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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. There are currently nine because Pigeon Mask X walked out after one show! I have lots of ideas for these guys and girls Cassie and Blair are huge favourites of mine and I have big plans for them.
  2. Here is the bracket for this years Godiva Tag Classic after one show:
  3. Ian Rosa and Melanie Florence welcomed us to the show. They explained that the monthly Mane Event show has been running since November 2023. That show was in front of only 100 people and now they are delighted to bring the show live to WrestleWorld every month! The Dublin Gals (Blair Kerrigan and Cassie O’Peter) defeated Pigeon Mask VI and Pigeon Mask VIII Rating: 44 Cassie and Blair debuted with an impressive win over two guys in pigeon masks. Rosa explained that the Pigeon Masks are a flock of inexperienced or unsuccessful wrestlers who are yet to earn their place on the main 3LW roster. If they can win a match, live on WrestleWorld, then they get to remove the mask and become eligible for Grand Slam Tournaments. Aurelian Bradley defeated Pigeon Mask V via submission with a figure four leglock Rating: 35 Price promo; The Pride will stick to their values Rating: 57 Leo Price came to the ring to get the crowd hyped up for the Godiva Tag Classic. He said that two Pride tag teams will be in action tonight in tough matches but he believes that their values of professionalism and sense of fair play will win the day! Jasper Squires defeated Mickey Robson Rating: 63 Mickey Robson loves a scrap and he was in his element here as he went blow for blow with Squires. Unfortunately for Robson, Squires is bigger, stronger and more skilled and Jasper won with a Price Drop after 12 minutes. Donovan and Bantom face off in between matches! Rating: 68 Travis Donovan came out to celebrate with Squires and pointedly stood around the entranceway as the wrestlers for the next match made their entrances. When Beast Bantom appeared Donovan squared up to him. The two behemoths did not come to blows this time but that was an ugly scene. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Beast Bantom and Bali Daljit defeated The Pride (Cannonball Logan & AJ Barry) Rating: 54 There was some speculation about who Bantom would be teaming with in the Godiva Tag Classic and the crowd popped for Daljit when he was announced. Daljit had got very popular from his time in SNP and the London wrestling fans were very excited to see him. The match was a display of sheer domination from Bantom. The Pride team lived up to Leo’s words from earlier but every time they got up from a beating they got knocked back down again. The finish was a double team move of brutal beauty. Bantom started the finishing sequence by hitting Savage Pounce on Logan to knock him out of the ring. Barry was the legal man and he also got a Savage Pounce which knocked him down within range of Daljit’s Shooting Star Press! Daljit hit the picture perfect press and made the cover to end the first GTC Quarter Final.. Godiva Tag Classic - Quarter Final Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath defeated The Bridges Of London (Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard) Rating: 53 Sharp and Heath were two time Godiva Tag Classic winners but with 3LW growing quickly and big name talents coming in, it seemed like they still had a lot to prove. This match was an excellent start as they overcame a tag team with just as much experience as them after 18 minutes of hectic action following their Disarmer finisher. Leo Price posed with the winning team to end the show as Rosa and Florence speculated whether Sharp and Heath could end the Pride Grand Slam drought and become three time champions.
  4. Diary Update There will be a slight change to the graphics from here on because I am updating the renders from the new ones posted by @EdJames. Thanks Ed for all this hard work! Sometimes I prefer the original renders and I am putting these on the black background for the sake of consistency. The shows might be a bit lighter on detail too because I am booking a lot of shows now and really just want to emphasise the big matches. Finally, I am going to start to try and bring some of the lesser known characters to life by updating and posting their bios as I go on. We already have some excellent generated workers:
  5. Yes, in 2020 I completed the challenge in the UK with a female wrestler in an all female promotion. It was a lot of fun but it took ten years in game:
  6. All those guys can go. It sounds like a fun challenge to rebuild TCW with that roster and your UC. Good luck!
  7. I'd rather that than the old games where you could never get hired. What stars are still there?
  8. Wow, huge move @moststay! What booking reputation did you have when you got the TCW gig?
  9. Stable Update - March 2024 The Pride Honours: Lion's Share x1 (Sharp - 2023) Godiva Tag Classic x2 (Heath and Sharp - 2022 and 2024) Three Lions Tournament x1 (Sharp, Heath, Squires - 2023) The New Assassins Honours: Godiva Tag Classic x2 (Raynor and Jankovic - 2023 and Raynor and Makinen - 2025) King of the Jungle x1 (Cornell Jr. - 2025) Three Lions Tournament x2 (Raynor, Jankovic, Makinen - 2024 and Cornell Jr, Jankovic, Makinen - 2025) World Wrestling Forum Honours: Lion's Share x1 (Squires - 2025) One stable became inactive in 2025: The Darkhearts Honours: Lion's Share x2 (Dark - 2022 and 2024) King of the Jungle x1 (Dark - 2023) Three Lions Tournament x1 (Dark, Heartbreak, Davis - 2022)
  10. Squires and Donovan attack Bantom! Rating: 60 It was a dramatic start to the show as Jasper Squires and Travis Donovan attacked Beast Bantom before the Lion’s Share Round Four match! The WWF boys were looking to weaken Beast but they just made him angry and Donovan suffered the Savage Pounce! Lion’s Share - Round Four Beast Bantom defeated Jasper Squires and Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 66 Bantom was furious after the attack and went after Squires in the triple threat round four match. Jon Michael Sharp should have sat back and watched the two big men take lumps out of each other but, being a Pride member, he had to fight bravely. In this case valour was a mistake, Sharp technically qualifies for the lightweight division and Squires outweighs him by 80lbs and Bantom by over 100lbs! Sharp was rocked by a Squires lariat and bulldozed by Beast Bantom’s Savage Pounce and the match was over. Immediately after the match Bantom and Squires squared up, they would face each other for the Lion’s Share Title in the main event tonight! Aurelian Bradley defeated Lewis Duckworth Rating: 44 This grudge match was as personal as you would expect and was won by Bradley’s audacious cheating. Holly Leves had come out to ringside to support her boyfriend and Bradley constantly belittled her. Holly started pushing Bradley leading to the referee giving her a stern talking to on the ring apron. Bradley took this opportunity to deliver a low blow to Duckworth and roll him up. The referee broke off from arguing with Holly just in time to see the roll up but missed the low blow and he counted three! Lewis was furious and shouted to the retreating Bradley that this was not over. Leo Price and Martin Heath promo Rating: 49 Leo Price came to the ring with Martin Heath ahead of the Lightweight Title match. Price hyped the crowd up for the Lion’s Share final and gave a heartfelt speech about how impressive Martin Heath’s career has been. Heath said he felt bad about what happened to Zofia and he will defeat Welsh Dragon tonight. 3LW Lightweight title Welsh Dragon defeated Martin Heath Rating: 57 Dragon had no help from Raynor or O’Hearne in this match but he proved to be good enough to defend the title on his own. Every dive or flip from Heath was met with a counter kick from the powerful and agile lightweight champion. Dragon seemed to be able to contort his body any way he liked in order to land a kick. Dragon ended the match by repeatedly kicking Heath’s right hand, taking away his Flying Fist Drop finish and then as Heath held his hand in agony he delivered the Reverse Crescent Kick he calls the Dragon Kick to put Heath down for the three count. Lion’s Share - Final Beast Bantom defeated Jasper Squires Rating: 68 There was now nothing distracting the 3LW fans from the fight they really wanted to see, could Squires overcome the monstrous Beast Bantom and win his fourth Grand Slam or would Bantom win his debut Slam? Squire’s plan was to use his superior speed and stamina to keep his distance from the Beast and take the match long, tiring out the monster and beating him when he was drained. The plan seemed to work well with Squires trading blows with Bantom for short spells before retreating and making Bantom chase him. The first problem with Squire's plan was that Bantom has been around the block enough times to know how to deal with this tactic and he just dominated the centre of the ring insulting Squires and calling him a coward. The second problem was that Bantom can hit the Savage Pounce quickly and from nowhere. After 14 minutes of action Squires got complacent and took his eye off Bantom for a second. Bantom speared Squires into the corner, then hit a powerslam on the 285lbs youngster before devastating him with a Savage Pounce! Squires did not kick out of the subsequent cover and Beast Bantom had won the 2026 Lion’s Share Tournament!
