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Posts posted by marino214

  1. The reactive events and storylines don't really work hand in hand when you have multiple different costumes for one character. What I mean is, if you have 5 different costumes for 1 character, that can change when certain conditions are met, you'll need to create a lot of reactive events to make those changes. For example the following scenario:

    The game world has 5 locations, locations A through E, and 1 character. The character has 5 costumes, costumes A(default) through E. When the character is in location A he will use costume A. When he is in location B, he will use costume B, etc.

    Right now, to set this up, you'll need to create the 5 characters and create a reactive event to trigger those changes. If the character goes from location A to B, you'll need to switch the identity from costume A to costume B. Same goes for A to C, C to E, D to B, etc.

    The problem is, you'll need to create 20 different reactive events for it to work properly (unless I'm really missing something). Imagine having 10 costumes for 10 character, you'll need to create 900 reactive events, 90 for each character, for it to work properly. Seems like a lot of work.

    My suggestion to help with this is to create a new special "Current Status" under characters called "Costume/Attire/Picture(or whatever)". To simulate this, create a new reactive event effect similar to the identity switch reactive event called "Character: Switch Costume" that would, when used, overwrite the picture assigned to the active character without actually changing the identity. That way, you can simulate situational costumes without changing the identity. Like when a character has the same costume, but only a recolor, so no additional perks. Or have a damaged outfit during recovery, like how Spider-man's "identity" won't be different when he is recovering. Or if someone is jailed, have him change into a prison outfit, without the need to change his identity. It could add more visual potential to the game. Also, it cuts back on the amount of reactive events needed. Like in my example, 16 reactive events turn into 5(4 changes and 1 change back to original) and 900 reactive events turn into 100(10 for each).


  2. I have some suggestions for the reactive events & storylines section of the editor:


    -Character must have minimum X Rating: Since rating is a stat that can dynamically change over time, compared to say Gender or Age that can't change (without an Identity Switch), I think it would be a good addition, as artifacts can boost the rating enormously.

    -Character cannot be above X Rating: Might be good for lower-class characters.

    -Character must have minimum X Popularity: Same as above.

    -Character cannot be above X Popularity: Same as above.

    -Character must have X relationship with X: If relationships between characters are in any way essential to database makers, especially those that want to use a lot of storylines, I think this could be an important asset to this part the editor and game.



    -Character rating increases/decreases with X (or set rating to X).

    -Character popularity increases/decreases with (or set popularity to X).

    -Character relationship with X becomes X.

    -Character location settings: Might be a good option to be able to change base location. If you have a character you want to move through storyline and keep him there, changing base location could be a good way to do that without the need of the in-game editor. Maybe also an option to change any of the travel settings, like Permanent travel type becoming Occasional Wanderer under certain conditions. Or the Inter-Area/Timeframe/Dimension settings from Yes to No.

    -Character starts to follow/stops following X.

    -Faction Membership: Character becomes Major/Minor Past Member.: Right now, characters can become members of a faction through reactive events or storylines, but cannot leave. I don't know if it's by design that these two are missing, but I think they should be an option.


    Lastly, and this is a longshot, but could it be possible to add an "OR" option to the requirements? For example, be able to change:

    Character A must be a hero AND be in a certain location.


    Character A must be a hero OR be in a certain location.

    Within the same reactive event/storyline?



  3. Hi,

    I can honestly say, I'm enjoying this game very much. From the gameplay to the editor, I'm having alot of fun with it.

    Interface: Looks a lot like the TEW2020 and WMMA5 interface, which is a good thing. Simple and uncluttered. Perfect. I very much enjoy the Past Issues part of it and I look forward to the next patch where Meanwhile content will be added to it.

    Combat System: It was getting used to for sure, but once I got the hang of it, it works great. A few bugs and errors here and there, but looking at the upcoming patch, all of the bugs and errors I've seen will be fixed. The Puzzle part of it was also something to get used to, but again works great and is more fun then I initially thought it would be (I'm more of a combat only type of guy lol).

    Editor: Again, looks a lot like TEW2020. In my opinion, TEW2020 has the greatest pre-game editor of any text-based game I've played, so to see a version of it (of course, making the context relevant to this game) is absolutely something that makes me happy. I love the Reactive Events and Storyline part of it and I think it has a lot of potential for database makers to really show their creativity. I do have a few suggestions, especially for Reactive Events/Storylines, which I'll post in the suggestions thread later this week.

    Kudos to Adam and GDS for this game. Definitely a day 1 buy for me next Saturday!


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