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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. WEEK 4 January 21st to 27th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #4 Triangle: Abismo Negro vs Flash Funk vs Octagon Hardy Boys vs The Headbangers Shotgun Sheriff Badge: Ahmed Johnson vs ??? BONUS: Who answers Ahmed's open challenge? Answer: Mr. Bob Backlund Sunday Morning Superstars #537 Bart Gunn vs Justin Hawk Bradshaw The Godwinns vs Salvatore Sincere/Jason Arnhdt Bob Holly/Can-Am Express vs The Sultan/Diesel/Razor Ramon Championship Tournament Preview: Goldust/J.C. Ice/Pierroth Jr./The Stalker vs Jake Roberts/Jesse James/Perro Aguayo/Rocky Maivia BONUS: What new championship does Gorilla Monsoon announce? Answer: WWF European Championship Monday Night Raw #195 Jason Arnhdt vs Stone Cold HHH/Owen Hart/British Bulldog vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover Freddie Joe Floyd vs The Executioner Shawn Michaels/Ahmed Johnson vs Sycho Sid/Vader
  2. WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13 Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Answer: The Stalker Sunday Morning Superstars #536 Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon Shawn Michaels vs The Goon Monday Night Raw #194 Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy Mankind vs Terry Funk WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/??? BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Answer: Diesel BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Answer: The Goon
  3. Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997 Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza 5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge: Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse James vs Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper Comments: *Pats self on back* Let's Go Barry!!! Royal Rumble 1997 WWF World Tag Team Championship: Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq WWF Intercontinental Championship: HHH (c) vs Goldust The Undertaker vs Vader 30 Man Royal Rumble featuring: Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind, Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster Guess: Terry Funk & Carlos Colon BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match) Guess: Stone Cold BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get Guess: Ahmed Johnson with 8 eliminations BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner) Guess: Stone Cold, Rocky Maivia & The Undertaker
  4. WEEK 2 January 7th to 14th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan Comments: If Ahmed can take out The Nation single handedly, he should have no problem taking everybody in this battle royal. Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover Comments: Anything lucha is really a toss-up, but I'll go with Garza & The Lover, as their names I recognize Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker Comments: If I was Salvatore, I would be sincerely looking for a new line of work. Especially if they saw what happened to Goon & poor Jimmy Cornette (Bless Mama Cornette's poor heart) Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents Guess: Aldo Montoya or Barry Horowitz Sunday Morning Superstars #535 No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner Comments: The Can-Am Express continues full steam ahead but, I fear for the safety of The Executioner after seeing what happened to Owen last week. 4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly Comments: If I had to guess, it's probably going to come down to Rocky & Bulldog in the final with the underdog Maivia getting the win, leading to Bulldog challenging him to a match on RAW. Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico Comments: These guys are probably going to make a make a-a a good, good Luchas Lucha... Thing... (GOD DAMNIT! WOO!) Sycho Sid vs The Goon Comments: I'll commend The Goon on his fortitude, but this is another win for The Master & Ruler Of The World! Monday Night Raw #193 Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler Comments: Two reasons for this pick. 1. Sable. 2. Marlena. British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia Comments: I believe Rocky will win this one, likely by DQ. Crush vs The Undertaker Comments: Crush will likely be crushed by Taker, barring an appearance of Vader, then likely a DQ.
  5. WEEK 1 January 1st to 6th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #1 Faarooq/PG-13 vs Flash Funk/Hardy Boys Comments: Though the high-flying of Funk & Hardys are sure to please the fans, The Nation just has much more experience together and feel as if that will be the deciding factor in this contest. Ahmed Johnson vs Crush Comments: Baring some underhanded tactics by the jail-bird, I see the powerhouse, Johnson taking this one easily, likely to dismay of Clarence Mason. The Godwinns vs The Headbangers Comments: My prediction is a double DQ, why? Why Not! Why should I care? It seems that President Monsoon doesn't care who wins either with this JOKE OF A MATCH! (deep breaths Kirby... deep breaths...) Goldust vs The Sultan Comments: A bizarre one indeed! I have the gold painted freak winning here, likely by DQ. Why? I have no reason besides Marlena is with Goldust. Closing Comments: Hope for lots of Sunny, not so much Vince. Sunday Morning Superstars #534 Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs Rocky Maivia Comments: Whether you like it or not, that Maivia kid is really on a roll, and thought The Texan won't go down without a fight, I see Rocky picking up this one. Mil Mascaras/Perro Aguayo/Octagon vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico/Fuerza Guerrera Comments: ¡Dios Mio! My AAA tapes were supposed to come into next week! Just kidding, I do recognize a lot of these names, but this match is really just a toss-up. Let's go with Mascaras, Aguayo & Octagon. Marc Mero vs The Stalker Comments: WOW! It seems like I was just watching this guys wrestle on WCW yesterday, how time flies... Anyway, lets go with the Wildman, because Sable. The Goon vs The Undertaker Comments: As much as I would love to see The Goon take this one, it's obviously going to be Taker. All I hope is that fool in pads doesn't forget his mouthpiece. Monday Night Raw #192 Mankind vs Owen Hart Comments: I see this one ending in DQ with likely the win going to Hart. Mankind has always been unstable, but I think with these constant losses he's received at the hands of The Undertaker, it's only a matter of time before Mankind snaps. Can-Am Express vs Diesel/Razor Ramon Comments: Boy, I sure do remember Diesel & Razor having a lot more... everything that last time I saw them, anyhow I see the Can-Am duo winning this one, handily may I add. Bret Hart vs Vader Comments: Even though his exultancy is competing in this match, the monster they call Vader has had great momentum recently and it's going to take more than a single Hitman to stop this goliath. Comments: Just echoing what everybody else has said, but really love the presentation and looking forward to seeing where this goes.