  11. Price welcomes WrestleWorld viewers and introduces a debuting wrestler. Rating: 62 Leo Price was in the ring for a promo; he welcomed the WrestleWorld viewers and explained how the Lion’s Share Tournament works; Six wrestlers start in a six way match and the wrestler who gets pinned or submitted is eliminated. This continues with a five way, then a four way until two men are left. The final two battle in a no DQ match with the winner becoming the Lion’s Share Tournament winner. Price said that he made a big signing to 3LW to add a wild card to Lion's Share for the first WrestleWorld Show.. Beast Bantom is here! Lion’s Share - Round One Beast Bantom defeated Jasper Squires, Lewis Duckworth, Aurelian Bradley, Stefan Raynor and Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 53 Ian Rosa and Melanie Florence introduced themselves as the new 3LW commentary team and they told the viewers a bit about each of the six men as they came to the ring. Duckworth and Bradley immediately started brawling as soon as they set eyes on each other; Duckworth was clearly still incensed with Bradley's comments about Holly Leves last month. Squires, Raynor and Sharp stared at Beast Bantom in fear and admiration; the 321lbs monster had won major titles in 21CW and UEW over the course of his 21 year career and now he was standing in front of them! They all attacked at once but were repelled by the huge man. A chaotic brawl broke out with Bantom dominating. The first round match ended after 12 minutes when Bradley used a chair on Duckworth who staggered into Bantom’s Savage Pounce! There was no benefit to anyone breaking the pin and so Bantom covered without challenge and Lewis Duckworth was eliminated. New Assassins Promo. Rating: 45 Stefan Raynor used the break between rounds to grab the house mic and boast about ousting Zofia from the New Assassins. Raynor reintroduced O’Hearne and claimed that he was the best technical wrestler in the country. Stefan also stated that he was about to win Lion’s Share and become the first ever five time Grand Slam winner and the first person to complete the Grand Slam of 3LW events. Lion’s Share - Round Two Beast Bantom defeated Jasper Squires, Jon Michael Sharp, Aurelian Bradley and Stefan Raynor Rating: 58 Another chaotic brawl kicked off and once again no one could handle the power and experience of Beast Bantom. The crowd were going wild as he slammed everyone in the match and did his signature poses. Lewis Duckworth returned to ringside, his head bandaged, and returned Bradley’s chair shot. Bantom saw that Bradley was weakened and took him down with the Savage Pounce before covering and eliminating him from Lion’s Share. Squires promo; he's going to find a way to stop this Beast! Rating: 53 Lion’s Share - Round Three Beast Bantom defeated Jon Michael Sharp, Jasper Squires and Stefan Raynor Rating: 65 The bell rang for the main event of the show with Sharp, Raynor and Squires still undecided about what to do with Beast Bantom. There is a lot of antagonism between the three of them and they could not work as a team against the monster. Squires decided to square up to Beast and Raynor and Sharp broke off into their own fight. Squires was outweighed by 40lbs but he was younger and had better stamina and surprisingly held his own. Bantom and Squires had an excellent brawl that ended in a stalemate when Sharp hit his Flying Cross Body on Raynor who stumbled into a Beast Bantom Savage pounce. Another uncontested pinfall meant that round three was over and Raynor was eliminated. What a debut for Bantom! He had won the first three rounds of Lion’s Share and was the overwhelming favourite to take the title next month.
