issues a challenge for next week to Enygma.  He promises to bring the funk in this match and move and groove ahead...69


    Match #6
    USPW World Title Match
    Running Wolf defends vs. Rich Money

    In a superb match, Running Wolf(82) defeated Rich Money(83) in 15:09 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer. Running Wolf makes defence number one of the USPW World title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Running Wolf p. Rich Money =82



    Hellfire And Brimstone
    Running Wolf is celebrating his victory in the ring when he is assaulted by Tyson Baine.  Baine drops Running Wolf with the Hades Bomb and then grabs the USPW World title belt, holding it up as the show comes to an end...80

  11. Sunday Week 4 November 1995

    WCW World War 3


    Match #1
    WCW United States Title Match
    Last Man Standing Match
    Vader (w/Col. Robert Parker) defends vs. Lex Luger

    The show begins with the arrival of The Total Package Lex Luger.  The fans are on their feet as Gary Michael Cappetta announces the United States title match.  This is a Last Man Standing match but the announcers wonder how either of these men will survive the night, since both of them will be in the World War 3 battle royal.  Vader comes out from the back with Col. Robert Parker at his side.  In this match, there are no pinfalls or submissions or disqualifications or countouts.  The only way to win is to keep your opponent down for a ten count.

    The match is a pure brawl from start to finish.  Some of the highlights include Vader hitting a Vader Bomb on Lex Luger but Luger only stays down for a six count.  Luger tries to lift Vader into a Human Torture Rack but his back collapses in on him and he crashes down to the mat.  The match goes from in the ring to the outside the ring area.  Col. Robert Parker distracts Luger, allowing Vader to take control with a body avalanche.  Vader Irish whips Luger into the guardrail, focusing in on the ribs of the Total Package.  The action moves to the top of the ramp where Luger knocks Vader off the ramp and down on the ground below.  The referee begins a ten count but Vader manages to get up at nine.  Vader comes back in the match, striking Luger with a clothesline and then a triple power bomb.  The triple power bomb is enough to keep Luger down at the top of the ramp for the ten count.  Vader wins at 18:26!
    Vader d. Lex Luger =81



    Real American
    We go from the United States Champion to the World Heavyweight Championship as Gene Okerlund is standing by with Hulk Hogan.  Okerlund asks Hogan about the upcoming defense against The Giant.

    Hulk Hogan: "Well, let me tell you something, brother.  Tonight, Hulkamania is going to step in that ring with the big nasty, stinking Giant.  Tonight, Hulkamania is here in the Mid Atlantic area and I can tell you that this arena is filled with Hulkamaniacs.  Brother, there have been Hulkamaniacs coming up to me since I've been here asking just what I'm going to do against The Giant.  They've been asking me how can you take on a man that big?  Well, brother, Hulkamania has been fighting men that big since Andre.  I've been training, saying prayers and taking my vitamins, brother.  I listened to that big Hulkamaniac in the sky, dude.  He gave me a sling and said to take out this goliath, brother.  That's exactly what I'm going to do.  Tonight The Giant will have to answer one question.  Whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulkamania runs wild over you?!?!"

    Hogan poses for a moment and we go to the ring for our next match.




    Match #2
    WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Benoit & Malenko (w/Eddy Guerrero) defend vs. The Sheepherders

    Our second match of the night is for the WCW World Tag Team titles as Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko, with Eddy Guerrero, take on Butch Miller and Luke Williams, The Sheepherders.  Highlights from the match include a brawl to begin the match with The Sheepherders showing their wild side.  Butch Miller actually bites Chris Benoit before Benoit makes it out of the ring.  The momentum shifts with some well-timed interference by Eddy Guerrero.  Another highlight has Chris Benoit hitting Butch Miller with a trio of German suplexes before scoring a two count.  Another highlight has Luke Williams body slamming Dean Malenko and then hitting a standing elbow drop for a two count.  Malenko actually puts Miller in the Texas Cloverleaf but Miller manages to make it to the ropes.  The ending comes when Malenko shows off his technical skill by rolling Miller into an Oklahoma Roll and using it to score the pinfall victory.  Benoit and Malenko successfully defend their WCW World Tag Team titles at 11:29!
    Benoit & Malenko p. The Sheepherders =81


    Mortis And Wrath
    A video begins to play hyping the coming debut of Mortis and Wrath alongside their manager James Vandenberg.  The two are shown in the wrestling ring with a showcase of Wrath's power, using a gutwrench power bomb.  Mortis is shown with a little more speed but still with the brawling ability.  Vandenberg laughs at ringside and says that his men are coming home.


    X-Division Tournament
    A graphic is shown as the announcers let everyone know that eight men have been selected to compete in a tournament for the new X-Division title.  Those eight men are announced as Eddy Guerrero, Jushin Thunder Liger, Rey Misterio Jr., Shane Douglas, Al Snow, The Great Muta, Johnny B. Badd and Sabu.  The tournament will begin tomorrow night on WCW Monday Nitro.  Make sure you tune in and watch as two of the first round matches will be shown.


    Match #3
    Arn Anderson vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

    Our third match of the night features two men in warring factions as 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson takes on Rey Misterio, Jr.  This is a perfect contest between technical wrestling and high flying skills.  Some of the highlights include Arn Anderson focusing in on the right arm of Rey Misterio Jr.  This becomes a focus of his during the entire fight.  Misterio, though, has some highlights of his own by sending Anderson out of the ring and then hitting a suicide dive through the ropes to knock Anderson down.  At one point, Anderson manages to hit the Spinebuster but he only gets a two count.  Misterio hits a leg trap sunset flip power bomb that scores a two count of his own.  The finish comes when Anderson goes for the DDT but Misterio manages to slip free from the grasp.  Misterio hits Anderson with a springboard hurricanrana!  He holds the shoulders down: One, Two, Three!  Rey Misterio Jr. picks up the upset win at 16:25!
    Rey Misterio, Jr. p. Arn Anderson =81



    New World Champion!
    We go from the ring and the fans being happy to the interview area where Gene Okerlund is standing by with The Taskmaster and The Giant.  Okerlund hypes the WCW hotline and then talks about The Giant's coming match with Hulk Hogan.

    The Taskmaster: "Gene Okerlund, The Giant here has come to me as part of The Dungeon Of Doom.  He has come to me as my arm, my destructor.  Tonight, he will fullfill his destiny as the destruction of Hulkamania.  Hulk Hogan doesn't seem to realize that his time has come to an end.  The fall of Hulkamania will be on my watch.  It will be The Giant that destroys Hulkamania and takes the WCW World title.  Tonight, we experience the end of Hulkamania."

    The Taskmaster laughs and The Giant raises his arm and roars before Okerlund sends us to a video.



