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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. I got to 9 pop with one free show a month. Economy is strong and industry is very strong, maybe that made a difference too.
  2. I budgeted my workers in March and set my ticket prices to normal and made $733! I'm just going to careful about using workers who need to travel in until we have cleared the debt.
  3. Cross posting the year one update from my dynasty: Achievements so far. Remember you can use the shared sheet if you like: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WHY-U-xzWWEQxt1h_ZNjHvYV0eFCV4HmGpNezvcs_2E/edit?gid=93233334#gid=93233334 I rolled 'I am Iron Man' to end the year which gives me the Iron Man attribute plus +10 toughness and a strong friendship with the toughest person on the roster (Zofia Jankovic - 77) Jasper is slowly getting better. Hopefully by the end of 2023 I will be able to run more than one show a month. His pop is at 12 because I haven't really been pushing him. Finances are rotten but i'm hopeful of turning a monthly profit by the second half of the year.
  4. That is one year of the RTG completed so time for an update. I rolled 'I am Iron Man' to end the year which gives me the Iron Man attribute plus +10 toughness and a strong friendship with the toughest person on the roster (Zofia Jankovic - 77) Jasper is slowly getting better. Hopefully by the end of 2023 I will be able to run more than one show a month. His pop is at 12 because I haven't really been pushing him. Finances are rotten but i'm hopeful of turning a monthly profit by the second half of the year.
  5. Darkhearts choose their Three Lions Tournament Perk! Rating: 30 The Darkhearts came to the ring to celebrate their Three Lions Tournament success and chose the perk they won as a prize. Their selection was a bombshell; they banned Heath and Sharp from the 2023 Godiva Tag Classic 2023! Leo Price was in the ring to hear their choice and he reluctantly accepted; we would have new Godiva Tag Classic winners in 2023. Lion's Share - Round One Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp, Stefan Raynor, Bret Heartbreak, Konrad Makinen and Jasper Squires (Squires is pinned) Rating: 30 The first round match of the 2023 Lion’s Share tournament was a wild affair. Jasper Squires was once again the first man eliminated as he fell victim to the Darkness Fall amongst the chaos. Squires introduces a friend Rating: 32 Jasper Squires stayed in the ring and accepted a smattering of polite applause from the audience. He took up a mic and said he was disappointed to be the first eliminated from Lion’s Share again but he is still in a good mood because he is going to introduce us to a friend. The audience gasped as a mountain of a man came out to ringside. Squires introduced him as Travis Donovan, a friend he had made on holiday in California. Donovan was 6’10” and 340lbs! Donovan took the mic and cut a brilliant promo calling out anyone from the back to come and take him on! Some poor sap accepted and we had an impromptu match. Travis Donovan vs. Ted Price Rating: 3 As squash matches go…this was one of them. Donovan threw local worker Ted Price (no relation) around for five minutes until getting bored and finishing Price with the Donobomb, a huge sitout powerbomb Holly interviews Martin Heath Rating: 33 Heath was angry about being out of the Godiva Tag Classic and said that he is due a Lightweight Title match after being the first to pin Zofia Jankovic in the Three Lions Tournament. Heath continued to say that he will use his rage and disappointment to defeat Zofia and become the second ever 3LW Lightweight Champion. Lion's Share - Round Two Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp, Stefan Raynor, Bret Heartbreak, Konrad Makinen (Heartbreak submits) Rating: 47 The match started out as an effective 3v2 bout as Sharp, Raynor and Makinen teamed up to try and eliminate Dark and Heartbreak. Bret took a beating and Dark started to stand alone more and more. Desperate to avoid a 3 on 1 situation; Dark put Heartbreak in a half hearted arm lock and Heartbreak tapped out! Dark and Heartbreak left the ring quickly leaving a confused trio of wrestlers behind. Heartbreak showed his loyalty but is now out of the Lion’s Share tournament and Dwayne Dark must stand alone next month in round 3.
