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Mecha Kaji

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Posts posted by Mecha Kaji

  1. To follow up on my dislike of SNP, that company quickly went down the ****er in my game and were in financial trouble for months. I attempted to buy them out multiple times (plan was to shed the dead weight and turn it into UK developmental) but they never budged. Now they are dead. I can still start a fresh brand and hoover up their best talent but man, Carnie really is that big of a Carnie to not sell this whole time.

  2. Wow, how funny, I actually have two RR characters in my current database already haha! I guess more couldn't hurt. 😉 The original games are something of a guilty pleasure for me as despite what many most seem to remember them for, they are actually legitimately fun arcade wrestling games with some unique ideas I would love to see in others titles, primarily the face/heel dynamic and ridiculous story.

    On 3/3/2023 at 7:26 PM, beatingstuff88 said:

    I have also included belts and 2 company logo's. If people are excited i can also upload the DB i made of them later.

    Fantastic, I would be interested in a database! Although currently I cannot find the belts however in the download.

  3. My game has 8 players, between 3 human players, so I'll just post the companies I run for now:

    TCW (with brand split)

    Heavyweight - Wolf Hawkins

    Wrestling Classic - Brandon Smith

    Hardcore - Bull Wrecker

    International - Taro Shionoya

    Television - Ed Stone

    Tag Team - Hardcore Justice (Jim Storm (OC) & Dave Diamond)

    Women's - Alicia Strong

    Light Heavyweight - Ant Man



    British Heavyweight - Mike Turnbull (OC)

    Heritage - Bulldog Jack

    Tag Team - Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

    LSS Women's Strong - Steph Blake

    LSS Tag Team - Lethal Strike (Alicia Dunne (OC) & Ava Cloutier (OC))



    Queen Of The Deathmatch - MAGNA (OC)

    Blood Sisters - Mirai Kajahara & Fujiko Mushashibo

    Queen's Heart - Kaori Mochizuki

    DAVE Seductress - MAGNA (OC)

    • Like 1
  4. Great updates as always.

    Additional thoughts and tweaks I've made in my game. I lowered the popularity of S&M since they seemed even more popular than their original Love Hotel trio, so everyone is now on a similar level, although I would put Fujiko Mushashibo as most popular through sheer infamy, going by the lore so far.

    That said, me and the goodlady have integrated most of the new workers already! The Suplex Sisters and others are currently in 5SSW's development NTJF, Yamada is apparently being held off for now for a future "dream match" (she did not say with who).

    I put Boone and Stabby into my version of PWC, which is North America's women's hardcore promotion.

    What gets my booking mind going however is "Violence Jill", who in the bio is called the "Godmother Of Joshi Deathmatch". Since TEW 2013 I had an original creation, a hardcore Japanese joshi called MAGNA, who has been chmapion in different promotions, including the only "DAVE Woman's Champion" and even wrestled men and while now in her 40s, is still VERY popular and current WQ Queen Of The Deathmatch champion... Well... in my game a match with Jill would be a deathmatch dream!

  5. On 3/3/2023 at 5:22 PM, willr0ck said:

    Damnit, not sure why it took so long to think of it but I now feel the need to add the Five Woman Love Hotel DM to the match types

    I'm actually curious how others envision this match stipulation. I previously booked it as a 5-way deathmatch in a cell, with nearly every implement available (sadly... or thankfully, no platypus).

  6. On 2/9/2023 at 1:42 AM, willr0ck said:

    Thank you for the kind words! I am glad my mod is helping your relationship. My wife will rarely watch wrestling much less play a wrestling video game. My daughter on the other hand will watch any show that has Bryan Danielson on the card. That's been her favorite wrestler, basically since she was born. I've mentioned it on the boards before but she does the YES chant whenever she scores a goal.

    How delightful! Thank you.


    On 2/9/2023 at 1:51 AM, willr0ck said:

    Your new second favorite tag team; (B/C Hearts Of Glory should be your first) - Former olympic wrestlers turned pro; The Suplex Sisters.

    I just asked the good lady and she says HEARTS Of GLORY are about to be called up to 5SSW. We shall see how that goes. My current favourite team is an original creation in the UK and Europe, Lethal Strike - one English amateur MMA and one former French judo medallist, who are also a couple. This new team is tailor made for a feud with them at some point!

    On 2/9/2023 at 1:51 AM, willr0ck said:

    And a couple of Gaijin legacies for the hell of it - Madman Boone's Daughter and Magwitch's Niece. (WQ2020 can always use a few new hands)

    Niiiiice!!! They're actually perfect for some crossover between WQ2020 and my version of PWC, which is an all women's hardcore promotion (a lot of OCs in there).

  7. On 1/13/2023 at 2:07 PM, Properly Promoted said:

    How long in game time have you played this save? I lost Etsuko Ariyoshi to a career-ending injury a while back.

    This incarnation is currently only on the 2021 as my original save got lost with my old laptop, which died. It's a packed multiplayer game, with all 8 player slots taken up, so progress moves very slowly as a result.

    My partner mostly books 5SSW, although I do chip in with her sometimes.

    • Like 1
  8. I want to take a moment to thank willr0ck for all his work and creativity with his mods, both here and the logo and belts thread. Not only are the interestingly designed but clever and diverse. 😃

    The women's one in particular seemed to have sparked my partner's imagination, previously only really booking 5SSW in our multiplayer games, however has since expanded to WQ2020, 4L and LSS, all in this mod, in addition to workers in and around the mod, of which we have created more workers ourselves.

    She is Japanese herself, so naturally she went with the joshi IE what she knows and grew up with in real life (her knowledge of All Japan Women's is insane), but your mod alone got her more into TEW2020 in a way I wouldn't have expected, so in some stretch... willr0ck improved my relationship with her. 😆👍

    With the possible inclusion of more joshi, she will likely DEMAND I add it to our current game. I haven't told her about it yet. 😂

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

    That's fine with me. There are lots of guys in Japan with masks and face paint and what have you in the C-Verse,  but on the joshi side of things, there's only Lady Lotus.

    I'd also hope for some gaijin talent, women from elsewhere who have decided to work primarily in Japan. There's really no female equivalent to Raymond Diaz or Reaver or any of the other guys working in Japan.

    Absolutely, I've actually had to create or give new gimmicks to others to have more of that style. Same goes for foreign talent.

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