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Posts posted by MetalIzanagi346

  1. Not sure if you've fixed or changed any of this for the next version of the mod, but just in case, I've found the following issues:




    - Silver Sable is set as a male who dates females even though she's definitely a female, and I'm pretty sure she dates males.


    - A number of DC characters have it set in their Travel section that they're a companion of Marvel characters, when it makes no sense for them to follow that character around. Clayface IV and V for instance are set by default as companions of Crimson Dynamo, when they should be companions of Clayface III as they're his family. Huntress is set as a companion of Gamora. I'm not sure who she's supposed to be a companion of as I'm not familiar with Huntress, though. This issue only seems to affect DC characters who are supposed to follow other characters around, and it seems to affect all of them, including the various "So-and-So's Gang" group characters Riddler's Gang, Toyman's Toy Soldiers, Joker's Goons, etc. I checked most of the Marvel characters and they have their companion status set correctly.


    - Again in the DC stuff only, there are a few duplicate entries. Riddler has two different gangs, "Riddler's Gang" and "The Riddler's Goons". Joker has a similar situation with having two gangs, one with "The" in front of it.


    Balance Concerns:


    - Hydro Man is WAY overpowered with how many special skills he has:


    Absorbs Water Attacks 3

    Can Alter Physical State 3

    Can Grow To Massive Size

    Can Shrink To Tiny Size

    Can Survive Underwater

    Converts Water Attacks 1

    Master of Water Attacks

    Slippery Customer

    Vulnerable To Cold Attacks 1

    Vulnerable To Electrical Attacks 3


    This was an issue in Wudu's original Marvel 90's mod that he never had a chance to fix.


    - Sunturion has a similar situation to Hydro-Man where despite being an Obscure(Level 1) character, he has:


    Absorbs Energy Attacks 1

    Absorbs Heat Attacks 1

    Battlesuit 2

    Can Alter Physical State 1

    Can Create Decoys


    Teleporter 1


    Sunturion being this powerful was another known issue in Wudu's original mod that never got fixed.


    - Spider-Man is mostly good, but for my own game I took away the attribute he has that says he has hand-to-hand combat training, and instead just boosted his Strength to about 700. The webhead isn't a trained martial artist, but he's definitely stronger than his base Strength stat is listed at.

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