  6. 3LW Grand Slam Winners 2022 Lion’s Share Tournament Dwayne Dark Godiva Tag Classic Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp King of the Jungle Stefan Raynor Three Lions Tournament The Darkhearts (Dwayne Dark, Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis) 3LW Grand Slam Winners (as of December 2022] 2 Titles Dwayne Dark 1 Title Martin Heath Jon Michael Sharp Stefan Raynor Thea Davis Bret Heartbreak
  7. Holly interviews Konrad and is charmed by his charisma and good manners Rating: 22 Stefan Raynor defeated Konrad Makinen Rating: 37 There’s no doubting Makinen’s brawling ability and connection with the crowd but he couldn’t turn his domination of this match into a win and Raynor hit his Single Arm DDT to get the pinfall victory after 14 minutes. Darkhearts promo Rating: 31 The Darkhearts came to the ring with Dark wearing Squires' bloody t-shirt. Dearheart said that she damaged Price's favourite toy. Davis reminded the crowd that the winners of the Three Lion’s Tournament get to choose a perk for 2023 and they have already decided what they will pick when they win! Dearheart concluded by saying that tonight; the Darkest timeline will be confirmed. 3LW Lightweight title Zofia Jankovic defeated Red Dragon Rating - 42 Dragon gave everything in this match but Zofia had the tenacity to kick out of everything Dragon threw at her including the veteran’s trademark Moonsault. After ten minutes of all out action Dragon was spent and Zofia picked her spot before delivering a devastating KO Headkick to put the challenger down for a three count. Defiant promo from the Pride, Squires is hurt but tough Rating: 38 Three Lions Tournament - Final The Darkhearts (Dwayne Dark, Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis) defeated The Pride (Jasper Squires, Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp) Rating: 50 This match was 20 minutes of bitter resentment being unleashed. Squires was a man possessed, going after Dwayne Dark in revenge for the attack last month and almost hitting the Price Check on him. Heath and Sharp used their legendary teamwork to dominate Heartbreak and Davis but the tide turned when Rachel Dearheart used a referee distraction to hit Squires with the ringbell! Squires was busted wide open and became a bit part player as Dark, Heartbreak and Davis fought a 3 on 2 match against Sharp and Heath. Eventually Squires got back in the ring but The Pride were out on their feet and Dark hit the Darkness Falls KO punch and covered the youngster for a three count! The Darkhearts were the first ever Three Lions Tournament winners! RTG Achievement Unlocked!
  8. Dwayne Dark and Thea Davis defeated lan Vincible and Andrew Kowalski Rating: 33 The Pride come to the ring and Sharp, Heath and Squires hype up their Semi Final match later and talk about what an honour it would be the the first Three Lions Tournament winners Rating: 34 Red Dragon defeated Cain Carlile Rating: 26 Red Dragon warmed up for his Lightweight Title match with a solid win over the impressive Carlile. Dragon countered the Mark of Cain by rolling out of the way and then a superkick and a moonsault sealed the win. Zofia Jankovic Interview Rating: 31 3LW Lightweight champion Zofia Jankovic was interviewed by Holly Leves. Jankovic said that she respects Red Dragon and doesn't want to end his career but he is taking a big risk by getting into the ring with her. Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final The Pride (Martin Heath, Jon Michael Sharp and Jasper Squires) defeated Stefan Raynor, Zofia Jankovic and Konrad Makinen Rating: 44 Zofia stayed in the ring as Makinen and Raynor made their entrances, hers was another ad-hoc team but the quality of personnel was far superior to the team that lost to The Darkhearts. The match became one of individual battles as Raynor battled Heath, Squires fought with Makinen and Jankovic and Heath wowed the crowd with their in ring ability. It was this battle that decided the match as Heath ducked a headkick from Zofia and countered with a lariat and then his Flying Fist Drop finisher to gain the pinfall victory. Darkhearts attack the Pride! Rating: 38 Sharp, Heath and Squires celebrated their victory in the ring when they were suddenly jumped by The Darkhearts! Davis and Heartbreak brawled with Heath and Sharp while Dark laid into Squires with big punches from the mount position busting the 18 year old open. Dark took Squire’s T-Shirt off and wiped it in the rookie’s blood, taking it as a sick souvenir.
