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  1. I feel like Ruthless Aggression should also be able to hire Adult Entertainers without penalty like Attitude Entertainment, a lot of the women's roster for WWE did pose for adult pics during the Ruthless Aggression era I think at a higher rate then they did during the Attitude Era, also WWE during the had a few angles inspired directly by Adult Entertainment. The Edge and Lita segment is one example.
  2. Ok I thought you guys were exaggerating how good Tommy Cornell Jr. was nope dude is absolutely beyond broken and is already pulling off 80 rated matches when he just debuted.
  3. Running NXT currently and WWE isn't bringing up anyone I sign to a contract, they are only bringing up people they have sent down to me. I used the ask to call up, but I'm wondering why they haven't brung up anyone I signed manually. Is this intended in the game?
  4. I was wondering why Sophie wasn't in this save I downloaded that mod after.
  5. I kind of feel bad about doing it but Tommy Cornell Jr. just debuted in the game and I signed him to an Exclusive Deal with TCW. He's just so broken I had too. 😭
  6. Yeah, that's why I think it should neutral to Sponsors. Favorable to Sponsors is something that would widely appeal to casual fans, I don't feel that any product that utilizes Deathmatches in real life is popular with casuals.
  7. Going off of its description, I think All-In Nirvana should be neutral to sponsors instead of attractive because of how deathmatches are perceived/ not penalized and the fact that they will be more common then Wrestling Nerd Nirvana does. Also it fits more with the current system every other product that's attractive to sponsors has Deathmatches at least penalized.
  8. Ok all of this does make sense I just thought though that acting affects whether someone can cut unscripted promos successfully.
  9. Is there a reason everyone is dumping acting is it the least important entertainment skills in the game?
  10. Ok with the new rules allowing Rolls for Booking Achievements now, I have decided to only keep two of my achievements for Booking Skill and Booking Reputation and the rest for Rolls. With the Rolls I got 33, 34, 41, 58. I was hoping for a boost to in ring skills but I can't be to mad to have a 92 Star Quality now and also get the Tag Team Specialist and Big Match specialist so it seems my future 100 rated match will likely be a tag team match.
  11. Finally back in my TCW RTG save and pulled off an 82 rating and an 81 rating for my ppv. Personally, my guy is far and away from getting close to good enough for higher rated matches, but at least I seem to be improving as a booker and can get good ratings.
  12. When choosing angle types you want to do a mix of at least 3. So serious, generic, hype, tease, etc. just choose three and you get the bonus.
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