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  1. I did notice some muscular heavy guys had below 10 in menace. The ones that were specifically menacing were spot on but the others were often under 10. (That's how I sorted them to fix it, men under 10 menace). If someone is a muscular 250 or higher they are going to be able to intimidate. There might be a rare exception to that but not many. Even most of the flippy guys in the default data have at least 20 menace. That said this is great stuff! Thanks!
  2. After more time with the new angle system I think it's ok but here's some things I would like and maybe others would too. 1) Have "Quick Add" be the first screen you go to. Or better yet make it an option so people could pick which one comes up first. If you want the full angle editor you'd click a button. 2) Allow multiple parts to be booked using the "quick add". It's actually a good piece of interface and I'd like to use it for multi part angles. Right now it wipes everything out. 3) Freestyle: have one of the "quick add" options be freestyle. 8 slots, enjoy. Since the player can switch the roles anyway give an option where they just assign roles. 4) Two more roles: "Taunt" and "Embarassment". Based on charisma and mic skills (or just charisma for embarrassment) this is the non-physical version of "attack" and "victim" with the same success levels granted. This could simulate when Grayson Waller taunts someone and gets embarrassed for it by getting insulted or some sort of slapstick more charisma based than fighting based. This would be easier than doing "work the crowd" and assigning success and failure in the road agent notes. Thanks for reading.
  3. A suggested workaround: I'm assuming you realize you can edit the data set before a game (I do it quite a bit) and put these people back in the business. So I'm thinking you want to reintroduce someone who has left the business in an existing save. This won't be perfect and it's a bit wonky but not too bad. First in the standalone editor make a copy of the worker you want back in. You'll have to alter the name slightly (it'll say copy which will work). Make sure this copy has their status set to what you want to edit it to. Inside your in game editor import the copied worker. Change the original worker's name then eliminate the copy from the worker you imported. Yes you'll have Champagne Lover (your copied worker) in the business and Champagne Lover 2 (left the business) but other than seeing it in the editor the original worker won't be in the business anymore so they won't show up anywhere else.
  4. One pet peeve for me that has carried over from 2020 is that a match can’t be booked from the road agent notes section. The last thing I do when booking a match is the road agent notes. Right now the player has to click out of road agent notes to get to the main screen. A button on the road agent notes that says “Book Match” would save a click or two in several instances while booking a show. The player could still confirm the booking from the main screen if they prefer. This would be an option to book from the road agent screen.
  5. I know that part of the fun of TEW is having to adapt on the fly to situations that arise (like key injuries) but sometimes a player really wants to tell a certain story. It's only supposed to resemble real life if you want it to. So I suggest when a key wrestler gets hurt that the player is able to undo it in the in game editor. Alternately a wrestler can have their own injury level set in the editor. So injuries might be at "normal" in the game options but Cody Rhodes might be set at "none" so he can "finish the story". Those who think "well part of the game is to protect him" can carry on as they are. This would allow injuries to still be part of the game but not interfere with the big things the player wants to do. Related: one night only appearances for special events for those "out of the business". Example: Christian Faith showing up at the SWF's 50th birthday party. I don't think that''s doable now if he's set to "out of the business". But the player might not want him to be available for hire (balance issues) outside of the one special appearance (an attribute could also be "Will never be involved in wrestling again" if for some reason the worker would reuse to come back). The appearance could be specifically a cameo that has a very small effect on the show but adds realism and immersion. Finally: being able to put off a hiatus or movie deal until after a "season finale". Only one "season finale" would qualify and it would only be for a month or less but if The Rock is filming a movie and is involved in the WWE he isn't leaving before Wrestlemania.
  6. I'm not a fan of the term but the last two textbooks I taught from used "American Indian" to represent the people who were in America before Columbus showed up and other European explorers followed. To try to limit confusion I use the term when I teach because the textbook does. I like "Pre-Columbian Inhabitants" myself. I know it won't be used but I think it sums up how the group is being referenced (a group of people who were part of many tribes and societies who had more cultural characteristics in common than the Europeans who showed up later. If it's a single society use the name but that's the collective term as sometimes they need to be referred to as a group). Adam changed it now but the term is still used in textbooks, which is a pretty big usage.
  7. I can't download from the link. It wants me to provide an account with access. My Google account doesn't have it. Great renders btw.
  8. I was going to do an Eric Eisen leads a heel group thing wuth Spencer Spade (the "last great star" the Eisens created). Spade was going to take Fame & Money with him but not Justin Sensitive. Sensitive being the last member wants to carry on the Rat Pack and recruits DeSousa and Smoke to the ranks. So Sensitive goes from lackey to leader. Oh and DeSousa and Hernandez have a falling out. Mainstream can go, talks well and looks great. Push that guy! I decided against Eisen leading a group but I still like the Justin Sensitive idea so much I had had Spade change the name of his group to the Hive so Justin could lead the Rat Pack.
  9. 80s Mania Wrestling (a mobile semi-booker game) has a treasure trove of renamed wrestlers (and 80s - 90s celebs / movie characters). I'm sure you could find a list without downloading the app. Examples - Hulk Hogan = Duke Brogan, Ric Flair = Jet City Strutter (he has a daughter named Carolina Strutter in the Modern Mania sequel). Indiana Jones = Arizona Chance Darth Vader = Dark Invader Andre the Giant = Pierre the Enormous (there's also a face version of Andre based on his character in "The Princess Bride").
  10. Have him go way over the top by preventing even PG content from getting on the air. Example: One of the females wears a nice short skirt. attractive but not Only Fans material and he censors it / makes her cover up. Eventually he runs into a free spirit who pushes the envelope a little and they clash. Use the idea that 21CW is already family friendly to draw more heat by his over the top censoring.
  11. I suggest when a player releases a wrestler they can choose from a menu of reasons. Some of them could include negative backstage presence, with cause, money reasons, creative has nothing, go get some experience and come back / prove me wrong, failed rehab / go get help etc. Each reason could potentially have some affect on finances, public image and / or relationships. For example "negative backstage presence" could improve the hard ass image of the player but if there wasn't a log of incidents it might be seen as petty with the opposite effect. With cause means the player doesn't have to pay the wrestler if the wrestler did wrong (works just like firing them in response to an incident). gain experience / "prove me wrong" could affect the relationship between player character and released worker depending on the worker's personality (might hold it against them or might make them loyal). Not specifying a reason would be an option (simply skip that drop down box) and it would work just like it does now.
  12. Gotta get rid of the troublemakers. I'd try to wait until another incident. Save some cash and get some "hard ass, don't mess with me" cred.
  13. It probably could work better but I think a "well booked squash" requires charisma. I've run into the sane thing myself. Monster squash, pop goes down.
  14. Might want to stick this oddity in the tech support forum. I think Adam would want his AI companies to not botch a star and title to this level. Even if he can't do anything because he doesn't have all the details it still might be useful info on how the AI is working.
  15. Yes. Anyone would and Eric more than most due to his egotism. He;'d dislike Jerry more. He also might try to turn the new head booker against Jerry if he could find a reason to think they could usurp Jerry.
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