    This video showcases the past between The Giant and Hulk Hogan.  It begins with the arrival of The Giant on the scene.  The video even includes the time when The Giant said that he was the son of Andre.  It moves forward, showcasing events such as The Giant attacking Hulk Hogan after War Games, Hulk Hogan against The Giant at Halloween Havoc, Hulk Hogan and The Giant making a stipulation for this match and The Giant hitting a double choke slam on Hogan and Sting this past Monday night.  It's time for these two men to do battle one more time.


    Match #4
    WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
    Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Giant (w/The Taskmaster)

    In what is a rare thing, the WCW World Heavyweight title defense is not the main event.  Instead, Hulk Hogan defends the WCW World Heavyweight title in the middle of the card against The Giant.  Some of the highlights include the two men going face to chest to start the match.  The Giant shoves Hogan backward.  Hogan comes back with a few forearm smashes to the chest and then sends The Giant to the ropes.  He hits a big boot to the chest and The Giant staggers backward, falling over the top rope to the floor on his feet.  That is the last time that Hogan has the advantage for the majority of the match.  The Giant is mostly in control throughout the middle portion.  A highlight for that includes The Giant throwing Hogan into the turnbuckle and hitting a back avalanche on Hogan.  The Giant goes for the Choke Slam but Hogan manages to avoid it.  But The Giant remains in control.  The Giant hits Hogan with a spear and makes a cover: One, Two, Major Kickout!  Hogan begins shaking his head and getting Hulked Up!  Hogan shrugs off some well-timed punches and then points at The Giant, wagging his finger back and forth.  Hogan blocks a punch and throws one, two, three.  Then he sends The Giant to the ropes, hitting a big boot to the chest.  He grabs The Giant and picks him up, dropping him with a body slam.  The Taskmaster climbs on the apron and is taken out with a punch by Hogan!  Hogan bounces off the ropes -- Leg Drop!  He does a second one!  A third one is done before he makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Hulk Hogan successfully defends the WCW World Heavyweight title in 11:52!
    Hulk Hogan p. The Giant =74


    Viva La Raza
    From the ring, we go to a member of Technically Wonderful and that member is Eddy Guerrero.  He is set to give a promo.

    Eddy Guerrero: "Viva la raza!  We are just a little bit away from Eddy Guerrero stepping in the ring with 29 other wrestlers.  But it doesn't matter whether it's one or 29 wrestlers that step in that ring because you have to remember that Eddy Guerrero is Technically Wonderful.  But you see all my life I've had people in my ears saying that I'm not big enough or I'm not strong enough.  People think that because I'm not 6'7" or 300 pounds that I can't be the best there is in this business.  Well, I can tell those people that they are wrong.  I'm the man that will stand toe to toe with Hulk Hogan at Starrcade.  I'm the man that will take the WCW World Heavyweight title off his waist and I'll do it after beating 29 other men, ese.  You can call me Latino Heat because all the fire that burns inside me is going to come out in this battle royal.  At World War 3, it will be Mexico that gives the final blow.  Viva la raza!"

    Guerrero poses and we go to the ring.


    Match #5
    Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner

    This is our final match before the huge main event as Harlem Heat step in the ring to take on Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner.  Some of the highlights include Harlem Heat using their tag expertise in the match to cut Hawk off in their corner.  A series of double team moves score several near falls as Booker T and Stevie Ray use quick tags.  They seem even more cohesive now than they were under the tutelage of Sherri Martel.  A hot tag does get made and Scott Steiner comes in like a house on fire.  He drops both Booker and Ray with Steinerlines and then grabs Booker.  He throws Booker to the mat with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Steiner has the crowd solidly in his favor.  Ray comes in to try and use a double team but here comes Hawk to break that up.  Steiner hits a double underhook power bomb for a two count on Booker T.  He picks up Booker and places him on his shoulders.  Hawk climbs to the top turnbuckle and they hit the Doomsday Device!  Steiner picks up Booker and sends him to the ropes -- Frankensteiner!  Steiner makes a cover: One, Two, Three!  Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner pick up the win at 10:52!
    Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner p. Harlem Heat =76


    World War 3 Hyped
    We are mere moments away from World War 3.  To hype things up, we go to several pre-recorded promos from some of the wrestlers involved in the World War 3 battle royal.  These wrestlers include Lex Luger, Jake Roberts, Roddy Piper and Ric Flair.  Make sure you stay tuned because the World War 3 battle royal is next!

    {{In reality, my plan is to post the World War 3 battle royal tomorrow.  Hope all ya'll enjoy the first half of World War 3.}}

  12. 42 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:

    WOW! Wolf winning the strap! That's a major rub for him! (Unless he's a transitional champion because you have a big time heel ready! haha)

    I won't say who, but I can say that a major injury is coming soon that changed my plans 1000%.  And I wanted to do something different, so that's why I put the strap on Running Wolf.  I don't think I had ever done that in my time playing USPW.  I could be wrong, of course.  But I felt it was something different enough to this story.  Thank you so much for reading and responding.

  13. Saturday Week 4 February 2020

    USPW Red, White And Blue


    Match #1
    Last Man Standing Match
    Steve Frehley vs. Nicky Champion

    In an exceptional match, Nicky Champion(94) defeated Steve Frehley(85) in a Last Man Standing match in 14:33 when Steve Frehley could not beat a ten count after a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Nicky Champion d. Steve Frehley =83



    You Saw What I Did
    Backstage, Jack Bruce is shown watching the monitor.  Trent Shaffer walks up to him and asks if he saw what happened last Wednesday.  Bruce says he was a little bit impressed.  Shaffer reminds him that he pinned Nicky Champion and he's going to do the same to Bulldozer Brandon Smith because he is The Talent and the best Canadian wrestler in the world.  Bruce says he can prove himself tonight and then walks off as we go to the ring...90


    Wrestling Legend Debuts
    Joss Thompson shows up on the video screen and announces the man that will take his place.  That man is wrestling legend Doug Peak.  Peak comes out from the back and makes his way to the ring...63


    Match #2
    Doug Peak vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson(67) defeated Doug Peak(38) in 5:31 by pinfall with a Southern Justice.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Ricky Dale Johnson p. Doug Peak =62



    Money On The Line
    Backstage, Rich Money is shown talking with Jack Bruce.  Money says he's willing to up the stakes in his match with Running Wolf tonight.  He says he will put his money back on the line again but if he wins he gets to select his next challenger.  Bruce accepts the terms but warns Money that he might lose both his title and his money tonight.  Money says that everybody's got a price for Rich Money...95




    Match #3
    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor (w/Persephone) defend vs. Ducont & Thatcher (w/Elizabeth Cartier)

    In a decent match, Jett(69) & Moor(73) defeated Ducont(54) & Thatcher(47) in 6:13 when Julius Moor pinned Charlie Thatcher with a Charging Tackle. Jett & Moor make defence number six of the USPW World Tag Team titles.  Referee=Baby Jamie.
    Jett & Moor p. Ducont & Thatcher =70




