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Posts posted by Blessed

  1. Warehouse Warfare I

    Miami Street Fight: Sara Kai vs Simi Monroe 

    Mia Brooks vs Valentina Morales 

    Denise McGraw vs Calamity Jane

    Eclipse Echo vs Masked Mirage

    Estrella Voladora vs La Furia Cubana



    To the nearest 10 how many fans will the show draw? 

    Will Alicia Strong make an appearance?

    How many different wrestlers will actually feature on the show?



    Author Notes: 

    Thank you for the early support on this those of you that have been reading. Was unsure whether to bother running predictions given this is completely new, but I thought it'd be fun to see what people think. 

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  2. February 11th




    Sara Kai and her bestfriend Simone ‘Simi’ are standing in a warehouse in an industrial park in Florida. Simi looks around as she sees a few old metal chairs set up around where they had marked to assemble the ring that they had hired. Of course how exactly they’re going to assemble it is in the “bridges we will cross later” category. But the warehouse was far from appealing. Simi shares a look with her friend, the two after all these years have an almost psychic connection and they are surely on the same page that this place is awful.


    It’s perfect!” Sara declares as her friend stares at her like she is utterly insane.

    “Girl in what way is this place perfect?” Simi asks, her friend starts to talk before she puts her hand up. “Other than it’s close and cheap.” She says as Sara quickly withdraws, trying to come up with another reason.


    “Well uhh, it’s got- chairs?” Sara says, knowing she’s fighting a losing battle. “But, come on. It’ll be fine! We’ve got a card, we’ve got a maybe from-”


    “I swear to god. You cannot tell people that Alicia Strong is going to be here, they have a show that night and she never even opened the many DMs you sent her. Besides, I’m not really sure we can call this a card…”



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    January 30th 2020

    One of the most important steps to creating a captivating set of memoirs is to open with something catchy, a cleverly worded opener to let the reader know what an exciting story they are in for. After Simi convinced Sara to start writing about her own journey as a wrestling promoter, the young Florida native continued her routine of going against tradition.


    “God this is so stupid, nobody is ever going to read this…” 



    Not exactly a literary masterpiece, but it does capture the spirit of the young wrestler. She isn’t interested in tradition or making history, she just wants to create a wrestling product and that is all she ultimately cares about. 


    Reluctantly Sara sits there jotting down her thoughts on her ipad, it has been a pretty crazy couple of weeks for the young wrestler and so there is a lot to write about.  


    Anyway let’s get back to Sara’s story…


    "Turns out putting on a wrestling show has a fair amount of work to it and that’s the stuff we can’t avoid. Like getting wrestlers has proved… difficult. I tweeted it and Simi retweeted it but between our 78 followers, that didn’t seem quite enough to do the trick. So we’re going to go to a couple of local shows and see if any of the girls working are going to want to join us. Simi also said she’s going to ask around at her gym to see if any of the girls there want to wrestle. 


    I’ve also DM’d my favourite wrestler Alicia Strong on Instagram and she definitely gave the impression that she is a very strong maybe, so we’ll see how that goes. *


    We’re going to go and see a location tomorrow and I’ve managed to get an advance on my pay to afford to rent a ring. So it is all coming together well. Ooo I also found a referees shirt for $8 on ebay. So yeah, all set. 


    Simi was trying to convince me we might need to get insurance or have an EMT on hand or something. But I really don’t think that’s going to be necessary. You only really need those things if somebody gets hurt and we’re not planning on doing that." 



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    January 21st 2020

    Simone Monroe is Sara Kai’s best friend. The pair have been inseparable since they were little and into their twenties nothing has changed. The pair went to school together. They both work at the same restaurant together. They trained at wrestling school together and the pair face the world together. Which is why Sara went straight to her best friend once the incident took place at the show and Simone or ‘Simi’ would have to hear this story more than once.


    “and then that jerk said that AAA closed because nobody wants to see girls fight!” Sara growls, it has been two weeks since the indie show and Sara’s best friend Simi has heard about it about thirty times. But today Sara was going to take the conversation in a way that her friend would never see coming.


    “I know girl, it’s crap but that’s the business, but what can we do? Not like we can start our own company…” Simi responds until she notices a peculiar look on her friend’s face. “Sara….”


    “Why the hell not? It’s not like there is much competition around here. You’ve got QAW in the Mid South and that’s basically it. I can run some shows right here in Miami and-“ Sara is cut off by her friend.


    “Run some shows? Do you not think you’re getting ahead of yourself, what do you know about running a wrestling promotion? We’d need a product, production oh and I don’t know, a crew of actual wrestlers!” Simi retorts, trying to stop her best friend from doing something very stupid.