  6. Some Cuts I Made of The Deadlock Boys - James Darnell, Anthony Douglas, John Blud - Bonus: Some Throwbacks of The Guys
  7. Prelude I - Meet The Family - August 17, 2021 [Establishing Shot: Exterior shot of a two story house in the suburbs outside Detroit] ???: Look, I understand what you're saying, but can't you just let him do something? [Scene Transition: Interior of a modest kitchen and a larger man with a goatee washing dishes while talking on a phone] Man: No, I know... I know... but he's a good kid, he just needs a chance and... [Unintelligible voice from the other side of the phone call] Man: No. He doesn't have any training, but- [Voice on other side of the call gets louder, but is still unintelligible] Man: Why does any of that crap matter if it's all fake anyway? [A faint *Click* sound and dial tone] Man: Hello? Hell-, damnit... [Camera Cut: Different angle of the kitchen showing emphases on a tired looking women walking through a beat up screen door and into the kitchen holding a cigarette] Women: Give it up, Barry. You know he's gonna grow out of this wrestling stuff any day now. He did it with baseball, he did with singing, wrestling is next. [Barry puts down his dish cloth and plugs his phone up to a charger] Barry: I don't know about that, Syd. [Barry goes over to a window] [Camera Cut: POV shot out of the window and reveals a small wrestling ring with loose ropes and two men in the ring] [Scene Transition: Outside two young men are in a wrestling ring, The older man with short military cut hair has the younger man with long hair in a front chin lock] Short Hair: You ready to give up yet, little bro? [The older brother gives a playful noogie to his little brother] Younger Bro: AH! NO! Quit it, a**hole. [The older brother laughs] Older Bro: Sorry, Bro. What did you want me to do? Younger Bro: Just... Just run off the ropes, then duck and jump when I tell you to, okay? Older Bro: Alright, dude. [The pair make their way to the ropes of the far side of the ring where the younger man pushes of his older brother off and out of the headlock, sending his older brother off the ropes] Younger Bro: Duck! [The older brother ducks and the younger brother effortlessly leaps over him for a beautiful leapfrog] Younger Bro: Duck! [Another perfect leapfrog] Younger Bro: Jump! [The older brother jumps as the younger brother hits the deck and perform a solid drop down] Younger Bro: Jump! [Another great drop down] Younger Bro: Duck! [Another leapfrog, this one a bit sloppy as you can tell they are getting a little tired] Younger Bro: Line! [Without thinking the older brother threw his arm back and brought it crashing against the chest of his younger sibling, who on contact turns inside out, flipping in the air before crashing on his face.] Syd: ALEXANDER ROYCE RYAN! [The older brothers face went white as his head shot up to his mother standing the balcony glaring at him] Syd: You get your butt inside this instant! Alex: But, Ma! We- We were just playin'! Syd: I don't give a damn what you were doing! This wrestling stuff is going to get Brody killed! [The younger brother hearing this quickly pops up to his feet] Brody: But, Mom! He was only doing what I told him to do! Syd: I don't care! Get out of there right now or both of you are grounded! [Both brothers look dejected at each other before both climbing out of the ring a walking into the house] [Barry sheepishly walks out onto the balcony. Syd turns and notices him with a tired expression on her face] Syd: I'm getting real sick of this sh*t, Barry. Barry: I know, I know. [Barry makes his way to his wife and gives here a hug from behind while she takes a drag off her cigarette] Barry: You were always a good little enforcer. [Syd chuckles while she lays her head on Barry's shoulder] Syd: Shut the f*ck up. [Closing Shot: The couple crack a pair of smiles before making their inside to do the thankless task of parenting as the camera pulls back and the scene fades to black.] OOC: A heads up, the next couple of posts are going to be worldbuilding. If you just want to skip the predictions/first show, it will be updated in the tags when it happens.