    A video plays hyping Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith...72


    Match #4
    Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    In a good match, Trent Shaffer(79) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(78) in 11:53 by pinfall after using a foreign object.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Trent Shaffer p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith =83



    Hype 2
    A video plays hyping Roger Cage vs. Zeus...52


    Match #5
    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Zeus

    In a decent match, Roger Cage(64) defeated Zeus(56) in 10:02 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defence number five of the USPW National title.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Roger Cage p. Zeus =68


    Retiring Soon
    Gorgon cuts a backstage promo where she talks about retiring in two months.  She says she wants to face the best wrestlers in the world before she retires and that means anyone here in USPW.  She promises to destroy them...52


    Match #6
    Alicia Strong vs. Sara Marie

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Sara Marie(69) defeated Alicia Strong(79) in 12:48 by pinfall with an Energy Burst.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Sara Marie p. Alicia Strong =74


    Family Name
    In a promo, Casey Valentine talks about his win last Wednesday.  He says the time has come for him to step up to his family name.  He says that he is looking to win the National title from Roger Cage.  He challenges Cage to a match this Wednesday on American Wrestling...62


    Match #7
    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Pariah

    In a decent match, Jaime Quine(68) defeated Pariah(73) in 14:44 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Jaime Quine makes defence number ten of the USPW Women's title.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Jaime Quine p. Pariah =73




    Good Luck
    Backstage, Nicky Champion and Running Wolf are talking.  Champion is wishing Running Wolf good luck in his match tonight.  Jack Bruce walks up and says the time is now.  It's Running Wolf's shot to win it all with no excuses.  Bruce shakes hands with him and wishes him luck.  Running Wolf stands up and he's ready to go to the ring...98


    Match #8
    USPW World Title Match
    Steel Cage Match
    Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf

    In a superb match, Running Wolf(82) defeated Rich Money(84) in a Cage match in 14:44 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer. Running Wolf wins the USPW World title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Running Wolf p. Rich Money =86




    Post-Match, Running Wolf begins to celebrate in the ring.  He is joined by Nicky Champion, who raises his arm and hugs him.  Champion gets on the microphone and says that Running Wolf deserves the win.  Running Wolf thanks Champion.  Jack Bruce comes out and announces the new USPW World Heavyweight Champion Running Wolf.  Bruce puts the belt around Running Wolf's waist.  The three men celebrate inside the cage as the show comes to an end...100

    • Like 2
  14. Wednesday Week 4 February 2020

    USPW American Wrestling


    Do It For The Business
    Rich Money is backstage, psyching up Sterling Whitlock for his upcoming match.  Money tells Whitlock to go out there and beat Skull DeBones.  Whitlock says he'll do it for The Business and for Money.  Whitlock bounces on his feet and then heads out toward the ring...79


    Match #1
    Sterling Whitlock vs. Skull DeBones

    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Skull DeBones(70) defeated Sterling Whitlock(63) in 10:28 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Skull DeBones p. Sterling Whitlock =74


    A Meeting Is Coming Soon
    Backstage, Rich Money is shown watching a monitor.  Money shakes his head and then looks in the camera.  He says that there are going to be changes coming for The Business.  He calls a State of the Business meeting next week...100


    Match #2
    Rajah vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

    In a decent match, Ricky Dale Johnson(71) defeated Rajah(43) in 6:18 by pinfall with a Leaping Lariat.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Ricky Dale Johnson p. Rajah =66



    Stupid Injury
    Post-Match, Joss Thompson shows up on the video screen while Ricky Dale Johnson is still in the ring.  Thompson explains his absence by an injury.  He says he will be back soon but not at Red, White And Blue.  RDJ makes a mock crying look.  Thompson says that he will be choosing an opponent for Ricky Dale Johnson at the premium live event to replace him.  RDJ says he's ready for anyone that Thompson could bring him.  He, then, celebrates with a couple of beers...90



    Through A Table
    Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion brawl in the backstage area.  Frehley knocks Champion backward and then puts him through a table.  Frehley smiles down at Champion and says he'll see him later tonight...100


    Match #3
    Jaime Quine and Alicia Strong vs. Pariah and Sara Marie

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Pariah(71) and Sara Marie(65) defeated Jaime Quine(73) and Alicia Strong(80) in 14:22 when Pariah pinned Alicia Strong with a Tornado DDT.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Pariah and Sara Marie p. Jaime Quine and Alicia Strong =78



    Proving Himself
    Jack Bruce comes down to the ring.  He begins hyping the upcoming premium live event show when he is interrupted by Trent Shaffer.  Shaffer says that he is the real main event in USPW and that's why he's in the main event tonight.  Bruce says that Shaffer has the opportunity to prove himself tonight against top competition.  Bruce says that if Shaffer proves himself tonight and Saturday that he might be moved up to the main event scene very soon.  Shaffer reminds Bruce that he is The Talent in this company and the best Canadian wrestler in the world.  Bruce, again, tells Shaffer to prove it.  Bruce and Shaffer stare each other down as we go to commercial...96


    Rick Law
    A music video is shown to promote Rick Law...67


    Match #4
    American Gold vs. Natural Storm

    In a decent match, Natural Storm(Rayne-71, Howard-69) defeated American Gold(English-41, Chamberlain-40) in 9:35 when Eddie Howard pinned Maliek Chamberlain with a Storm Damage.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Natural Storm p. American Gold =67



    Barred From Ringside
    Roger Cage is shown talking with Jack Bruce about his upcoming match with Zeus.  Cage says he wants the match with everyone barred from ringside.  He doesn't care if it's a cage match or whatever.  Jack Bruce replies that he'd like to see a clean winner Saturday night so the Olympus Order will be banned from ringside.  If they appear, they will be fired from the company...71


    Match #5
    Mick Muscles vs. Casey Valentine

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Casey Valentine(53) defeated Mick Muscles(39) in 6:10 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Casey Valentine p. Mick Muscles =47


    Andre Jones
    A music video is shown to promote Andre Jones...50




    Match #6
    Rich Money, Steve Frehley and Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Hawkeye & Wolf

    In a superb match, Rich Money(83), Steve Frehley(88) and Trent Shaffer(74) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(78) and Hawkeye(95) & Wolf(80) in 14:29 when Trent Shaffer pinned Nicky Champion by using underhanded tactics.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Rich Money, Steve Frehley and Trent Shaffer p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Hawkeye & Wolf =97



    Pull Apart Brawl
    Rich Money and Running Wolf are in the ring and are squaring off, unhappy about something. The argument soon turns physical, and they are joined by Steve Frehley, Nicky Champion, Trent Shaffer and Bulldozer Brandon Smith for a wild brawl, with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them apart before they kill each other...90