  12. RTG Update: 2025 was a huge year for 3LW. We made a lot of money and hit Small in the first show of 2026. I signed up to Wrestleworld for the first shows of 2026 so we will see how that works out. Psychology improved by 4 in 2025 and selling by 2 so Squires still has a long way to go to be an elite worker. No performance based rolls again, annual roll was +10 to Technical
  13. Cannonball Logan and Jermaine Granger defeated Kaden King and Neil Before when Logan pinned Before following a Logan’s Run (high knee in the corner) Rating: 38 Aurelian Bradley; Holly Leves nothing to the imagination! Rating: 35 Holly Leves came to the ring to interview ‘Master of the Old School’ Aurelian Bradley. Bradley was very rude and dismissive to Leves. Leves quickly got irritated and asked Bradley why he was acting like this. Aurelian responded that he saw that Holly Leves nothing to the imagination on a ‘fan’ site and he thinks it's disgusting. Bradley went on a rant about Leves and effectively accused her of being a prostitute! Leves’ real life boyfriend, Lewis Duckworth, then came out and chased Bradley off. World Wrestling Forum (Travis Donovan & Jasper Squires) defeated Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath Rating: 59 The final show of the year was an opportunity for WWF to regain some pride after the Cornell Jr debacle and they made a challenge to the preeminent tag team in 3LW. Donovan and Squires were extremely motivated to show what they can do and wrestled an intense 14 minute match. Heath and Sharp, for all their experience and skill, could not match the power and intensity of their opponents and Heath was pinned by Squires following a Price Drop as Leo Price looked on disapprovingly. A marker had been set down for The Godiva Tag Classic! KO Match for the 3LW Lightweight title Welsh Dragon defeated Zofia Jankovic Rating: 62 There was a big pop when Welsh Dragon came out to answer Zofia's open challenge. Dragon had made a name for himself with his awesome array of agile kicks and the fans were excited to see him. Zofia herself was renowned for her kicks and since this was a KO match the bout became about who could land the killer head shot. The match was excellent and went close to 20 minutes with neither competitor landing the perfect blow. As the twenty minute mark appreached Jankovic doubled Dragon over with a kick to the stomach and was about to deliver the KO Head Kick when Stefan Raynor appeared in the ring! The referee started to shepherd Raynor out of the ring when a 6’4”, 251lb beast of a man appeared and smashed Zofia over the head with the Lightweight Title belt! Zofia staggered into Welsh Dragon's renowned Dragon Kick and was knocked out cold! The referee called for the bell; Welsh Dragon was the new Lightweight Champion! Stefan Raynor takes back the New Assassins! Rating: 38 Raynor got on the house mic and said that he is taking back the New Assassins! He had not forgiven Zofia for selling the group out to that “fly-by-night kid Cornell” and now he had ended her career. Raynor introduced Zofia’s attacker as Padraig O'Hearne and signalled for Padraig to give Zofia his signature Crucifix Powerbomb! The Powerbomb was delivered with gusto and Raynor, O'Hearne and Dragon posed; the New Assassins ended the year strong.
  14. I'm not booking too far ahead because anyone could be taken at anytime (apart from Squires of course). I'm mostly going tournament to tournament with some overarching ideas. I'm only three shows behind my booking now and those shows were huge. I should be able to catch up tomorrow.
  15. Sorry buddy, best not to get attached until at least mid-Small. If it's any consolilation I just signed Tommy Cornell Jr but he only stayed for six months.
