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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. I made it to the end of 2023. I didn't get fired for failing that critical owner goal. I am now $9,027 in debt so I should be ok by mid 2024.
  2. Moore introduces his team, the 90's rules! Rating: 32 Mark Moore brought out his team for the second Three Lions Trophy Semi Final. Glen Ward strutted around in his judo uniform, Cannonball Logan tried to make friends with everyone in the front row and Grant Taypen stood in the ring, oiled up, trying to look like a beefcake. Leo Price came out to mock Mark’s choices. Logan didn’t debut until 2004 and Taypen was 10 when the 90’s ended! Moore was undeterred, these men have the spirit of the 90’s, he said and they would defeat The Pride tonight! Stefan Raynor defeated Jermaine Granger Rating: 36 “Black Thunder” Jermaine Granger is a very entertaining, highly athletic competitor who had made a name for himself with some excellent wins on the 3LW pre shows. Against a ruthless, barbaric, sadist like Raynor however Granger just couldn’t compete. Raynor roughed him up for ten minutes and then pinned him after the Single Arm DDT. Dearheart announces Dark v Heartbreak at the next show! Rating: 30 Rachel Dearheart cut a promo in the ring. She insulted Bret Heartbreak (an ineffective, preening imbecile) and Thea Davis (a dishonest, stuck up piece of trash). Dearheart went on to say that Dwayne Dark has been let down time and time again by Bret. She announces that both men have agreed to settle this in the ring at the next show! Cain Carlile defeated Colin Picalo Rating: 45 Cain Carlile’s next opponent in ‘Cain’s Course’ was renowned Hooligan Colin Picalo. Picalo played up to the crowd, insulting the fans and scrapping like the thug he is with Carlile. Cain wrestled like a pro, mixing good technical wrestling with some spectacular high flying moves. The match was excellent and the crowd were very happy when Carlile pinned Picalo following a Mark of Cain. Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final The Pride (Martin Heath, Jasper Squires, Jon Michael Sharp) defeated 90's Rule (Cannonball Logan, Grant Taypen and Glen Ward) Rating: 42 Mark Moore came to ringside and made sure that Jasper Squires saw him, he seemed to think that Squires was the weak link that his team could exploit. Squires rose to the challenge and wrestled an excellent match, he took particular delight in out-wrestling Cannonball Logan after his loss to the veteran back in June. The 90’s Rule team mounted something of a fightback after 10 minutes but The Pride re established their dominance and a Disarmer (Hammerlock Powerbomb / Flying Splash Combo) from Sharp and Heath was enough to keep Glen Ward down for a three count. The Pride were through to the final where they would face The New Assassins.
  3. Holly interviews Cain Carlile who talked about ‘Cain’s Course”. Rating: 36 Holly Leves opened the show and introduced Cain Carlile. Holly asked if Cain was ok after his hard landing last month. Cain said he was fine and in fact he’s feeling even better than normal because Leo Price has named him number one contender for the lightweight title, and he gets to choose the match at Midwinter Massacre! The only catch is that if he loses in the meantime whoever beats him gets the title shot instead. Carlile called this ‘Cain’s Course’ and it began immediately. Cain Carlile defeated lan Vincible Rating: 34 Ian Vincible was Cain’s first opponent but didn’t fare too well. Vincible is broken down and Captain Crash took him apart in the later stages of the match. His Mark of Cain double stomp finisher was an exclamation mark on a very dominant win. Jasper Squires defeated Rave Rating: 25 This was a bad match between two wrestlers at opposite extremes of their careers. Squires was still sloppy and inexperienced and Rave, well Rave was never any good in his prime let alone ten years after it. The match ended after ten minutes when Squires hit the Price Drop and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Mark Moore is tasked with putting a Three Lions Tournament team together Rating: 46 Mark Moore came to the ring and complained about the ladder match from King of the Jungle. Moore was irate and called it garbage wrestling. Moore was about to continue his rant when he was interrupted by Leo Price himself. Moore practically prostrated himself at the feet of Price claiming he was ‘not worthy’ of sharing the ring with such a great 90’s wrestler. Price pointed out that he only made his debut in 1999 and none of the wrestlers Moore represents wrestled in the 1990’s. Moore shot back that they may not have wrestled in the 90’s but they were raised to manhood (Moore has no female clients) in the greatest decade in history. Price challenged Moore to raise a team from this ‘golden generation’ to challenge The Pride next month in the Three Lions Tournament Semi Final. Moore agreed and said they would win, because the 90’s Rule! The New Assassins (Stefan Raynor, Zofia Jankovic and Konrad Makinen) defeated The Darkhearts (Dwayne Dark, Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis) Rating: 52 If the rollicking from Rachel Dearheart was designed to motivate Bret and Thea it backfired spectacularly. Both seemed more interested in personal glory than teamwork and gazed at Dark and Dearheart with undisguised contempt. The Darkheart team cohesion was so bad that they were easy to pick apart. A suicide dive from Makinen to Dark and a headkick from Zofia to Thea left Heartbreak at the mercy of Stefan Raynor who delivered the Single Arm DDT and covered to send The New Assassins to the final.