  9. Holly Leves debuted as 3LW's new interviewer. Holly’s first interview was with Finn Funke who tried to get the crowd excited for the opening match by dancing like a fool. Rating: 28 Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final The Darkhearts (Dwayne Dark, Bret Heartbreak and Thea Davis) defeated Finn Funke, Cain Carlile and lan Vincible Rating: 41 The Darkhearts dominated the ad-hoc group they were put up against. Funke and Carlile were worn down by great Darkhearts teamwork leaving Ian Vincible open to the Darkness Falls KO Punch and a pinfall. The Darkhearts were through to the Three Lions Tournament Final. Darkhearts promo; Dearheart officially welcomes Davis to the group Rating: 27 Following her team’s win, Rachel Dearheart took the mic and addressed the crowd. She welcomed Thea Davis to the team but did seem put out that Thea was hanging all over Dwayne Dark. The rumours that they are dating don’t seem to be wide of the mark. Zofia Jankovic defeated Rhys Vali to retain the 3LW Lightweight title Rating: 36 What success Vali has had in his career has been a result of his signature Inverted Headlock Brainbuster. It is a brutal move that he calls the Loki Crush and he tried in vain to land it on Zofia in this match. Zofia was too wily to get caught with the Crush and she pinned Vali following a KO Headkick after 12 minutes Dragon challenges Zofia! Rating: 27 Red Dragon had been watching his friend’s match with Zofia from ringside and he slid into the ring to talk to Zofia after her victory. Dragon said that Zofia is an incredible martial artist but he wonders how she would do against a wily veteran like him. Zofia smiled and accepted the challenge, she said that she hopes RD has some strength left in those tired old legs. Stefan Raynor defeated Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 37 This match was a preview of the Three Lions Tournament Semi Final match happening at the next show and these two really gave us something to look forward to. Sharp won the technical wrestling exchanges but Raynor’s strikes had real bite and he wore one half of the Godiva Tag Classic winners down enough to land his Single Arm DDT and pick up a huge win.
  10. Great to see another RTG dynasty. The graphics are amazing too. I will be checking this out.
  11. If you haven't already then i'd definitely recommend raising the issue in tech forum. I've never heard of this happening before and it's a bit scary if the game can delete saves!
  12. 3LW King of the Jungle 27th August 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 106 Show Rating: 44 King of the Jungle - Semi Final Stefan Raynor defeated Konrad Makinen Rating: 39 The show opened with the first King of the Jungle Semi Final. Raynor was determined to reach the final and used skill gained during 18 years of experience to get out of Makinen's Swedish Grapevine twice. Makinen then fell victim to the Angel Faced Killer's Single Arm DDT and Raynor got the pinfall victory to advance to the final. Darkhearts promo; tonight Dark will deliver the promised domination. Rating: 33 King of the Jungle - Semi Final Dwayne Dark defeated Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 49 This was an excellent match marred only by the cheap way Dark won. Dearheart distracted the referee when Sharp was ready to pounce with his Flying Cross Body and Dark used the opportunity to slip on a pair of brass knucks and nail his opponent with the Darkness Falls. Jasper Squires and Leo Price promo, Squires came to the ring with Price and thanked him and the fans for the opportunity at 3LW. Rating: 42 3LW Lightweight Title Zofia Jankovic defeated Cain Carlile to win the 3LW Lightweight title Rating: 45 These two lightweight warriors made it to this first ever title match by beating everyone put in front of them but on this night Zofia showed that she is a different class. Cain is a good technician and high flier but everyone time he got some momentum Zofia put him on his arse with a hard kick. Eventually it got too much and a dazed Carlile walked into a KO Headkick and Zofia pinned him to become the first ever 3LW Lightweight Champion! Stefan Raynor Promo; he admitted that his career has seen mixed success; it would mean so much to him to be the first King of the Jungle Rating: 29 King of the Jungle - Final Stefan Raynor defeated Dwayne Dark to win the 3LW King of the Jungle Rating: 44 Raynor came to the ring, shades on and all business. He was out for revenge after Dark and Dearheart had cost him the Lion’s Share title. This time Raynor had back up and Louie Peyton patrolled the ringside area making sure that Dearheart or Heartbreak could not interfere. Neither Darkhearts member dared challenge Peyton so we got the one on one slugfest which Raynor wanted. The action went back and forth but Dark looked lost without his ringside support and Raynor started to take the advantage. After 17 minutes of brawling Raynor landed the Single Arm DDT and pinned Dark to become the first ever King of the Jungle! Raynor was presented with the trophy by Leo Price and went backstage to celebrate. Dark was furious with Dearheart but was calmed down by Thea Davis who seemed to be able to console him easily. Another Three Lion Wrestling season was finished and after three Grand Slams no one was a double winner. Surely that must change with the final Grand Slam of the year; The Three Lions Tournament.