  16. Zofia makes an open challenge, Rating: 50 Zofia opened the show by making an open challenge. She challenged any lightweight to a KO match on the next show. “Knock me out and take my title, if you can”. Aurelian Bradley and Jermaine Granger defeated Colin Picalo and Neil Before. Before submitted to Bradley’s Figure Four Leglock Rating:46 Thea Davis defeated AJ Barry Rating: 57 Barry might be the most spectacular high flyer in 3LW but his inexperience always seems to let him down. It did here too as he tried a crazy corkscrew moonsault when Davis was playing possum. Davis got her knees up to counter, then hit her picture perfect Flying Elbow drop to gain another win in her pursuit of the Lightweight Title. Squires promo about Tommy and Makinen Rating: 65 Jasper Squires came to the ring for a promo; he wished Tommy and Konrad well but hinted that they were quitting while they were ahead. Squires said that whatever happens, he is going nowhere. He said he is getting better and better with every show and will be here waiting when Cornell and Makinen inevitably come crawling back! World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires & Travis Donovan) defeated The Bridges Of London (Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard) Rating: 65 This was an impressive display from Squires and Donovan as they ran through Taypen and Buzzard with sheer power. Like all great tag teams, The Bridges used quick tags and double team moves to try and overcome their opponent's individual capabilities but Squires and Donovan just packed too much of a punch. Donovan got the victory for his team after 13 minutes, pinning Taypen after a Donobomb. Three Lions Tournament Final The New Assassins (Tommy Cornell Jr, Konrad Makinen and Zofia Jankovic) defeated The Pride (Cannonball Logan, Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp) Rating: 68 There were definitely mixed emotions in the big 3LW crowd as the final of the Three Lions Tournament got under way. Cornell got mostly cheers with a few jeers and ‘sell out’ chants but the crowd were into the match once it really got going. Cornell was the stand out performer, dominating each member of The Pride when he was in the ring. Heath and Sharp managed to weaken Zofia and Makinen but each time Cornell got into the ring the tide turned again. There was to be no final twist in Cornell’s 3LW career, he simply a generational talent and with Heath taken out with a Zofia kick and Makinen and Sharp brawling all over the ringside area, Cornell caught Logan in the Guilt Trip and Logan had to tap out. This was Cornell’s second Grand Slam win in two attempts and Makinen’s third in total. Cornell and Makinen celebrated with Zofia and said goodbye to the fans Rating: 48
  17. Aurelian Bradley and Stefan Raynor defeated Neil Before and Kaden King via submission (King tapped out to Bradley’s Figure Four Leglock) Rating: 45 The New Assassins (Konrad Makinen & Tommy Cornell Jr) defeated AJ Barry and Jermaine Granger Rating: 52 Granger and Barry are a pair of extremely talented wrestlers but they are nowhere near the level of Cornell Jr. and Makinen. Barry showed off his excellent high flying and Granger did well using his all round game but eventually Cornell Jr. hit the Rough Ride on Barry and that was all she wrote. Another convincing win for the Assassins. Cornell and Makinen announce they are leaving! Rating: 52 Cornell and Makinen caught their breath and took a mic ready for a bombshell announcement. They came right out with it; they have both signed exclusive written deals with the Victory Wrestling Association and would be leaving after the Three Lions Tournament! The crowd booed and seemed genuinely displeased with the announcement. Makinen acknowledged the crowd’s displeasure and thanked them for their support over the year. Konrad said he had loved his time here and wished nothing but the best for Three Lions Wrestling. Cornell said that they still have one match left in 3LW and they intend to win it and leave as Three Lions Tournament winners! Jasper Squires defeated Gazz Vedmore Rating: 56 We don’t know how Squires reacted to the announcement that Cornell and Makinen were leaving, we do know that he was ultra focussed on this match against a difficult opponent. Vedmore is an excellent brawler with a killer Rolling DDT as a finish and Squires worked very hard not to slip up here. It took 14 minutes for Squires to weaken Vedmore enough for the Price Drop, but he did it and got the three count. Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final The Pride (Cannonball Logan, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath) defeated The Darkhearts (Blackheart, Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard) Rating: 56 The Pride had won the TLT once before but with Squires teaming up with Heath and Sharp rather than Logan. The crowd were really behind Logan’s bid for a Grand Slam but it was clear that he is not as effective as Jasper. Still, the teamwork of Heath and Sharp always gives you a chance and they worked well to stop Blackheart getting too much time one on one with any one individual on The Pride team. Blackheart started to get tired and irritable and after 15 minutes started shouting at his teammates. This must have been incredibly off putting and Buzzard and Taypen started to get dominated in the ring. Finally, Logan took Blackheart out with a dive, Taypen was removed with a double superkick and Buzzard suffered the Disarmer and was pinned for three. An impressive display from The Pride, can they stop Makinen and Cornell leaving as champions? Blackheart rages and beats up The Bridges, Dearheart slowly walks out Rating: 43 Blackheart and Dearheart were not happy with Buzzard and Taypen and Blackheart started beating them both up as Dearheart walked out to the back looking inconsolable.
