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  1. Hey, Any update on a potential new version?? Looking forward to it!
  2. Having trouble downloading the data, can't seem to make a key or something
  3. Awesome. Is Marvel and DC Split? As that would be a great battle for the top
  4. Do you have a list of new workers or any potential updates to companies and stuff?
  5. wOULD it change based on the companies they work? If so that is cool. But if I start MFC, and I have loads of these it wouldn't look right.
  6. Awesome man, really looking forward to it. really glad someone revived this
  7. Nice man. Any ideas who going in? Or any changes made? Also I know it might be a big ask, but any chance of splitting Marvel/DC into 2 companies?
  8. Thats Awesome. Any idea for new people for next Update? Streets of Rage? Power Rangers? Would love like Shenmue and stuff and Maybe a Sega corporation
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