  13. 3LW Battle of Britain 30th July 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 105 Show Rating: 37 Assassin's Guild promo Rating: 20 The Assassin's Guild came to the ring for their match, against each other! This is the way of tournaments sometimes. The two friends shake hands and agree that neither will back down. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Stefan Raynor defeated Louie Peyton Rating: 30 The match was a brawl with both men looking to land their big moves and not pulling their punches. Stefan was more confident and delivered his Single Arm DDT to secure the pinfall victory. The Angel Faced Killer was through to the Semi Finals. Dearheart says Price's apology is too little too late. Rating: 37 Rachel Dearheart was in floods of tears again as she recounted her experience of Leo Price not returning her adolescent fan mail. She said that his apology was not enough and Darkheart domination was coming to 3LW and there is no one who can stop it. Zofia Jankovic defeated Ryan Goodluck Rating: 37 Price announces Zofia v Carlile for the LW title at KOJ! Rating: 47 Zofia Jankovic dispatched Goodluck relatively easily and Leo Price came out to talk to her. Leo commented that Zofia and Cain Carlile were still unbeaten and would compete to be the first ever 3LW Lightweight Champion at King of the Jungle next week! King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Dwayne Dark defeated Lone Wolf Rating: 36 Lone Wolf put up a good fight in this match but Dark's punching power was too much and after 12 minutes Dark got the pinfall victory following the Darkness Falls KO Punch.
  14. 3LW Coming Home 24th June 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 98 Show Rating: 31 Makinen overshadows Heartbreak Rating: 24 Bret Heartbreak opened the show; making his usual overblown and attention seeking entrance. “All eyes on me” he screamed, standing in the middle of the ring. Soon however no one was looking at the second generation star. Makinen made his entrance, performing a breathtaking male strip show! Heartbreak stood fuming as the crowd stomped and roared Makinen to the ring. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Konrad Makinen defeated Bret Heartbreak Rating: 36 Heartbreak and Makinen went from showmanship to sheer violence in seconds flat as the pair immediately started brawling on the sound of the bell. The bout could have gone either way but when Makinen caught Heartbreak's attempted flying clothesline and countered into his Swedish Grapevine leglock it was over for Bret and he had to tap out. The Pride (Jasper Squires and Martin Heath) defeated Lewis Duckworth and Andrew Kowalski Rating: 27 Cain Carlile defeated Finn Funke Rating: 35 Cain, along with Zofia Jankovic, was unbeaten in 3LW and he matched the Black Widow's victory over Funke; soaking up his dance based offence and finishing the bout with the Mark of Cain double stomp. The Pride celebrate their Godiva Tag Classic win. Rating: 36 The Pride came to the ring with the Godiva Tag Classic trophies. They celebrated their victory and talked about their next goal; The King of the Jungle tournament. They reminded us that the King of the Jungle is a single elimination tournament and so one mistake and you are out! King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Jon Michael Sharp defeated Red Dragon Rating: 29 The King of the Jungle is a heavyweight completion and so at 199lbs, Martin Heath did not qualify. He was at ringside though to support Jon Michael Sharp as he battled the veteran Red Dragon. Red Dragon's aerial ability had certainly diminished after 26 years in the ring and this bout was ponderous at times. Sharp won with a flying cross body after 12 minutes and advanced to the Semi Finals.
