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Posts posted by Imarevenant

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anyone watching Brooklyn Nine Nine?<p> </p><p> It's far funnier than I expected.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm a huge Samberg fan, so I'm watching. I think it has a ton of potential. Definitely like Andre Braugher and Samberg together. And the rest of the cast is pretty good, Terry Crewes is always solid.</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bigtplaystew" data-cite="bigtplaystew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25823" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Pacific Rim was friggin awesome! <p> </p><p> Tons of action and corny cheeseball "rah! rah!" guy movie crap but in a good way. If you can behind the cheese that are films like Independence Day and Transformers and stuff like that you'll dig this one. Great special effects, fun story, bad ass fight scenes. Can't ask for much more than that.</p><p> </p><p> I think if you like anime or are a bit of a japan-o-phile you'll get an extra kick out of this one. It really is a live action anime done in an American style. It was a blast and an absolute treat to see in the theater.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I thought of it more as Del Toro's ode to the Toho Kaiju films. Of course as someone who loves those films, I'd see it that way. </p><p> </p><p> Anyway, it was good; just had to look way past the cheesy 80's action flick dialogue.</p>
  3. Anyone going to watch defiance tonight on sci fi.


    I am not to familiar with show i believe it is based off a game or som not to sure but previews look good.


    Actually they are launching the game and show at the same time. More companions than one being based off the other. Unfortunately Sci Fi doesn't really put their stuff up on Hulu Plus so I probably won't be seeing it.


    Another show I won't be seeing anymore is Hannibal (I dug the first 2 episodes) as NBC has decided to make the show Web Only and won't allow Hulu Plus members to see it on PS3, XBox or mobile devices. Sucks but I don't like watching tv on my monitor and prefer to stream through my PS3 to my tv.

  4. <p>I liked Sinister as well. Innkeepers was pretty cool, Grave Encounters 2 was not good and I dug the first one. </p><p> </p><p>

    VHS was ok too.</p><p> </p><p>

    Lol I pretty much watch any horror movies I come across. Wide release, low budget, DTV, doesn't matter I give everything a look. Hell I watched Land Sharks for christ sake.</p>

  5. Dollhouse is one of my all time favorite shows. The cast is stellar even if Eliza isnt your thing. Give it to "Man On The Street" thats when the show really takes off. The first 5 episodes are all kind of one-offs but after that the writing is so much better and the show starts to tell its story.


    There's only like 24 episodes anyway so its not a huge investment.

  6. There is no way Lucas wrote film treatments for stories based on Timothy Zahns books so no way we'll see any eu stories in the next three episodes.


    I am excited that the news most likely means that the live action tv show will actually get made now at least. It took Disney just 3 years to get moving on their Marvel tv show and although i wanted it to be runaways, the SHIELD show sounds like fun.

  7. I am too lazy to look up the name.:p It doesn't really matter because I will just pick it up on OnDemand either tomorrow or Wednesday. What really intrigues about the show is that Olivia Munn from ATOTS fame is on it and I wanted to see if she could act or not.


    She can't, she was on Perfect Couples and was easily the worst actor in the cast.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tha Black Phenom" data-cite="Tha Black Phenom" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am passionate indeed(that or it's just my flavor of the month lol), it's just a mindset that's generally rubbed me lately. And maybe also because some of my real life friends reflect those sentiments.. in part. But hell, I'd say I myself even have similar opinions to theirs. I'll co-sign a lot of underground artists & I don't like Lil Wayne either but I won't blow a gasket if someone I like gets him on a song, or if he's making business moves like signing.. whoever to his label. There's just being passionate and there's being what I call an Internet drama queen, is all I'm getting to.<p> </p><p> Like I said, it must be a grating factor in lots of subjects in general, probably every music genre has that share of issues since there's always that one crowd that cares too damn much. I don't wanna get too much into it here, but in this case I think the hip-hop world is actually suffering from it. With mixtapes dropping all over the Internet these days, and Twitter being a hell of a factor(and then some...) artists and DJs take some degree of online input into consideration slightly more than the norm, subsequently you got some of them stating how finicky fans are... for some reason that makes me chuckle.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I hear you TPB. I'm so tired of every rapper being called a sell out because they don't cater to every single opinion of what they are supposed to be doing put out there by their "fans." </p><p> </p><p> "Oh NOES! Big Boi did a song with Gucci!!!! What a sellout."</p><p> </p><p> "How dare Kno get mad that the fans are tipping record labels off to the samples he's putting into his free mixtapes! If he really loved hip hop he wouldn't care about getting sued. Sellout!!"</p><p> </p><p> It's pretty ridiculous how much the internet hip hop community bitches about just about everything. The ones that annoy me the most though are the people who only listen to "real hip hop." Which of course means only conscious hip hop and anything from 93 and 94; because of course we don't want the music to progress past what was popular 20 damn years ago now do we. I can't bring myself to discuss Hip Hop much on the internet anymore because of this; beside the dead Hip Hop thread here in the dogpound and the hip hop thread on RYM.</p>
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26529" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm not sure if you're kidding or not, <strong>but that is a very ridiculous way of putting it. </strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Allow me introduce you to Prophet <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  10. At one time they were planning on making a movie out of it. I am not sure if that is still the case or not. I agree with you it was one of the best shows I have ever watched, I wished it would have had a larger audience when it was on.