  18. New Assassins Promo; Raynor removed from the TLT team! Rating: 63 The New Assassins came to the ring to start the show. Raynor, Zofia and Makinen all congratulated Tommy on winning the King of the Jungle tournament. However, Cornell Jr was already focussed on the next challenge and he started to talk about the Three Lions Tournament team; there were four in the group and only three slots in the team…. Tommy and Stefan started talking over each other until Tommy blurted out; “you're out of the team Stefan! I talked to Konrad and Zofia and we are all in top form, you are not, we will be facing the WWF!” Raynor looked hurt, then angry but seeing Zofia and Makinen side with Tommy he backed down and seemed to accept his fate. Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson) defeated Kaden King and Ward Levesque via pinfall Rating:38 Martin Heath defeated Grant Taypen Rating: 50 This was an important match in the lightweight division. Former champion Heath and Darkhearts member Taypen were both looking to earn a shot at Zofia Jankovic for the Lightweight title. During the match Taypen used his technical wrestling skills to try and manoeuvre Heath into position for his Single Arm DDT but Heath was too quick and agile and managed to land his Flying Fist Drop and this was enough for the win. WWF promo; Squires still believes in himself Rating:45 Squires came to the ring to cut a promo. He said that defeat to Cornell was painful but he can't believe in his heart that Tommy is better than him. Squires admitted that Cornell Jr will be an all time great but he truly believes that he will too and it will just be a case of how many titles they will each win. Squires added that Cornell may be the better grappler and knows a few more flips than him but when it comes to toughness, resilience and punching power he knows he has the beating of the Son of the Legend. Tonight the World Wrestling Forum have an opportunity to prove they are better than Cornell and the Assassins, Jasper said that they intend to take it. Blackheart defeated Cannonball Logan Rating: 51 Following Blackheart's annihilation of The Pride last week, Logan was sent out to extract a measure of revenge. Unfortunately he was not successful. Blackheart was too powerful and too aggressive and he pinned Logan following a Spinning DDT after 13 minutes. Three Lions Tournament - Semi Final The New Assassins (Tommy Cornell Jr, Zofia Jankovic and Konrad Makinen) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, Thea Davis and Travis Donovan) Rating:60 The crowd were desperate for more Cornell v Squires and they were not about to disappoint, whenever the opportunity arose they tagged in and went to war. Squires' words earlier seemed to have touched a nerve because Tommy came here to fight. Both guys stood in the middle of the ring and threw bombs and both took anything the other could deliver. Tommy started grappling and Squires tagged out. After that the match broke down into a chaotic trios match with fighting around ringside and big moves being delivered in the ring. Makinen continued his fine form by getting the win for his team, pinning Squires after using Raynor’s Single Arm DDT. This was a huge win and showed that the Assassins were the clear favourites for the Three Lions Tournament trophy.
  19. Definitely, so many of the rolls are designed to add to the world your UC inhabits and ensure that no two saves are the same.