  15. Yeah, I'm taking a risk but three years should be long enough to turn things around... right?
  16. 3LW Godiva Tag Classic 29th May 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 93 Show Rating: 41 Godiva Tag Classic Semi Final Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath defeated Vali Dragons (Red Dragon and Rhys Vali) Rating: 32 The four men in this opening bout had 71 years of in ring experience between them and they took their time and told a great story. In the end Heath’s aerial ability overwhelmed the Dragons and The Disarmer was delivered and the pinfall victory achieved. It was two wins from two for Heath and Sharp and they were through to the Godiva Tag Classic Semi Finals. Dearheart reveals why she hates Leo Price Rating: 37 Rachel Dearheart came to the ring with Dwayne Dark and opened her heart to the 3LW fans. She said that when she was younger and Leo Price was at the height of his fame, she wrote him fan letters…many, many fan letters. Leo Price never wrote back! This experience darkened her heart and now she will do whatever it takes to make Price suffer. The first blow was struck with Dwayne Dark winning 3LW’s first ever Grand Slam title and now Darkheart domination is coming to overshadow Price and his group of lackeys. Godiva Tag Classic Semi Final Dwayne Dark and Bret Heartbreak defeated The Assassins' Guild Rating: 45 Rachel Dearheart dried her eyes and retired to ringside to watch this closely fought Semi Final. Raynor and Payton are a very experienced team and took early advantage of Heartbreak’s inexperience but eventually Brett’s physical abilities and Dwayne Dark’s punching power shone through and the Assassins faded. Heartbreak took Raynor out with a cross body and Dark knocked Peyton out with the Darkness Falls and Dark and Heartbreak were through to the final. Could the Darkhearts make it two Grand Slams out of two? Carlile propositions Zofia, she kicks him in the head! Rating: 37 Zofia Jankovic defeated Finn Funke Rating: 36 Cain Carlile was carried to the back by officials and Finn Funke came to the ring for the match. Funke obviously hadn’t watched Jankovic’s match with Strife because he also did not take ‘The Black Widow’ seriously as he performed a series of terrible dance moves. A series of kicks to the head fixed Funke's attitude and serious match broke out which Jankovic won by pinfall after a devastating KO Headkick. Price apologises to Dearheart and introduces his stable Rating: 35 Leo Price came to the ring with Jasper Squires, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath. Price apologised to Rachel Dearheart, in his heyday he got a lot of letters and could not reply to them all. Price went on to say that this vendetta was not the way to solve things and Dearheart was bound to fail. Her Darkhearts had cheated their way to Dwayne Dark’s Lion Share victory but long term success comes from hard work, from dedication, from not taking shortcuts….from Pride. Price and Squires made their way to the back and Dark and Heartbreak made their entrances; it was time for the first ever Godiva Tag Classic Final! Godiva Tag Classic Final Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath defeated Dwayne Dark and Bret Heartbreak Rating: 42 The match was a battle between the brawling style of Dark and Heartbreak and the technical flying of Sharp and Heath and it lived up to its billing. The teams battled for 20 minutes and the crowd erupted in joy when Dark and Dearheart collided on the apron leaving Heartbreak exposed to The Disarmer and a Sharp and Heath pinfall victory. Price and Squires raced back into the ring and Sharp and Heath were presented with the Godiva Tag Classic trophies as The Darkhearts despondently walked to the back.
  17. 3LW St George's Day Bash 23rd April 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 90 Show Rating: 31 Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Vali Dragons (Red Dragon and Rhys Vali) defeated Andrew Kowalski and Lewis Duckworth Rating: 21 Zofia Jankovic makes a big show of coming to the ring to watch the next match Rating: 27 Cain Carlile defeated Strife Rating: 36 With Jankovic watching from ringside, Carlile and Strife had a very good back and forth aerial duel. Carlile won with his Mark of Cain double stomp as Zofia coldly looked on. Price and Squires introduce the main event Rating: 36 Leo Price and Jasper Squires came to the ring in a very excited mood. Price said he was among friends today and introduced the competitors for the main event Quarter Final match - Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath! Godiva Tag Classic Quarter Final Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath defeated lan Vincible and Ryan Goodluck Rating: 30 Heath and Sharp got a great reception and the tag veterans quickly got into the groove and had a very good match against this thrown together team of Vincible and Goodluck. The two time ROF tag champions dominated and finished the match with The Disarmer, their Powerbomb/Flying Splash combination. Squires and Price joined Sharp and Heath in the ring to celebrate a big moment for 3LW.