  4. Happens all the time to me! Now I try and make sure a ref is my first employee. I've started gaming my save now to try and get rid of this debt. I just ran a monthly show. 100 people turned up to watch my four cheapest wrestlers wrestle twice each in a 55 minute show. $309 profit and hopefully a decent bump to pop at the end of the month.
  5. The show starts with chaotic scenes! Rating: 38 Both Stefan Raynor and Jon Michael Sharp came out for their match accompanied by their stablemates. With so many hot-headed wrestlers at ringside it did not take long for a brawl to break out. Makinen and Squires brawled all around ringside and were both escorted from the building. King of the Jungle - Semi Final Stefan Raynor defeated Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 46 Stefan Raynor is in the best form of his life and once he has your arm pressed against your chest ready for the Single Arm DDT there is no way back for you. Sharp knew this was to be avoided and he managed to wrestle his way out of the majority of tricky situations. However, one misstep is costly against a ruthless competitor like The Angel Faced Assassin and a Sharp crossbody countered by a Raynor spinning elbow led to the end of this match. The elbow stunned Sharp enough for Raynor to gain control of Sharp’s arm and drop him with the DDT, Humphrey Woolsey counted three to end this excellent opening match. King of the Jungle - Semi Final Dwayne Dark defeated Cannonball Logan Rating: 54 Leo Price lays down the law! Rating: 48 Leo Price came to the ring to say that he has banned everyone from ringside for the double main events. He excitedly talked about 3LW’s first ever ladder match and then the third match between Raynor and Dark, both men had won one bout each and both had won two Grand Slams, who would be the first to three Slams? 3LW Lightweight Title - Ladder Match Martin Heath defeated Zofia Jankovic and Cain Carlile Rating: 51 As expected, 3LW's first ladder match was a wild spot fest. Dives outside the ring, ladders being used as weapons and everything else expected from one of these festivals of chaos. The beginning of the end came when Captain Crash lived up to his name; dropping off a large ladder through two tables on the outside! Zofia and Heath were stunned for a minute then proceeded to use whatever was at hand to try and incapacitate the other. The finish came when Heath delivered his Flying Fist Drop from the top turnbuckle to Zofia as she was sat on a chair outside the ring! That was enough to give Heath the time to climb the ladder, grab the belt and retain his title. King of the Jungle - Final Dwayne Dark defeated Stefan Raynor to win the 3LW King of the Jungle Rating: 59 With all teammates banned from ringside, Dwayne Dark had to go back to what he knows best - kicking ass. Raynor is a wily competitor and managed to get on top from time to time but in the end Dark was just too strong and too accurate with his strikes. Raynor tired at the 20 minute mark and Dark countered an attempted Single Arm DDT into an unexpected Darkness Falls KO punch. Raynor slumped to the canvas and Dark covered for the three count. Dwayne Dark was the first person to win three Grand Slams and his delight at this was unmistakable.
