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  1. TEW does a great job of recreating some of the darker aspects of wrestling, such as untimely death and drug addiction. If you play a save long enough some questionable and harrowing stuff is bound to happen! Had this topic idea after two such incidents happened in my WCW save starting in 1992. The first of which saw Sgt.Buddy Lee Parker pass away one day after I removed him as a road agent for a series of poor performances. Guess he didn't take it too well. Second happened after Ron Simmons was snapped up by WWF whilst still holding the US title. Would have cost me too much to keep him so I let him go. His last match in WCW was at Starrcade a few weeks after he had officially signed with WWF, but before his contract with WCW ran out. In his last match he lost to Kerry Von Erich who injured him with a botched move, resulting in Simmons being out of action for months. Coincidence? Foul play? Who knows! Young Eric Bishoff (my avatar character) certainly has a lot to answer for already tho. How about you? Got any moments that could be a lot darker than once thought of you scratch the surface a little bit?
  2. Really glad you enjoyed it! In the lead up to 'Mania Austin hit Tyson with a stunner, and even took out Tysons manager Don King as well. Unfortunately my planned Austin vs. Tyson match at Mania didn't go as planned, since Tyson's contract didn't allow him to have matches (I could have cheated to make it happen and in hindsight I wish I did, however I don't like to use the editor too much) Instead they were put into a segment, and Tyson helped Austin beat Vince McMahon later on in the show. It was all a bit crappy in the end really!
  3. I'm a little over six years into a save as WWF/E, starting just after the Montreal Screwjob in 1997. With it now being 2003, the Attitude Era has been and gone. Here's my "WWE: Best Of The Attitude Era" DVD boxset! As stated above, the save starts after Survivor Series 1997 with the first show being RAW IS WAR. On this show, the first thing we see is Vince McMahon recapping last nights happenings similar to how it went IRL, with the exception of McMahon making the decision to ban Owen Hart from the arena in fear of what he might do in retaliation of the treatment of his brother Bret. However, in a bizarre turn of events over the coming weeks Owen Hart aligns himself with Shawn Michaels and Degeneration-X. The group had been at war with the red hot Stone Cold Steve Austin, which leads us to the first match; Owen Hart vs. Stone Cold from the first RAW of 1998. Steve Austin def. Owen Hart- RAW IS WAR (January week 1 1998) The Owen/Austin/DX saga continues, eventually Owen Hart wins the 1998 Royal Rumble match. Also on this show, Austin engages in a classic A rated match vs. Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels def. Steve Austin via count out to retain the WWF Championship-Royal Rumble 1998 On the road to WrestelMania boxing legend Mike Tyson makes his presence felt in the WWF; up next is a legendary segment which saw Tyson knock out Steve Austin with one punch! Mike Tyson knocks out Stone Cold!-No Way Out 1998 The first WrestleMania of the Attitude Era saw many classic encounters and moments such as The Rock winning the Intercontinental Championship in a battle royale, Ken Shamrock defeating Dan Severn in a Lions Den match and the two matches highlighted on the DVD, Undertaker vs. Kane and Owen Hart vs. Shawn Michaels. Undertaker def. Kane-WrestleMania 14 Owen Hart def. Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship-WrestleMania 14 The family feud between The Undertaker and Kane was far from over at WrestleMania, the two would engage in fierce battles all throughout the years; most notably inside Hell in a Cell in the Summer of 1998. Undertaker def. Kane. Hell in a Cell-SummerSlam 1998 The Attitude Era saw the birth of many world renowned stars. Brightest of all? Arguably The Rock. In December of 1998 he would win his first of many World championships. The Rock def. Owen Hart for the WWF Championship-Badd Blood 1998 The first PPV of 1999 would see Steve Austin win the Royal Rumble, and The Rock retain his championship in a rematch against Owen Hart. With our main event set for Wrestlemania 15, it would start to get heated on an episode of RAW two weeks after the Rumble. The Rock and Austin sign a no contact clause; Rock hits Austin before signing!-RAW IS WAR (January week 4 1999) Steve Austin def. The Rock for the WWF Championship-Wrestlemania 15 Vengeance of 1999 would see the present and the future of the WWF collide in a six man match for the WWF Championship; Afterward, a moment which would ultimately unfortunately go no where due to contract negotiations falling through, but a historic one none the less. Steve Austin def. Triple H, The Undertaker, The Rock, Chris Jericho and Bradshaw to retain the WWF Championship-Vengeance 1999 Hulk Hogan returns to the WWF for the first time since 1991 to confront and challenge Steve Austin!-Vengeance 1999 With Shawn Michaels having to retire after WrestleMania 14, Triple H and his version of Degeneration-X were able to take the WWF by storm. His time would officially come in the summer of 1999. Triple H def. Kane and Steve Austin for the WWF Championship-Fully Loaded 1999 X-Pac and Kane would form an unlikely friendship in 1999, causing rifts in the ranks of DX. Things would finally come to blows on an episode of RAW in September of that year following a match between Triple H and Kane. Triple H tries to unmask Kane! X-Pac makes the save-RAW IS WAR (September week 1 1999) Triple H def Kane in an Inferno match for the WWF Championship-Breakdown 1999 Kane goes to Chokeslam X-Pac; Hugs him instead!-RAW IS WAR (January week 1 2000) Arguably the best Royal Rumble match of all time took place in the year 2000, with arguably the most heart warming victor of all time in Mankind! It wouldn't be easy from there on for Mrs. Foleys baby boy, as constant attacks and bullying from Triple H and Degeneration-X would follow. Foley wasn't alone however, receiving help from Austin and The Rock. After many twists and turns, Mankind wouldn't get a one on one shot at the title at WrestleMania Triple H def. Mankind, The Rock and Steve Austin to retain the WWF Championship-WrestleMania 2000 Austin, Foley and The Rock attack Triple H after the match; Beer Bash follows!- WrestleMania 2000 This concludes disc 1! (realized the post was never ending lol. Might make another one soon documenting more moments and matches. Great topic!)
  4. Love these! Thanks guys. Need all the distractions I can get before I go and copy everything that happened in real life 💀
  5. Playing TEW 2016 but posting here because its more active 😏 A few months into a 1998 game as WWF. Just had Wrestlemania 14 with notable events being Owen Hart beating Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship, avenging Bret and retiring Michaels in the process and Steve Austin defeating Mike Tyson. Would love some rules to shake up the next WWF calendar year. Thanks!
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