    • Like 1
  15. Wednesday Week 3 February 2020

    USPW American Wrestling


    Match #1
    Dusty Ducont vs. Running Wolf

    In a decent match, Running Wolf(78) defeated Dusty Ducont(53) in 10:21 by pinfall with a roll up.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Running Wolf p. Dusty Ducont =74



    Olympus Order Is Not Smooth
    Roger Cage comes down to the ring.  He talks about the fact that he is still the National Champion.  He says he is working to be the best National Champion in history.  He is interrupted by Zeus.  Zeus says that he and The Olympus Order left Zeus laying at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Cage says he's ready to take revenge and challenges Zeus to meet him at Red, White And Blue.  Zeus accepts and then tells Cage to leave the ring because he has a match.  Cage punches Zeus and then walks off, leaving Zeus laying in the ring for his next match...64


    Match #2
    Zeus vs. Leaf LeBaum

    In a terrible match, Zeus(54) defeated Leaf LeBaum(27) in 5:54 by pinfall with a Thunder Bolt.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Zeus p. Leaf LeBaum =42


    What A Loser
    Backstage, Rich Money berates Dusty Ducont for losing to Running Wolf.  Money says he wonders if he can trust Ducont, pushing him backward with a pieface.  Money calls Ducont lucky that he secured a tag team title match for him and Charlie Thatcher at Red, White And Blue against Jett & Moor.  Money tells Ducont not to disappoint him again before walking off...63


    Match #3
    Gorgon vs. Pariah

    In a decent match, Pariah(68) defeated Gorgon(47) in 12:29 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Pariah p. Gorgon =59



    Paper Bag
    Having picked up the victory, Pariah celebrates in the ring.  Her celebration is cut short by Jaime Quine, who joins her in the ring.  Quine holds up a paper bag and says that Pariah should wear this at all times when in the ring.  Pariah says she'd rather wear the Women's title belt.  Quine laughs and says she wouldn't let anyone borrow that belt.  Pariah throws a punch, dropping Quine.  Quine rolls out of the ring and says she tried to play nice.  Now she won't be so nice...84


    Anthony Trask had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Nicky Champion.  He will prove that The Traskmaster rules over all...69


    The Dark Destroyer
    In a video, Steve Frehley is shown talking from his gym.  He hypes his upcoming match with Nicky Champion, promising a victory.  He says he will prove that Champion ain't nothin and he's the best wrestler in the world...93




    Match #4
    The Triumverate vs. Wendy Anderson and The Bombshells

    In a poor match, The Triumvirate (Alicia Strong(78), Glorious Gloria(34) and Juliette King(44)) defeated Wendy Anderson(52) and The Bombshells(Fairchild-39, Adams-38) in 10:37 when Alicia Strong pinned Amelia Fairchild with an Angel Driver.

    In terms of in-ring work, Alicia Strong was head and shoulders above everyone else.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    The Triumverate p. Wendy Anderson and The Bombshells =62


    Andre Jones
    A music video is shown to promote Andre Jones...56


    Match #5
    Kirk Jameson vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    In a decent match, Bulldozer Brandon Smith(75) defeated Kirk Jameson(51) in 6:28 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Bulldozer Brandon Smith p. Kirk Jameson =70



    Leg Attack
    Bulldozer Brandon Smith is celebrating his victory in the ring. Trent Shaffer runs in and attacks.  He focuses on the leg of Bulldozer, sending it against the ring post.  Then he does a figure four around the ring post before officials can come in and break things up...68



    A video plays hyping Rich Money vs. Running Wolf...77


    Match #6
    Anthony Trask vs. Nicky Champion

    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Nicky Champion(85) defeated Anthony Trask(47) in 15:20 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Nicky Champion p. Anthony Trask =81


    More Than Just A Name
    Having picked up the victory, Nicky Champion celebrates in the ring...82

    • Like 1
  16. I am starting a prediction contest here, specifically to do with World War 3 predictions.  The winner of these predictions will receive a prize to help move the diary forward.




    Predictions List:

    WCW United States Title Match
    Last Man Standing Match
    Vader defends vs. Lex Luger

    WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Benoit & Malenko defend vs. The Sheepherders

    Arn Anderson vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

    WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
    Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Giant

    Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner

    World War 3 Battle Royal
    Al Snow, Arn Anderson, Big Bubba Rogers, Brian Pillman, Diamond Dallas Page, Eddy Guerrero, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, Johnny B. Badd, Jushin Thunder Liger, Lex Luger, Matt Borne, Paul Orndorff, Randy Savage, Rey Misterio, Jr., Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Shane Douglas, Steve Austin, Steve Williams, Sting, Terry Gordy, The Great Muta, The Taskmaster, Tully Blanchard, Ultimate Warrior, V.K. Wallstreet, Vader, ???, ???

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #WorldWar3 – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #BattleRoyal

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

    • Like 1
  17. Saturday Week 4 November 1995

    WCW Saturday Night

    Highlights From Monday Nitro
    Highlights from Monday Nitro are shown.  Eddy Guerrero defeating Jushin Thunder Liger is shown.  Hulk Hogan and Sting are shown beating The Giant and The Barbarian.  Then, The Giant and The Barbarian get the advantage to close the show.

    New Blue Bloods
    Lord Steven Regal comes out to the ring.  He talks about how Earl Robert Eaton let him down and how it's time to move on.  Regal announces his new tag team partner Dave Taylor.  Taylor comes out and joins Regal in the ring.  Taylor says that he will be a much better partner than Eaton.  Regal says it's time to wrestle.

    Match #1
    In a decent match, The Blue Bloods(Regal-76, Taylor-54) defeated Gunn(33) & Z-Man(43) in 5:35 when Lord Steven Regal submitted Tom Zenk with a Regal Stretch.

    In terms of in-ring work, Lord Steven Regal was head and shoulders above everyone else. Johnny Gunn was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...61

    Horsemen Preview For World War 3
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair and Rey Misterio Jr..  Okerlund asks about the matches coming up at World War 3.  Misterio Jr. says he is stepping in the ring with a veteran like Arn Anderson and that he will be proud to be the victor over that Four Horsemen unit.  Flair hypes the World War 3 battle royal and says all four of his Horsemen members will be in the battle royal.  He reminds everyone that to be the man, you have to beat the man and right now Hulk Hogan's the man.  Flair plans on challenging him at Starrcade by winning the battle royal.

    Match #2
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Steve Austin(65) defeated Maxx Muscle(27) in 6:07 when Maxx Muscle was disqualified when Diamond Dallas Page ran in and attacked Steve Austin...65

    Diamond Dallas Page Attack
    Post-Match, Diamond Dallas Page attacks Steve Austin from behind.  He drops Austin with the Diamond Cutter.  DDP holds up the WCW World Television title belt to boos from the crowd.

