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Everything posted by Liquid_Swords

  1. Do any of you all change the product to a more match focused product? If you do, how much of an effect does that have with match ratings until the change is complete? I know any popularity gains are halted until the product change is complete.
  2. Realistically, would Eric Eisen dislike a user character and possibly start a family feud with Jerry Eisen if he is replaced as the head booker of SWF?
  3. I just checked the editor and Rocky Golden's contract is up in 12 months. I'm assuming USPW will be difficult to outbid and with the new finance changes, we as players may have to let Rocky go.
  4. Based on the bios of the SWF and Jerry and Eric Eisen, I'm wondering if there will be a power struggle within the SWF. Maybe causing the promotion to be on the slippery slope of potential decline.
  5. This thread is awesome and I like all the content created by everyone in this thread. Not to be rude but is there a consolidated pic pack for C-Verse?
  6. Could someone please create a TV show logo for TCW Saturday Night Showcase in a similar design to the AEW Collision logo. Please remove the TNT letters in the TCW Saturday Night Showcase logo. Also if possible please use this TCW logo (or logos). You may have to use grey or dark mode on this site to see them.
  7. I find it odd that Classic Southern Rasslin will mildly accept Eye Candy matches and Classic Sports Entertainment penalize the player for booking them. Is there a reason for this setting? I would figure Classic Southern Rasslin would care more about in-ring performance and Classic Sports Entertainment leaning toward Entertainment would be more accepting of Eye Candy matches.
  8. Anyone have a logo of a TCW internet subscription service?
  9. I wouldn't be surprised in the next TEW if Jerry and Eric have a falling out due to the direction of SWF and how they are still losing to USPW. I could see Eric leaving SWF and starting his own promotion. Which would essentially be the new USPW of old. Eric's promotion would probably have an edgy product since that is his preferred style in the editor.
  10. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a future workers mod pack for the default data?
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