  6. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Stefan Raynor defeated Red Dragon Rating: 35 Holly interviewed Stefan post match and Sharp interrupted Rating: 38 Stefan was in the ring celebrating his relatively easy win over Red Dragon when Holly Leves arrived with a microphone. Raynor repeated what he said last month; he is the King of the Jungle and there is nobody in this tournament who can prevent him winning again. To his visible annoyance Raynor was cut off again, this time by Jon Michael Sharp. Sharp said that he is not an idiot, he knows that The New Assassins will be lurking next month but The Pride will be ready for anything. Cain Carlile defeated Strife Rating: 33 Darkhearts promo interrupted by Makinen who takes out Thea and Bret! Rating: 40 The Darkhearts had a disappointing show last month with Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis both losing important matches. Rachel Dearheart was reading Bret and Thea the riot act, telling them to show their worth to Dwayne Dark when Konrad Makinen attacked! He knocked Thea down with lariat to the back of the head then threw Bret into the ringpost before nailing him with a reverse DDT onto the concrete floor. Makinen then rolled into the ring and invited Dark to join him for the main event. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Dwayne Dark defeated Konrad Makinen Rating: 52 There was no art to this Quarter Final, both of these men like to brawl and brawl they did. Makinen wound his punches up a bit more and played up to the crowd but ultimately this was a 20 minute slugfest. With his teammates taken out of the equation Dark had to dig deep and show his toughness and he did just that, powering out of the Swedish Grapevine twice and finishing a tiring Makinen with his Darkness Falls KO Punch. It had been an utter war but Dark had survived and he went through to the Semi Final to face Cannonball Logan.
  7. Thanks, I play RTG's pretty much exclusively and it has long been a goal of mine to write a dynasty for a completed RTG. I'm really enjoying this one so far, I just hope I get the debt back under control.
  8. Yes, I assume that it is the same as in 2020 where only completing goals affects their happiness
  9. If it's the same as the last game then failing a critical goal will not get you fired but will take your owner happiness down to the lowest level. I'm 55 days away from failing a critical goal myself because I'm supposed to not drop below #36 and a much bigger company opened dropping me to #37.
  10. New Assassins Promo Rating: 30 The New Assassins came to the ring with their Godiva Tag Classic trophies. They celebrated their victory and thanked Makinen for his timely assistance. Stefan said that the main thing he loves about 3LW is that the next tournament is always just around the corner and he is ready to defend his King of the Jungle crown. Zofia said that she is also looking forward to success; she vowed to regain the Lightweight title! Zofia Jankovic defeated Thea Davis Rating: 42 Thea and Zofia came into 3LW with similar expectations. Both were now Grand Slam winners but Zofia had clearly outshined Thea in recent months. Thea went into this match hoping to claw back ground on her rival but in the end she just saw Zofia pull further ahead. Zofia won an excellent match when she countered Thea’s attempted Flying Lariat into a KO Headkick. Heath announced a ladder match for King of the Jungle! Rating: 38 Martin Heath was interviewed by Holly Leves. Heath said that he had suggested to Leo Price that there should be a three person ladder match at King of the Jungle for the Lightweight Title! Heath said Price loved the idea and in fact Zofia has just qualified for the match with her win over Thea. Heath finished by saying that it is Cain Carlile v Strife next week for the final spot. Mark Moore debuts and interrupts Squires, he says that Price is wasting his time with him Rating: 39 Jasper Squires was about to talk about his upcoming match when he was interrupted by a debuting Mark Moore! Squires didn’t know who he was and Moore ripped into the young wrestler telling him that he was a talentless waste of space and the young wrestlers these days were substandard copies of the wrestlers that were around in the 90’s. Squires got annoyed and cut Moore off telling him to watch the next match before he opens his mouth again. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Cannonball Logan defeated Jasper Squires Rating: 34 Mark Moore hung around ringside as Logan made his entrance and watched a very good back and forth match between the veteran and the youngster. Squires started well but seemed to be put off by Moore hanging around and made a mistake, getting caught in the corner and being hammered by Logan’s Run (a high knee in the corner). Logan covered for the win and Moore mocked Squires. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Jon Michael Sharp defeated Bret Heartbreak Rating: 42 The main event was the second King of the Jungle Quarter Final and was a battle of styles. Sharp wanted to wrestle, Heartbreak wanted to brawl and in the end Sharp got what he wanted. Heartbreak could just not put a series of strikes together and was slowly worn down enough for Sharp to hit his High Crossbody finish for the win.