  18. 3LW Cool Britannia 26th March 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 87 Show Rating: 38 Angle: Dwayne Dark and Rachel Dearheart announce the birth of the Darkhearts and their intention to win the Godiva Tag Classic. Rating: 36 Dwayne Dark and Rachel Dearheart came to the ring with the Lion’s Share trophy. Rachel says that we can now refer to them as ‘The Darkhearts’. Rachel added that there would be a new member of the Darkhearts to be revealed later tonight and together he and Dwayne Dark will win the Godiva Tag Classic. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final The Assassins' Guild defeated Strife and Lone Wolf Rating: 27 Stefan Raynor came to the ring and teased who his partner would be for the first ever Godiva Tag Classic tournament match. No one in the building was surprised when Louie Peyton came out to join his long time teammate. The Assassins Guild were back and they enjoyed a comfortable victory over Strife and Lone Wolf when Peyton pinned Wolf with The Last Hit. Thea pre match promo; it's only a matter of time before the Red Queen reigns Rating: 18 Zofia Jankovic defeated Thea Davis Rating: 37 The Red Queen’s reign may happen but probably not soon. This was a very match for a start up promotion and both ladies looked great but Jankovic had better firepower and pinned Davis after a KO Head Kick. Makinen and Squires are interrupted by Darkheart and Heartbreak attacks! Rating: 36 Konrad Makinen and Jasper Squires came to the ring to talk about their main event match in the Godiva Tag Classic Tournament when Rachel Dearheart and Dwayne Dark appeared at ringside. They distracted Makinen and Squires while Bret Heartbreak attacked from behind! Heartbreak is the new member of the Darkhearts! The bell rang and the match started with Makinen sprawled outside the ring and Squires taking a beating inside. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Dwayne Dark and Bret Heartbreak defeated Konrad Makinen and Jasper Squires Rating: 42 Squires took even more of a beating as the match progressed but battled back and managed to tag in Makinen. The flamboyant Swede got the hot tag and ran wild but it was effectively a two on one match now and Dark and Heartbreak broke down Makinen until Dark could knock him out with the Darkness Falls. Dark and Heartbreak had won and they advanced to the Godiva Tag Classic Semi Finals.
  19. Yes, this challenge always needs testing out in the first few months of a new game. My initial thoughts on the creative energy feature is that is seems to be massively OP but we will see. I did make the rolls more favourable in the last version as well so hopefully that balances things as well.
  20. 3LW Lion’s Share 26th February 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 76 Show Rating: 41 Lion’s Share tournament - Round Three Stefan Raynor defeated Dwayne Dark, Konrad Makinen and Lone Wolf (Raynor pinned Wolf) Rating: 42 Raynor had been waiting a month to get his hands on Dark after the chair shot to end the first 3LW show and he wasted no time in going after his newest rival. While Dark and Raynor were duking it out, Makinen and Wolf brawled furiously as one looked to eliminate the other. In the end Wolf took the loss after suffering a powerbomb from Makinen and Raynor’s patented Single Arm DDT. Dark wisely chose not to break up the pin and went to the back to prepare for the next round. Raynor and Makinen bond on the mic and agree to try and eliminate Dark in round 4 together. Rating: 23 Jasper Squires over Bret Heartbreak Rating: 37 Heartbreak had started the match by mocking Squires about being the first competitor eliminated from Lion’s Share but Squires held his nerve and outwrestled the EWA star to gain his first win following a Price Drop (Leo’s Price’s old finish; an arm trap facebuster). Lion’s Share tournament - Round Four Dwayne Dark defeated Stefan Raynor and Konrad Makinen (Dark pinned Makinen) Rating: 45 Makinen and Raynor made good on their deal from earlier in the show and worked as a team to beat on Dwayne Dark. Dark was resilient though and kicked out of a few close counts before a hooded figure entered the ring with a chair and nailed Makinen and Raynor from behind! Dark hit Makinen with the Darkness Falls and covered the motionless Swede to eliminate him from the Lion’s Share tournament. Zofia Jankovic defeated Strife Rating: 35 Strife didn’t seem to take the challenge of Jankovic seriously and busted out all of his flashy but unimpactful moves. Jankovic took full advantage, peppering Strife with hard kicks. Strife eventually realised that he was in trouble and fought back but Jankovic was in the zone and gained her first 3LW win with her KO Head Kick finisher. A very impressive debut for ‘The Black Widow’. Lion’s Share tournament final Dwayne Dark defeated Stefan Raynor Rating: 42 It was now time for the final of the first ever 3LW grand slam event; Lion’s Share 2022. Dark and Raynor had survived four other men through four rounds and now they faced off in a 1v1 no DQ match to decide the winner. The bout was close to start with Dark coming close to landing his KO punch a few times. Raynor gained the ascendancy but as he had Dark in position for the Single Arm DDT the hooded figure from the round four match entered the ring! The hood was removed to reveal…Rachel Dearheart! This was all the distraction Dark needed and he landed the Darkness Falls KO punch and pinned Raynor for the victory. Dwayne Dark was handed the Lion’s Share trophy by a reluctant Leo Price and he and Rachel celebrated a historic success.