    New World Champion?
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews The Taskmaster and The Giant.  Okerlund asks about the match with Hulk Hogan at World War 3.  The Taskmaster says they are looking at both a new World Champion and the end of Hulkamania in one night.  The Taskmaster laughs and says it will be a day to give thanks.

    Match #3
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Paul Orndorff(36) defeated Jim Duggan(37) in 10:26 by pinfall...43

    Hyping World War 3 Battle Royal
    Several wrestlers cut promos hyping the World War 3 battle royal.  These wrestlers include Lex Luger, Steve Austin, Big Bubba Rogers and Johnny B. Badd.

    • Like 1
  18. Monday Week 4 November 1995




    Mystery Man Revealed
    The fans in the Norfolk Scope stand on their feet as Ultimate Warrior comes out to the ring.  Warrior snarls and growls on the microphone.  Between the snarls and growls, he says that he's still standing in this ring despite being bitten by a snake.  He says he's not afraid of snakes anymore and he wants the low-down snake that gave him the bad present.  The video screen lights up to show the unknown man.  The unknown man tells Warrior to be careful what he wishes for because he just might get it.  The unknown man says he will be in the battle royal at World War 3, warning Warrior that he will be coming for him.  He says to never trust a snake.  Trust me.  A laugh spills forth and he leans forward to reveal Jake Roberts!  Roberts continues to laugh as Warrior looks shocked in the ring.  The video screen fades to black but Roberts' laughter can still be heard echoing throughout the arena.  Warrior looks around, a little worried, before exiting the ring and heading for the back.


    Match #1
    Shane Douglas vs. Johnny B. Badd

    Our opening match as we are less than a week from World War 3 features two wrestlers who will be in the battle royal.  Shane Douglas takes an early advantage, knocking Badd back to the mat with a solid punch.  Douglas takes Badd over with a snap suplex and then places Badd on the top turnbuckle.  He goes up for a Superplex but Badd fights him off.  Badd shoves Douglas off the top turnbuckle and hits a flying headscissors off the top turnbuckle.  Badd gets the crowd behind him.  He maintains control for the next several minutes.  Badd puts Douglas in the corner and begins throwing a combination of punches.  Badd goes for a vertical suplex but Douglas lands behind him instead.  Douglas turns Badd around and hits him with the belly to belly suplex.  Instead of making the cover, Douglas pulls Badd up and hits the Franchiser.  Douglas makes the cover, holding up four fingers: One, Two, Three!  Shane Douglas gets the win at 11:56!
    Shane Douglas p. Johnny B. Badd =60


    No Longer Stunning
    We cut to a video promo featuring Steve Austin.  Austin hypes his upcoming match tonight with Diamond Dallas Page.  Austin says he's going to step into the ring with DDP and dominate.  He says he's going to be the wrestler that he always knew he could be.  He warns DDP that he's going to knock his head off and walk away with the Television title.  And that's the bottom line.  Austin poses and we go to the ring.


    Match #2
    The Iron Sheik vs. Lex Luger

    Two veterans step into the ring for what amounts to a pretty decent match between the two despite The Iron Sheik visibly tiring toward the end of the match.  During the bout, the announcers let everyone know that Lex Luger accepeted the stipulation for World War 3 against Vader to make it a Last Man Standing match.  The Iron Sheik is a strong opponent for Luger, focusing on Luger's back when he has control.  Luger manages to make a comeback and takes down The Iron Sheik with a clothesline.  Luger sends Sheik to the ropes and hits a powerslam.  Luger makes a motion and then picks up The Iron Sheik -- Human Torture Rack!  The Iron Sheik struggles but is forced to submit.  Lex Luger picks up the win at 8:10!
    Lex Luger d. The Iron Sheik =73



    World War Heat
    We go to the top of the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Okerlund hypes the WCW hotline, telling everyone to give us a call.  He says he has some updates on some mystery wrestlers involved in the World War 3 battle royal.  Speaking of World War 3, he brings out his next guests: Harlem Heat.  Okerlund asks them about the challenge issued by Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner.  Booker T says the only tag team that WCW fans need to know about is Harlem Heat.  He says that Hawk and Steiner made a big mistake in challenging them, sucka.  Stevie Ray reminds Hawk and Steiner about the Harlem Hangover or the Heatseeker.  Stevie Ray says those suckas are gonna fall at World War 3.  Booker T throws in now can you dig that, sucka?  Okerlund sends us to the ring for our next match.


    Match #3
    WCW World Television Title Match
    10 Minute Time Limit
    Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Steve Austin

    Our third match is the WCW World Television title defense by Diamond Dallas Page against Steve Austin.  DDP and Austin get into it pretty quickly in the match.  Austin throws a few punches in the first few minutes and DDP responds with forearm smashes.  DDP gains the advantage and sends Austin to the ropes, hitting A Trip To The Diamond Mine.  DDP makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout!  DDP catches Austin with a swinging neckbreaker and then sets him up for the Diamond Cutter.  Austin manages to push DDP off and hits a Lou Thesz press, throwing punches.  Austin gets the crowd behind him.  Austin goes to the second turnbuckle and hits a pointed elbow drop.  Less than five minutes to go in the time limit, Austin locks in Hollywood And Vine.  The standing figure four leglock is locked on with DDP calling out in pain.  Maxx Muscle climbs on the apron, getting the referee's attention.  Austin lets go and moves over to Muscle, throwing a punch.  One minute left in the bout.  Austin knocks Muscle off the apron and then turns, hitting DDP with the Stun Gun!  Diamond Doll climbs on the apron, getting the attention of Austin.  Ten seconds left and Austin turns back around to DDP.  He makes the cover: One, Two, Shoulder Up!  Bell sounds moments later!  We have reached the ten minute time limit draw.
    Diamond Dallas Page Draws Steve Austin =78



    The Extreme Franchise
    To end the first hour, Gene Okerlund is standing at the top of the ramp and talks about the WCW Hotline.  Then he brings out one member of one of the Four Horsemen, Shane Douglas.  Okerlund says that Douglas has been announced as being in the World War 3 battle royal.  He asks Douglas about that.  Douglas says that since he made his return to WCW he has proven time and time again that he is the Extreme Franchise.  He reminds everyone that there are no disqualifications in a battle royal.  This means that the Extreme Franchise is going to be in control.  He says that he will be the one to face Hulk Hogan at Starrcade and become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion.  He warns Hogan that he's going to get franchised.  Douglas walks off as we go to commercial to end the first hour.



    A Renewed Rivalry
    Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring.  Hogan hypes his tag team match tonight and then his match at World War 3 against The Giant.  He promises a victory both ways, brother.  He is interrupted by Roddy Piper, who joins him in the ring.  Piper says that he's here to take the World title from around Hogan's waist.  Hogan says the two of them have a past and they might have a future in this company.  Hogan wishes Piper good luck in the battle royal.  Piper says he doesn't need luck because he's the best wrestler in the business.  Piper says he's going to speak slow so that Hogan's little brain can understand.  He says that Hogan will not be the champion at the end of the year.  Hogan dares Piper to come and take it.  Piper warns Hogan not to throw rocks at a man with a machine gun.  Piper says he'll see Hogan at Starrcade.  Piper exits the ring and heads to the back.  Hogan high fives the fans on his way out.