  20. The Bridges Of London (Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard) defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson) Rating: 39 These two teams have battled all over the country and had lots of great matches. This was another solid tag bout and was won by The Bridges when Leighton Buzzard pinned Mickey Robson following his Buzz Off cross body. Pride promo; Darkhearts assault! Rating: 59 Leo Price came to the ring with Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath. Price said that Rachel Dearheart was getting crazier and crazier; he had accepted a match challenge from her on behalf of Sharp in the hope that she would leave The Pride alone. Rachel appeared at ringside and The Pride members turned to face her as she smiled in a sinister way. Suddenly, all three were attacked from behind! Blackheart is here! The Irish Maniac knocked Price down and out of the ring, knocked Sharp out with a lariat and then hit Heath with his infamous Spinning DDT finisher. Blackheart defeated Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 50 Blackheart made the most of his sneak attack, pummelling the recovering Sharp and trying to land the Spinning DDT. Sharp fought back bravely and got more and more into the match. The crowd were starting to believe that Sharp could do this and got behind the Pride member. It was not to be however, as Blackheart ducked a cross body attempt and managed to repeat the lariat to the back of the head. This stunned Sharp enough to allow Blackheart to finally hit the Spinning DDT and put Sharp out of his misery. Cornell Jr. v Squires mic battle Rating: 60 Tommy came to the ring and called out Squires. Jasper came out and the two King of the Jungle finalists stood face to face. Jasper said that Tommy was a fraud and a liar and it will be so sweet to beat him tonight and smash the fraudulent aura of greatness surrounding him. Tommy laughed this off and said that Jon Michael Sharp couldn’t handle the pressure of taking on the Son of the Legend and from where he is standing Squires looks like a lost little boy who cracks under the pressure too. The New Assassins (Zofia Jankovic & Konrad Makinen) defeated World Wrestling Forum (Travis Donovan & Thea Davis) Rating: 63 In a nice little appetiser for our main event; Zofia and Konrad won after 14 minutes when Konrad managed to take the big man out with a sleeper hold and Zofia hit Thea with the KO Head Kick to win a pinfall victory. The match was excellent and some of the brawling sequences between Zofia and Thea had the crowd on their feet. King of the Jungle - Final Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Jasper Squires Rating: 70 The atmosphere was electric as these young studs stood face to face in the ring. Both oozed with confidence, both sensed they were destined for greatness but only one could be the 2025 King of the Jungle winner. The big difference between these wrestlers at this point was the vast gulf in grappling skill. Cornell Jr. was already an elite grappler and Squires was barely passable. Squires liked to dominate the ring and beat his opponent with strikes, then power moves. Cornell did not let him fight this fight and although Squires did manage to get lots of offence in, Cornell was never overwhelmed. Squires started to tire and his punches started to weaken at around the 15 minutes mark and we saw Cornell use more holds and force Squires to scramble to the ropes. By now Cornell was constantly looking for the Guilt Trip and Squires was getting weaker and weaker in fighting him off. After 22 minutes of excellent action Cornell finally locked on the Guilt Trip in the middle of the ring and Squires passed out! Cornell had done it, he had won his debut Grand Slam and in an incredible match for a company this size.
  21. WWF Promo; the fightback begins tonight! Rating: 48 The World Wrestling Forum came to the ring for a promo. Thea Davis did most of the talking. Davis said that things had not been perfect for the WWF. They were hoping that the acquisition of Cornell Jr. would give them the boost they needed and they are furious at Cornell’s betrayal. Davis said that the fightback begins tonight and Squires will defeat Makinen in the main event. Davis finished by saying that she has a lot of contacts in the world of wrestling, Cornell won’t be the last WWF acquisition and the others will not prove so fickle. Thea Davis defeated Cain Carlile Rating: 44 Thea Davis was boiling over with rage following her tirade on the mic and Cain Carlile bore the brunt of this anger. Davis used her excellent striking to dominate ‘Captain Crash’ and Carlile’s attempts to counter with crazy flips were unsuccessful. Davis landed her picture perfect Flying Elbow Drop after 12 minutes to take a valuable win in the Lightweight division. Cornell questions Sharp’s mentality Rating: 62 Tommy Cornell Jr. came to the ring for a promo. He said that he heard that certain guys in this business fail not because of their level of talent but because they lack confidence and killer instinct. Cornell said that he suspected that Jon Michael Sharp was one of these guys and he was about to find out for himself. King of the Jungle - Semi Final Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Jon Michael Sharp Rating: 47 Cornell’s words may have had an effect on Sharp because he did seem tentative and risk averse at the start of this match. Perhaps Sharp was also wary of Cornell’s counter striking ability but the end result was Cornell dominating the action. Sharp mounted several comebacks but he never got into the match and when Cornell ended it with the Rough Ride it seemed like a shockingly one sided battle. King of the Jungle - Semi Final Jasper Squires defeated Konrad Makinen Rating: 60 Squires and Makinen squared off again and the enmity between them was very clear as usual. There was very little in the way of grappling as both men tried to bludgeon the other into submission with punches and slams. Makinen busted Squires open with a stiff shot but that just made Jasper angrier and he fired back with shots of his own. On this occasion Squires outlasted his opponent and hit the Price Drop from nowhere after 18 minutes to pick up a pinfall victory. Squires was heading to the King of the Jungle final to face Tommy Cornell Jr.