  21. December 2021 - Manchester, United Kingdom Leo Price put the idea of a new wrestling promotion to Jasper Squires who jumped at the chance of being the head booker of the new promotion. Despite the fact that Squires had zero experience of booking (apart from an addiction to a wrestling booking computer game) Price saw that his young trainee had a creative mind and was sufficiently obsessed with the wrestling industry to be able to put shows together. Leo took Jasper to visit his friend Nate Manchester. Nate was one of the wrestlers Leo had won the 21CW Tag Team Titles with and the three of them enjoyed a leisurely afternoon as Leo and Nate caught up and reminisced about old times. In the evening the talk turned to business and as the three men sat with a beer each, the name ‘Three Lions Wrestling’ was quickly proposed and accepted for the new promotion. January 2022 - London, United Kingdom Leo moved quickly, booking a church hall in outer London for the first show. Price and Squires wanted to do something different with 3LW and had agreed the following concepts: The schedule should include monthly shows split into four seasons with each season being headlined by a tournament There would be a heavyweight division with no defendable belts. Instead the focus would be on the four tournaments with the aim being to complete a ‘grand slam’ of all four. There would be a lightweight division which would feature intergender wrestling and defendable singles and tag team belts. This was going to be a big challenge. 3LW was starting from the very bottom; they had no fans and no prestige and only £1000 in the company bank account (albeit with a large loan facility and the promise not to foreclose on the loans before three years). 3LW Start Me Up 28th January 2022 London, United Kingdom Attendance: 75 Show Rating: 43 Angle: Leo Price introduces 3LW and explains the Lion’s Share Tournament Rating: 54 The first ever 3LW show opened with Leo Price coming to the ring with a microphone in hand. Price explained the Lion’s Share concept and introduced the six men who would be completing. Three of the competitors were unknown but the appearance of Lone Wolf got a reasonable reaction and when Dwayne Dark and Stefan Raynor were introduced as the final two combatants the volume levels rose. Lion’s Share tournament - Round One Dwayne Dark defeated Stefan Raynor, Lone Wolf, Konrad Makinen, Bret Heartbreak and Jasper Squires (Squires pinned by Dark) Rating: 40 The six men started fighting all around the hall immediately to the delight of those in attendance. The stand out performer was Konrad Makinen whose charisma and skill shone through immediately. Bret Heartbreak also made something of a name for himself, several times hitting his incredible looking Heart Attack finish (a top rope flying clotheslines). The match lasted ten minutes and ended when Dwayne Dark caught the debuting Jasper Squires with his Darkness Falls punch and covered him for the pinfall victory. Squires was eliminated from the Lion’s Share tournament and the five remaining competitors went backstage to nurse their injuries before the main event. Cain Carlile defeated Thea Davis Rating: 31 Next up was the first ever match in the 3LW lightweight division. Price had advertised intergender lightweight wrestling on social media and delivered on the first show as Cain Carlile defeated Thea Davis with a Corkscrew Moonsault to end an excellent 12 minute match. Stefan Raynor asks the crowd who is with him Rating: 32 Stefan Raynor came out to solicit the support of the fans and then it was time for the main event. Lion’s Share tournament - Round Two Stefan Raynor defeated Dwayne Dark, Lone Wolf, Konrad Makinen and Bret Heartbreak (Raynor pinned Heartbreak) Rating: 43 As in the first round match Makinen shone but no one could secure a pinfall or submission in the first ten minutes. As the match continued Makinen, Dark and Wolf fought through the crowd. Raynor took advantage and it was heartbreak for Bret as he got rolled up by ‘The Angel Faced Killer’ and was eliminated from the tournament. Dark decks Raynor! Rating: 41 Stefan Raynor celebrated in the ring until Dwayne Dark slipped in behind him and hammered Raynor with a chair before knocking him out cold with the Darkness Falls.
