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Posts posted by Imarevenant

  1. You're a short man!!!!!


    You are about a half inch shorter then me. HAHA!!!



    No I'm not really surprised anymore. :p


    Would kill to be 5'10. I'm only 5'5 :eek:


    You are just an abnormally large, ungainly, almost giraffe-like woman.


    I agree completely with this

  2. I admit they have skill and talent. BUT seriously 30 Million dollars a year?


    My biggest problem with this is they do what they do because they love it and they are good at it. What about the millions of workers who are doing manual labor and getting paid crap for it?



    All the people struggling to survive and these people make MILLIONS of dollars a year ?


    Granted they go through a lot physically, but I don't think they are worth 30 MILLION dollars a year.


    I am not just saying this about baseball players either.


    Actors, sports players, and all that kind of stuff.


    Thousands of people don't pay money to come watch me write reports on any given night. Thousands of people aren't willing to pay $8 a beer or $5 for a hotdog while watching me write that report.


    Nobody pays at least $100 for my replica work shirt either.


    The amount of revenue these players bring in for their teams, especially a guy like Albert, is well over 30 mil a year.

  3. There's no 'up to'. The picks aren't conditional. It's flat out, #43 this year, and their 2nd rounder next year.


    It's a good deal for both sides. For some reason, people seem reluctant to part with 1st rounders, probably due to the absence of a cap.


    This is also a very good and deep draft, so while 1st rounders would be ideal, there is good value in 2nd round players as well; which may be why teams are more open to taking non 1st round picks.



    Still, seeing Marshall and Boldin traded for 2nd and 3rd rounders makes me appreciate the deal Mayhew got out of Jerry Jones for Roy Williams that much more.

  4. GOAT: I’ll have to put my vote in for Lawrence Taylor. He changed the game both defensively and offensively. The way he was able to blitz and put pressure on the QB was something that wasn’t done from the LB position until he came around. He was the one that started chopping the ball out of the QB’s hand instead of just tackling them as well. Because of him offenses had no choice but to change the way they did things, from the H-back to actually tasking Guards and Tackles to picking up a Linebacker. Hell, he changed what teams wanted in the prototypical Left Tackle too. The well over 300 pound monstrosities like Bubba Paris were no longer good enough, a leaner more agile tackle, capable of actually getting in front of LB’s with the speed of Taylor became the benchmark.


    My top 5 at the position of my choice:


    Offensive Tackle –


    1. Anthony Munoz- he’s that lean, agile left tackle I was talking about. He was quick, agile, and strong enough to shut down the best DE’s in the league. There was just an aura around him as a pass blocker, his dominance was just unreal.

    2. Jackie Slater- if you were running behind Jackie Slater chances are you were getting 1,000 yards that season. Just a fearsome run blocker.

    3. Walter Jones- a dominant pass and run blocker. Went on a 2-year stretch where he didn’t give up a single sack. Seattle is going to have a real hard time replacing Jones.

    4. Art Shell- it’s hard to imagine that the clueless drone that once roamed the Raiders sideline as their head coach was once the best Left Tackle in the game of football. But seriously Shell and guard Gene Upshaw completely locked down the left side of the line for very very good Raiders teams in the 70’s. Hell, he was the leader of the 76 Raiders line, that might have been the greatest O Line ever assembled.

    5. Johnathan Odgen- another dominating pass blocker. I just don’t think he had as quite an intimidating presence as Munoz; but he was able to shut down opposing DE’s just the same.

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GatorBait19" data-cite="GatorBait19" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>That wasn't my arugment to start, you took it into just that.</strong> we were talking about someone going into the hall and you keep rolling with Manning, I even how long it took Jim Rice to get in<p> </p><p> So here then, I will change my stance. let the writers vote for awards, but not for the Hall of Fame</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It actually was your argument, here:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GatorBait19" data-cite="GatorBait19" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>personally I don't think writers should vote for crap.<p> </p><p> Who truly believes Peyton Manning was MVP this year???????? sure he had great numbers but Brees had better, but to me Brees wasnt either, i believe Favre was, with out Favre the vikes didnt make it nearly as far.</p><p> </p><p> Writers should just not vote, period, awards, Hof anything</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You state that writers shouldn't vote for anything, give the specific example that Manning shouldn't have won MVP as a reason why writers shouldn't vote for anything, and then reiterate your opinion. </p><p> </p><p> Pretty clear you were using Manning winning MVP as a basis, for why writers shouldn't vote on awards.</p><p> </p><p> Sorry, not trying to jump on you, just trying to show you why Peter did.</p><p> </p><p> Personally I think you severely underestimate what Manning means to that team, and may not have the background about just how complex the Colts offense is. </p><p> </p><p> It's not a basic offense where receivers just run routes and Peyton throws them the ball. Receivers in this offense are required to read what is happening during the play and adjust their route accordingly. Hell I believe they only have a handful of real passing plays, they are just able to give different looks because of the receivers adjustments. This is also why, Austin Collie coming in and being so successful as a rookie is a big deal, this is a difficult offense for WR's to pick up.</p><p> </p><p> Anyway, in this offense Manning, has to read the defense before the snap and make adjustments <span style="text-decoration:underline;">and</span> know his receivers well enough that he'll know the type of adjustment they are making in any given situation. This offense isn't a situation where if Peyton goes down, Cassel can come in and win 11 games; if Peyton goes down that team is screwed.</p>
  6. Just want to give a heads up to anybody who is thinking about seeing The Wolfman, don't. The movie stunk! There was no real storyline behind it and even the action sort of sucked. I went in thinking I was going to see a better updated version of the Lon Chaney Jr. classic but instead I saw another crappy horror movie.


    And what sucks is the cast was really good but that still did not stop it from being a stinker.


    Not surprised it was a mess given all the production troubles it's gone through. I swear it's as if Terry Gilliam himself were directing the damn thing.


    And still I'm left waiting for a quality update to the werewolf. Ginger Snaps and Dog Soldiers were fun but still every werewolf story since the original American Werewolf in Paris has fallen short.

  7. Hm, is it possible to build from Survivor Series a Wrestlemania matchup based around the falling out between HHH and HBK? I wonder....


    Also, Ted Dibiase is due to be turned soon, considering The Marine 2 comes out before the end of the year ('a few days after Christmas, ****in' morons' is what I've heard from retail friends).


    Maybe they are banking on the post-christmas rush and hoping that kids use up their gift cards on it.


    There are quite a few releases going that route btw. Jennifer's Body, Moon, and 9. In fact usually, the week after christmas has some unconventional dvd, and cd releases to try and capitalize on this. I'm not sure that is the case this year though.




    I know last season the post-christmas rush really helped out the holliday retail figures and the purchase of gift cards saw a significant increase. Could be they were hoping the trend would continue.

  8. I can't get the search feature to produce any kind of result. I went to the advanced window, checked sort by number of views.. nothing, did the same with a search for the phrase "mafia".. nothing.


    I am sure its something I am not doing corectly but damn if I can figure out what it is.


    Got to go down to the bottom of the page and set he forum to show all posts from the last year. Then click on replies and they'll be at the top of the list.

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