    Match #4
    Eddy Guerrero vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

    A high flying match is next as Eddy Guerrero of Technically Wonderful takes on Japanese wrestling legend Jushin Thunder Liger.  The two exchnage quick moves with no sign of the match seeming to slow down.  The announcers have a hard time keeping up with the moves as Guerrero catches Liger with a sunset flip power bomb and Liger catches Guerrero with a fisherman's buster.  The announcers talk about that this is the kind of action you can expect from the X-Division.  The match builds and builds until the referee gets bumped.  Not too hard, though, but he's staggering around and not able to see.  Guerrero seizes the moment and gets a steel chair.  He bangs it on the mat and then tosses it to Liger.  Liger catches it and Guerrero lays on the mat as though he got hit.  The referee recovers, seeing Liger with the chair and Guerrero down.  The referee calls for the bell immediately as Liger drops the chair, trying to explain what happened.  Eddie Guerrero gets the win at 9:37!
    Eddy Guerrero d. Jushin Thunder Liger =82



    The Dungeon Of Doom
    At the ramp, Gene Okerlund discusses the upcoming World War 3 event and then brings out The Taskmaster, The Giant and The Barbarian.  The Taskmaster hypes the tag team match tonight against Hulk Hogan and Sting.  The Taskmaster says that they may not have ended Hulkamania at Halloween Havoc but The Giant will do it at World War 3.  The Giant roars and The Barbarian stands there looking menacing.  The Taskmaster says that tonight begins the end of Hulk Hogan's title reign.  The Taskmaster laughs a menacing laugh and we go up to the ring.


    Match #5
    Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Jim Duggan

    The Taskmaster came down to ringside to stand at the side of Zodiac.  This match is a pure brawl as anyone would expect.  The announcers talk about the World War 3 battle royal during the match.  Jim Duggan will be in this battle royal.  After a brief momentum burst by Zodiac, the match is mostly dominated by Jim Duggan.  Hacksaw gets the USA chant going and then stands in the corner, awaiting Zodiac to get to his feet.  Duggan charges with a running clothesline tackle.  Duggan makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Jim Duggan gets the win at 8:16!
    Jim Duggan p. Zodiac =56


    End Of The Blue Bloods
    Backstage, Lord Steven Regal and Earl Robert Eaton get into an argument.  Regal says that Eaton is dragging him down and now it is time for Eaton to lose his title.  It's time for Regal to bring in a real noble wrestler.  Regal says that this new wrestler will be on WCW Saturday Night.  Eaton looks down, looking sad.  Then he slowly walks away.


    Match #6
    The Dungeon Of Doom (The Giant and The Barbarian) (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Hulk Hogan and Sting

    It's main event time!  Two members of The Dungeon Of Doom step in the ring against Hulk Hogan and Sting.  The four men brawl in the ring as soon as the bell sounds.  Hogan and Sting send both The Giant and The Barbarian over the top rope with a double clothesline.  Sting and The Barbarian kick things off and after a brief brawl Sting sends The Barbarian into a corner.  Sting rushes in with a Stinger Splash but The Barbarian moves and Sting crashes into the turnbuckle.  The Barbarian tags in The Giant.  The Giant comes in and chokes Sting in the corner.  The referee makes a count but it's broken at four.  The Giant Irish whips Sting across the ring and Sting crashes hard, dropping to his knees.  The Giant and The Barbarian continue in control of Sting, making sure he doesn't reach his corner.  Nearing the ten minute mark, a momentum shift is made when The Giant goes for the Choke Slam outside the ring.  Sting manages to drop behind The Giant and shove him right into the ring post several times.  Sting rolls back in the ring and begins crawling toward his corner.  Hulk Hogan reaches a hand out.  The Giant manages to get back in the ring and tag out to The Barbarian.  Sting leaps and makes the tag to Hulk Hogan.

    Hulk Hogan rushes into the ring and attacks The Barbarian with punches.  He punches The Giant off the apron.  Hogan winds up a punch and hits The Barbarian.  Hogan grabs The Barbarian and drops him with a body slam.  Hogan cups his ear to the crowd, getting the crowd riled up.  Hogan picks up The Barbarian and sends him to the ropes, hitting a big boot.  The Giant climbs in the ring and is met by Sting!  Hogan bounces off the ropes and The Taskmaster trips him up.  The referee sees this and calls for the bell.  Hulk Hogan and Sting win at 14:41!
    Hulk Hogan and Sting d. The Dungeon Of Doom =82



    Possible World War 3 Preview
    The Giant takes down Sting with a headbutt.  Hulk Hogan turns to The Taskmaster, pulling him up.  The Barbarian attacks Hogan from behind.  The Giant grabs both Hogan and Sting by the throat and lifts them up, hitting a Choke Slam on both men.  The Taskmaster laughs and grabs the WCW World Heavyweight title belt, handing it to The Giant.  The Giant raises the belt up high.  The show ends with The Giant holding up the WCW World Heavyweight title belt.  Is this a preview for World War 3?

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  19. 35 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:

    I really haven't given Wolf much of a push in mine but he's doing a really good job as an Upper Midcarder. 

    That's the great thing about having multiple diaries about the same promotion.  Things are always different.

    Wednesday Week 2 February 2020

    USPW American Wrestling




    Smooth Is More Than Just A Name
    Steve Frehley comes down to the ring.  He hypes his match with Roger Cage tonight and says he's going to walk away with the National title.  He is interrupted by Roger Cage, who joins him in the ring.  Cage says he's looking forward to the match to test himself against one of the top wrestlers in this business.  Frehley says to keep the title warm for him because he's taking it tonight.  Nicky Champion interrupts and reminds Frehley that he's got to focus on their match at Red, White And Blue.  Champion says he wants to raise the stakes and make it a Last Man Standing match.  Frehley agrees to the stipulation and Champion smiles as we go to commercial...90




    Match #1
    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor (w/Persephone) defend vs. The Dream Team

    In a decent match, Jett(67) & Moor(70) defeated The Dream Team(Black-53, Phunk-47) in 9:48 when Julius Moor pinned Grandmaster Phunk with a Charging Tackle. Jett & Moor make defence number five of the USPW World Tag Team titles.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Jett & Moor p. The Dream Team =69



    Nowhere To Run
    Backstage, James Justice is shown talking with Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  Bulldozer says he's sick of wrestlers running from him.  Justice says he understands it and has been dealing with it for his entire career.  Bulldozer says that, at Red, White And Blue, Trent Shaffer won't have anywhere to run...76