  11. You need about 60 to be in the top 20% which is where I imagine you want to be to compete for jobs at medium sized companies or higher. Based on your figures it does seem to take around 5-6 shows to gain a point so should take at least 300 shows to get to the 50-60 region. Let's keep testing this out.
  12. Godiva Tag Classic - Semi Final Dwayne Dark and Bret Heartbreak defeated Cain Carlile and Jasper Squires Rating: 47 Jasper and Cain were so up for this and they came at Dark and Heartbreak with wild abandon. It was not to be however, Dark was too strong and he punched too hard and the match was stopped when Cain Carlile could not continue after taking the Darkness Falls. Holly Leves interviewed the monstrous Travis Donovan who is back in the UK this month and training hard, he expects to make an impact in 3LW before long so everyone better watch out Rating: 31 Godiva Tag Classic - Semi Final Zofia Jankovic and Stefan Raynor defeated The Funke Bunch Rating: 45 The Funke Bunch tried their usual bizarre dance sequences to distract their opponents but Zofia and Stefan are ice cold. Zofia weakened the pair of dancing idiots with precise kicks and Stefan finished Finn off with the Single Arm DDT. The New Assassins moved on to the final! Dark and Dearheart try to pay off Raynor! Rating: 38 Rachel Dearheart and Dwayne Dark came to the ring following the match with an offer for Stefan Raynor; step aside in the Godiva Tag Classic and he would get a healthy pay day. Stefan seemed to umm and ahh for a while as the crowd shouted at him to refuse and in the end he replied with a firm - No! Stefan said that sometimes glory is more important than money and the Godiva Tag Classic Final is one of those times. Jon Michael Sharp and Marting Heath defeated The Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan and Ian Vincible) Rating: 50 Sharp and Heath may have been banned from the Tag Classic but there was nothing to stop them appearing on the show and they went all out to make an impression here. The Youth Bandits played their part in an excellent match which Sharp and Heath won after 13 minutes. Godiva Tag Classic - Final Zofia Jankovic and Stefan Raynor defeated Bret Heartbreak and Dwayne Dark Rating: 54 The New Assassins made their entrance first; bathed in blue light, with a cool new entrance theme and wearing T-shirts featuring their new logo: Dark and Heartbreak came to the ring next, quietly confident of picking up their first Godiva Tag Classic win. When the bell rang Dark and Raynor dominated the match, reigniting their rivalry with savage punches and slams. Zofia and Heartbreak tried to make an impact but the match kept reverting to a Dark v Raynor slugfest. The match turned with the interference of Konrad Makinen. Heartbreak distracted the referee to allow Rachel Dearheart to interfere but in the confusion Makinen arrived and nailed Dwayne Dark with a chairshot! Dark fell off the apron and Heartbreak turned around into Raynor’s signature Single Arm DDT! Raynor made the cover and The New Assassins had struck!
  13. We might have to do something about booking reputation. One of the most fun things about this challenge is taking jobs at bigger companies to advance more quickly. Booking rep used to get to a decent level quite quickly but this year it seems very slow. I am on 3 after 19 shows so I imagine that it will take years and years to get to a reasonable level.