    “The product is simple. We take wrestlers that are underutilised and put them in great stories and matches.” Sara responds proudly, though Simi is far from satisfied.


    “Yeaaaah that’s not really a product, so much as just something people say on twitter when they think they can do a better job than the big promotions…”


    The conversation went long in to the night and to Simi’s surprise, Sara had really given this a lot of thought. Even if her answers weren’t fully convincing. Sara explained that she wanted to try running monthly shows and put them on YouTube. There were still issues around the product, with Sara refusing to expand more than “it’s going to be really good.” The pair agreed that they would use all their saved up holiday from their regular 9-5 jobs and spend the next few weeks planning out a first show.

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  5. Hi there. So this is my first attempt at a diary in a very long time. I managed to lose access to my old account when the forums switched a while back so this isn’t my first ever attempt but with a new account comes a clean slate. So let’s see what we can get into.

    The premise is a very simple one. Our story is going to follow the story of a young wrestler out of Miami, who is frustrated with the lack of opportunities and choices for women in the CornellVerse’s wrestling world. The idea behind this came to me a couple of years ago, when I was also frustrated with the lack of choices for women in the CVerse. So art imitates life I guess. 

    There will be some created characters, some actual CVerse wrestlers in what should hopefully be a fun mix. Similarly there will be a mixture of story and wrestling. I like telling stories, so sometimes there will be updates with no actual shows, especially in the early portions of our stories. 

    Disclaimer: I am not a Cverse expert, far from it. So if I try and make a reference or bring somebody in and get their backstory wrong then don’t be shocked. The idea of diary writing for me was in part to try and get myself into the Cverse after basically never touching it for the first 6 years I played this game. 

    Also want to say a massive thank you to all the render and re-render people that have added so much to the game. I have taken inspiration and content from the re-render thread, the new AI threads and several graphic makes individual threads to help me here. So much appreciation to everybody. I also want to thank WillR0ck, who without his CVerse expansion I probably never would’ve ended up getting into the Cverse. 

    I’m not a graphics guy really, but will be trying to use some AI images to add some spice. I’ve been creating some stuff I think is fun, we’ll have to wait and see how much success I actually have with that.

    Anyway with that out of the way, let’s get into the Ballad of Sara Kai as she takes a wrestling company from Tiny to ???. 

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    “You have got to be kiddin’ me, I drove four hours for this crap!” A frustrated early twenties Sara Kai growled as a room full of local indie wrestlers watched on. This scene had become far too familiar for Sara, a local indie wrestling promoter had booked her with an offer that didn’t turn out to be accurate only once she arrived. Payment in the form of exposure, an opportunity to sell her merch but only if the promoter got a cut but tonight’s promise really pushed Sara too far.


    “You told me that I was going to have a match in the semi-main event and now you’re telling me that you forgot to book me an opponent.” She adds, the fury in her eyes met by a frankly indifferent look from the promoter.


    “Listen, I said I’m sorry. Look we’ve got a couple of stars in the main event, why don’t you ask one of them if they’ll let you be their valet?” The promoter offers, an offer that doesn’t help to calm Sara down at all.


    “Oh wow, what a generous offer. I can go stand at ringside? That’s so nice of you.” Sara replies sarcastically. “and I’ve seen how your shows normally draw, so me being at ringside will double the amount of people actually watching!” With that Sara gathers her bags to leave.


    “Fine, leave then. But you need to face reality sweetheart, as the closure of AAA taught us, nobody wants to pay to see girls fight…” Sara is already out the door of the storage room generously labelled as a ‘locker room’,  but she heard those stinging words and they won’t be forgotten.

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  7. On 9/25/2023 at 6:50 PM, Ping von Erich said:

    What in yalls opinion is the most complete, most accurate, most playable real world data out there regardless of year?

    very late answer to your question, but for me it has to be the BigPapa's Yes Mod (2013) or Fleisch's excellent 1992 mod. Any game I want to play, I kind of base on those years. 


    Sure the RWC are still excellent quality but as a lapsed fan, I haven't fired one of those up in a couple of years 

  8. On 8/24/2023 at 1:31 AM, boxofwhispers said:

    So I undertook a huge project a few weeks ago to re-render the 5SSW roster, as it's an area of the C-Verse which I've hardly touched. I got really into it the past couple of days, and (finally) have something (pretty cool) to show for it.



    Whispers I need to echo this is amazing! I've been debating a diary and 5SSW is top of my list, this is the motivation I needed to go for it! 


    Keep up the fantastic work

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  9. Fleisch I just wanted to say that I've been using your mods for years, I've played so many of your RWC releases over the years but your 1992 mod might be the best the game series has ever seen. I've had long saves with the fed, wcw and ecw. Just had to say thanks for all the hard work and the hours of fun you have given us!

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