    Match #2
    Jack Jackson vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson(67) defeated Jack Jackson(32) in 6:14 by pinfall with a Leaping Lariat.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Ricky Dale Johnson p. Jack Jackson =68



    Finish The Job
    Backstage, Lionel Greenwood interviews Alicia Strong.  Strong says that The Triumverate dominated at Stars, Stripes And Slams like she knew they would.  Now she wants to finish the job at Red, White And Blue.  She challenges Sara Marie to a one on one match at the premium live event...56


    Match #3
    Jillian Jarvis vs. Sara Marie

    In a decent match, Sara Marie(67) defeated Jillian Jarvis(58) in 14:01 by pinfall with an Energy Burst.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Sara Marie p. Jillian Jarvis =70


    Jack Jackson cuts a backstage promo where he hypes himself and promises that all the dummies in USPW will be put in their place...54


    Match #4
    Alicia Strong vs. Wendy Anderson

    In a decent match, Alicia Strong(80) defeated Wendy Anderson(54) in 7:32 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Alicia Strong p. Wendy Anderson =68



    Next Week
    Backstage, Running Wolf is shown talking with Jack Bruce.  Running Wolf thanks Bruce for the second opportunity to face Rich Money.  Bruce says he was just doing his job.  Speaking of that, he has a match for Running Wolf next week.  He says that Running Wolf will take on Dusty Ducont of The Business.  Running Wolf agrees to the match and says he's looking forward to getting some revenge...85


    Match #5
    Funky Fedora vs. Leaf LeBaum

    In an abysmal match, Funky Fedora(48) defeated Leaf LeBaum(30) in 6:29 by pinfall with a Slingshot Back Suplex.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Funky Fedora p. Leaf LeBaum =67


    In-House Promo
    Rich Money cuts a promo from his house.  He is seated on the couch and hypes his upcoming match with Running Wolf.  He calls in Elizabeth Cartier and Dusty Ducont.  Money says for Ducont to leave nothing left of Running Wolf next week.  Ducont nods and Elizabeth Cartier says she will have him ready for the match.  Money laughs and reminds us that everybody's got a price for Rich Money...80

    Coming Next Week



    Match #6
    Mick Muscles vs. Skull DeBones

    In a decent match, Skull DeBones(71) defeated Mick Muscles(48) in 5:47 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Skull DeBones p. Mick Muscles =61



    Complaining About A Rematch
    Backstage, Trent Shaffer complains to Jack Bruce about making the rematch with Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  Bruce says the match is on no matter what complaint Shaffer has.  Shaffer says fine but he will destroy Bulldozer...85


    Match #7
    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Steve Frehley

    In a good match, Steve Frehley(88) defeated Roger Cage(64) in 11:31 when Roger Cage was disqualified when Nicky Champion ran in and attacked Steve Frehley.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Steve Frehley d. Roger Cage =87



    More Than Just A Name
    Post-Match, Nicky Champion and Steve Frehley continue to brawl in the ring.  Champion kicks Frehley in the gut and hits the Hawkeye Hammer.  Champion drops down and continues to throw punches until officials come in and break things up.  The show ends with Champion staring at the fallen Frehley...99

    • Like 1
  20. 8 minutes ago, DirigoJoe said:

    I forgot to submit a card! Oops! 

    Also, you pulled a dang good match from Wolf and Money. It's funny they weren't the main event (the USPW title 3rd from the end of the show!?) probably because you anticipated Champion and Frehley stealing the show, and Money and Wolf had the better match 😆

    The shows are going to come fast and furious now.  LOL.  No more prediction card but I do appreciate the comments.  I live on those, honestly.  And yeah, I anticipated the Frehley/Champion match outdoing the Wolf and Money match, but I can say that I learned my lesson.  :)

  21. Wednesday Week 1 February 2020

    USPW American Wrestling




    Rematch Set
    Rich Money comes down to the ring.  He casts a celebration of defending his USPW World title once again against Running Wolf.  Running Wolf interrupts him and says that the only reason Rich Money won is because he had help from The Business.  Money doesn't deny it, instead saying that he has the best employees in the world.  Jack Bruce comes out and announces that he is making a rematch for Red, White And Blue.  He says that Rich Money will defend the World title against Running Wolf inside a steel cage.  Money starts to get upset but Running Wolf hits him with the Wolf Tamer.  Running Wolf celebrates in the ring as Money rolls out...100


    Match #1
    Jack Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

    In a decent match, Nicky Champion(94) defeated Jack Jackson(31) in 9:40 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  
    Nicky Champion p. Jack Jackson =78



    He Ain't Nothin
    Backstage, Steve Frehley is shown watching the monitor.  He turns and Lionel Greenwood shows up.  Greenwood asks Frehley how he's feeling after Saturday night.  Frehley says he could wrestle again right now just like Nicky Champion did.  But he'll get his chance at Red, White And Blue.  Frehley promises that at the end of the month he will show that Champion ain't nothin...76


    Match #2
    Joss Thompson vs. Jimmy Chipolata

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joss Thompson(75) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(23) in 5:52 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  Referee=Baby Jamie
    Joss Thompson p. Jimmy Chipolata =63



    Red, White And Blue Control Center
    In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts the Red, White And Blue Control Center.  He talks about the matches lined up for Red, White And Blue, including Jaime Quine defending the USPW Women's title against Pariah.  He sends us to a promo with Quine.  Jaime Quine talks about being in the ring with an uggo like Pariah.  But there will always be ugly women for her to beat and she promises to defend her title and win like always...61


    Match #3
    Tiffany Jade vs. Pariah

    In a decent match, Pariah(60) defeated Tiffany Jade(66) in 12:10 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT.  
    Pariah p. Tiffany Jade =71


    More Gold To The Business?
    In a promo, Elizabeth Cartier hypes the team of Ducont & Thatcher.  She says they will become the USPW World Tag Team Champions once again, bringing more gold to The Business...59



    Skull DeBones
    In the audience, Jack Bruce tries to get a few words from Skull DeBones.  DeBones has nothing to say but looks fantastic.  Bruce says that DeBones will be in his first USPW match next week on American Wrestling.  DeBones just looks at him and then looks toward the ring...88


    Match #4
    Sterling Whitlock vs. Andre Jones

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Sterling Whitlock(47) defeated Andre Jones(44) in 7:57 by pinfall with a Whitlock's End.  Referee=Chad Brent
    Sterling Whitlock p. Andre Jones =50



    The Dream Team
    In a promo, The Dream Team is looking for a future shot at the USPW World Tag Team titles.  Jett & Moor approach them and Jacob Jett tells them they don't have to wait to get a shot.  He offers them a shot next week.  Greg Black accepts the opportunity and warns them that they won't hold back.  Julius Moor says he doesn't plan on holding back either.  Grandmaster Phunk says they're going to get phunky.  The four men stand around each other as the segment ends...66