  22. New Assassins Promo Rating: 49 The triumphant New Assassins came to the ring with the Godiva Tag Classic trophies. They talked about the epic final and its stunning denouement with Tommy Cornell joining the group. Konrad Makinen and Stefan Raynor revealed that they had been drawn together in the King of the Jungle Quarter Final and agreed to give no quarter in the main event. Tommy says he has drawn Travis Donovan but the 'Cornell Crew' should have no fear, he will put the ‘Absolute Unit’ to sleep. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Tommy Cornell Jr defeated Travis Donovan Rating: 46 Cornell is tall at 6’4” but even so Donovan towered over him as they stood together in the ring. When the bell rang the ‘Absolute Unit’ tried to end Tommy with one big move after another but Cornell stayed out of reach or countered to avoid them. When his chance came to strike Tommy did and slipped behind Donovan to apply the Guilt Trip Choke. Donovan faded fast and was forced to tap out! King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Jasper Squires defeated Aurelian Bradley Rating: 53 Bradley is known as ‘The Master of the Old School’ and uses old style British Catch wrestling with great success. Squires was too powerful for him in this match and although Bradley tied him in knots a few times, a lariat and the Price Drop put Aurelian down for the three count. Dearheart says Buzzard will make Sharp Buzz Off. Rating: 39 Leo Price came to the ring for a promo and his frustration was clear when he was, once again, interrupted by Rachel Dearheart. Dearheart mocked Heath and Sharp for losing in the Godiva Tag Classic. She went on to say that things will get worse for The Pride when Leighton Buzzard proves that the Buzz Off is a better Cross Body than the one Sharp uses. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Jon Michael Sharp defeated Leighton Buzzard Rating: 48 Following Dearheart's strong words, this was a very entertaining match with both guys looking for the perfect opportunity to use their Flying Cross Body finisher. Ultimately though the Cross Body showdown was a stalemate and Sharp won with his Sharpshooter submission. King of the Jungle - Quarter Final Konrad Makinen defeated Stefan Raynor Rating: 50 The New Assassin teammates shook hands before the match but when the bell rang all civility ended. From the start Makinen laid his chops and punches in hard, it was like he had something to prove to the Assassins leader. Raynor was the huge favourite to reach the semi finals but he seemed rocked by Makinen's initial onslaught and never really got any good offence going. The crowd got louder as they sensed a shock result and erupted when Makinen hit Raynor with his own Single Arm DDT finish. Makinen covered and it was enough for the win! A huge victory for Konrad Makinen in a moment that felt like a real change of power in 3LW!
  23. Thank you for both reading and the feedback. I'm mostly doing this diary because I get so much more out of the game when I think things through in a bit more detail but I love reading what others are booking and hearing what resonates with people in my games. I don't think anyone has completed a full RTG completion diary yet either which is an ambition I have had for a while. With the stables, my idea is that the tournaments are the main constant, the stables are semi constant (and each stable should always have a purpose) and the workers will change a fair amount (especially before we hit Medium). You are right about the Colour Alpha but I always get disapointed when I don't get a selling or SQ boost. I have booked about 8 months ahead because I am away from home and haven't too much time to write the shows up but I am hoping to catch up in the next few days. 2025 was a very interesting year.
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