    I just read that Netflix worked out a deal to get new episodes exclusively streaming through Netflix in early 2013.


    Netflix has a deal to show 6 (or 8; can't remember which) new episodes that will update what the Bluths are up to now and then the long awaited AD movie will follow that.

  11. That's the Cena you wanna see? Jostling down the ring with a cheerful smile for the umpteenth time? I'm with DJ on this one, I don't just wanna see the tension when they're face to face, I wants it to be fierce you can cut it with a knife. But again Cena does that thing where he acts like the insults don't phase him and he can laugh it off... we've seen it all before, should be crunch time by now. The rest was good, it's just, ergh. It doesn't hurt to react, John.



    This is why I am not a Cena fan tbh. The big ol cheesy grin when he comes out to the ring, the bantering with the camera man, the little smiles and basically no selling anything anyone says to him in a promo, all that stuff just grates on me. I mean surely it wouldn't help at all if he acted like his opponent was a threat every now and then.


    I will be fair and say he did tone that stuff down with the Kane storyline and that Cena was much much more tolerable for me. It's a shame it's back to the usual mugging for the cameras now that things have moved into the Wrestlemania match though.

  12. So I am on the fence about seeing Episode One in 3D. First off that was the worst Star Wars film by far and away. Also, I have given George Lucas enough of my money over the years he doesn't need my $15 to see his crappy movie in 3D.


    With all that being said I probably will see the other five in 3D, heck I have already watched Jedi like 40 times since it first came out. I think the only movie that I have watched more than Jedi was the Godfather Part I.


    First, Attack of the Clones is far worse than Phantom Menace.


    Second, I know myself, and I know I'll end up going to see everyone of these movies in 3d. I can't help myself lol. Besides with as much money as I've already poured into this franchise, what's another $15.

  13. I think it was likely a mistake, but I wouldn't be beyond shocked if it wasn't. Still doesn't change the fact that Harbaugh should have called a timeout to give Cundiff a chance to lineup. I told my GF as it was happening that the kicker was sprinting on to the field, that can't be good for him setting up for the kick.




    The sideline is always pretty hectic, but if it was as frantic as Baltimore has been claiming it was, then they should have called timeout and regained their composure some.


    Also, Cundiff needs to just own his screw up and stop blaming scoreboards. Take a note from the Niners Kyle Williams and make no excuses.

  14. Any instrumental hip hop fans in here? I really want to expand my instrumental hip hop collection (that is.. very small). Of course I know of the big names like DJ Shadow, J Dilla, Pete Rock and such, but if any of you have any other artists they would like to share that would be awesome.


    If someone wants to explore the world of inshiphop then definitely check out Maw- (spreads his music free through the internet) and Bonobo as well as the previously mentioned artists of course.


    Obviously Madlib, I can't imagine a fan of instrumental hip hop not knowing him but he wasn't listed so thought I'd mention him just in case.


    Here are a few others I like, with my favorite album from them in parenthesis.


    Blue Sky, Black Death (Late Night Cinema)

    RJD2 (Deadringer)

    Oh No (Oh No vs Now Again)

    Blockhead (Music by Cavelight)

    Cradle (Attitude)

    Nujabes (Modal Soul)

    Wax Tailor (Tales of the Forgotten Melodies)

    Joe Beats (Diverse Recourse)

    Fat Jon (Humanoid Erotica)

    Exile (Radio)


    Prince Paul, Large Professor and RZA have instrumental albums out there that are great as well. And El-P does quite a bit; Little Johnny from the Hospitul and Cannibal Oxtrumentals are fantastic.


    If you want to check out something different, look up El Michels Affair's Enter the 37th Chamber. A funk band covering some of the Wu's best tracks doesn't sound like it'd be too great but really it is incredible.


    Anyway, that's just what I can think up as far as instrumentals go, if you wan to expand into turntabilists as well, then I have quite a few more recommendations.

  15. I think three seasons of elite production is a little early to call someone a hall of famer. He's also been clutch in the past, leading San Diego to comeback victories repeatedly in the season where they went 4-8 and still made the playoffs, and helped them come back in the 4th quarter against the Colts in the post-season.


    That said, the Chargers aren't that great because the team's not that great. Rivers is struggling, but who are his receivers? I mean there's Antonio Gates, and then there's, uh... Vince Jackson? Their defense also lost some key guys like Antonio Cromartie, and Norv Torner is a better coordinator than he is a head coach. That said, people still pick the Chargers to win the division every year because up until this year, virtually every other team in the division was abysmal.


    The bolded is their biggest problem imo. He's not a good head coach and was regarded as not a good head coach before the Chargers ever hired him. I share Rex's opinion, a good coach would have won a ring with that team already.

  16. Anyone have thoughts on Alex Smith?????


    He sucks ass and has for quite some time now. No fans in the bay wanted him back, but with the lockout it seemed to be a marriage of convenience.


    Hell Harbaugh doesn't trust him one bit and it showed last week. They got a 15 yard penalty on a FG kick early in the 4th that would have given them a first down at about the 25 yard line, but rather than put it in Smith's hands and see if they could get a TD, Harbaugh declined the penalty and just took the 3 points.


    The rookie kicker missing a 20 yarder earlier probably contributed to Harbaughs mistrust but still it showed a complete lack of trust that the offense lead by Smith wouldn't turn the ball over. Pretty much shows what his peers think of him tbh.

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