    Match #5
    Kirk Jameson vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

    In a decent match, Ricky Dale Johnson(68) defeated Kirk Jameson(50) in 5:51 by pinfall with a Southern Justice.  Referee=Rob Perkins
    Ricky Dale Johnson p. Kirk Jameson =67



    Welcome To USPW
    Having picked up the victory, Ricky Dale Johnson celebrates in the ring.  The celebration is brought to a halt by the arrival of Joss Thompson.  Thompson mockingly welcomes RDJ to USPW.  RDJ says that a good welcome is accompanied by a good drink.  He calls for and gets a couple of beers thrown to him, offering one to Thompson.  Thompson says he drinks finer things than that swill.  RDJ shrugs and kicks Thompson before hitting Southern Justice.  RDJ takes a long drink from his beer and celebrates with the crowd while Thompson rolls out of the ring...77

    Coming Next Week





    Want Another Rematch
    Jack Bruce
    is seated in his office.  Bulldozer Brandon Smith walks in and talks about last Saturday night when Trent Shaffer walked out of their match.  Bulldozer wants a rematch this month with Shaffer.  Bruce grants the rematch and says that if Shaffer walks out again, he can keep on walking from USPW.  Bulldozer seems satisfied as we go to the ring for our main event...75


    Match #8
    Non-Title Match
    Rich Money vs. D.C. Rayne

    (Money sustained a Blown Ear Drum) In a good match, Rich Money(80) defeated D.C. Rayne(66) in 14:52 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Rich Money p. D.C. Rayne =76



    Avenging Angel
    Post-Match, Running Wolf rushes down to the ring and begins to brawl with Rich Money.  The brawl explodes to the outside of the ring where Sterling Whitlock jumps the guardrail and attacks Running Wolf.  Skull DeBones steps in, throwing Whitlock from the area and stopping Money with the presence of the baseball bat.  The show ends with DeBones staring down Money...78

    • Like 1
  22. I am going to start running through the shows with little details now so that I can get caught up to where I'm at in the game.


    Saturday Week 4 January 2020

    USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams


    Match #1
    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Zeus

    In a decent match, Roger Cage(62) defeated Zeus(56) in 9:54 when Zeus was disqualified when Bash Street ran in and attacked Roger Cage. Roger Cage makes defence number three of the USPW National title.  Referee=Baby Jamie.
    Roger Cage d. Zeus =65



    Olympus Beatdown
    Post-Match, Bad Intentions grab Roger Cage and force him down to his knees in front of Zeus.  Zeus grabs the National title belt and slams it into the face of Cage.  Zeus holds up the belt to boos from the crowd before dropping it down on Cage's waist.  The Olympus Order walk away as officials come in to check on Cage...50


    Return Of A Feud
    A video plays hyping Tyson Baine vs. Enygma...71


    Match #2
    Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

    In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Enygma(67) defeated Tyson Baine(70) in 8:02 by pinfall with a fast roll up.  Referee=Rob Perkins.
    Enygma p. Tyson Baine =69


    Two Top Names
    Backstage, Jack Bruce and Nicky Champion shake hands.  Bruce wishes Champion good luck in his match tonight against Steve Frehley.  Champion says he's got this and is going to prove that he's at the top of his game and that Champion is more than just a name.  Bruce nods and we go to the ring...99




    Match #3
    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. Law & Justice

    In a decent match, Jett(64) & Moor(67) defeated Law(73) & Justice(60) in 12:03 when Julius Moor pinned Rick Law with a Charging Tackle. Jett & Moor make defence number four of the USPW World Tag Team titles.  Referee=Baby Jamie.
    Jett & Moor p. Law & Justice =74



    Playing Favorites
    Backstage, Steve Frehley charges into Jack Bruce's office.  He says that it looks like Bruce is playing favorites here.  Bruce says that whoever wins, will win.  He's just here to keep things safe and book some matches.  Frehley says he's going to beat Nicky Champion without any help or luck from anyone.  Bruce just shrugs and we go to the ring...100


    Match #4
    Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    In a decent match, Bulldozer Brandon Smith(70) defeated Trent Shaffer(73) in 10:54 when Trent Shaffer intentionally got counted out.  Referee=Chad Brent.
    Bulldozer Brandon Smith d. Trent Shaffer =79


    Talk To The Troops
    Backstage, Rich Money talks to the members of The Business, including Dusty Ducont, Sterling Whitlock, Charlie Thatcher and Rajah.  He says they all have their walking orders for tonight.  He says that they will make sure that The Business stays on top of the promotion.  Whitlock cries out that he will make sure Rich Money is still the champion after tonight.  Money smiles and we go to the ring...64


    Match #5
    Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah

    In a decent match, Pariah(62) defeated Jillian Jarvis(57) in 9:13 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT.  Referee=Chad Brent.
    Pariah p. Jillian Jarvis =66



    A video plays hyping Rich Money vs. Running Wolf...71


    Match #6
    USPW World Title Match
    Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf

    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Rich Money(81) defeated Running Wolf(78) in 15:27 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven following interference from Sterling Whitlock. During the match we also had Dusty Ducont run in and attack Running Wolf. Rich Money makes defence number eight of the USPW World title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez.
    Rich Money p. Running Wolf =87



    Baseball Bat Save
    Post-Match, Rich Money, Sterling Whitlock, Rajah and Ducont & Thatcher take turns beating down Running Wolf.  Skull DeBones comes from the crowd and enters the ring, using his baseball bat to mow down all the members of The Business and save Running Wolf...64



    Next Women's Challenger
    Backstage, Jack Bruce approaches Jaime Quine.  He tells her that her next challenger is going to be Pariah at Red, White And Blue.  Quine says that Pariah is not worthy and she can pick a better opponent.  Bruce says they will find out at Red, White And Blue how worthy she is.  Quine screams and then walks off in a huff...77




    Match #7
    The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and Miss American Pie

    In a decent match, The Triumvirate (Alicia Strong(76), Glorious Gloria(33) and Juliette King(40)) defeated Melody(68), Sara Marie(64) and Miss American Pie(47) in 9:59 when Juliette King pinned Miss American Pie by using underhanded tactics.  Referee=Rob Perkins.
    The Triumverate p. Melody, Sara Marie and Miss American Pie =67



    The Main Event
    A video plays hyping Nicky Champion vs. Steve Frehley...74


    Match #8
    Steve Frehley vs. Nicky Champion

    In an exceptional match, Steve Frehley(83) drew with Nicky Champion(95) in 15:05 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
    Steve Frehley Draws Nicky Champion =84




    The Fight Goes On
    Post-Match, Jack Bruce rushes down to the ring to check on both Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion.  Bruce uses smelling salts to wake up both men.  Both of them try to get at each other but officials keep them separated.  Bruce gets on the microphone and promises a rematch next month before the show comes to an end...100

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