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Posts posted by Ambitionz416

  1. 1 hour ago, chm39 said:

    I'm not sure what their Stats are but I assume they have Decent if not great Entertainment Skills. IDK If your Product requires Storylines But I like stories so, Put them Storylines or feuds with people you want to get over. Use any excuse to get them in a promo for ratings and to get others involved seen. 

    Also, I'm not sure about this but don't let them lose to someone too low on the pecking order unless Red Hot Momentum. It might just be me but I feel like it decreases the chance of the more popular guy losing lots of Pop but the lower guy not getting much.

    Yea Punk is a promo machine. I know I can use him for that. I was just curious if there was some way to trade a worker to a company that im not buddy buddy with. I dont think that exists though. So i'll just have to keep them around to help me grow abit then let em leave

  2. Hey!

    I'm on my first ever playthrough of TEW 2020. Using AEW with updated real life mods. Was curious if there was something better to do with bigger stars that you just dont want instead of simply releasing them. I dont really care for CM Punk or Sting (ya ya I know. I'm a Attitude Era baby. Punk + sting do nothing for me) However they are technically my biggest stars, would be dumb to just Let them go lol, was curious if there was something better to do with them.

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