  22. Meet Jasper Squires, Leo Price trainee and subject of this Road to Glory. I have gone for the basic min-max RTG build with the maximum 75 skill poins where it matters. I will post a stats update at the end of every year along with the result of any mystery box rolls. Three Lions Wrestling where Jasper will make his start. How big can 3LW become? 21CW are booming and there are not a lot of great independent workers available. We will try our best with who we can get. I'm not sure how the finances for insignificant companies work yet but since we have three years until bankrupcy I am going to hire interesting characters rather than just going for the cheapest available.
  23. 3LW Winter Season: December Midwinter Massacre January Start Me Up February Lion’s Share The Lion’s Share tournament follows an elimination format which starts with a six person match. Whoever takes the pinfall or is submitted in the match is eliminated and the tournament continues with a five person match, then a four person match and so on until two people are left. These two final competitors then face off in a no-DQ match for the Lion’s Share trophy. 3LW Spring Season: March Cool Britannia April St George's Day Bash May Godiva Tag Classic The Godiva Tag Classic is a single elimination tag tournament open to all weights and genders. 3LW like to arrange for guest teams to enter the tournament to keep the promotion’s regular teams on their toes. 3LW Summer Season: June Coming Home July Battle of Britain August King of the Jungle The King of the Jungle tournament is a single elimination tournament open to everyone in the heavyweight division. 3LW Autumn Season: September Wonder Brawl October Supersonic November Three Lions Tournament The Three Lions Tournament is the crown jewel of the 3LW calendar. Teams of three wrestlers battle in a mixed round robin and knockout format to be crowned as that year’s Three Lions. The Three Lions can choose a perk for the next year, this perk could give them an advantage in a future tournament or handicap a rival.
  24. The Price of Glory - Background Leo “The Lion” Price had been out of the game too long. A veteran of Ring of Fire and 21CW, Price had been successful but had fallen short of greatness. Five tag team championships and two 21CW UK titles was impressive but his career felt unfinished. How could he scratch this itch? How could he right this wrong? His days of competition in the squared circle were long past, he wasn’t even fifty yet but had back pain just from standing up and his knees creaked like crickets whenever he moved. The answer came to him from his small training school. From his best student, 18 year old Jasper Squires. Jasper was the same height as Price at 6’3” and weighed in at 260lbs like Price in his prime. Squires had talent, proper this-guy-is-going-to-be-a-star talent and he commanded the room when he talked. Price never made it as a big star in the wrestling world but Squires had every chance. He was raw but Price’s guidance would be invaluable and maybe, just maybe, Leo “The Lion” could roar to greatness as a promoter instead The idea behind The Price of Glory is to be part dynasty and part RTG tutorial. I'll post shows which highlight the key angles and stories and also explain what is happening with the RTG. What is an RTG? In a Road to Glory game you start off with a user character with basic stats. You begin with a company with 0 popularity, 0 prestige, 0 momentum and only $1000 in the bank. Your aim is to main event a PPV of a Big, Huge or Titanic promotion and get a 100 match rating. Every year, and when you complete certain objectives, you can roll a number and take a gift from the mystery box. Mystery box rolls might contain stats boosts or attributes and they help make each RTG character unique. To join the challenge or for more information, the RTG Thread is here:
  25. Nice roll. How are your finances after a year?
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