  14. I don't think it made a difference until this new game. Feel free to add a personality and test it out for us.
  15. Funke Bunch and Makinen/Rave make their entrances Rating: 32 The show opened with Flash Funke making his 3LW debut. Flash came to the ring with his ‘brother’ Finn, both doing their inane dance routine. Their opponents were; ‘The Swedish Showstealer’ Konrad Makinen and Rave. Rave tried to replicate his moves from his 90’s heyday but he is 40 now and it just made everyone cringe. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final The Funke Bunch defeated Konrad Makinen and Rave Rating: 35 Once the match started Finn and Flash showed their experience and dominated the match with a clinical display of tag wrestling. They tagged often, isolating Rave and stopping Makinen from being able to influence the match. Rave fell to Flash’s Cannonball Leg Drop and The Funke Bunch were through to the Semi Finals. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Dwayne Dark and Bret Heartbreak defeated Vali Dragons Rating: 38 The mood changed as Dwayne Dark and Bret Heartbreak made their way to the ring. They were accompanied by Rachel Dearheart and the Darkhearts were all business tonight. The Vali Dragons were completely outmatched; Dark was in a mood to inflict even more punishment on Dragon than last month and Rhys Vali seemed a little disinterested. Dark and Heartbreak won after 12 minutes with a combined Top Rope Clotheslines/KO Punch combination on Red Dragon. ANGLE: Squires and Dark Scuffle! Rating: 45 As Dark and Heartbreak were leaving the ring, Jasper Squires appeared from nowhere and attacked Dark! Squires got the advantage and Dark had to retreat as his young assailant was held back by officials. Cain Carlile defeated Mister King Rating: 31 Cain Carlile had been in great form lately and had accepted a challenge on social media from the ‘Master of Mind Games’ Mister King. King was rusty and struggled to keep up with Carlile who won with his Mark of Cain Double stomp.
  16. Squires promo; he is teaming with Cain in the Tag Classic Rating: 29 The crowd for this 3LW show was reduced due to the fact that the shows were no longer free. Regardless, the atmosphere was good as Jasper Squires came to the ring to open the show. Squires said that he will never stop until he has revenge against Dwayne Dark. He knows it is up to him as the only member of the Pride in this tournament and he has enlisted Cain Carlile to help him win the Godiva Tag Classic. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Cain Carlile and Jasper Squires defeated Andrew Kowalski and Lewis Duckworth Rating: 23 The new team of Carlile and Squires easily beat Kowalski and Duckworth despite the latter bringing his cricket bat to the ring Darkhearts promo; we still don’t know who will partner Dwayne Dark. Rating: 32 Dearheart talked about the ‘open goal’ that The Darkhearts had in this year’s Godiva Tag Classic with Sharp and Heath banned. She asked Dwayne who will partner him in this year’s Godiva Tag Classic but he didn't answer. Dwayne Dark defeated Red Dragon Rating: 35 Dark seemed to have a lot of pent up aggression after losing the Lion’s Share Final and he took it out on his veteran opponent. I don’t know how close Red Dragon was to retirement at this point but this beating must have moved it forward by a few months. Dark finally put Dragon out of his misery after ten minutes with the Darkness Falls KO punch. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Zofia Jankovic and Stefan Raynor defeated The Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan and Ian Vincible) Rating: 35 Jankovic and Raynor had dubbed themselves the New Assassins on social media and they both had a lot of positive energy as they came out for this Quarter Final. In contrast to Jankovic and Raynor teaming for the first time; their opponents had been tagging together since 2006! Logan and Vincible had not been tagging recently however and Vincible had been in bad form and it just didn’t come together for the Youth Bandits. The new team won when Jankovic knocked Logan off the apron with a spin kick and Raynor planted Vincible with the Single Arm DDT. The New Assassins were through to the Semi Finals!
  17. RTG Update At this point I reached 11 popularity and decided it was time to start trying to make some money. I was $14,667 in debt at the end of February but 11 pop gives you normal ticket prices of $9 so it seemed like a good time to stop the free shows. You want to see the Godiva Tag Classic? You better hand over some cash then. For the March show I ran with my cheapest girls and guys who cost $630 in total and we took $765 on the door - great success! The sponsorship money more than took care of the show costs and 3LW turned over their first monthly profit of $733. Now we start to whittle away at the debt. A monthly event is an option once ticket sales increase a bit more and we get the debt closer to 0.
