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  1. You could always go the Initials route, maybe GBT and have their signature phrase be God Bless Texas.
  2. Appreciate the help. I actually went with "Neptune's Temple" and I'm imagining fake roman columns decor and such. TY!
  3. Getting a blank, I need a name for a talk show hosted by Jen Neptune (Model, Twins gimmick but her twin partner retired 2 months ago). So something model related, Neptune or Roman Mythology based?
  4. The Queen's Court, playing off the Queen of Extreme moniker. You have a Sultan, which kind of fits, the other members can have gimmicks that fit that as well, like Prince, Duke, etc Extreme Enterprises - More of a business kind of stable.
  5. Here's a freebie if anyone is putting together a female luchardora heel tag team: Las Toxicas
  6. LOL, agreed, have these older guys try to act and talk young. FRFR, no cap
  7. Is there any way of knowing when there will be Independent shows running in your home area? I'm playing as QAW and running 2 shows a month, a big show and a spot show. Indy shows have really helped some of my talent make big overness games, but last month an indy show took place on the same day as my spot show, and my crew missed out on potential pop gains. Any way to make sure that doesn't happen?
  8. All right, who wants to help me find a spot for Brian Brianna in QAW? Rookie with a lot of promise, I can totally see how I'd book her in a Male/Female promotion, but I'm playing as QAW, an all-female promotion. How would you bring her in? As a misogynist heel who tells the women to make them a sandwich, then gets beat for laughs? A goofy face who is trying to date one of the other wrestlers? Drop the gimmick altogether?
  9. 1 year completed in my QAW 2018 Alt Cornellverse by Lavelleuk, feeling pretty good about it. Jan 2018 started with Alina America making the surprise announcement that she was reforming Ronin 3 with Juana Huracan and Toni Parissi attacking Reba Montana before her scheduled match with Reba Montana, leaving her laying under their new flag (Suzuki-Gun style). Gorgon started as champion before losing it to Foxxy LaRue in April. Gorgon won Battle Bowl to earn a rematch but only won her next shot by DQ so didn't win the actual title. America wins the annual Queen of the Ring Tournament in July, then unseats Foxxy in August thanks to interference from Ronin 3. Most recently, America defended the title at the December show 'Three Way Dance' against Foxxy and Emma May, who recently started targeting Foxxy, feeling she's not gotten respect as a killer in QAW. Gorgon retired in October and was Big Mad that she had to job to Foxxy on her way out, but it worked out. Shockwave Champion Deborah Young has been champion all year long, defending against an array of challengers, and sharing a manager with Gorgon, Boss Man Brayfield, who now only has 1 client again. Recently Ashley Grover has emerged as a strong challenger who will likely end Young's dominant reign sooner than later. Young will likely then move up to the Gorgon spot and be a force in the QAW title picture. The Tag Team titles went from the weak starting team of Velvet Suarez and Emiko Miyoshi to Tex Mex, who then lost it to Ronin 3 (Huracan and Parissi) so that the 3 members of Ronin 3 all carried gold for a while. Tex Mex just won the titles back at the December show. Hellcat Hernandez turned on her partner Pamela Rojo in September in the middle of their shot at the Tag Titles. Tensions had been running high since the QotR tournament where Rojo beat Hellcat in the first round, causing simmering resentment. The last 2 monthes there has been another company running Big Women's indy shows in my area, using some of my talent and getting them some serious pop gains. I have a very bloated roster full of young, promising lower card talent that I give ring time to, hoping to see someone break out, so my undercards are full of trios and 4v4 matches to get everyone some ring time. Making about 5k a month as a Tiny promotion, probably about 2 years away from jumping up in size.
  10. I'mma throw some phrases out there, let me know if any of them sound aesthetically like what you're looking for: Nuestro Señor - Our Lord Cuerpo de Cristo - Body of Christ Santa Virgen - Blessed Virgin Espiritu Santo - Holy Spirit Luz del Mundo - Light of the World You could maybe combine them with certain other words, like Ejercito (Army), Orden (Order), Grupo (Group), Hombres (Men), etc. to make a good stable name.
  11. LOL, sorry about that, I've been playing the 2018 Alt Mod for so long I forgot to specify. In that one AAA becomes decently big with TV.
  12. (Stupid Board locked me out of my account.) Question for my fellow QAW fans: How do you deal with AAA? Do you not use their wrestlers as a matter of keeping them separate? Do you use them but don't job them out since IRL the bigger company would be upset about their stars losing on a smaller promotion's show? Or do you just game the system and job the hell out of the AAA stars to get your own wrestlers over?
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