  8. ROSTER (Before First Show) Owner Name: Barry Ryan - Age: 47 - From: Detroit, MI - Booker Name: Brody Ryan - Age: 17 - From: Detroit, MI - ACTIVE TALENT Wrestlers Name: Brody Ryan - Age: 17 - From: Detroit, MI - Managers - TBA - Referees - TBA - Broadcasters - TBA -
  9. DEAD END PRO-WRESTLING - ABOUT - Dead End Pro-Wrestling (DEPW or Dead-Pro) was founded in January 2022 by Detroit mechanic Barry Ryan as a venue for his son Brody when no company would hire him for stupid reasons like 'being so frail he might snap in half' or 'never having a day of wrestling training'. These things didn't deter Barry or his son from entering the wrestling business with little to no experience outside of liking to watch it on the TV sometimes... HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!? (OOC: Hello everybody! Welcome to my first shot at a road to glory save in TEW IX. I've had a blast so far and am excited to share this with you all. My plan isn't just to focus solely on my company and wrestler, but also share some of the fun narratives and events that spin up during the game, along with just some fun world building stuff when I feel like it. I hope you enjoy!)
  10. About ECWA, I too didn't believe it was founded in 1967 until I did some digging and apparently it was 'founded' in 1967 by a 13 year-old Jimmy Kettner as a backyard fed where him and his friends wrestled on a house rug and imitated wrestlers they had seen at the Philadelphia Arena. So technically ECWA was founded when Kettner said it was, but it defiantly wasn't a legit company at the time. Apparently he started running spot shows in the early 80's as East Coast Wrestling Semi-Pro Wrestling and rebranded some time between then and 1990 to ECWA.
  11. Jim Crockett Promotions Broadcasters and Staff - Jim Crockett Jr, Jim Crockett Sr, David Crockett, Bob Caudle, Bill Ward 60s, Bill Ward 80s, Bill Ward, 90s, Ray Reeve, Rich Landrum, Johnny Weaver, Charlie Harville, Tony Schiavone, John Ringley & Jim Ross -
  12. Hello Everyone! Welcome To My Workshop. What is this? This the place where I am posting whatever cuts I make and also clean up, upscale and cut any photo posted in the topic. Below is an example of what my upscales look like. - Gabe Sapolsky at ECW Ultra Clash 1993 - Original Photo Cleaned Up and Upscaled Cut to nGo and Sticker style Feel free to post any photos you want below and I'll get to them in my earliest convenience.
  13. I just wanted to add some notes about the AWA that I found. - I think Stanley Blackburn should have already been debuted in the mod I think as he was already established as AWA President by 1971 as stated in this article from the Wrestling Monthly. Also, according to Terry Funk's book he was the commissioner of Amarillo. I found the picture below of him from 1974, along some other promoters if you'd like to use it. - I would like it if the Calhoun Beach Club could be added as a venue as that was where AWA did there TV tapings from 63' to 72'. Based off of footage from 1970 on YouTube it seems hold at most 100 people. - Referee Marty Miller is was born on March 8, 1943 according to the Star Tribune and allegedly was married, but I can not confirm that part. A picture of him from 1988's SuperClash III in below if you'd like to use it. Lastly, I was wondering if you could give an update on the work you have been doing on Territory Daze? I appreciate all the work that goes into your mods and look forward to the next update whenever it is ready.
  14. I have this idea for a promotion where it is kind of build like a pro wrestling version of The Ultimate Fighter. There are 7 Japanese pro wrestling legends who have a team of between 4-7 younger wrestlers who compete on their behalf for a season (3 months) on a weekly tv program where records will be tracked. At the end of the season there is a tournament where the 8 wrestlers with the best records will compete the on PPV or TV event where the winner of the tournament will be crowned champion of the season and the team will get some kind of incentive/advantage going into next season. I have the seven guys I want to do the promotion with [Keiji Mutoh, Masahiro Chono, OG Tiger Mask, Kenta Koboshi, Kensuke Sasaki, Toshiaki Kawada and Nobuhiko Takada], but I don't know who would fit well each legend. I am looking for suggestions for which wrestler would be on each legends teams and anything else that you think would make the idea make more sense.
  15. Really enjoy the concept and your presentation. Looking forward to see where this goes.
  16. A few random cuts I made. Feel free to use them as you like.
  17. Mr. Sandman vs. Larry Winters - Should be an easy win over The Doghouse lacky. DC Drake vs. Tony Stetson - The clock is about to strike midnight on this Cinderella story from Stetson. Eddie Gilbert vs. Glen Osbourne - I feel like Osbourne's cheating ways are going to catch up with him this time. Gilbert should have it scouted and The King's crusade for the ECW crown should continue. Jimmy Snuka vs. Don Muraco - I think Muraco is a red herring, Snuka has this in the bag. (I'm assuming the tournament will continue in post order, if not ignore these delusional ramblings) Mr. Sandman vs. DC Drake - I love Sandman as much as the next guy, but this beach bum doesn't stand a chance against The Mad Dog. Eddie Gilbert vs. Jimmy Snuka - I think this will be a good long contest and both men will give it their all, but father time will remain undefeated. Gilbert will take the torch from Snuka and go on the finals. Eddie Gilbert vs. DC Drake - The King's coronation will have to wait as despite his best efforts, Drake (likely with the help of The Doghouse) will win and become the first ever ECW Heavyweight Champion.
  18. Now this is the ECW I love to see! Really enjoying this so far. Long Live The King!
  19. EC-DUB. EC-DUB. EC-DUB. Can't wait to see where this goes. Good Luck!
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