  18. Darkhearts Promo; Rachel pointed out that Dwayne Dark has won every round of this year’s Lion’s Share; his domination of the final is inevitable Rating: 27 Konrad Makinen defeated Strife Rating: 31 Holly Leves interviewed Jon Michael Sharp about the Lion’s Share Final. Sharp said that he (and the rest of The Pride) had a plan to deal with anything that The Darkhearts could throw at him Rating: 38 The Pride (Jasper Squires and Martin Heath) defeated The Darkhearts (Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis) Rating: 46 Martin Heath was a real ring general in this match and guided the inexperienced Squires to an excellent showing. The finish was so precisely executed; Heath took Davis out with a dive and Squires delivered Leo Price’s old Price Check facebuster to secure the victory for his team. The fight was not over when the match finished either! Squires and Heath kept attacking Heartbreak and Davis until they left the ringside area. Leo Price turned up and frogmarched Rachel Dearheart out the arena; the Lion’s Share final would be one on one… Lion's Share Final Jon Michael Sharp defeated Dwayne Dark Rating: 51 The most frustrating thing about Dwayne Dark’s Fabian strategy is that when he fights, he can really fight! Here he was forced into a brawl against Jon Michael Sharp and came out on top and it was only when Sharp managed to ground Dark with technical wrestling that last year’s Lion’s Share winner started to fade. Sharp never dared to go up top for his usual Flying Crossbody finish and instead worked away at Dark’s arms and shoulders until he was forced to tap out to a Flying Octopus Hold. Sharp was joined in the ring by The Pride and was handed the Lion’s Share trophy by Leo Price. Sharp and Heath celebrated their recent success and Sharp becoming the second ever double Grand Slam winner. They knew however that this would be the last title for a while because that the Godiva Tag Classic was next and they were banned from defending their trophy this time around.
  19. Lion's Share - Round Three Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp, Stefan Raynor and Konrad Makinen (Makinen is pinned) Rating: 52 Sharp and Makinen were licking their lips at the chance to give Dark a three on one kicking here but were shocked when Stefan Raynor shook hands with Dark and squared off against them. The bout then proceeded like a tornado tag match and Dark stayed out of trouble long enough to land Darkness Falls on Makinen and cover him for the three count. Raynor had been hired! Rating: 36 The brutal pace of Lion’s Share continued as the round four match was next. In between the rounds Rachel Dearheart revealed that Stefan Raynor had been paid to help Dwayne in the previous match and she thanked him for his service. The crowd booed but Raynor just shrugged, he is an assassin after all! Lion's Share - Round Four Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp and Stefan Raynor (Raynor is pinned) Rating: 55 Sharp was furious at Raynor and the two brawled across the ringside area as Dark smiled slyly. Eventually Sharp and Raynor realised what was going on and this bout turned into an excellent triple threat match. Raynor looked to have the beating of Dark on occasions but once again the Darkness Falls KO punch was decisive and when Dark landed it on Raynor that was all she wrote. Can Zofia compete? Rating: 27 Zofia Jankovic had been seen on social media with a cast around her head after breaking her jaw at the last 3LW show. She came to the ring with the cast on but after teasing the crowd for a few minutes Zofia told Holly Leves that she was healed and ready to fight! Zofia took the cast off and waited for her challenger. 3LW Lightweight Title Martin Heath defeated Zofia Jankovic Rating: 43 Zofia’s tactics as lightweight champion had not been subtle and Heath came into this match with a great plan to avoid the champion’s deadly kicks. He seemed to be able to anticipate when Zofia was going to strike and roll or cartwheel out of the way just in time. There is only so much of this Zofia could take and as the match inched towards the twenty minute mark, Heath struck with his Flying Fist Drop. Zofia clearly wasn’t finished so Heath followed up with a second and this time covered for the pinfall victory to become the second ever 3LW lightweight champion.
  20. I don't but I don't see any reason not to. In my last RTG my character became an egomaniac somehow.
  21. There are few RTG Dynasties on the go at the moment, you might get some ideas from those. It can also help to try and think who the real world equivilent of the characters might be.
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